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Attention writers and drama fans!Follow

#27 Dec 29 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
I saw this awhile back and didn't really have the time to get into something new, but now I do! I love this kinda stuff and really enjoy RPing.

Sign me up!
#28 Dec 29 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
512 posts
partial repost from another thread:

i'm totally into doing a theatre troupe. that sounds wicked fun, and i'd love to have Iverin come back to a dream made (virtual?) reality. i hear tell of disused homes beneath Bastok that could be used as rehearsal spaces... and maybe as crafting circles, too.

i am a writer, among other things, and i think there are many tales that can be retold in vana'diel, and which will inevitably lead to a true folklore being born. speaking from outside the gameworld, this medium has *a lot* to offer. if we (I, you, or others) could get not only photo documentation, but perhaps captured video? i don't know. just ideas. the potential amazes me.

talk to you all soon, i'm sure. thanks for the interest in cool stuff like this. i'm actually, really excited.
#29 Jan 03 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah I'm new to the threads here but I am an avid roleplayer in real life and would love to join an RPLS just for fun. I am Curently think of starting my own If I can not find one for myself. If any of you would be willing to give this n00b (only a 40RDM/20BLM) a shot I would be more than happy to enjoy a good RP experiance in a game that almost seems designed for it. Anyway if you would allow me to join you I would be very happy. you can contact me in game just send a /tell to Mortimer.
#30 Jan 03 2005 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Though this is an online role-playing game, I have never been in a situation where actually role-playing is involved. Most people are too wrapped up in leveling or making gil to buy their uber 1337 ring/armor/whatever that they forget about the actual ROLE-PLAYING. I wouldn't mind being part of an LS that is dedicated to it.

If you are talking about writing fanfiction or the like, I'm not the best creative writer out there, but I'm very good with proofreading and editing. I know almost all the general rules for the English language so if it's someone to read over your work and check for errors, I'm your guy.

Anyway, I'll probably be in or around Port Jeuno for the next few days so give me a /tell if you're interested. Character name is Melisandre.
#31 Jan 03 2005 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
ok so i was goofing off in this thread in the hume forum:

it's a mostly useless flamewar about who is superior in Vanadiel history, blah blah blah. but about halfway down Solean put in an awesome script of the events leading up to San D'oria getting beaten by Bastok in the 2nd Highlands War.

Solean is seriously funny and i think these are the kind of scripts that would be great to play out when we get our theatre thing going.

an excerpt:


Message from King Trivond to the President of Bastok:
Hello, my defeated friend. I write to tell you that the armies of San D'oria have declared war on Bastok over ownage of the Konschat Highlands area. We will begin invading Konschat Highlands, and Bastok, within the next week.

RagingFerret: Mr. President, what is the matter?

Carl: Nothing RagingFerret...could you summon Cid the engineer for me?

RagingFerret: Right on it, Sir.

Carl: [Thank You]


**Back in President's office**

Cid: Yes, Mr. President?

Carl: Cid, I'm so glad to see you. Remember....

*They whisper to each other*

Cid: Yea, I could do that. May I ask why you need all of that firepower?

Carl: I'm going to hunt Leaping Lizzy.


Carl: rofl

Carl: No...seriously...

*They whisper some more*

#32 Jan 03 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
As far as I'm concerned there are two distinctly different kinds of RP being talked about here - there's freeform RP, strictly improvisational and more for the edification of those who do it than a performance, where you play out your character's life and their interactions with others. If people are interested in that, I suggest that we set up maybe one or two times a week that are designated RP times in a designated space. I like the Merry Minstrel in Jeuno for this personally - a pub setting is always a good place for RP.

Now the theater troupe would be a very different story. We could still do improv, even though improvisational comedy at the very least is very difficult to pull off in a virtual medium. We could do improvisational drama. Or we could actually write scripts, but I fear that would lose something since "performing" is, again, very different in a virtual medium. I'm interested in doing something that would have an audience to witness it, but I confess that my particular brand of RP background doesn't lend itself well to figuring out how that would work. So uh... who does know?
#33 Jan 03 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
When I read this I was thinking how it would be fun to put on short plays. Maybe condensed Shakespeare or something. You could put it on in a less populated place like at the Chateau or that one courtyard?

