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Thank you to you guys on the forumns I wont post here again!Follow

#1 Nov 23 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
The main boards are not very positive and are making me a little hateful towards the game. Gil seller threads are born everyday, WoW > FFXI keep spawning and people carry their only small vendettas in game to the boards. So I have decided to quit for a while if not permanently.

Maybe I am just pissed off and you will see me post tomorrow but I doubt it. Thanks to everyone here you are all great and I hope to see you online. ?wave to me if you see me I am Seriph the PLD. All I wanted was to be a scholar as all I want in game was to be lvl 75 and is kinda owning my life to do so. Thanks I will see you all in game.
#2 Nov 23 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
Ya, I haven't been posting to/reading these boards much lately either for the same reasons that you are mentioning.

I am not effected by gilsellers or fishbotters or the evil HELM (harvesting escavating logging mining) warlords. Yet it seems that some new person has to ***** about them everyday.

It's the same thing day in, day out, sometimes there are interesting threads to participate in on the server forums, but mostly it's people ******** about the same crap as in the main forum which I haven't read in at least a month.

My advice? Go to the server forum, go to the tradeskill forum (if you're into that) and go to your class forum and subjob forum, the rest will make you go nuts (like my avatar o.O).

#3 Nov 23 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
sorry to hear...and thus the reason I dont even bother with the main boards, let alone The Asylum

but good luck on the 75 mark and/or the scholar, if you do pop in sometimes
#4 Nov 23 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Since I started this thread I feel obliged to keep responding, thank you guys for the response. I didnt want to sound like a freaking whiner but I love this game and I feel very good talking to all of you guys on my server. Hell if it wasnt for this forum I would have never probably met Yekan who is probably my best friend in game.

The problem is people not wanting to die alone and feeling that people need to assure them that their decision to quit is right. The gil selling problem is very well known and even when people have something positive to say or do about the problem the same people that complain are the same hipocrits that rate down that person.

Is just funny the same idiots that play this game and are very elistists are the same onces that post on the main board. The same idiots that lvl WHM/DRG. I will probably post on the server I was very pissed but will probably stop for a while before I do. I really like everyone here on the Bismarck forum and dont wanna lose contact, if you need my help I will help you as long as I am free at the time you are in need.
#5 Nov 23 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
I feel your pain, having been rated down for asking on topic questions in several forums, including this one.

I hold no hate for anyone, and personally I think the rating system here is sh*t

but anyway, good reason to not post unless you are trying to put together something fun ingame, like garrisons

well, anyway people, have fun

my next post will be to put togeather a lvl 20 garrison in sarutabaruta, so keep an eye out for that
#6 Nov 24 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
for some reason the Karma system here reminds me of exp. The harder to try at it the more ull get and will be bale to lvl up. Scholar to Sage to Guru.
#7 Nov 24 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
you're still a rambling drunk Seriph ><

dude, I understand.... we love you man.... we don't want to see you leave...


Edited, Wed Nov 24 10:21:44 2004 by OmniscientUnlimited
#8 Nov 24 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Hey Omni I probably wont leave, I will probably still be here reading and occassionally posting on the server forums. I guess there are IT mobs outside this forum, because this is a very friendly server we are in. Is just that things have gotten very negative outside the server forums, mainly on the main forum, all this talk about gilsellers scams, WoW who cares.

Honestly if you like WoW go have fun is your life dont let me define what life should be. As for me I have always said it I will play till the servers dry up, lvl 75 PLD all skills capped drunken rich and having killed most or all HNM at least once and all other jobs at 37 or above.
#9 Nov 24 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
We will walk that path together, brother!
#10 Nov 24 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
The FFXI main forum is nothing but garbage anyway. I'll sit back here and enjoy this little nook of ours thank you very much. Too many tards post in the main forum anyway.
#11 Nov 24 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
I'm with my WHM twin (i.e. Vimien) on this one. The main page straight out blows. Hell, I don't even go to the DRK forum, because it's so crazy and there's nothing constructive going on. Hell, if I have a question about DRK, I'll post it here on the Bismarck forum...Emilyia will see it and set my *** straight soon enough. :P

Nah, I'll just stick around here with all you bastards.

