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What the hell is wrong with you people...[rant]Follow

#27 Nov 17 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
How about this? You all go ahead and invite DRGs and deal with mediocre damage and decent at best parties. I'll take the MNKs and DRKs and RNGs and be happy with my real damage dealers.

And like I said earlier, anyone who sees a DRG outdamage a DRK or a SAM or a MNK obviously is partying with gimps.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 00:24:20 2004 by kulganflame
#28 Nov 17 2004 at 6:54 AM Rating: Good
do any of you play the game?

just wondering, cause you seem to be debating more then actually playing

#29 Nov 17 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
No, smartypants. I'm not playing the game at all, because my college blocks online games. So, I'm stuck down here until tomorrow with just Allakhazam to fill my FFXI jones.

So, :P to you. lol
#30 Nov 17 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
This has gone from a reasonably decent conversation to an all out Dragoon bash. Aside from the fact of being disgusted, I've been very much entertained. I've read over and over that DRK, RNG, and MNK will outdamage a DRG. Hey, It's true. A MNK and a RNG will, But a DRK with GREAT gear can't come close to the accuracy of a Dragoon. Use a Jack-O-Lantern? Go ahead and accept that gimped damage while you have THF subbed and I have Double attack and berserk that happens to activate every 3 or so attacks, I'll eat mithkabobs too. Goodbye DRK.

I'm great friends with a bunch of MNK's, We'll party every now and then for ***** and giggles.

Invited a RNG to set last night, Sure they did 100+ a hit but the EXP sucked ***. 5 hours and only 3k xp. With the DRG, THF, BLM DD set up my set can make a good 10k in that time. I invited the RNG as a pickup and a little variation from the BLM.

Isn't everyone that yerns for the endgame comment, save for the WHM, RDM, and BLM, just Spirits ******** Perhaps let's talk about KB. A Paladin or WAR is gonna run around Kiting him, what's everyone else doing? The RNG is shooting the ******* in kite. The BLM is nuking. But, What about that Samurai, and that Dark Knight? That DRK gonna stun him to death? Hell no, Some don't even know WTF stun is. I'd gladly be a spirits *****, That damage is nothing to sneeze at, Next.

A Dragoon is VERY useful in a party setting at any level with their "mediocre" damage. There is no job that can shed hate like a Dragoon can, I can SJ and HJ. High jump removes half of your hate, I'm sure you knew that though since you're all obviously Dragoon experts. Can a RNG shed their own hate from a 1k DMG Sidewinder? Nope, But they can take DMG and get owned in three and a half seconds. Can a Dragoon shed their own hate without taking one point of damage from a 500 penta? Yep, And we do it well. We can save the WHM so much MP it's not even funny.

And now, As for you that enjoy bashing DRG every chance you get...Go play. As for you that've played DRG and quit because you think it's gimped, There are still people that love to play Dragoon and know how to play the Job(yes, That's directed at you Timbera.)

Until next time, STFU.
#31 Nov 17 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
183 posts
What's the point of shedding hate when you can't even get hate?
#32 Nov 17 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Zariko, I agree this has turned into a bit of a DRG bash, but many of the things they state are obvious facts. I'll just try to reply to a couple of things in your post.

But a DRK with GREAT gear can't come close to the accuracy of a Dragoon. Use a Jack-O-Lantern? Go ahead and accept that gimped damage while you have THF subbed and I have Double attack and berserk that happens to activate every 3 or so attacks, I'll eat mithkabobs too. Goodbye DRK.

A Dragoon is VERY useful in a party setting at any level with their "mediocre" damage. There is no job that can shed hate like a Dragoon can, I can SJ and HJ. High jump removes half of your hate, I'm sure you knew that though since you're all obviously Dragoon experts. Can a RNG shed their own hate from a 1k DMG Sidewinder? Nope, But they can take DMG and get owned in three and a half seconds. Can a Dragoon shed their own hate without taking one point of damage from a 500 penta? Yep, And we do it well. We can save the WHM so much MP it's not even funny.

