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What would you change?Follow

#52 Nov 22 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
nataraja wrote:

Here's one other thing I would change.

Fix the goddamned delivery system.

It takes me half an hour to mail anything or access my Delivery Box. I am told repeatedly that "Communications seem to be congested."


Nata, my db worked for the first time in about a month last week, and what did I find in it?

35k in gil.
Seven stacks of crystals.
Songs and armour for my bard.
A tenshodo invite.
and a stack of flowers.

After I withdrew these goodies, it stopped working again ><.

It hates me...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#53 Nov 22 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

Nataraja you seemed to overestimate greatly the MP need for a party.

Somewhere on the net there is a chart that shows the exp requirement as a percentage to the overall requirement for level 75. By the time you are 65 you are 50 percent into the exp requirement to reach the end. The first 30 levels can be breezed through in a few weeks, farming time included. This is the time when jobs are just struggling along to reach their respective "Holy Grail". By level 55, most of these abilities have been realized. Nin look forward to utsu II, redmage to refresh/convert, bard to ballad II and melee to their respective Uber weaponskills.

By that time, Exp flow, battle tactics, party formation will remain the same for the rest of your FFXI life. No longer can you survive with a single warrior tank or even having two whitemages in the same party. Party set up will revert to the way it was intended. Tank/DD/Healer/Support. With the exclustion of one being the opportunity cost for the other. And for roughly 75 percents of your leveling life, this is the way its gonna be to get good exp.

1. My Arguments regarding raising addition of level cap was that it made some jobs obsolete, mainly support like redmages and bards. Refresh-ga instead of refresh for whitemages? You still won't look at past additions for guidance on how spells and abilities are implemented, they've been following the same set up for years, even with a new expansion, the basics remained the same. How does it make sense that a whitemage subbing a redmage would gain a whole new ability out of the blue that the original job didn't have?

You said those suport jobs certainly won't die since they can have these new toys like refresh II or ballad III (i presume that's what you meant) After all, ballad III planned for the game, just type /ma "Mage's Ballad III" <me> at a prompt near you. It was taken out because of balancing problems. IN beta there was a harp that gives you Ballad +2, that was taken out also because of balancing problems. There IS such thing as too much mp.

You still don't realized that people won't be inviting support just for those abilities that added more mp than needed when they can have another DD to kill quicker. Have you ever been in a chain 5 party that seem to keep going and going without stops? Most parties with the right set up : support, sufficient DD, healer and tank, when placed in an environment with plenty of mobs of right level range WILL be able to pull chain 5's repeatedly with little MP problems.

You overestimated the need for MP. At low levels, without alot of abilities and gears that help quicken downtime, MP seemed to be what everyone's raging about. You get too many healers and not enough DD, mob die slow and you can't chain. You get too many DD but only 1 healer, he will run out of mp. Yet at later levels, When DD get their uber damage toy. The party formation will revert to the classic DD/Tank/Support/Healer. MP wont' be the biggest problem affecting slow exp. At later levels, slow exp will be first and foremost affected by mobs availability and difficulty level of mobs to party level. At lower level slow exp are attributed more to party formation + mp management before the other factors. Having mages refresh themselves + ballad II and III will be redundant. People will opted to get rid of the support for a DD instead.

If I was a party leader, and my mages can take care of their MP regen needs already, I won't be inviting another support to do something redundant like stacking refresh II on a full MP bar. True you are taking the time away from your healer to cast refresh on his/her self, but with the addition of another DD, the match will end quicker.

Another argument was that by the time mages can sub redmage they will already stopped exp. It would only affect high levels. But didn't you want jobs to go to level 120? Subbing Redm endgame, would be for mages to be a little more self sufficient. It's the same as saying, darkknight subbing ninja and go solo NM for fun since he don't have to level anymore. Ok what about Endgame HNM scene? How will we as support be able to participate? Why waste a spot on a bard when you can get another blmg/redm or whm/redm? No matter what the scenario, we have no place to go

I guessed I feel very strongly about this because

1. I enjoyed my job, I enjoyed being support, being in the background, to help speed exp up. Supports's abilities are transparent. We dont' show up on log with Uber sidewinder or burst damage, nor that huge Curaga IV that saved everyone. Partying is what we bards do best, and to some extent, redmages. Redmages soloing wont' be efficient until 74, so for a majority of the time, they are in a similar circumstance as bards. We are here to support, with MP management being our greatest assests. Why make us obsolete?

