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What the hell is wrong with you people...[rant]Follow

#1 Nov 15 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Ok this is just really starting to annoy the hell out of me.
For all you people out there that think BST or DRG aren't good components to have in a party **** off.

If you won't invite us to your parties fine but don't throw a hissy fit when we are forced to solo and then we start killing everything that cons to us as VT or T.
Especially for DRG, you people have no right to ask a DRG to stop killing the mobs in the area they are killing especially if they were there before your sorry *** party decided to park it's lame *** there to get exp.
Oh and another thing consider yourself damn lucky if after annoying/harassing the hell out of said DRG if you call for help and he/she bails you out of your predicament.
Next time bloody remember that DRG are just as good as a damage dealer as any other one out there and most of us don't mind having to tank if we absolutly have to. I mean face it because we are forced to solo most of the time we have the best equipment on which makes you look like an *** when you wonder why you didn't invite in the first place.
Oh and BST -.- {party} {death} {you can have this?}
Damn straight. What makes you think we are charming your lousy exp mobs? Did it ever occur to you that you are killing our pets? No, of course it didn't god or whoever you believe in forbid you to think outside the damn box and use your brains for once...
Don't be lame support your Local BST or DRG today ...
asshats -.-
#2 Nov 15 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
One of my best friends in game is a DRG...I would never knock them :)

He tells me all the idocy's he hears regarding DRG and it's sad what people will believe...
#3 Nov 15 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
107 posts

On the BST issue... I really get upset when people tear into BSTs who are just trying to level. Unless they're trying to train stuff or intentionally ***** up the ecosystem, they are a little self-contained party trying to level just like anyone else. Many times they have areas to level in that aren't where regular 6-person groups are, but sometimes they have no other real options. So love and support your fellow adventurers, the BSTs. They may save your booty one day!
#4 Nov 15 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I have no problem with either BSTs or DRGs. I've partied with DRGs and it's been good, and I feel for BSTs since BradyGames helped give them such a bad reputation. I'm happy to toss a Cure or some buffs a BST's way when I see one. :)
#5 Nov 15 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
649 posts
I totally agree with you Zander.

Every job in this game is good, each one having it's role to play. There are no bad jobs, just bad players. What I keep seeing is posts or opinions on what is the ideal party dynamic and I'm kind of sick of it frankly. Yes there are some party make-ups that might not work as well as others but I think we have gotten away from the point of this game... To have fun with the other people we play with. I know it's nice to level, but sometimes I like to party just for the comraderie. If the XP sucks, fine it sucks. If the party is a good bunch of people, having fun then I don't care. A party of good players can adjust their individual play styles to make almost any pt work regardless of dynamic, and get some pretty good XP to boot.

On the subject of BSTs or DRGs "stealin" mobs. That's just plain old fashioned bulls#!t! BSTs and DRGs are entitled to every mob they come across, just like everyone else. If you don't like it stick it. I'm sure most BSTs and DRGs out soloing would be willing to work with any parties in the area to make sure everyone's getting their fair share. Remember CO-OPERATIVE PLAY? I do believe that is one of the principles this game was based on.

Sorry first rant :)
Hope I wasn't talkin outta my ***.

*EDIT oooooh my 100th post! Can I have a cookie now?

Edited, Mon Nov 15 16:08:27 2004 by GaranTheElvaan
#6 Nov 15 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
Here you go

Smiley: cookie
#7 Nov 15 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I hate sitting in jeuno LFG for hours at a time and not get a single invite. Its websites like these that say "DRG is teh suxxors!!!11!!!" and "BST should never be in a pt becuz they only solo".

I'm now trying to either get a set, or start my own parties, but most of the time I can't since there never seems to be enough mages around.
#8 Nov 15 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
I'm now trying to either get a set, or start my own parties, but most of the time I can't since there never seems to be enough mages around.