Oh wait...this isn't the flame threat...opps...

#12 Nov 24 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Got to love them trolls. Stay on my own small space not bothering anyone, I did mention I wasnt going to post anywhere so as not to clutter anymore I will use this forum to communicate with people my feelings. Anyways I just wanted anyone to know if you need my help just let me know seems thats all I have been doing lately.
#13 Nov 24 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
690 posts
Vimien the 'tard wrote:
The FFXI main forum is nothing but garbage anyway. I'll sit back here and enjoy this little nook of ours thank you very much. Too many tards post in the main forum anyway.

I know of at least one 'tard that posts here too...

Anyway... stick around, Seriph. Don't let the a*sholes get to you. They're just looking to get under your skin, and if you let 'em, they win. Remember, just say NO to a*sholes.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Rate ups for ya too, buddy.
Nothing that is so, is so.
#14 Nov 24 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
grats on being yellow^^
#15 Nov 24 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Excellent
205 posts
Good call on avoiding the main forum, nothing but vultures there, picking the flesh off of every dead topic. I just stick to this forum, and my static thread, ooh and now my new linkshell forum!
#16 Nov 24 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
Thanks but might not last long. You know it sounds silly but it is verry human to feel accepted, and maybe this is why I payed to post here and try to be Yellow. I felt left out once in FFXI and quit for 3 months, I missed my LS so I returned mainly because of the people that post on our server forums. I am very disappointed at many people that post on the main forum but I cant let it get to me I guess. Thanks for the encouragement.

#17 Nov 24 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
* hugs Mr SenSitive*

You'll be back hun lol. I agree their is a lot of bashing... like the bad players forms, it can be a little bit more of a "personal hate" insted of a "bad player".
Anyways, yeah Vin you should have seen blondie last night... I got my *** handed to me 3 times in a row at castle Oztroja looking for my damn af body. i deleveled to ; ; BAH its a hard life..
Come online and cheer me up >.<!
#18 Nov 24 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
Grats on being a scholar Pariis. Will do ma'am as soon as I get out of work. I am very lonely at the moment my office is empty.

Edited, Wed Nov 24 13:48:24 2004 by JoLOveS
#19 Nov 24 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Agreed on the main forums, but, unfortunately, it's not the only place the idiocy rampages. I'll use the Red Mage forum board as an example, as this:
What used to be a nice collection of informative guides, useful threads, and interesting ideas, has degraded into a string of useless fight threads. Anyone says something that slightly ruffles someone's feathers, and "THE TROLLING SHALL COMMENCE" and the thread is consumed by useless insults, arguments, and ratedowns.

I'll say this. I'm afraid to post anything on there, anymore (and especially on the main forums). The second you say something, that in even a slight way, annoys someone, you're rated into oblivion!

I almost wish it were possible for the admins to file through all the posts, and just nuke all the threads that are useless. They're people, I would assume they have some common sense. I realize, with all the stuff they have to pour through, this is not possible. And, with every other post being some pointless "look at me, I want some attention" thread under the guise of "gilseller problems, or why FFXI sucks, X Job sucks X job is better, or we should all hate this player because..." it is really hard to find any of that good/useful stuff anymore.

/end rant

/begin praise

But there are good posts. Good guides, informative feedback with no flaming and containing objective opinions are out there. Great story threads, and (we shall call them) memory threads have increased lately, especially on this forum. I really enjoy those. I started one, myself.

