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Ear Candy: what makes you tick?Follow

#1 Nov 16 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
The Ear Candy thread inspired me to write this one.

What type of music makes you guys tick?

For the past few years, I've been noticing nothing but pop-culture sh*t being played on the radio and tv. Bands that are around for a year and then fade out, only to be replaced by the next up and coming corporate sponsored crap. To each his or her own, but I can't stand the music that's coming out today. Hell, they don't even write their own lyrics.

For me, the music of the 60s through the 80s is what gets me going. Bands like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, the Dead, the Who, Boston, etc... There was so much music coming out back in those days, and all of it was good. Almost every musician back in those days put their music before the money, and man was it amazing. Today, it's just glamourized bullsh*t, with apperance overriding the quality of music.

Now, I'm only 23, but I find that I'm digging classic music a lot more. Someone once told me I was an old soul trapped in a young body. I'm finding that to be true, at least in the sense of music.

However, you will find some diamonds in the rough of modern music. Being a very technical person by nature, I love technical music, so today's Progressive Rock scene also turns me on. Dream Theater is one of the bands on the forefront of this scene, and I cannot rave enough about them. Not only are they technically extremely complex, they can rip their instruments to shreds. They have a tight, full sound that is not duplicatable.... check 'em out if you are looking for something new.

Anyway, I'm stuck at work and am rambling, so enough of that. What kind of music turns you guys on?

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#2 Nov 17 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Excellent point about some of the older music, sometimes overlooked by today's youth, is definitely the best stuff ever created.

the Beatles are obviously the most magical thing to ever happen in the world of pop music. they of course have been over commercialized to the point of it being pretty "trendy" and "standard" to like/love them. But if you can get past that, and you have an ear for crafty melodies, chord shifts, and just damn insightful songwriting, look no further.

In addition to Lennon and McCartney (and Harrison too) another legend was Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. The Beach Boys are very often overlooked, and one automatically thinks of Fun Fun Fun, Help me Rhonda, and other such songs. Those songs were great for what they were, but if you look through the Beach Boys catalog, you'll find some of THE greatest pop gems ever created.
The Pet Sounds album is probably the most talked about "legendary" Beach Boys album. And Brian Wilson wrote the whole thing while the rest of the band was in Europe on tour. He hired session musicians to play on everything, and the other Beach Boys got to sing their harmonies on it and that was it.

And then there is the infamous "SMiLE" album that never happened. But actually did, cause Brian Wilson released it a month or two ago. Quite brilliant and light years ahead of anything that's being produced today (even though it was all written and arranged in 1966). Tracks to look for "Surf's Up", "Wonderful", and "Cabinessence"... if these three tracks don't contain the most wonderous melodies and chord changes ever conceived in pop music, i don't know what does. :)

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:40:27 2004 by Skiltrip

Edited, Wed Nov 17 11:41:51 2004 by Skiltrip
#3 Nov 17 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Hardcore is what makes me tick, i live it.
#4 Nov 17 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
I gotta agree with both of you. While I do listen to alot of new stuff, I've found myself driftin back to music I listened to growing up. I used to rifle through my parents LP Collection. The Beatles, The Animals, Herman's Hermits, Carly Simon, the list is endless. My dad used to DJ too throughout the late 70's and into the 80's so the collection of stuff from that era is something to behold. Everything from country to rock, pop, disco, dance, rap, funk, blues, jazz...........

In another post I mentioned I listened to everything except Boy bands and Liberace. While this is true, right now I find myself listening to in no particular order.

Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine
Rush - can't remember the name of it, it's the new release with all the 60's cover tunes on it... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon and The Final Cut
Metallica - Live at Woodstock
Harry Connick Jr. - 25
Muddy Waters - Greatest Hit album
Megadeth - The System has failed
Yes - Roundabout

Just a sampling. :)

Edited, Wed Nov 17 12:36:00 2004 by GaranTheElvaan
#5 Nov 17 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Hardtechno - Techtrance - Electroclah-ish Techno - Drum and Bass ( all variants mostly ) :: Midi Miliz * Spirallianz * X-Dream * Adam Beyer * Marco Bailey * ... >> For the love of dancing and those dirty hypnotic entrancing beats

Underground-Old School Rap :: Deltron 3030 * Mr Lif * Akrobatik * ... >> For the intelligent rhymes and funky grooves

Industrial - EBM ( old-school stuff ) - Noise - Ambient Noise :: Skinny Puppy * Nitzer Ebb * Front 242 * Dead Voices on Air * Scorn ... >> We all have our dark side, right?