Hmm lets think about this.
I'm one of umpteenbillion damage dealers. If I happen to lose my wyvern because I forgot to release it before getting on a choco, or it dies, I lose a large chunk of my damage. But oh, you can jump hate! Ubersweet...

Oh hey Mr. Monk. Wow, you can help voke/sneak attack (assuming the proper sub), you can close nice skillchains, huge damage, and damn does that chi blast rock.

It's not that they don't completely suck. It's just that there are always a TON of random DDs on, and to be honest DRG is probably the last one I would pick because they can be outdamaged by most other classes.

Edit: Typo

Edited, Mon Nov 15 17:50:28 2004 by Varcore
#9 Nov 15 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
179 posts
It's not that they don't completely suck. It's just that there are always a TON of random DDs on, and to be honest DRG is probably the last one I would pick because they can be outdamaged by most other classes.

Out of all the other DDs out there that I've partied with, I've outdamaged just about all of them except for RNG and BLM.

You wouldn't join my party the other day just because we didn't have a WHM. Parties post 50 don't need to have WHMs to be a decent. As long as you have a RDM that knows what he/she is doing, there really is no need for a WHM.
#10 Nov 15 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I understand the feeling in general of being frustrated because an area is too crowded with people targetting the same mobs (whether for pet, exp, skill ups).

Consider. Among these activities (farming, exping, skilling up) which is most important? Which takes precedence? Why, none of course. There is no reason whatsoever to assume that levelling up is somehow more important than earning gil for better equipment or gaining skills. All have equally important purposes. So when a spot is too crowded -- someone should move, right? But who? What's the criteria?

Is it who was there first? (Many times this is hard to determine anyway, especially if a group or PC is mobile in the area...they can claim they were first, and not have been, after all.) Is it the expers because they have more than one person? People tend to assume expers get priority for whatever reason, which is beyond me.

I went with a friend recently to skill up marksmanship on chamber beetles. At first, we tried camping in the hallway where you camp coffer keys, as no one was there. But a BST pair (exping or key-farming, I don't know) kept dragging hellmines out into the large room and losing claim/aggro. This was potentially dangerous to us, so we tried moving along the wall. However, there were magic agg weapons too nearby. Finally we gave up and decided to skill up on the stairs. There were three groups exping, but it didn't matter much as we were trying to keep beetles alive as long as possible for skilling up on so we wouldn't *have* to compete for another often. We probably killed one every ten-fifteen minutes. (Compare that to an exp party killing 5x that in the same timeframe and you'll see why we weren't any kind of threat.) The truth is, we could have co-existed without threatening one or two party's exp -- but there were three exp parties, and that area can't support that many anyway. Instead of putting the blame on overcrowding, one rude person kept doing rude emotes on me while I would look for new beetles, and then whenever they had downtime, even when we were fighting!

Apparently, it just takes too many braincells to see that 1x beetle they can't have every 15 minutes < 15x beetles they can't have in the same timeframe because of the two OTHER parties and the duoing BSTs -- who were occasionally charming some, also.

I totally understood her frustration, since I too was having to compete hard for a single beetle -- but overcrowding should not be an excuse for rudeness.

Probably the only thing that would really be "wrong" in these situations is to farm over exp groups -- I go out of my way to not do this most of the time, since farming pretty much wipes a small area of all mobs, making exping impossible. I don't know, it gets hazy for me there. No one is entitled to anything in this game and if someone alters their plans around you or your exp group -- that's kindness, not a deference to some unwritten right.
#11 Nov 15 2004 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Frankly, I love having a BST around that's of a higher level than myself, because they've been known to grab links or sh[b][/b]it of that nature off the parties that are leveling.

Prime example: I was in a party down in the basement of the Citadel, and the elementals were pretty bad on this one day. There was a BST down there kicking their asses with their pet, and for this, I was thankful, because the elementals got cute with my party a couple times. Then the BST proceeded to play with some Magic Pot down there that aggroed on someone.