This is why a DRK can very efficiently sub THF, particularaly past 66. SATA Spinning Slash is incredibly, absolutely incredible hate control, and with SATA, you have a guranteed 100% critical hit. As far as DRK accuracy, I've been very impressed with the ACC many DRK have with 2x Snipers, Haubergon/Hauberk, and RG Collar/Merman's Gorget. DRK/THF offers a lot in terms of hate control, although it is not shedding as a DRG does, it does it even more efficiently, by placing the hate onto your tank. Although what you say about a RNG is very true, the only time a RNG should be getting hit is waiting for SC to finish, and with Utsusemi, those 3 seconds, they will typically be just fine.

Furthermore, this is just a bit of advice, but if you want your arguement to have more merit, its a good idea to avoid acronyms like "STFU", as they generally don't really add much to your post.
#33 Nov 17 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
"I wouldn't put SAM into a melee damage dealer category."

I wanna curl up and cry ; ; :sniff:
#34 Nov 17 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
About the Jumps...I see no reason to consider that a bonus unless the DRG is the trick buddy, in which case, yeah, great. A DD DRG shouldn't have to worry about gathering hate from a good tank. The only jobs I see pull hate are mages and RNGs, and DRKs that spam Souleater. DRGs are powerful and great at DOT, but that's just it, DOT. Rarely do they deal enough damage to draw hate from any respectible tank. A jump ensures they probably won't ever get it, but it's unnecessary to worry about it.

Again, don't misunderstand, I *LIKE* DRGs, but they need to stop boasting strenghts that they don't have.

And I have to agree with the "STFU" remark. Don't come into an argument trying to sound mature and knowledgeable and then finish with AOLese.

#35 Nov 17 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Don't feel too bad about it. If I see a BST or DRG seeking and I have a DD spot open, I always make it a point to invite them. There are still those of us who remain open minded. :) Besides, I think most DRGs are so cute when they get very affectionate towards their wyverns (or in BSTs case pets).
#36 Nov 17 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
My cousin's old set:
Exp=9-13k in 4-5 hours

My set:
Exp=25-30k in 5-6 hours

Zariko wrote:
Invited a RNG to set last night, Sure they did 100+ a hit but the EXP sucked ***. 5 hours and only 3k xp. With the DRG, THF, BLM DD set up my set can make a good 10k in that time. I invited the RNG as a pickup and a little variation from the BLM.

Wow.... 10k in 5 hours. DRG=2k/hr. How amazing! DRG for the win! 4 days per level up (Yes, please.) [/sarcasm]
#37 Nov 17 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
We have a bst in our set and as long as we can fight in a zone with things that are EM (or even tough, maybe) to him, his pets will occasionally outdamage both me and the blm. Not to mention he can pet-pull when I can't avoid a link, start a Light chain with me next level ({Sharkbite} {Yes, please.}), and sub ninja and be a trick buddy. It's actually more inconvenient for *him* to party as he loses tp if he uses a light staff for charming. Does a bst do massive damage? Not by himself -- but that's not the point :P

As for's been a very long time since I partied with one. Most (but not all) of the ones I know quit dragoon in the 60's and went pld or whm. :P They seemed like optimal trick buddies back in the lower 50's, when I last had one in group. I wouldn't know about these days though. I can see though, that they can open both Distortion and Light for a thief or war/nin (can also close it), be first voke, be tricked upon and jump to return it to the for damage, I don't know, but these guys are a thief's best friend. Not on bones though -- but thieves shouldn't be on bones anyway without hand to hand skill and a crapload of +acc :P

Really, it's just a game inbalance that hopefully will be adjusted with time. EXP/hr in the 4.5k+/hr range is highly centered on having mnks, rngs, and drks in the point where another job's strong point isn't so hot for exp anymore making it quite difficult to level up.
#38 Nov 18 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
510 posts
Furthermore, this is just a bit of advice, but if you want your arguement to have more merit, its a good idea to avoid acronyms like "STFU", as they generally don't really add much to your post.

The STFU was to add to the whole hilarity factor of this thread, every time DRG pops up somewhere you know people are going to start flaming it. I think it's funny.

Good points are made, So I'm done debating on how good/bad DRG is. When I hit 75(Which I will do in a matter of time. I want to get my money out of MY game.) I'll just add myself to the ranks of the plentiful MNKS, and DRKs.

I quit. Have fun bashing a job that's extremely enjoyable to play.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 05:00:23 2004 by Zariko
#39 Nov 18 2004 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
nevermind, not getting involved.

