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#1 Nov 29 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hello LS this will be another way for us talk until we deside if we are going to make a web site. This will be away for us to help each in many ways, I want the LS to stay together for a long time(at least 2years lol). We need to set a time for garrisons for every sunday, it will keep LS from being broke. The drops in garrisons are great the cap will be 30 until we change it. We will get xp, gil and items. The military guns drops like all the time thats 150k and the harp will drop thats 300k-500k the axe and the pick are like 80k each. If you cant come or the ppls that are to low we will share the loot. We need more rngs and nins in LS, yes and we need it to be your main. Please put your jobs and lvls on our forum.

Snakeeyes rdm55 thf52 nin37 rng37 bst31 blm30 wr24 pld15 drk12 brd11 sam10 drg10 smn7 whm7 mnk9

I looking to make a set for my rdm bst rng and nin, I want your wish list on the forum Im going to try my hardest to get you, your items. We need crafters remember you can only have one craft at 100 Im going to start goldsmithing I will mine for all my stuff so wish me luck. Once I get it to 100 I will make money for the whole LS.

Wish list
eurytos bow
yoichi bow
royal knights belt+2
astral ringsx2
hawker knife+1x2
dodge earringsx2
monster signa
emp hairpin
assult jerkin
shadow mantle
crimson gear x5
peacock charm
optical hat
thief knife
gluttony sword
strider boots
amemit mantle+1
winged boots+1
scorpion harness+1
enchanted sword
enpowering mantle+1
behemoth mantle+1
rabbit charm
serket ring
kraken club(for whole LS)
spiked buckler
morion earrings+1x2
astral shield
phantom talhum
phantom earrings+1x2
bomb core
vivan ring
genbu shield
jelly ring
defending ring
knights earring
abyssal earring
pixie earring
beastly earring

Looking forward to hearing from you guys and seeing your wish list remember to keep lvl 30 gear for garrisons.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 08:38:00 2004 by snakeeyeswp

Edited, Mon Nov 29 08:39:13 2004 by snakeeyeswp

Edited, Thu Dec 9 07:57:46 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#2 Nov 29 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
33 posts
yay im 1st to post

42 whm,36 Drg,22 Thf,22 Blm,12 Brd,12 Nin,11 War,8 Bst
#3 Nov 29 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Emma for the post wooty!!!
#4 Nov 29 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
If I could make a recommendation to you, you might consider having one of your LS members buy a Premium account here at Allakhazam.

With it comes a journal, which is essentially a private forum. You can password protect it and give the password to your LS mates, to use as sort of a bootleg forum for your LS.
#5 Nov 29 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
Thanks for the advice but I want any ppl to see it, maybe they might want to join. We are always looking for good ppls.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 16:15:12 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#6 Nov 29 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
{Summoner} 50 (Main)
{Red Mage} 31
{White Mage} 31 (Sub)
{Bard} 13
{Dark Knight} 10
{Beastmaster} 9
{Black mage} 7
{Warrior} 7
{Dragoon} 6
{Samauri} 1

Austere Cuffs
{Carbuncle} Mitts
{Erase} scroll

BCNM (30, 40 or 50)
{Promyvion - Dem}
{Promyvion - Holla}
{Promyvion - Mea} <--did already...listing to help others
{Promyvion - Vahzl}
**Rank 5-1 to Rank 10**
Artifact Armor 2-6

I can help with:
Whatever ya need, if not currently working on something...BCNM's, coffer keys, farming, garrions, quests, missions, AF's. It's easier to be available when something is scheduled, not last minute. >.<

Most important:
Getting Summoner to 75, getting White Mage to 45 (or 50) and getting that big bad wolf -.-

EDIT: Oh yea lol...I also have Clothcraft up to 35 I think, and Alchemy to 13. I hope to take them both pretty far.

Prolly some other stuff...I just ask away pinkshell what ya'll wanna do!

Edited, Mon Nov 29 18:26:51 2004 by Awias
#7 Nov 29 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
Cherry the fish is here! Just don't get too comfy with my presence on a forum.
#8 Nov 30 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Good
snakeeyeswp wrote:
Thanks for the advice but I want any ppl to see it, maybe they might want to join. We are always looking for good ppls.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 16:15:12 2004 by snakeeyeswp

In that case I would recommend creating a signature referencing your LS, with a link pointing at the jounrnal.

Some might view this as unsolicited advertising, spam, etc.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have a single problem with this. I just don't want you to get flamed.

Good luck with your LS. Smiley: grin
#9 Nov 30 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
There are a few things on my priority list

#1 - That damned Papyrus!
#2 - Mnk AF2
#3 - Promyvian

My Monk AF2 shouldn't be too difficult, and I read that I don't HAVE to kill the NMs to get the item I need, but rather lure them away from their tent. But I seriously need to get that Papyrus.

There ain't much in the way of equipment that I need. Also, I'll try and take up woodworking as a craft so I can make various furnitures for the LS.

Also, let's try to keep the mindless drivel that I hear in the LS alot down to a minimum. I could hardly stand it today while I was doing my Bastok Quests.
#10 Nov 30 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
Ok Cherry I will use my who%^ (the thf) to help you get your paper and your af. After I hit 55 I will need genaki2 you and all the LS members who did genaki1 can come along. Once I hit 55 Im going to kick it old school with the goldsmithing(mine) and raise it while Im looking for a pt. That will kind of be slow because I get pt invites fast everyone needs a rdm lol. I going to do everything in my power to get the whole LS a kraken club even if I have to pay the 15mil(ouch).

