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#27 Dec 01 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
NP snake...As you all already know I'm always on..and check this site at least 10 times a day..

Currently trying to get NiN and WHM to 37 so I can finsh taking PLD to 75 with no distractions about sub.

Missions/Quests Currently Needed
Promyvion-Dem (Need BAD) Lvl Cap 30
Bastok 7-1 The Final Image Min Lvl 60
Zilart 4-1 ZM4 - The Temple of Uggalepih

(RNG) Avaiable for the following
BCNM 40 and 30

Sorry if I haven't been helping out as much as I use to but please remember I have things I wanna get done also..

See ya online in a few hours...
#28 Dec 01 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
Np Beat keep doing your thing and you are helping.
#29 Dec 01 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I'm figuring out this forum!

Hope to be on tonight...I've been put on "restriction" lmao!
I've been slacking on my "homemaker" duties, so I have to get the house clean before I can play! There is some good in least my house is getting clean and my 'gluteus maximus' doesn't hurt from sitting all day!

I'm working on my wishlist, I guess like any average woman, it's gonna be a long one! Hmmm...are there any 5kt diamond rings on the AH?

Until we meet again...
#30 Dec 01 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
OHHH....One more thing...anybody got a clue as to what the new THF trait is gonna be?

I know, I's only 8 more days, but hey...I'm an anxious little kitty!
#31 Dec 01 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
Dayum are you serious? A new THF trait, holy **** that owns, THF for life baby^^; OhYeah and Hey guysz I finally posted o.o; Kool, yeah and I am currently a 51..almost 52 >_< Thf/Nin If there is any NM's that need to drop there items, or anything you need taken care of, I can always be at your service^^;

THF For Life!
~Cya Guysz

EDIT: Oh yeah I forgot to post my wish list deely thingersz, since snake has like 90 lists, I'll try to keep it short....

Kracken Club

And thts not just a wish, its a promise, anything else is meager change copared to that platinum glory. I will posess it soon enough, or at least I have the right attitude and mindset... :\

Edited, Fri Dec 3 01:18:37 2004 by Finisher
#32 Dec 02 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default

CHAR = Awias
Job = SMN
Level = 50
Skill Level = 0 (This guy sucks)

I'm gonna try and make a long story as short as possiable.

Me(lvl66PLD) CherryTheFish(MNK50) and Awias(SMN50) was in Eldieme Necropolis getting Ancient Papyrus for cherrythefish.

Now both these's guys are 50's so I know the load's on me NP, and Awias was only brought alone for healing as he knew that.

Well we get down there and get arrgo by a wolf that con's EP to me at lvl66. NP I could solo but it would take a long time and would be close. But I have a 50MNK and 50SNM to help right.

So were fighting everything is going fine when another wolf (that also con's EP to me @lvl66 jumps in). Ok now this has just went from (OK lets kill it to OK lets get serious.

So of course I start tanking both mobs because 3-4 hits from one of them on a lvl50 is death. I get down to 500HP 40MP in the yellow and know I have no mp for a cure3 and know a special attack from one of them and I could be dead.

Now I'm not worried about getting killed as long as I can get a raise2, it would only be a 400-500 exp loss. But with no raise at all its a 3400 exp loss and at least 2hrs of exping to get back.

Well ok I have 500HP 40MP MY healer Awias has full HP and 250MP and his Avartar out. I shout Heal...he throws me a cure2..WOW..

I shout Heal.. Another cure2... 1st mob dies...I shout Awias put away the avartar and heal... another cure2...avartar still out...

The problem here is he needs that MP being used on the avartar for healing me who is tanking the mob and save MP. What kind of damage is a lvl50 SNM gonna do to a mob that con's EP to a lvl66PLD !!!!! NONE !!!!

Well I ended up killing the mob he got pissed cuz I wanted him to just heal me and not fight (The Only Reason We brought Him In The First Place) and left us there..

Now at my lvl doing that didnt me **** to me I took Cherry and got him his paper with just me and him but my point is you never leave a LS member like that...

AWIAS I'm not gonna Blist you cuz I wanna know when your shouting for help cuz i'm gonna shout also for people not to help you.


Edited, Thu Dec 2 08:42:40 2004 by Beatdown

Edited, Thu Dec 2 08:43:38 2004 by Beatdown
#33 Dec 02 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Well, I was going to try to make this a private issue, but I see your immaturity is showing yet again in public.

I was trying to get out Shiva to sleep at least one of them, while throwing you cures like mad. I don't have the defence (unlike say a Paladan 16 levels higher than me) to get hate that a cure III might land me. I then tried to get an avatar out to help fight while throwing up cures as well (and yes I did use Cure III after seeing you in the yellow.)