Edited, Thu Nov 18 13:01:41 2004 by Samskeyti
#40 Nov 18 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
Heh, think of me as an *** if you wish. I really don't care much.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of people whining and complaining about anything that doesn't go their way. People come on here and post about stupid stuff like this in order to draw sympathy from the rest of the people here. So they post rants or complaints or just overall whine-fests. Of course they get the normal "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" or "I think that sucks too man" or whatever other expected responses. Then someone like me comes along and says what needs to be said. People flip out. Not only do they not listen to any valid point I may have, but they get even more unreasonable and mean. I said something truthful that no one wanted to hear. Automatically I'm a bad person. So what does a post like this do anyways? It makes the supporters look like idiots, it makes the people who disagree look like asses, and it once again shows us all that by God, you better not go against the majority of Allakhazam.

Thread nuke = (Yes, please.)
#41 Nov 18 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
The problem doesn't lie in "truths" being said, but rather the "way" they're being told ( either side really ). I think that was Kuroune point, and would totally agree with him/her.
#42 Nov 18 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
The problem doesn't lie in "truths" being said, but rather the "way" they're being told ( either side really ). I think that was Kuroune point, and would totally agree with him/her.

So you'd rather people beat around the bush and give a constant excuse for not wanting to party with the particular class than be blunt and honest?

I'm sorry, but I personally prefer blunt and honest people. If you have a problem with me, my race, my class, whatever you should come out and say it. I will respect any and all opinions brough forth, even if I don't necessarily agree with them.
#43 Nov 18 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know, just, I think there's a way to respect others when telling someone he's in the wrong, rather than bashing on their head with a blunt object called "sarcasm" or "condescendance(sp?)". As there are way to not overact from people being bashed and just move along, as "cooler heads prevail" -Akrobatik

Anyways, you guys may continue, just a tought.

Yes dragoon are under-powered, but I'd still invite a cool dragoon over an annoying drk/mnk/rng anytime, even if it means -1000xp/hour
#44 Nov 18 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
There are a few reasons I don't like to party with dragoons.

1) There are better jobs to add the party.

2) They are rarely involved in the skill chain.

3) Mostly because of the blue dragon flapping nonstop...what a pain to have this "Thing" constantly hovering in camp.

4) Then...after the fight...while I'm healing...bam, they are in the yellow cause they had to heal the pet.

So, as a healer I'm more inclined to not party with a dragoon.

rank 7

#45 Nov 18 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Default
446 posts
Friar kulganflame wrote:
Heh, think of me as an *** if you wish. I really don't care much.

Personally, I'm sick and tired of people whining and complaining about anything that doesn't go their way. People come on here and post about stupid stuff like this in order to draw sympathy from the rest of the people here. So they post rants or complaints or just overall whine-fests. Of course they get the normal "Oh I'm sorry to hear that" or "I think that sucks too man" or whatever other expected responses. Then someone like me comes along and says what needs to be said. People flip out. Not only do they not listen to any valid point I may have, but they get even more unreasonable and mean. I said something truthful that no one wanted to hear. Automatically I'm a bad person. So what does a post like this do anyways? It makes the supporters look like idiots, it makes the people who disagree look like asses, and it once again shows us all that by God, you better not go against the majority of Allakhazam.

Thread nuke = (Yes, please.)

Can someone please assist this person with pulling their head out of the proverbial ***?

The reason I posted this here is because the point I wanted to get across was that you should not discriminate the other jobs in FFXI, just because it's not something you would prefer does not give you the right to treat another person badly because of the job they chose. That's like per se if I was the CEO of some Big Company and you were a waiter by choice because you like it and I harass you about it till you can't take it anymore.

Point - Not a sympathy Post

Point Hopefully Made - Give all jobs a try.

As for that WHM who said they wouldn't personally party with a DRG. Try it out again that pet or MP Sponge just might save your *** one day...
#46 Nov 19 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
The reason I posted this here is because the point I wanted to get across was that you should not discriminate the other jobs in FFXI, just because it's not something you would prefer does not give you the right to treat another person badly because of the job they chose.

Point I agree with: I don't have the right to personally harrass someone because of their choice of job.