2. With the proposed changes to caps, it would kill off the need for my job, no matter how much you can add to a bard to compensate. If the MP end is already taken care of, and the damage end can be compensate with the addition of another DD, where does support go? Would my madrigal really help increase overall damage as much as having another DD? Would a redmage's enfeebling overall help the mob die quicker as much as another DD?

I understand you're trying to maybe introduced different strategies involving partying. Diversify the game from its cookie cutter creation. But this is not the same as said: Picking a ranger over a blmg or vice versa and fight a bit differently. This is the fact that Every mages will now be able to self support. That means no need for support regardless of what the party set up is. You're talking about the elmination of whole line of jobs . Redmages, bless their soul are able to be self reliance at high levels, and also summoners. For bards if we don't party, what do we have? This is why proposing raising of level cap is a bad idea. Especially since your idea of improving the resulting imbalanced don't seem feasible, and here is why:

2. My Argument: Any changes are usually made to work within the existing system. Its very posisble to change coding of-course, but, if you look back at the last 2 year's track record, they generally followed the same path. Did you know that Refresh wasn't available at the beginning of the game and was added for redmages in a patch? That was another spell that changed their role completely. There was a reason why it was added, redmages were finding themselves without parties. Why couldn't they get it at a lower level? I mean bards and summoner (auto refresh JA) get their first MP regen at level 25, why wait until 41? Job balanced, that is why.

Yes it seemed like I've reduced redmages to nothing more than MP whores, I'm not trying to, I have great respect for the job. But in a partying capacity, the redmages's mp flow ability is still its greatest asset.

Yet when you look at any addition to a job, the same pattern was kept. Weapon skills are job and/or weapon level based, abilities and spells are free for all. Erase, gravity, escape were all job specifics spells that can be gotten just by subbing, and they are not gimped either, unless its directed towards an enemy. In this case, magic abilities and levels play a factor. Over the course of the past 2 years many spells and abilities have been added, all of them stay true to this form. You are right that coding are man made and can be made to change, but from their track record, they certainly don't seem to be eager to change. This inability to actually nerfed the newly gained abilities by subbing redmages at level 82 will kill support jobs.

You seemed to be picking at my examples like ninja addition in regard to changing job dynamics and it caused both of us to go offtracked so I would put a stop to that here. Yes it might be another topic for discussion somewhere down the line.

Overall You keep making these suggestions without providing me in game examples. The most you can offer is throw redmages and bard new MP spells. You haven't touched on any party dynamics discussion, a support's role in a party. What will change by this new level cap addition, etc. You kept saying if Squeenix want, they can change things around to implement your ideas, yet you failed to looked at the past updates history where things only go a certain ways. Addition of anything is possible, yet if the addition is bad to begin with, why bother adding more things to fix the result?

Adding new jobs, raising caps significantly alter the game. For some of us, this game is done, for some its not. This game will be three years old soon. That's very respectable for MMORPG. The changes you seem to want would essentially make this into another game. It took me over a year to get this far, clocking in almost 200 gaming days. For some, the journey have been half or twice as much. This existing system was here from day one, its the way the game was designed. There is little chance that they will alter it significantly like you proposed.

Endgame for any game could only be enjoyed for so long before it gets old. Raising jobs, changing structural dynamics of the games is not the way to extend the game's life. The best SE can do now is to maybe take care of the little comforts complaints such as mog house and delivery box and try to make things easier for existing players like hiring better Gms. Its been a good ride for 3 years. For me the game is not over. For some it hadn't even begin. I just think that the existing dynamics is good. Wanting to add more diversity and additions won't hurt. But there's no reason to implement changes that shut out a large portion of the game. I don't think there's anymore I can say that will express my thoughts on this matter.

#54 Nov 22 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really growing tired of this.

I would argue that adjusting mp costs of 82+ spells (the point at which the RDM sub issue becomes apparent) such that it necessitates the use of new "toys" is entirely feasible.

However I see no reason to sit here and run numbers, for two reasons.

1) You're the one on the offensive here. The burden of proof falls first to you.