I think the Bismarck community has some very creative and helpful people in it. Most of the posts that I can say have been useful or enjoyable, have been right here, at home. We just have to take the good with the bad, unfortunately, but the good news is, that the good threads will stick around, for us to enjoy, long after the junk is thrown out.
#20 Nov 24 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
Rate up all for the encouragement.
#21 Nov 24 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
Lol, looks like you got that yellow you wanted. Now to keep it make a lot of inoquous posts that won't get bombed by karma trolls to get your average rate above 3.00.

#22 Nov 26 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
I used to post on a forum dedicated to the discussion of all things relating to Faith and Religion. Hosted by the band Creed (don't start on me about Creed, I only used the forum... -_- )

Dear god, the fights we'd have. It's a subject most people seem unable to discuss without resorting to the outright flaming of any opinion that differs from the norm.

And it got worse over time.

When I started posting there (this was years ago) folk were generally polite in most topics. We had a few trolls, but generally everything was dandy.

In all honesty the place really began to degrade when the folk who posted there started trying to enforce rules about posting, which essentially amounts to "I don't see a point to this post, therefore I'm going to flame you."

I eventually got banned by Wind-up Records. Creed had a new album coming out, and in order to promote message boards safe for Creed's average listener demographic (minors) they banned anyone who had swore, even slightly, in the last 3 months, or had expressed an opinion which differed greatly from the ones promoted by the band.

I had been posting there for 2 years, had close to 10,000 posts in.

By comparison the alla boards, even the main boards, are pretty tame.

But there's still no call for flaming (unless in a flame thread or toward a post expressing true social bigotry). There's no call for rating down just because you (they) don't see a purpose to a particular thread or post.

That's something that always irked me about the convoluted rules of etiquette associated with forums nowadays. That every thread must "contribute".

In my mind, any thread in which one member of a community engaging in conversation with another contributes to the community at large.

But its a general rule that the more frivolous threads will get burried if you leave them alone. And if they don't, then perhaps others disagree with you as to whether or not it "contributes".

At the very least, no one is forcing you to enter any given thread.

From many years of experience with forums, I can sum up the key characteristic of a good forum in one word.


Getting your panties in a wad never helps anything.

That wasn't really directed at anyone, just thinking out loud.

It's something I've been thinking about for a while. This thread allowed me to put it into words.

Thanks for creating a thread which "contributes", Seriph. Smiley: tongue
#23 Nov 28 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
222 posts
Amen big brother (TheWanderingShadow). I used to post on the main board, before the karma system, and still felt like I was being treated like a jackass. That'll be enough about the main boards for me though, I do not like to dwell on silly things. Now, for something completely different:
I have made so many friends here on the Biznasty forum. I feel like we are a big family here, at least the ones that post here. I've even brought a few players here that had not known about the forums before. Sure, I may not agree with some of you on political views, or on military views, but WTF does that have to do with FFXI? Rating people down because you dont like them is silly, mean, and immature. If you dont agree with somebody, by God, TELL them you dont, no reason to rate them down. I mean, damn, you're more likely to get rated up by having an intelligent arguement with me... gets my blood boiling and my mind moving, I like it. I mean INTELLIGENT arguement though. "Im so l337 and you suxors" is NOT intelligent, though I doubt I'd rate down for that even. anyway..mind wandered into rant...sorry
Where was I? Oh yeah. I think, for the most part, that all of you guys and girls are cool as hell and we should have a biznasty cookout like once a year... Anyway, don't leave the forums and definately dont leave the game.
#24 Nov 28 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
212 posts
Yeah, rating system is very prone to abuse. Doesn't matter how polite you are, you're more likely to be rated down when someone just disagrees with your opinion than not.

IMHO, I wish the Bismark folks would all migrate to EZboard instead of using Alla's here. For one, that would let me post as my FFXI character name instead of my old EQ name that I used to register for Alla way back. It would also get rid of the rating issues. Qumdi setup an EZboard, but what it needs is traffic. Lack of traffic means peeps don't want to use it. No one using it means no traffic ... chicken, meet omlette.

Here it is if you're curious:
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