Point I disagree with: If I'm building the party, I can discriminate all I want. I'm building the party. There is no rule in the TOS that I *have* to invite every job or give them a chance.

It's only really discrimination if the person is simply not inviting a particular job, drg in this case, because of what they've heard. However, in the case of many above, even more so in Tim's case, they are choosing to not invite drg after a certain level because of personal experience. So, from there, it crosses from being descrimination to learning from past experiences and applying that knowledge in the future.
#47 Nov 19 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good

I find myself surprised and disappointed.

We often boast of how the Bismarck forum, and by extension the Bismarck Server, is the finest community in the game.

This thread does not credit that viewpoint in any way, and the immaturity of many of these posts, and most especially the pure arrogance, casts a very bad light on this community.

I should point out that speaking the "truth" as you perceive it is no excuse for being rude, insulting, and arrogant about it. There is such a thing as polite debate. And it does not start with mocking and laughing at another's opinion when your own experiences lead you to a different opinion.


Once I have considered the issues at hand I will post my own opinions on the subject. See you all after work.

[DISCLAIMER]Please note that I was referring to "many of these posts". Not all. If you feel your post(s) didn't warrant this response, then I probably wasn't referring to your post. ^^

[Edit: Added the disclaimer because I'm paranoid.]

Edited, Fri Nov 19 15:19:45 2004 by nataraja
#48 Nov 20 2004 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Because i have come to respect the opinion of Nataraja I am actually looking forward to the response.....
wether or not it remotely agrees with my opinion.
#49 Nov 20 2004 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
Zander first off, why in the hell would you make a post like this? You are trying to created facts out of opinions that aren't even true. Are you trying to defend a friend or make it so maybe you can get a party invite every lets say 4 hours when you level up farther?

Now that I am done with that, onto my Opinion on dragoons:

First I am going to make it clear I personally myself am a (Dragoon)? (No, Thanks.). Why am I like that? Personally I don't think DRG works well with ninja. The damage output on a dragoon in stacked gear was 70-80per swing in my last party I've had with a Dragoon. Few days ago (only one level higher), I partied with a DRK. The dark also had stacked out gear like the dragoon, but I do remember the dragoons gear being a little better. But simply: With both hasted the Dark was doing 120-130 and getting in more swings than the DRG was. They aren't good at first vokers for SATA cause they take too much damage, and without a thief in the party I would avoid to get another class with a good damage output.

I am see'ing many posts comparing DRG with good gear to a DRK with gimped gear and then saying the DRG is better. Sorry its not the DRG, its the player. If you give that same "great" gear on a DRK, then it would become DRK > DRG. Do not complain jobs based on gears they are wearing, if the player is good it will become clear what job is just simple better.

As for the hate issue, the DRG never pulls in enough damage to ever have gotton hate off me, so the jump would just be a damage concept to me. Its not really advantage 'cause if you have to remove the hate from a DRG off a tank, no offense but that tank blows.

Zariko, from observing your sig I am see'ing you are mid 60s, why in galkan are you making posts about endgames trying to override a two 75s who I would put money have had so much more endgame expierance then you have since you aren't even at that stage yet? You also are defending your OWN job, obviously you're are not going to agree with everyone saying your job is bad because you've already spent all that time leveling. Truth is there aren't that many DRGs that keep it as their main throughout the game.

If you have a good party, you will be going to places were you can cap out on exp intake off ITs, these mobs usually have an AOE that I have seen numerous time killed the Dragoon's dragon, and then he likes a kid on crack-cocaine with ADD, in otherwords clueless. All they become is just a swing and slash. I'll take a DRK with magic, or a MNK that can boost over that any day.

Also the comment of food, jack-os will make up accuracy difference but if the Dark has good gear (mine had like accuracy+27 I believe just from equipment) accuracy wouldn't me an issue, and him popping chiefkabobs made him a force in battle. Even a DRG with a fully decked out STR+ and ATT+ couldn't compare.

Lastly, if the leader doesn't want a DRG, deal with it. If someone doesn't want to party with a DRG, deal with it. No one really cares if you get kicked out of a party because you're playing on a gimp job or you aren't getting invites. That's something you are going to have to deal with, people don't really care how long you've been waiting, all they want is the best party they can get and I think DRG is never in that mix.