I find these BST out in the wilds to be life savers. Matter of fact, one saved my *** down in the lower levels of the CN. I had been exploring with members of my LS when Chibikaiser, our only party member with Escape, DC'd. Next thing I know, someone dropped down into the lizards and it was aggro hell. Everyone who died bloodwarped and I was left down there all by myself with no means to sneak out of the damn CN. Then I got aggroed by some crawlers, but luckily a BST was wandering around down there and took the crawlers off me. I was able to eventually get the hell out of the CN when Chibikaiser came back and escaped out asses out of there.

So, BSTs out in the wild are okay in my book. They might save your or your party's *** at one time or another. Rate up.
#12 Nov 16 2004 at 3:05 AM Rating: Default
617 posts
Although I have nothing against DRGs and BSTs, a rant is a rant, and that was a bit much.

I like DRGs. They're great for Distortion and can deal some good damage when they know what they're doing. BSTs (good ones) can make parties much more efficient by offering a virtual 7th party member.

The only DRG and BSTs I don't like are the ones that are total bastards. Though it's certainly not job specific, I have no tolerance for someone who is stealing monsters that parties exp off just to do it. If you're exp-ing off them too, fine, but if you're not, and you're not looking for a specific item, show some courtesy. Karma has a ironic way of getting back to you, and payback's a *****.
#13 Nov 16 2004 at 6:11 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Personally, I like DRG. I partied with DRGs up until 50 for the crazy renkei we could do. Hell, at 50 we took on undead in the basement of Garbage Citadel with a WHM nuking and a WHM healing and a Transfixion renkei set up. Some of the best exp ever.

BSTs shouldn't be leveling in a heavily camped area anyway due to lack of chaining material and pets. Just my own opinion.
#14 Nov 16 2004 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts
I'm still pretty low lvl, but i like DRG's and all the ones i know are pretty kewl...

i just unlocked BST yesterday and have yet to try it out. i'm also not really aware at what you point you "grow into" either of these jobs or when they really start to take off, so i can hardly give much of an opinion, i i'll shut up now.

#15 Nov 16 2004 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Here's the way I look at it on the DRG issue.

When you start a party, you need a tank, healer, refresher/dispeller, then a Black Mage. That's the normal party setup when you start a party. After that, you're gonna look for a group of DD's that work well together in an SC. Most things in this game is weak to what? Blizzard! What skillchain are most parties based around? Yes, Distortion. What jobs do you want closing a Distortion skillchain? THF's with Viper Bite, Dancing Edge, WAR's with Rampage, DRK's with Vorpal Scythe, even SAM's with Tachi: Jinpu / Enpi.

Let's say you're leveling off things weak to light / fire, set up a DD group for Fusion. Monk's are the masters's of Fusion, and Fusion can be opened up by a SAM, WAR, PLD, and RNG. DRG can close Fusion, but with Mediocre WS' like Raiden Thrust. But when are you going to bring a DRG when fighting against Skeleton's?

Is it some people's fault for digging on DRG's? No, it's S-E's fault for technically "gimping" them. Whatever DRG offer, it's out-done by another job. No matter what you say, this is always be the case. You don't like it? Seems as though that's tough luck for you. ******** about it won't get you anywhere.

This isn't crap about what people say, it's truth. DRG are "gimp" compared to what other jobs can do. Can you make a DRG decent? Of course, but decent isn't what gets chain #5 for 300 exp+.
#16 Nov 16 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
Hehehe. I'ma **** you all off too.

I'm sorry that you all don't want to accept reality about it. But the fact of the matter is that Celestia is exactly right about this. DRG cannot compare to what other jobs can do. Somewhere up there someone said that they outdamaged any damage dealer besides RNG and BLM as a DRG. If this is the case then the other DD's you've played with must be terribly gimped players. A good MNK or DRK or SAM or even WAR will consitantly outdamage a "good" DRG. They get no gear that enhances the job much. They don't have any abilites that make them all that terribly useful. Their wyvern is the only thing that keeps their damage anywhere near a mediocre damage dealer, but guess what? A couple of big AoEs and your wyvern is no more. I guess in another 2 hours you can do decent damage again. Their best weponskill can close Compression and Gravitation... but ******* deal. Who ever uses Compression or Gravitation in exp anyways? How many 75 DRGs do you see out there anyways? Not many. You know why? BECAUSE THE JOB IS GIMP. How many DRGs do you see in HNM LSs? How many DRGs have switched to other jobs? Why do you think this all is? BECAUSE THE JOB IS GIMP. If you don't believe me talk to Timbera. She'll tell you all about being a DRG.