NuDub :: Sub Dub * Pole * Rythmn and Sound * ... >> Because those darkish-sexy-overdelayed grooves just keep putting a smile on my face

And a whole lot of other stuff ( some french rap fusion, trip hop, punk, ska, etc. ) but those are the genres I enjoy the most

Edited, Wed Nov 17 15:13:28 2004 by dorobo
#6 Nov 17 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
I listen to a lot of things... and then I catch myself listening to FFXI music ^^ but I love classical, and sometimes even classical techno (provided it's done well). I listen to a whole slew of different kinds of music, save for the newest yuppy pop songs. I have no idea of what the new songs are unless they play it on a movie commercial trailer. I usually don't listen to the radio.
#7 Nov 17 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I listen to pretty much everything. you can catch me cruisin in my car to anything from Led zepplin to Backstreet Boys, Mozart to Incubus Eazy-e to Leann Rhimes. I'll go through different phases too. i've got 40 gigs of music on my computer so i'm always changing it up.

My current playlist includes Modest Mouse, Trapt, Linkin Park, 2Pac, Matchbox 20, Switchfoot, Twista, Usher and various asian music.
#8 Nov 17 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
I love the old stuff The Doors, The Beatles, Pink Floyd.

But fav bands are:
The Tragically Hip
The Red Hot Chili Peppers

But nothing beats sitting around the lake drinking beers listening to old Door's tunes.
#9 Nov 17 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Glad to see people responding.

It's real hard to nail down a "genre" to any particular group of musicians, so I hate using the term.

However, today's "genres" have been socially accepted by most people, making it the norm to ascribe titles to different sounds of music. This is why I used the Classic Rock / Progressive Rock labels when describing music I like.

Skiltrip, I agree with you 100% on the Beach Boys. Dig into their music repetoir, and you will find a goldmine of sounds and styles that are just plain rockin'.

Merodi, I love classical music as well. Having played the piano for 8 years made me an avid fan of your Mozarts and Tchaikovskys and Beethovens (Beethoven being one of my favorites. I spent 6 months perfecting Fur Elise to the best of my ability ^^).

Perhaps I sounded a bit harsh slamming modern pop music; however, I do feel strongly that it does not reach the heights that the music of old (old being a relative term) did. You take a band like Yes and marvel how their style and composition can change so radically from song to song (and often, within the songs themselves) and compare them to your average Brittany Spears type band that's popular today, which has the same drum rhythm throughout all 11 tracks of an album... well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see who wins, hands down.

Anyway, I'm rambling again... but I believe VerdigoA said it best:
But nothing beats sitting around the lake drinking beers listening to old Door's tunes.

Right on, man!
Keep on rockin', folks!

--Arondight, Bismarck


Skiltrip wrote:
In addition to Lennon and McCartney (and Harrison too)....

What about Ringo? How come Ringo gets no love? ^^

Edited, Wed Nov 17 18:40:03 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#10 Nov 17 2004 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,805 posts fight music is the FF7 Sephiroth song...

BUT other than that i'll listen to rock and such.
#11 Nov 18 2004 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Heh. You can pretty much take your pick of anything and I listen to it. (Besides pop, country, and that new, crappy rap.)

With an entire 120GB hard drave devoted to my music, I still don't think I have enough. ^^;;;

(EDIT: To justify that amount of music, it may help to mention that I play to open a music store once I get out of college. ^^;;;)

Edited, Thu Nov 18 03:51:59 2004 by Theophany
#12 Nov 21 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
List goes:

Muddy Waters
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Lightning Hopkins
B.B King
Eric Clapton
Jeff Beck
Bela Fleck
Led Zeppelin
Robert Johnson
Howlin Wolf

and plenty more...
Yeah, I'm a big blues man. I love the idea of beer and the Doors though, man "it just doesn't get any better than this..." sorry, stroll down old beer commercial lane there^^ I like a lot of newer stuff as well... and by new I mean like 80's and 90's like System of a Down, Godsmack, Dream Theater... that sort of thing.
The problem with a lot of today's music is that it is just that... music. No emotion, no feeling, no nothing. For instance, Shinedown's cover of Skynard, man that f*ckin rocked ***. The lead singer wasn't just remaking a classic, he was feelin it man. There was pure emotion in that boy's voice as he sang the HELL out of that song. Newer bands, for the most part, just want to be cool and make money and they don't have the spirit of the music in them... they are dead inside, their love of fame has murdered them. Where as you have Stevie Ray Vaughn, sang and played with 500% pure emotion. He's dead now, but only in body, he has become an immortal as far as his music is concerned. If there were more bands like that, there would'nt be all these players (who will remain nameless) that when asked about things say: "Who is U2? Led who?" I mean c'mon what kind **** is THAT?