Edited, Tue Nov 30 08:38:18 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#11REDACTED, Posted: Nov 30 2004 at 8:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Once a month LS I want to do a "Raping of The Land" which means we will go in one area and kill anything that moves some for payback some for gil TBA.
#12 Nov 30 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Hey its me Rek. Just thought I'd come in and say at least I saw the fourm =P. I'm glad to help, not too much I really need right now, just the following:

Mission 5.1
AF 2 {Paladin} (its the fishy if you forgot).

Happy to help as always. See you around.
#13 Nov 30 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
919 posts
Ive seen you guys arround. Must say im impressed all the members i have seen have great equipment.
#14 Nov 30 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Haha, thank you Mosh =). Once again we as a linkshell are sorry if anyone is bothered by our linkshell post on this forum.

Also snakeeyes, thats a very nice and expensive wish list ;). Lets make it happen.

I should be able to handle the set party for your rdm, I should be lv 52 or even 53 soon.
#15 Nov 30 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks Mosh we are trying to make a good name for ourselves and just just with our LS. I camped lizy with a stranger got the drop and gave him the boots and I did ask for nothing. I was just running pass got scanned he seen I was a thf(like 45 at the time) so he asked and he was so happy lol.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 13:11:36 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#16 Nov 30 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Bauka checking in. You know who I am. And thanks for the compliment Mosh. As for snake, we need to rate you up man ;P
#17 Nov 30 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
Lol thanks Bauka we are trying man I love you guys. This is the only LS I even seen that helps anybody from lvl 1-75. This is my item list LS if you need them and Im not using them just ask. Yes I plan on keeping most of my gear. Lol and the x2 weapons nin baby got to love it.

Life Belt
Royal Knights Belt
centurion mail(all)
centurion swordx2
seekers crown+1
seekers tunic
black cape+1
bone knife1+x2
crimson bladeX2
war pickx2
warriors axex2
brigandine armor
archer knifex2
drone earringsx2
mercenary captains belt
shikar bow
tiger stole
spiked necklace
mana gearx4(elvaan)
wize wizards anelacex2
morion earringx2
balance ringx2
bee spatha+1
strike shield
yew wand+1
red cape
mages slacks
holy phail
battle gloves
royal footmans gloves
royal squires mufflers
valkyrie mask
darksteel buckler
electrum ringsx2
rangers necklace
beast whistle
black silf neckerchief
warriors belt+1
nomand mantle
dhalmel mantle
wolf mantle+1
eremites ringx2
horn ring+1x2
#18 Nov 30 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
Lol I cant wait till the hole LS check out the forum I hope you guys enjoy it and Tell Me What You Think About "Raping The Land. I really think we would have fun doing this lol. And I have not done any afs yet and im alomst 54rdm and a 52thf lol.

Edited, Tue Nov 30 15:10:58 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#19 Nov 30 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Hey King...Prom's and AF2 are cool with me (I need to do AF2 also lol)

As for mindless banter, that's what makes us so great...I have been in linkshells that frowned upon Translator jokes -.-

Humor {Can I have it?} {please}

#20 Nov 30 2004 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
OK, forums are new for me so 'scuse my nOObness!

I love you guys, and miss you when I can't play! Most of you know I have 2 small children, which makes it hard sometimes to live in my FFXI world! I am thankfull that I've found a wonderful new bunch of friends, and hope to be with you guys for a LONG time!

Thanks for everything! Will post more when I have a chance!

Love ya,
#21 Dec 01 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
302 posts
Hey all...I changed the /lsmes and I'm posting about {Promyvion - Dem} and Rank 5-1 Mission.

Could we start posting who needs it and when you can do it? We should get 'em done soon.

send /tell <me>
#22 Dec 01 2004 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
well if you have have a Emperor hairpin i can use for about 8 level i would be real happy =)
#23 Dec 01 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
What up LS....

#24 Dec 01 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
I dont think Im going to stop lvl my rdm after 60 till I get my gear. I what to lvl with this gear so bad. I will really start crafting at 60.

My whats
kraken club 15mil
enchanted sword 5mil
peacock charm 6mil
serket ring 2mil
astral shield 400k
amemit mantle+1 2mil
scorpion harness 23mil
ancient swordx2 2mil
royal knight belt+1 150k
sniper ring+1x2 4mil
astral ringsx2 500k
crimson mail(all) 5mil
enpowering mantle+1 2mil
morion earring+1x2 make
spiked buckler 150k
elemenet staffx5 5mil
phantom tatlum 150k
phantom earring+1x2 make
lightning bow+1

After I get all my gear I will fund every ppl 1mil to craft and after I get 60 I will help with almost anything cause Im not going to lvl much after 60 till I make my money.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 11:01:39 2004 by snakeeyeswp
#25 Dec 01 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Man Snakeeyes, you REALY want to help the LS out it seems. We could try for Promyvians on Friday or Saturday. For anyone that needs to do mission 5-1, just ask for my assistance.
#26 Dec 01 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
Woot Beat, and Jubi thanks for stoping in I want to make a time garrisons every sunday and what do you guys think of "Raping The Land"? Cherry yes I want to help the LS I want us to stay together for along time. I will help you with the paper but now my hi speed is not working right. I hope you get it before that I want the LS to have the best gear ever I will be posting the garrisons items, areas, drops, lvls and were you need to go to get them. I will also post "A NM Money Hut" list so we can camp them when we what to. I hope everyone will pick a job to take to 75 so we can really "Rape The Land" camp hnms, go were every we want, and get all the rare items.

Edited, Wed Dec 1 13:26:30 2004 by snakeeyeswp
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