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Is it true?Follow

#1 Nov 27 2004 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
I found out today that the Jerry Team was booted from Bismarck.
I did a /sea all on the Jerry's and sure enough not a single one on O_0 !

Did SE finially do something about them?

The Toms, Apples, and Love's are still here but even some of
them are MIA.

If they did do something about it finially YaY SE ^^b
#2 Nov 27 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
202 posts
Wow... no more Jerry's? THANK GOD! They MPK so much. At least the redapples and the toms aren't such pricks. I have occasionally gotten invites from them LOL! Who in their right mind would lvl with them?
#3 Nov 27 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
617 posts
According to my sister, Dreamar had something to do with it.

Yes, they're gone. But all they have to do is create new characters. Though, they won't get level 60+ back just like that.
#4 Nov 27 2004 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
A few more people have confirmed the Jerry's have not been on for a few days now? Can anyone else verify this?
#5 Nov 27 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
It's late in the game for that, honestly. Two new MMO out (or are they out yet. Not sure... at the least, they are out soon), it's not really worth their money (I would think) to try and start up new characters.

It's also possible the company in question is phasing them out for other MMOs.

Either is fine by me.

Smiley: yippee
#6 Nov 27 2004 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good
zandertheredmage, Eater of Souls wrote:
A few more people have confirmed the Jerry's have not been on for a few days now? Can anyone else verify this?

Last I saw one was almost a week ago.
#7 Nov 27 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
1) Yes, I believe the Jerrys are banned. I've more or less has it confirmed to me.

2) Had something to do with lil ole me you say? Well, here's how it goes:

I was bored one day, waiting for the airship. Days before, I had found out about the Jerry clan. So, I decided I would /sea Jerry just to sell how many were on. Once I saw how many were on, my interest was picqued. Next thing you know, I become a bit angry seeing where they're all at, camping stuff. So I send /tells to all of them, asking the question: Why do you farm gil?

Only two answered. The first one merely apologized for doing it, and said he couldn't answer the question. The second one however, said, "It's my job." I was surprised that he had admitted, so I went a little further. He started telling me how much money he made, admitted it right out, and told me all the other Jerrys did it too. (I already knew this of course) Next thing, I report to GM, and after he reads chat logs, instead of the usual, "Our legal department is working on it" he says "THIS WILL BE A GREAT HELP TO US! Thank you for your noble conquest and thought for the community!" (he also told me the key to getting these people banned was to get them to admit they were a gil farmer, without outright asking "Are you a gilfarmer?" --Which I did--I asked "Why do you farm gil?" not "Do you farm gil?") And yes, he admitted that all the Jerrys farmed it, and everyone knows that anyway.

Mere days later, the Jerrys are no where to be found and I have people with info telling me they were indeed banned.

But I don't think I had anything to do with it. ^^ *halo* *humble* *sarcasm...maybe? ^^* =P
#8 Nov 27 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
shrug, do you know how many people have done the exact same thing? Doesn't really matter because there are plenty more out there and they will more then likely just make new accounts. I personally don't really care. The problem is the people who buy gil not the ones who sell it. If no one buys the gil then no ones selling.
#9 Nov 27 2004 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
That's a bit of good news after logging out from a rough night ^.^ Now if only something can be done about the rest. I just finished a GM call over getting MPK'd in Gusgen while helping my friend Solrain get his tele-holla scroll. We had made it to the shack with the ??? and suddenly two of the Toms , Tomdd and Tombb show up. They examined me followed by Tomdd casting a cure on me for 0 hp , followed by my invisi ,of course, going poof. They watched while a Gallinipper and two Feu Follets aggro me , cast escape and left Gusgen. I tried to get a port off , but was interupted. Sol tried to get them all off me so I could get us out (and for that you've my eternal thanks Solrain ^.^ ) but there were just too many on us. I'm just glad Sol was able to get out via a warp scroll before being taken down too.