As for MP I have over 600 MP...I had at the time over 300...more than enough to help fight and cure at the same time. Don't EVER tell me how to do my job.

If you think you don't leave a linkshell member like that you also don't treat one like they don't know what they're doing or that they are some newbie.

I'm glad I black listed you Beat...your attitude disgrace to this linkshell. If anyone's pissed that you won't ever see me in TheLastOutlaws again you can blame immature Beatdown.

#34 Dec 02 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Default
Well thats Good Awias Cuz I was gonna ask LS to kick you cya...
#35 Dec 02 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts

Not confirmed but Friday: 5.1 for all those who need it.
Saturday: Paper for all the people who still need it. Hopefully AF2 for those who need it too. (Trying to get help for Cheery's af 2 as well).

::Side note:: I wondered why i haven't seen awias on in a while ; ;. Anyhow hopefully we can get the lower level members of our linkshell up and running and also any more help we can do for our higher guys too.
#36 Dec 03 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
Well normally I'm not the one to say anything along the lines of this but...Aww comon yes I am!

Awais You just got, have been, and thouroghly were..BEATDOWN!

*Awais was Beatdown by Beatdown.
Double Kill!
Triple Kill!
Kill Frenzy!

Seriously though on a side note, I've noticed one thing about Beat, He is one of the most helpful ppl his lvl I have met, and i'm sure if he didnt help anyone, would be 75 by now for sure. He has mad patience too, when I this LS EVERYONE looked up to beatdown caz he literally helps everyone, If you manage to **** beatdown

Edited, Fri Dec 3 01:13:38 2004 by Finisher
#37 Dec 03 2004 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts

I don't like yelling and fighting. I really don't want to take any sides, I've good experiences and memories with both of you. There are mistakes to be had and I would generally say a lot of it is because of the nature of the game.

We put so much into it and when things don't go our way for one reason or another, it's real emotional and extremely stressful. I remember the countless hours i spent in necropolis for my paper and key. Each time i dreaded going down there. And even when i did go with a positive attitude i was usually extremely disappointed. There were points where i felt real inclined to just quit the game and try something that didn't force players to wasted ludicrous amounts of time doing busy work.

Anyways my point is, we all put a little more of ourselves in this game. And at times it may be stressful, but overall we still have to remember this is just a game and that no matter what hgoes on inside it, to just have fun. It's the people that keep me play, that keep me from going to WoW.

On another note. I'm totally up for af2 and othe random quests saturday. Been extremely stressed lately with schoolwork (possibly failing out of a 6 unit course) so a little time off will do me great. It'll be fun =), just send me a tell cause i may have the pearl off.
#38 Dec 03 2004 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
Ok I really dont know the problem with Beat the Awias, but I wish you 2 find away to work this out. Im not taking sides I will never do that so please can you guys find away to work it out. This is thing I have notice when I go on alliances with or without shell we all think we can just beat the mob down. Just because there is 12-18 we forget that we are in a pt. I do and I seen the best do it the whms nuke the tanks dont stand on each side to sata rdm dont refresh whm no curing blm not using aspir etc....... We need to understand this and try not to get to mad when it comes just learn to talk it out.
#39 Dec 03 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
Yes all I need help with is my af1 right now my af2 I alrdy got key. The rest I will need help, Im in no rush and I will ask for outside help to cause the LS needs to lvl too.
#40 Dec 03 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
What you got to do snake...Look it up and see if me and you can solo. I'll be on around 3 PM est today I hope... Let me know...
I'm 7k tnl might want to have me help at lvl67 rather than a 66 up to you.
#41 Dec 03 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
I got all the Afs on paper I need to go davoi to the knights well and fight a nm all I need is 2 members at 55 to kill im 1500 tnl to 54. my af3 and af4 is going to suck lol.
#42 Dec 03 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I would also not mind help with my AF3.. (Stupid Hat!!) not that i want it, but i need to cplete it to get my shoes, I can solo it for the most part up until the NM's, 2 gobs, First has the eva of a lvl 75 THF...seriously snake I want you to come just to see this, but yes he, only takes a few lvl 60+'s shudnt bee to hard, but you will miss alot. Ten a I run around and play some games in dangruf with gobs, then "The main event" The gob in dangrum wadi is....well..makes me remaness of Dunes... Need lotsa WHM's!!!! this gob does like... more Bomb tosses than most ppl like to count :( Wont be too hards at all, but just asking ahead if ppl outside this Ls would be interested in helping also?