Rate me down as well please. I think it's ******* hilarious.
#17 Nov 16 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
Hello... My name is Timbera.... and I am a 75 Dragoon...

I have gone to a few meetings of GDDA (Gimp Damage Dealers Anonymous) and they have helped me realize the errors of my ways. It is unfortunate it took me 75 levels to realize this, but I have since fixed the situation by changing to a *useful* job.

I will admit, Drg is fun, and has some cool abilities, but for anyone desiring end game content, I would highly recommend a job change. If you want to know how good Drg are at that stage ask Chato (Drk now), Prophez (Rdm now), Leilani (going Pld+Whm now), or myself (75 whm). In early game they cool because the DD differences are not so appearent yet, but Drg cap out in usefullness at about the 50's just when the other DDs are coming into their own. Yes, SE has screwed Drg the most as far as jobs go IMO, they have crap for stat boosting gear, even the new stuff is show mostly, not even close to competing with Thick Gear. If you look at end game gear, lets see, there is Crimson (good for Rdm/Rng, junk for Drg), no God gear at all, or Hecatomb.... with Slow Attack speed built in... lets see now, I have Gae Bolg, 551 delay. Add +12 Delay just for the Legs (HP+15 DEX+8 Attack+20 Slow+12) and that gives me 617 Delay. Anyone remember doing the Drk quest with the 666 delay Great Sword? Yeah right, oh, and people will argue about Haste, still does not make up for it. Now lets look at Shura or Adaman.. kthxbai

Now for my biggest issue with Drg. Ever fight any of the real dragons? Fafnir, Nidhogg, Tiamat... Dragoons have to sub Sam and meditate for 300TP to Spirits Within on Sword, why? Because you cannot Hit the Dragons, evasion/def is too high and we attack too slow. Drg are good for nothing more then Spirits Bishes.

So as far as Dragoons go, sure, they are great in parties pre 50, maybe a little after. Beyond that I am looking for a *real* DD in my pt. One last thing, people are prolly going to blast my abilities/gear/skillz as a dragoon as a reason for my issues. Two things, one, you can check my gear anytime just send a tell, and two, get Dragoon to 75, then lets talk.

#18 Nov 16 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Heh. As far as DRG is concerned, they can open Light renkei for RNG once they get Penta Thrust. They also close Distortion renkei with Double Thrust at earlier levels. Now, when you exp on undead (as I did 50-51) you want a light renkei, correct? Yeah, that's what I thought. Can DRK open or close light renkei at that level? No. Can THF? No. Can SAM? No. Can WAR? No. Can MNK? Yes, with One Inch Punch (which sucks). Can DRG? Yes, with Penta Thrust, one of their best weapon skills. Oh, and guess what? Renkei with a RNG? Turn that renkei around and you have insta-Dark renkei. So. Is DRG useless? Certainly not for exp parties. Kthxbai (as Timbera so eloquently put it).
#19 Nov 16 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
ROFLMAO Drg xp on Bones huh? Mnk for the win, Drg, no thanks. and I said Drg peak at 50s while others are just coming into their own, Fusion Pwns Light with good enders, Sub has a lot to do with it for the ending on a renkei. I just want to know why you are taking Drgs on bones....
#20 Nov 16 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
Timbera is just jealous because we all know that Oboro > ALL!