Erm.... oops... sorry, I didnt mean to rant. I am very passionate about music. I am not a musician though, but I recognize talent when I see it.
#13 Nov 21 2004 at 9:27 PM Rating: Good
Merodi wrote:
I listen to a lot of things... and then I catch myself listening to FFXI music ^^

I have so many FF soundtracks my friends tell me to seek help for OCD issues... >.>
#14 Nov 21 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Right now...I'm listening to a few cd's such as;

Blood Brothers- Crimes. Amazing, can't stop listening. So many levels of awesome-ness, that it completely leaves you speachless and use words like awesome-ness.

Motion City Soundtrack- I am the Movie. What can I say, I'm a sucker for some decent pop-punk.

Alexisonfire- Watch Out! Doesn't have a pulmonary archery, still rocks.

Circle Takes the Square- As the Roots Undo. Had the music in my library from awhile ago, just starting to really listen...favorite track would be Crow Quill.

Weezer- S/T(blue album)- We're goin' surfin.
#15 Nov 22 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
Blood Brothers- Crimes. Amazing, can't stop listening. So many levels of awesome-ness, that it completely leaves you speachless and use words like awesome-ness.

I shot pool with a couple guys from Blood Brothers before a show. Funny thing is I didn't realize who they were until I saw them on stage. XD My pools skills > The Blood Brothers pool skills. ;p

'Burn Piano Island, Burn' is one of my favorite CD's to play in the car. ^^ Might have to go pick up 'Crimes' now. :D

#16 Nov 22 2004 at 3:48 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
well, alot of you hit the nail on the head.. i mean if it wasnt for people like The Beatles, and Pink Floyd, people like Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, hell even Elvis Presley.. Then alot of the music out today wouldnt be around..

I was raised by my grandparents, who told me any music that was not Christian music, was devil music.. They were pastors, and i was prohibited from the finer music in life.. So i grew up on stuff like DC Talk, Whiteheart, Petra, and stuff like that...

I remember one of my friends bringing over The Beastie Boys.. and i heard them for the first time, and thought it was awesome.. but when i was in about 4th or 5th grade, this song came on MTV.. at my friends house.. it was called Smells Like Teen Spirit.. of course you know that Nirvana wrote that song, and i remember we went out and stole the CD from Hastings, and listened to it alot... So i secretly listened to the Devil music i was not aloud to listen to..

Pearl Jam, Weezer, Soundgarden, Guns n Roses, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Green Day, Faith No More, and things of that nature.. but one thing that really changed the music i listened to was when i was Introduced to a band called The Deftones.. It spoke to me, and made the hair on my arms stand on end.. I knew that the music i was listening to, was the music i was born to make, feel, and love.. I havent really achieved that yet with my current band, but i know that one day, it is gonna slap me in my face..

Now we have all of this stupid Pop punk rock crap out.. like SUM 41, AFI, and all that crap... I hate modern radio.. I have to admit, i am a bit biased in my music.. i lean towards heavier stuff, like Tool, Korn, Mudvayne, old Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Slipknot, and stuff like that, but if you were to put on some Pink Floyd, i would love it..

***** the stupid *** Pop Culture ****** its getting old.. i know here in austin, if my band was playing downtown at a club, and we pulled some Pop-boy band crap, we would get attacked and prolly killed.. I mean, its sad to see how todays youth is all in love with brittany spears, or ashley simpson, and crap like that.. When i have children, i am going to make sure they know how Ozzy is, or The Beatles, or Bob Marley.. Sublime and stuff like that, and if they like some crap like Brittany spears the 2nd or something.. So help me God... Nighmares..

anywho... thats my dos centavos.. oh yea... you cant forget about the bad *** band System of a Down either.. eh Arondight?

hehe, see you in the LS..
#17 Nov 22 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
Disturbed, Slipknot, Korn, Drowning Pool aren't modern radio crap?

#18 Nov 22 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
nataraja wrote:
Merodi wrote:
I listen to a lot of things... and then I catch myself listening to FFXI music ^^

I have so many FF soundtracks my friends tell me to seek help for OCD issues... >.>

That happens to you too!?


VNV Nation: Sort of Industrial music

Jack Johnson: His first album

Weezer: any of there albums

Any random RPG sound track I own I have alot of them ^^;

All else fails the radio!
#19 Nov 22 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Samskeyti wrote:
Disturbed, Slipknot, Korn, Drowning Pool aren't modern radio crap?