~Thanks Anyway^^;
#43 Dec 04 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
I need some advice...on where to farm. I've been farming in Palborough Mines, collecting chests, selling scorpion shells and plantreapers, killing groups of Quadavs, etc. Also stealing silver beastcoins, which I can turn into silver ingots and get 33k a stack. I just now hit the 200k mark, but only started farming recently (never knew that gil was so important at higher levels lol). I still consider myself a newbie at this game, so I'm thankful to have such wonderful - skilled - friends, such as you guys! Should I try farming someplace else? I've found that it's very quick and easy to farm in the mines, but am wondering if there is a quicker way to make gil? In the mines, I don't have to be concerned with laying my controller down to change diapers and make lunch, so is there another place where I will be safe farming, and make more money? Thanks again guys, for being so awesome!
#44 Dec 04 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Well i found that in general people are different so have different styles and preferences on farming. So far it sounds like you found a sweet deal to me. If you enjoy farming the mines i'd say stay with it. If you find it slow, I'd try looking around for other places like marshlands or fishing even.
#45 Dec 05 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
218 posts
hehe. my wish list is..
cross counters..
and 8k more moat carp LOL
#46 Dec 06 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
We gotta help Mavcos with his coffer for his drk af in Eld. Necro. That God-forsaken place is horrible =P, and yeah I'll need help in it at lv 54 as well (in two levels).

Still need a {Bastok} {Mission} 5.1 {Party} to be organized so we can get that done.

Pooters, Cyn, and I need it.
If we can get {/cheer} {king} {fish} to help us out it should be coo. I also have a warrior freind who wouldnt mind helping and we could get Mav or soemoen to come along too.

{Spinning Fists} + {Spinning Scythe} + {Spinning Axe} + {Circle Blade} x2 = Ownage!

Remember kiddies, Math is Power!
#47 Dec 06 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
I need 5-1 too, PLEASE!!!
#48 Dec 09 2004 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
Sup LS I still trying to find a new place to move, I cut off my cable(really wish) I didnt. I might get it cut back on but I will be on some weekends, we still have dail up to so ill cya guys I dont wont to tie up the line so I will be on late. Gl to all I hope you guys are having fun.
#49 Dec 09 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
OK, I just about threw the PS2 out the window yesterday! I tried for 3 hours after the update was finished to get on, but was so mad after sitting and waiting and clicking retry, that my husband made me turn it off, lol. We watched movies to get my mind off FFXI for a few hours...I-Robot and Collateral, and I-Robot was an EXCELLENT flick! I kept getting the "no response, server busy, try later...blah, blah, blah" error but it never downloaded the update. I'm getting ready to try again this morning.

Anybody else have any trouble getting on after the update? or is it just me and my retarded PS2?
#50 Dec 09 2004 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
Hello LS its not hard to get any job to at least 45 in a week.
Just get up a little early, you can do 1-10 in a half a day just fight in sandy. The same day you can go to dunes and get 10-13, so thats 13 in a day. The next in dunes from 13-20, then to qufim 20-23. The next day 23-25 in dunes, now here is the easiest xp ever in kazham you can go from 25-32 in a short time.
Now here were it get tough 32 you have many places to go if you go to garlaige citadel dont fight there at 32 here is the secret go to sauromugue champaign and fight evil weapons till 34 then citadel will be easy. Or go to sauromugue and fight evil weapons thenn go to CN or east altepa cause xp will be slow in citadel and after 36 altpa will get old. If you go to CN at 34 fight the workers in the front. So from 34-40(or 38 if you get tired). So in for days you are already 38 or 40 just 5 to 7 lvls to go and xp in CN is the best I pted all over. Day five 40-46 in CN all you need to do is pt, you get get more lvls do you will be burn so you will stop at 46. The six day CN from 46-48 at 48 get a buff AND LEAVE DO NOT STAY go to citadal and fight chamber beetles from 48-52. And thats how I got my thf to 50 in a week, I had to do genkai so I stopped at 50. I have only been playing the game for like 4months my account has been active for 6 but I I didnt play it the first 2months. I got all the lvls in 4months
rdm55 thf52 rng37 nin37 bst31 blm30 war24 pld15 drk12 brd11 sam10 drg10 smn7 whm7 mnk9 and I had to farm, Help LS(which I love), rank and other crap,I have 100hrs. Kuftal is the best and the faster way to get to 55 you can get 2lvls a day
#51 Dec 09 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
Hopefully I will find a place soon I want to play and talk trash to you guys tell Mavcos and Elva I said hi since they dont come on the site. Poots, Tulip, Shady(tell him I said his mama) Bren Alba, Marek, Mini and the rest Snake says hi!
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