The "actors" could meet beforehand or correspond ahead of time and work out emote motions, actions that could go along with the play. Like...let's say Romeo and could even have the actors take poison potions to "die" (to be raised for curtain call of course).

It just seems like something that would be a blast. And anyone who wanted to watch could all /sit and be an audience.

That's what I had in my head anyway. Maybe I'm being far too outlandish.

But also just getting together to RP is fun too. Are lurkers welcome? I'm really bad at RP :-(

Edited, Mon Jan 3 17:06:50 2005 by Dawntreader
#34 Jan 03 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
I would love to join ^^
I love theatre
#35 Jan 03 2005 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
Me too Id like too join ^^
#36 Jan 03 2005 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
yeah, i see two sets of interests here, but they seem to intersect, and i don't see much trouble with that other than time commitments. and even so, it's not like the time involved would cut into anyone's schedule too much, since you will either make time because you think it is fun, or won't because you don't. :)

i'm interested in both ideas, and easily willing to take on big organization roles as far as both are concerned, but i'm not going to be in game for probably another week, because of my hardware issues (i need to re-install to PS2, but my darn HDD utility cd is presumably lost in the mail), so i won't make any huge promises yet. i just wanted to comment because i see a lot of initial interest and that is awesome.

also, dawntreader, i don't think lurking in the freeform session will be any problem! acting is reacting, so just hang out and see where the inspiration leads you. also, again, i think the romeo and juliet idea is a great place to start. i'm thinking the attention span of an audience will likely be < 30 mins, so start thinking about what parts of the story are of primary importance, and how we can convey those scenes inside the limits of our environment.

it may turn out to be to difficult, as byaina suggests, to do a live theatre in game. but who knows until we try? i'm up for it.

i also want to comment how cool the Bismarck community is proving to be. i'm glad i took the chance to squeeze in here, as this will be a great group to play the game with. peace.
#37 Jan 13 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
Has anything ever happened, with this? I thought, for sure, there was a story thread someplace. Was I wrong?
#38 Jan 13 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
woh hey!(sorry to be off topic)
iverin lol didnt think to see you on these forums.....
bad news though.... i dont think ill be playing ffxi much any more..... so this is goodbye....
for reson being cant aford it any more and realy dont like the experience tredmil idea.... not fun....
but any ways maby when guild wars comes out ill see you there.... peace my friend....
oh and if you ever want to contact me my email address is aim, darknagzul

Edited, Thu Jan 13 16:58:05 2005 by Nagzul
#39 Jan 14 2005 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
512 posts
i'm really just bumping this thread, but i'll also update my situation, as i really want this idea to work.

i am relocated, physically, and have gotten all my necessary hardware and software in one place. all that statnds between me and logging into the game is the attrocious re-install and setup, followed, hopefully, by a bismarck worldpass.

on roleplaying: the major beef with video RPGs, as opposed to tabletop RPGs, is that there is little to no roleplaying. i hope to become a major force for online LARP-style gaming on this server. to maintain the mystery and wide eyed enthusiasm for discovering this world through better gaming, and through as little level grinding as possible, though some will undoubtably be necessary. i will maintain a RPmule for this purpose, while playing a main character as far and high as i can, to develop resources for the roleplaying game. my suggestion to those interested is to create a similar RPmule, or choose a new RPmainclass, and keep that class on level with your RPgroup.

another option would be to use your existing character as a mentor to lower level groups, dreaming up quests for young adventurers to follow. maybe you can send a group of level fifteens to camp the spook. i don't know. use your imagination. what would have been a fun quest for a group at X level that is now just another NM camp, or farming ground, or whatever-boring-thing to you now? help us create new stories in vanadiel.