2) You've had a generally dismisive, snotty tone for the entirity of this arguement, and I honestly no longer have the energy to ignore it.

I think I'm done with this arguement.

To the rest of this thread's denizens, I apologize for the extensive and fruitless hijacking. Normal service will be resumed.
#55 Nov 22 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

I have provided more than enough proofs for my point with case study and examples. Your argument seems to be "its possible", "it could happen." Life is not a McDonald commercial. All you have been doing is take everything I said and threw in an "it's possible" while completely neglecting the argument of job balance. Ofcourse you really can't prove anythign since the things you are mentioning doesn't exist. But why don't you go back and take a look at the existing game for your argument rather than trying to design a new game.

I have provided every examples from the low levels all the way up to endgame based on over a year's worth of playing/observing. Your arguments disregards everything. Yes I might be wrong by singling out your post to challenge the validity of it. Ofcourse I could've picked a post about the LS mog house and stated all the reasons why it wouldn't be possible. But your suggestions just had to many holes that while reading, I was compeled to say something. That its not a very desirable thing to have happened. You don't even understand the fundamental dynamics of what make the game tick. Partying options, opportunity costs, leveling stages and balancing yet you're compeled to display a list of wants that seemed completely out of this world. It is a fantasy thread afterall.

Snotty I might've sounded but you haven't provided a single worhtwhile counter examples to anything I've stated. Most of your solutions seemed to be recalling more fantasies. Making spells cost more at level 82 to balance the game and make it neccessary to include supports? Why don't we just not implemented the rubbish system in the first place and save everyone the trouble?

This was the nature of all your arguments, attempting to explaning your fantasies with other fantasies. I really think you should be re-learning how the game work before you make another silly suggestion. Ofcourse you're a sage, but how did you get there? by making such threads as "music to your ears" and what not. When was the last time that you actually tried to engage in a worthwhile thread that discuss the game? Every argument needed proof regardless of which side you are on. The burden of providing proof does not fall on anybody. You've failed to back up your arguments with anything valid, or I should say, anything that actually exist.

#56 Nov 23 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
Bowser wrote:

Ofcourse you're a sage, but how did you get there? by making such threads as "music to your ears" and what not. When was the last time that you actually tried to engage in a worthwhile thread that discuss the game?


Bowser, at this point you passed from the realm of engaging in a debate, however heated, and proceeded to flame. I do not take kindly to it in any context.

It was uncalled for.

I have no intention, however, of engaging in what now is a personal arguement on a public forum, and am disappointed that you crossed a fairly clear line and brought it to that point.

Suffice to say that I cannot and will not defend my karma status. It was given to me by others, based on their opinions of my posts thus far, and if you would like to ask them to defend this choice, feel free to do so, in another thread.

I had intended my last post to be my final word in this particular conversation, but I am insulted to the extent that I thought I would offer some comment. You may feel free to reply, and I will even read it, but I doubt I'll offer any further response.

To the Bismarck forum community at large I sincerely apologize for taking a hijack and participating in its devolution to complete, off-topic disregard for the original intent of this thread.

This sort of flare-up has a bad habit of prematurely killing off otherwise fine threads, and I hope it will not be the case this time.

Put simply: I'm sorry.

In an effort to bring this ship back to its proper heading I offer this:

It would make my day if the AH lists were sorted by level of equipment, and perhaps alphabetically for non-equipables.

#57 Nov 23 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
I thought if you pressed sort while browsing the AH, it sorted the items you were looking at by level. I know if you sort the spells, it sorts those alphabetically.

Or did you mean something different?
#58 Nov 23 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
If it actually does this, I'm going to simultaneously cry because I'll feel like a complete moron, and rate Xanoxonax up for taking pity on my stupid *** and telling me.

... as soon as my network stops playing with me... -_-
#59 Nov 23 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

don't feel too bad, i didn't know either.

I, for one, would like to see more jobs with the next expansion...or even a big update. Nothing in particular, it's just easier to feel a little more individualized when the total number of jobs goes up. I understand how some of the final fantasy "jobs" of the past would be harder to pull off than others, but i think on the whole, it would be good for the game.

p.s. Bowser, i started one of those "music" threads for everyone's enjoyment...if you want to talk about it, bring it to the official flame thread.

Edited, Tue Nov 23 03:51:55 2004 by AnubisFTN
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