So.... after a rather horrid night waiting on the GM to respond , with which I was told he would file a player report, and automatically assumed that to mean nothing would happen , it was a bit of good news waiting for me on the forums to find out that some of them were gone. Now maybe the other groups will be dealt with as well. So to Dremar and whatever powers that be who put this into motion you've my sincerest thanks. Made this lil' taru's night a lot better ^.^

#10 Nov 27 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Casting cure on some one while invisible does not make it wear of heh.
#11 Nov 27 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
hmmm.... didn't know that , but I've cast on myself to end invisible before , and I didn't receive the 3 warnings before invisi wore off , it just wore off directly after Tomdd cast cure on me. If that wasn't it I'd sure like to know what it was and why they felt the need to cast escape directly after he did it.

Edited, Sat Nov 27 08:38:33 2004 by Kitaru
#12 Nov 27 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Casting cure on yourself will break invis because you're completing the act of casting a spell, which you can't do while you're invisible, unless you are recasting invis (you still become visible for a split second). The Gallinippers probably agg'd you because they agg by sound, not sight, and then once your invis wore because a Gallinipper hit you, the Feu Follet probably agg'd because they agg by sight. Either that, or they agg'd you for casting escape, because they are also magic aggro.

But nevertheless, no matter what happened to the Jerry's, one less team of gil farmers is fine by me. Now if they can only do something about Huofeng and Smiledd... get out of Davoi troublemakers >_<

Edit: By the way, I have heard rumors that they just moved camp to EQ2. If they can make more money elsewhere, they'll probably go there. But that still works out for me since I have no plans to play EQ2 :P

Edited, Sat Nov 27 12:25:03 2004 by Apocpink
#13 Nov 27 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
yea i did /sea all jerry last night and didnt see a single one...


i immediately checked the others, zooe's( one is in my LS(ls leader invited so plz dont flame) but she is really nice to us) only saw one other zooe besides the one in our LS on, the tom's(didnt see a single one(any thoughts? r they gone too?) redapples r still active, did not check the angels and thats all i know. no matter what the reason I'm glad the jerry's r gone at least( i also read a post couple weeks ago here on alla that the jerry's were changing their character names so that no1 could pick em out as gilsellers again, is this true, any1 read the same thing as me?).

Even if they do come back as other players I'm at least SEI is finally doing sumthing bout it. just my 2cents worth tho. /em points to sig. And the jerry's aint the one's makin the profit no more :D

Edited, Sat Nov 27 12:43:26 2004 by Gamion
#14 Nov 27 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Casting cure on some one while invisible does not make it wear of heh.

What does happen though, is your character reappears for a moment when someone else casts a spell on you. However, I don't know if that would allow the monsters to aggro you, since the Invisible status effect is still on the top of the screen when that happens. The guide claims the bombs in there aggro to magic too. Though I can't prove that, because I never went down there til I was lv 50. The bombs in Ifrit's aggro to magic so it's likely those do too.

Everything in Gusgen except the bombs aggro to sound, so it's not all their fault. Not saying they're innocent.

Edited, Sat Nov 27 14:03:59 2004 by seraphimhunter
#15 Nov 27 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
(I tried to post this last night, but the moment I tried my internet went down. >< However I did manage to quickly copy my post and save it, so it's all good.


Honestly I feel slightly bad for these guys. I got into a debate (with Zander, if I remember correctly) about folk just trying to make a living, not to long ago, and whether or not I should hold their companies actions against them.

And when you think about it, it can feel like a very poor thing to have a grudge toward someone trying to make money in order to live just because it messes with your game. And in all honesty gil sellers really don't make a lot of money, compared to the amount of time they put into their work.

We're talking about human lives, and the quality of life of individuals who, just like you and me, need to earn their daily bread.

Perhaps where they live there's no work. Perhaps not. But this is their work, and sometimes it really feels callous and self-centered to throw such a huge stink about it. To try and block them from their current income for the benefit of our game.

Looking at it that way can make you feel like a real jerk.


I've been giving that a lot of thought to that lately, and I think it really boils down to this: Human dignity.

We've all got it. The gil sellers. You and me and everyone else on our server. Your grouchy elderly neighbor that yells at you for walking in their grass.