still other options exist to make this game, and this server, the best it can be. i just can't think of them right now, but i'm certain you will. because you love this game.

on theatre (the OP): awesome idea. much more complicated, but a weekly performance that reflects the events of our world could be a popular and refreshing release from 'the grind'. maybe we could do a satire lambasting the Jerries and the RedApples. or better, poke some non-partisan fun at HNMLS drama. laughing helps heal the hurt a lot of times.

my major philisophical thoughts on the theatre idea follow the line that /em actions, as well as acted out situations with non-linguistic context clues, can easily get core moral themes to communicate across language barriers. the story of the person in distress, saved by the sacrifice of a stranger, or that of the star crossed lovers, or a thousand more stories.

my point is that these sorts of groups have an amazing potential to bring the server together into a much richer group experience, in the short time (a year? two?) we have before Vanadiel becomes a ghost town, lost to the Next Big Thing.

to take the idea a step further, we are looking at, in this game, a form of global revolution. we have Euros, NAms, and JPs coexisting in an international non-space, able to communicate beyond the desires of our governments and media superstructures. i'm not saying that FFXI will save the world from NA power conspiracy, but it could open up lines of communication and common experience that defy the sort of blind hatred that seems to be fueling current global conflicts.

yeah yeah. i'm just saying i see the POTENTIAL.

so let's make some art, people.


~ Stegan
#40 Jan 25 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
883 posts
Now that I have Ive in my LS and TS, I'll nag her in person, but I wanted to say: Since I have a little more time to play the game now I'd like to take charge of setting up an FFRP group with at least a couple of designated times/places for RP a week. If you have a preference as to when this should happen, speak up now before I start making plans by myself.
#41 Jan 25 2005 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Where do I sign?
/em pulls a pen out of his pocket
#42 Jan 25 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
well, the new forums for Dawn are right here:

The board is rather new, so don't expect too many things. We have few characters background and galleries. As for our events, the important ones are posted on the site ( SL battle at the moment... he's still alive >.> ) and we also have a fair share of improvisation going on ( a small PLing at ghelbsa ended up in the Hot spring in Horlais peak with half the linkshell).

Anyway, enjoy!
#43 Jan 25 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
Magvius wrote:
Where do I sign?
/em pulls a pen out of his pocket

Heya Mag. I thought you quit?

Welcome back!
#44 Jan 26 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Tuesdays and Fridays at 10PM EST! Merry Minstrel Tavern in Lower Jeuno! BE THERE
#45 Jan 26 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
271 posts
well, the merry Minstrel is pretty hot, but far too laggy i'm afraid. The Lion's spring would be a better choice.
1) Less lag than Jeuno
2) Less spam than Jeuno
3) Bigger than the merry minstrel
4) There's a Taru bard
5) There's a fireplace
6) There's a second floor for "private" things ( I'll leave that to your imagination).

But that's just my 2 cents.
#46 Jan 26 2005 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
My reasoning for the Minstrel is that a) it's a tavern and b) if we're in a high-traffic area, there's more of a likelihood that random people passing by will stop in to see what's going on. I know the lag sucks, but it is (slightly) better when you move away from the traffic jam in front of the AH. :/
#47 Jan 27 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Although the Merry Minstrel IS laggy, I agree with the Byaina - 1) We'd be more apt to pick up some great roleplayers for Dawn and 2) We can always move the 'posse', so to speak, if it gets out of hand. :)

I'll be there!
#48 Feb 04 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Let's try for this tonight. I'll be manning the bar at the Minstrel starting at 10PM EST, and you should be there too. /nod
#49 Feb 04 2005 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
Wow! I got so caught up in school that I neglected this... YES! I am still interested. Please come to the Merry Minstrel to RP tonight.. I'll bring my Dawn pearl in case Dawn wants to participate...

As to the theatre thing, contact me in-game and I'll drop you my e-mail address so we can get some things going, soon!!! I'd like to present a short play, with no more than 10 players, sometime soon. Let me know! <3 ya'll!
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