<3 mr0w!
#21 Nov 16 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Don't confuse "Light" with "Transfixion". Light is the element of the Transfixion skillchain. Fire, Light, Thunder, and Wind are the elements of the Light skillchain.

Transfixion sucks, Light doesn't.. Light is a level 3 skillchain and Transfixion is a level 1. With Transfixion, you can magic burst Holy, Cure *, and what else.. Dia? Not good.

The only thing level 1 skillchains are good for are parties that have incompatible melee combinations that can't do level 2 or level 3 skillchains together.

Also, DRGs open distortion, they do not close it. As for fighting undead, yes I would want a Light renkei, but that can only be acheived after level 65. Before level 65, I'd much rather have a fusion skillchain... definitely not a transfixion.
#22 Nov 16 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Excellent
183 posts
Theophany wrote:
Heh. As far as DRG is concerned, they can open Light renkei for RNG once they get Penta Thrust. They also close Distortion renkei with Double Thrust at earlier levels. Now, when you exp on undead (as I did 50-51) you want a light renkei, correct? Yeah, that's what I thought. Can DRK open or close light renkei at that level? No. Can THF? No. Can SAM? No. Can WAR? No. Can MNK? Yes, with One Inch Punch (which sucks). Can DRG? Yes, with Penta Thrust, one of their best weapon skills. Oh, and guess what? Renkei with a RNG? Turn that renkei around and you have insta-Dark renkei. So. Is DRG useless? Certainly not for exp parties. Kthxbai (as Timbera so eloquently put it).

SCORE! They can do a level 1 skillchain! That's so awesome! Fusion > Transfixion.

And as I said before, any moron would know DRG's don't level off undead, for they suck.

I would suggest next time you find a valid point.
#23 Nov 16 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Chopss wrote:
Transfixion sucks, Light doesn't.. Light is a level 3 skillchain and Transfixion is a level 1. With Transfixion, you can magic burst Holy, Cure *, and what else.. Dia? Not good.

not disagreeing or anything...just adding Banish to your list^^
#24 Nov 16 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
My view on the melee dmg dealers usually is monk > drg > sam > drk
Drg does the most damage over time! I've done parser contests!
Don't give drgs a bad name! They rock! Personally the only reason i have mnk infront is because of hundred fists in emergency and raging fists rocks.
So i like drgs.

Bsts I love to hang out with. Although sometimes when they release pets...i've been aggroed by them and killed. Not fun.
#25 Nov 16 2004 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
172 posts
I wouldn't put SAM into a melee damage dealer category. They are there to make skillchains for other DD's to capitalize on, and BLMs to burst off of.. not to just swing their great katana for damage.

I would put non-tanking WAR into that category though, and I would rank WAR ahead of all of them.
#26 Nov 16 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
Up until 50 as a thief I would much rather have a Dragoon then any other melee. (this doesn't include Ranger) they open distortion and they open it well, from what I've seen better then anyone besides Rng. I haven't seen any Dark War or Mnk out damage drg by an ammount to care about, I have actually left parties because idiots invite a crappy drk over a well equiped drg when we are fighting bats. It just pisses me off that they are so god damn ignorant they think a drk with balance rings and without a leveled great sword will do better then a drg with snipers (and things like leaping boots valk mast ect.) on bats for crying out loud.

"After that, you're gonna look for a group of DD's that work well together in an SC. Most things in this game is weak to what? Blizzard! What skillchain are most parties based around? Yes, Distortion. What jobs do you want closing a Distortion skillchain? THF's with Viper Bite, Dancing Edge, WAR's with Rampage, DRK's with Vorpal Scythe, even SAM's with Tachi: Jinpu / Enpi."

And who are you going to invite to open distortion? A Drk, (needs gs before 49) a sam, a rng, or a drg. Rng does this the best, but they are also one of the harder jobs to get. Drg is the second best at this as they have a great tp gain because of jumps and accuracy bonus and Double thrust is a very good weapon skill.

Edited, Tue Nov 16 20:25:39 2004 by Schiatinobismarck
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