I'm not a big follower of Slipknot and I'm only somewhat familiar with Korn, but Disturbed's first album was quite good. They managed to take a more modern rock sound, add some weight, and go to town.

I'm of the firm opinion that Disturbed is at its best when they push it with their music. An example would be the song Game. Track 2 off their first album, The Sickness.

And of course, everybody loves the song Bodies by Drowning Pool. That one became an overnight hit. Hell, my skydiving video has Bodies as background music. But I have to say, their premier release was very well recieved by me as well. They have an very interesting style, and some very good composition to their music. It's a shame their lead singer died, because I would have bought subsequent releases from the band. I'm not sure what the remaining members are up to now.

I can completely understand why people dislike those bands. Their sound is rather raw. And heavy. But I dig it, and a lot of other people do.

Hipster, the Deftones are an incredible band, and I've liked them for some time now. I only own White Pony by them, and not only is it a fantastic album but, (being a hardcore Tool fan) I absolutely love Maynard's guest appearance on the song Passenger.

And yes, no one can forget System of a Down. Gotta love the system!

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#20 Nov 22 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Did you shoot pool with the gay singer of Blood Brothers?
#21 Nov 22 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,002 posts
Samskeyti wrote:
Disturbed, Slipknot, Korn, Drowning Pool aren't modern radio crap?

i hear you on that... but they are not as frequently played on the radio anymore, at least in my town.. well, maybe they do play slipknot.. but i guess i should have said that i am referring to thier debut albums.. When Disturbed came out.. yes yes, they were all over MTV, and the radio, but i still love the hell out of that band, they had a sound that made you listen, and the lyrics enveloped the listener..

When Slipknot first came out.. lets face it.. they were a breath of fresh air for the head banging community.. those guys with thier crazy masks and and 4 drum players.. it was great, and they songs just made you want to run down the street with a chainsaw.. lol..

Korn.. well well, where to begin.. I remember seeing Korn at a place called Liberty Lunch, and Jon Davis was a skinny little dread head screamer.. there were about 300 people at that show, and it was thier first tour ever to come thru Austin texas, we were all juniors in highschool, and i tricked my Grandparents into thinking that i was doing a project with a friend for school so i could go to that show.. Korn is considered classic to me now.. i have seen that badn 17 times now.. they are my Led Zeppelin...

Drowning pool... RIP David Williams.. I never got to meet the guy, but one of the Producers i worked with at Perdenales Studios told me a cool story about him.. He told me, and this was before his death.. That David Williams would be successful in any field, because of how kind he was to others.. He would go walk around after a show and pass out CD's to fans, and give a way free T-shirts, and was just one of the most giving, happy souls he had ever met.. and i sorta model myself after that description after shows and stuff.. i cant give out too much stuff, but when i can i give out shirts, and the occasional CD.. but i do make it a point to meet every single person in the crowd, whether they liked me or not.. Now they have a new singer, and its not the same as the old Drowning Pool, but at least they are still making music..

I dont Consider those bands to be Modern Radio Crap, but they used to be.. lol.. Oh and i really forgot to mention one other band in my previous post.. Static-X.. they rock and roll all night sweet susie.. So does Helmet, and Ministry.. ohh dont get me started..


Thanks. Oh yeah.. Arondight.. you should check out Adrenaline, by The Deftones.. Best Deftones album Eber!! or Ever... Bored is the song that made me a fan.. ok...

#22 Nov 22 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
As a comment on Hiptaruu... GO CHECK OUT HIS BAND'S SITE!!!! Man, you guys rock ***^^ You gots some smoove style... seriously. I see that somebody mentioned Alice in Chains... goddamn that was one of the greatest bands ever to rock the earth!! Damn Lane for being a dumbass, but his voice was great and I will never forget him. Jerry...that is a string bending madman, for real!! I swear to God I saw him in a video bend a string around behind his back and back under his legs to get the sound he wanted (ok...meebee that is a slight exaggeration, but he can bend the hell outta em)nuff said for now...
#23 Nov 22 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Now I'm only 15 but I appreciate classical music, my parents bring me to the yearly orchestra, its the same stuff every year but after playing the piano for a while I've learned to like it. I like (and can play) Beethoven's Symphony #5, Turkish March, Fur Elise, Arabesque, and others, all great.

Also like Slipknot, U2, Rise Against, Sum 41, and some local bands (Even all out and others).

#24 Nov 24 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
JRock all they way :3
Although i do listen to alot of other music i guess i choose a genre depending on what i feel like listning too....although most of the time its rock :3
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