And I'll just say this about BST: they're fine. Only gripe is when they zone a mob near a main exp zone or they release a mob on you and you either get aggro or pull for 0 exp.

This is just my own opinion, take it how you want it, but truthfully I really don't care what you think.

EDIT :!!!::!!: Alright after giving it a few seconds of thoughts after the fact I am going to say this. In this post I was really pro-dark. In real game I am not. When I am forming a party I try to avoid DRG AND DRK. Its not that DRKs are bad, it's just that 95% of the darks I've partied with our gimped. I would LOVE to have a good DRK in my party but the chance of getting one are slim. So in the end I don't try to get a DRK in my party, if that what's you're thinking. I would much rather have a war/nin or a second ranger.

Also going to say. If you enjoy playing DRG by all means do it. If someone tried to critize ninja I would by all mean defend it with facts. But, if you are being discriminated because of your job because people think it's gimped, there is nothing you can do about it. You can just grip your teeth and keep truckin'. I am not trying to discourage what you have fun doing or to change jobs, if you want to play dragoon then play dragoon just don't cry about what people think about it.

Edited, Sat Nov 20 05:23:35 2004 by Strazer
#50 Nov 20 2004 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
The long-expected party... I mean post. (Sorry, reading LOTR for about the billionth time.)

I don't think the usefulness of DRG pre-50 is much in debate, it seems to be generally agreed that they are as valid, and in some cases a more valid choice than other job types. In this area the maxim holds quite true that player skill and equipment are larger factors in usefulness than job and race, given some common sense. (Relying on your blm with a scythe to do all your melee dd might not be the wisest decision, for example.)

And if my memory is serving me correctly (and it may not be, I'm very tired) I seem to recall pting with Zariko a time or two, and assuming I'm thinking of the right guy, they were enjoyable and very profitable experiences.


The issues seem to be SC usefulness and post-50 DD power.

By way of disclaimer I should point out that most of this is not from personal observation but simply comparing the numbers, so to speak.

Disregarding SC3's for a moment (as they have more bearing on the post-50 stuff, here's a breakdown of what SC2's DRG can partake in, and when)

And for the sake of arguement we'll disregard the impact of Wheeling Thrust and Impulse Drive on SC2, as these play a larger role in SC3.

Fusion (Fire/Light)
DRG polearms can't open these ever. Period. But they can close them with Thunder Thrust, Raiden Thrust, Leg Sweep, and Skewer. Admittedly Thunder Thrust, Raiden Thrust, and Leg Sweep are kind of meh. Skewer's nothing to laugh at though, from what I understand.

Fusion is somewhat of a weak point for DRG until they get the 200 weapon skill needed for Skewer.

Fragmentation (Thunder/Wind)
Sadly, due to the way renkei function mechanically, DRG is not very useful with this SC either. They can't open it until Impulse Drive opens up, but then you'll have better uses for that particular WS. They can close it with Vorpal Thrust, which is decent, but there are better ways to close a Fragmentation, honestly. This is a DRG weak-point admittedly. No shame in admitting it.

Gravitation (Earth/Dark)
DRG shine here, as far as closing a renkei goes. They won't be able to open one until they get Wheeling Thrust (better uses for that too), but when they close one, they close it with finality, with Penta Thrust and Skewer.

The arguement runs that you rarely have a use for Gravitation when xping, but Crawlers come to mind as a valid choice. Honestly though, this is more the fault of the cookie-cutter way we all tend to play this game. In my personal experience, you can xp in many other places than those everyone seems to go to. Statics have a lot of freedom here, as a good one can look at their strong and weak points and cater their xp fodder choices to their strengths. Just because Gravitation is not useful to your party does not mean its not useful to others. Admittedly there are fewer classifications of mobs that are weak to Earth and Dark, but they are there.

But I digress...

Distortion (Ice/Water)
Speaking of useful renkei, I have to say I've always been fond of this one, because admittedly Ice and Water weaknesses are remarkably prevalent in the game. But since I just dismissed arguements of Gravitation being useless for related reasons we'll disregard this. Nevertheless DRG have much to offer here. You'll never see them close a Distortion, but just about their entire ******* can open one. Double Thrust, Thunder Thrust, Raiden Thrust, Vorpal Thrust, & Skewer.

