I was just wondering.. on the Bismarck server.. How many level 75 Black Mages do we have.. I knew of one personally, and that would be Dburton.. And i do have to say that his mask is really cool too.. the one with the horns.. but yeah, thats the only one i have really met..
There are alot of Black Mages that i know that are around my level, i am 63, but right on the cusp of being level 64.. and i know of about 15 of us, that i have partied with in the last few days that are all around that same level.. I would assume that all 15 of us will be reaching level 75 around the same time, or some a little faster than others, becasue they have more time to level the job.. but still..
I was wondering how many level 75 blm there are right now, and when i am level 75(which will be within 30 days..) i am wondering who will be there for me to play with at that level, and show me what all the other level 75 Blm are doing...
ok Thanks.