And that last one rather exemplifies my point. This game is something that belongs to us. "Us" being the folk who come to it every night for it's intended purpose. For recreation and society. For a break. Just like the gil-sellers, most of us probably scrape for a living. Most of us have money-related stress.

Other real world stress too. Marriage. Health. Etc.

We come to this game because it is fun. We come to it for community, for an escape from the stresses of day to day life.

And while it was created to provide profit to a corporation, the corporation's way of making profit is to provide us with this kind of escape. It's a matter of symbiosis.

It is our lawn. Our "turf".

And we have a right to protect what's ours.

Perhaps some gil-sellers do generally enjoy this game too. I've gathered that several have fallen as much in love with this world as many of us have. But the general trend of activities engaged by gil-sellers involve creating some instabilities in our economy, MPKing, & harrassment. These will always exist anyway from non-gil-sellers, but there is a marked increase when the friendly competition for gil and resources in this game becomes a competition for the right to live.

As a general population they 1) assign monetary value to things which to us are priceless, and 2) have both direct and indirect consequences on our mood and enjoyment of this game as a comminuty.

Your neighbor owns his lawn, and what use he has for it is that it is well manicured, a mark of what he perceives as beauty. And you tredding on it wrongs him because it is his and you have put it to another use without his leave.

It's no different with this game. We come here to play and have fun. To relax.

And more and more I see some pretty sour faces, both here and in the game. Our nerves are shot, so to speak.

The gil-sellers have a right to live and to bring home whatever amount of bacon they can. But we have a right to defend what's ours.

No matter how hard-pressed someone is for money, they do not have the right to come into your own home, take what is yours and make money off of it. We call that stealing.

Are they stealing money from our pockets? No. Over time they have stolen something far greater. A place we generally come to for enjoyment and solace.

I'm not even really sure where that came from. It wasn't even in response to anything posted.

I've just been thinking about that a lot since I had my debate with Zander a few weeks back.

I have to admit I'm a bit of a bleeding heart, and at some point it really hit home with me that gil-sellers are struggling to make ends meet just like me.

I felt rotten, because I felt it was foul to try and destroy someone's means of paying their bills just so I could play a frivelous little game.

What's above is the conclusion I came to.

And thus ends another session of Nataraja thinking out loud in a public forum, unsolicited. =\

In any event, Dreamar, I fully intend to salute you every time I run into you from now on.

I salute you here.

/salute Dreamar

And you have received a rate-up for your efforts.
#16 Nov 27 2004 at 6:41 PM Rating: Good
195 posts
The Gallinippers probably agg'd you because they agg by sound, not sight, and then once your invis wore because a Gallinipper hit you

Thank you for letting me know about the Gallinippers aggroing by sound , that does explain why it aggro'd me ,because I do remember that my sneak had worn just as we got behind the shack , my invisi stayed up until Tomdd cast on me. The aggro didn't come until a moment or so after the cast and the invisi had wore off. Its actually a relief to know that I wasn't MPK'd lol but now I feel awful for calling a GM >.< They may have only cast escape because they were worried we'd think exactly what we did >.<

Back on topic >.<
Whether the Jerrys moved to another MMORPG or were banned I'm just glad that they're gone. Chances are we'll see more gilfarmer groups come and go likewise , but I'll always be happy to see them go. Did a /sea on them earlier just to see it with my own eyes and it sure felt good to see no results ^.^
#17 Nov 27 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry, /hijack for a minute:

It was definitely a fishy situation... even if the Tom's didn't MPK Kit, why would someone /check you, realize that you're a WHM around lvl 40, cast cure on you for 0 HP (knowing damn well that you don't need to be cured and if you did, you're a WHM and can do it yourself) and then proceed to cast Escape on themselves...?

It's possible that the Tom cast the cure on Kit to draw aggro onto himself, then Escape out, leaving the aggro on us. especially since he was standing right next to us as he did it.

I'm not pointing any fingers, but curing someone for 0 HP, then Escaping out is just a bit incriminating, don't you think?