Skewer's about one of the most damned versatile WS in the game, usable in three different SC2s. The only other WS I know of that do that are the AXE skill Spinning Axe and the GUN skill Slug Shot.

Generally speaking no weapon is great at everything. For example, you'll never see H2H weapons in a Distortion, or Scythes in a Fusion, at least not until H2H Dragon Kick and SCY Cross Reaper and Spiral Hell open up, but those will be busy elsewhere. =P

Still, if I were to provide rankings, from most potent to least, I would have to say


Unless I'm way off target, Gravitation and Distortion pretty much cover about half the mob classifications in the game.

Before I hit up the SC3s, I thought it might be prudent to point out something worth knowing. As far as heavier weapons go, PLM are nothing to laugh at. They don't hit as hard, but they're faster. I think the words "personal preference" would apply. A SCY, GSD, GAX, or GKT will hit harder, but the PLM will hit more often. Parser stats might be interesting to take a look at.

And you know, I haven't seen the high-end WS in play, but I have to say I like the sound of the PLMs final 2, compared to those of the SCY, GSD, GKT, GAX, and BOW. You can look them up yourself if you aren't familiar with them, and again, this is simply my impression of them, given the attributes I see listed for them. Of all these weapons and their last two weapon skills, Impulse Drive is the only one that hits multiple times, and Wheeling Thrust punches through mob defense, dependant on TP.

H2H admittedly is also quite nice, as Asuran Fists hits 8 times. Pity they nerfed multi-hit WS TP acrual so long ago. That would be entertaining, to say the least.


Given that, DRG can be in a LIGHT Renkei with Wheeling Thrust and a DARKNESS Renkei with Impulse Drive. Diversity = Yes, please. The same can't be said about some of the other common DD weapons. Of the ones I've discussed. H2H, GSD, and GKT can participate in both. GAX and SCY can only do DARKNESS, BOW and GUN can only do LIGHT.

So regarding SC3s, it seems to me that DRG can perform at least as well as any other job, and has the benefit of being able to do so with their best weapon. The same can't be said of some of the other DD jobs, and RNG are pretty much completely excluded from DARKNESS SC.

I dunno, maybe that all sounds like nothing but tripe, being as it is merely my conjecture after having done some research and a lot of thinking at work tonight. Very little personal observation.

But at the end of the day, it seems very clear to me that it isn't the balance of the game that tends to exclude DRG, but merely how we chose to play it as a community. And that's an unfortunate thing.

Maybe my experiences later on in the game will change that opinion, but as it stands now I see no valid reason to view DRG as anything other than a viable option for DD. And plus they're just damned sexy, which I think is the real reason everyone else hates them. Jealousy. =P

In all honesty though, I doubt this debate will ever be resolved, unless some enterprising individual takes the time to collect parser stats on DRG compared to other, more common post-50 DDs.

And if that information indicates in a conclusive manner that DRG are gimped, as many feel, then fine. But without such conclusive proof, touting your opinion based on experience as a truth, and heaping mockery onto the heads of those who don't subscribe to your particular truth is inappropriate in any forum. Especially one about a game.

(I just couldn't resist one final comment regarding the tone of some prior posts. =P )

And there we have it. Another horrifically long-winded post by me. I think if we ever have a contest to see who can talk out their *** the longest, I'll win by several miles. ^^

(That is, if you can get me to stop talking long enough to tell me that I won.)

Nitey-nite. It's WAAAAAY past Nata's bedtime.

/ja "Pass Out In Bed" <me>
Nataraja's Falling Face First In Bed, Drooling, And Not Moving For 12 Hours skill rises by 0.2.
#51 Nov 20 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
you'll never see H2H weapons in a Distortion

Howling Fist can open Distortion.

Diversity = Yes, please

One Inch Punch can close Gravitation.
Combo / Raging Fists can close Fusion.
Backhand Blow can open Gravitation.
Dragon Kick can close Light.

Vorpal Scythe can open Distortion.
Nightmare Scythe can close Gravitation.
Vorpal Scythe can close Distortion.
Guillotine can close Fragmentation.

Rangers can open up anything.

I dunno, maybe that all sounds like nothing but tripe

This is where you are correct.
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