Anyway, back to the topic.

It's definitely weird to see the GMs actually take action and take the Jerry's out. Either that, or they've permanently moved to EQII, like Femme mentioned.

I actually ran into a Zooe camping Spook last night and he really didn't seem all that bad. He /cheered me when I got the claim and asked if I got the drop, to which I said "no". He thanked me and I ran back to Sandy. Strange meeting, to say the least.

#18 Nov 27 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I hope they are gone and this is a start to an attempt by SE to crack down on people who sell gil to companies.

Here is hoping ^^
#19 Nov 28 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
679 posts
I thought the Kiss* army on Seraph were gone at one time. They were off for nearly 4-5 days before they were spotted back in full force. Possible ISP trouble?
#20 Nov 28 2004 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
Solrain the Mundane wrote:
I actually ran into a Zooe camping Spook last night and he really didn't seem all that bad. He /cheered me when I got the claim and asked if I got the drop, to which I said "no". He thanked me and I ran back to Sandy. Strange meeting, to say the least.

By all accounts these guys are pretty good guys.
#21 Nov 28 2004 at 3:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Just thought I'd post some information some of you may find helpful. This was originally posted by someone else, but I don't remember who it was. :( One day I might buy a premium account and get search features.

SE does care about gilsellers. Many times they just need evidence to do something about it.
-Having similar names is not evidence.
-Having low rank is not evidence.
-Having a low sub is not evidence.
-Killing one mob repeatedly for any length of time is not evidence.
-Any combination of the above is not evidence of anything except a lazy or persistant player, which is not against TOS.

You want to nail gilsellers? Here's how (according to a GM):
-Get them to admit they are gilsellers. This is evidence.

This can only be done a few ways for it to be legitimate. You cannot solicit the information from them. They must offer it of their own accord. Getting an answer from a gilseller like Dremar did is extremely uncommon because they should know that it can be used as evidence against them. So that leaves you with basically 2 options:

1. Carefully phrased questions like the one Dremar asked and hope you find one gullible enough to answer.
2. Shout or announce in a public voice (not /tell) that you need gil. Occasionally a gilseller will take the bait and offer to sell you gil. This is the method that some GMs use to catch gilsellers (they use regular characters for this of course). If you specifically ask to buy gil from people or target certain people it will not work. It must be very simple and vague like, "I'm poor. Does anyone have some gil?"

It's not easy, certainly won't be fun, and will most likely upset people with your shouts, but if you get a gilseller to bite the GMs will happily serve them with at least a suspension.

Edited, Sun Nov 28 03:53:26 2004 by Prim
#22 Nov 28 2004 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
Another tactic, useful for crafters.

Occassionally when buying large quantities of craftable materials you will receive a tell from someone looking to sell you more of the same material.

Sometimes these will simply be enterprising individuals who have looked at the Sales History at AH, looking to sell direct. I've been in a few supplier relationships to crafters myself, and this is remarkably lucrative.

Sometimes however it will be a gil-seller. Usually the kind that sell through gil companies' websites.

Engage them in a conversation, without overtly asking them if they are gil-sellers. Simply ask what they need all that gil for anyway.

Most of the time it won't work. But you might get lucky.
#23 Nov 29 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I did /sea Jerry on sunday morning and I saw Jerrys on, maybe he isnt a gilseller just and unfortunate soul that chose the wrong name that resembled them. I hope they all got banned and never return.

Edited, Mon Nov 29 12:53:49 2004 by JoLOveS
#24 Nov 29 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yeah, I saw this guy in Rollanberry, I believe. Little Taru running around with on DRG.
#25 Nov 29 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
I did /sea Jerry on sunday morning and I saw Jerrys on, maybe he isnt a gilseller just and unfortunate soul that chose the wrong name that resembled them. I hope they all got banned and never return.

To the best of my knowledge this is the case. Jerrys is just an unfortunate lookalike.
#26 Nov 29 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts

Thank you ^^

And yes, that's what SE told me too. You can't outright ask them, you have to be sneaky in the process.
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