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What would you change?Follow

#1 Nov 15 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
If you could change/add something to FFXI, what would that be?

and please dont mention Gil sellers...nobody wants them here, and I dont want this thread to turn into another one complaining about them.

As for myself, I would love for them to have minigames or something for friendly competition incorporated into the game, instead of how tetra master is.

It would also be nice to actually solo stuff for half *** decent xp at higher levels. It sucks lfp at 500 tnl.

and one more time, please dont turn this into a complaint thread.
#2 Nov 15 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
More PvP than just Balista. Just imo.
#3 Nov 15 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Excellent
222 posts
More animated emotes.... and maybe a LS mog house, it'd be purty kewl to have a place that all the guys could just chill out and store stuff. Also easier to have like oh... maybe like 50 or so levels of gear that people could just use and put back when done.
#4 Nov 15 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Excellent
374 posts
It takes too darn long to get to different places in this game. And I am a WHM w/ BLM subbed so I do not have a hard time getting around (I can even get to Windurst in under 2 minutes from anywhere which has to do with Teleport-Vahzl and doing the supply quest in Xarcabard btw) but when I go to level somewhere it takes everyone 30 minutes to get together, and god forbid someone should leave, it takes another 30 mins to get a replacement.

#5 Nov 15 2004 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
I just want to make my Mog House more when my Safe (closset/dresser) becomes full just throw the **** on the floor!! >.>
#6 Nov 15 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
Another layer of sub-job, making it possible to sub a third job. Requiring level 75.

Upon doing this, a quest would open up to break the 75 cap, and move on all the way to 100.

So perhaps you might see something like PLD100/NIN50/WAR25 (arbitrary choice).

The idea being more customizability and room to experiment.

And of course areas and content catering to this level range.

Then, Advanced jobs beyond the Extra ones, requiring lvl 100 to unlock. And once you get an Advanced job to 100 quests become available to break your lvl cap to, oh, 125 or so. =P

You could do all sorts of things here really. Like a Necromancer. I wanna raise armies of the undead dammit!

Say a necromancer could raise maybe 5 undead. And say they have SMN subbed, so there's an avatar in there too. =P

Controlling an army of undead would require some fine macro skill, but if you've gotten to level 100, I should hope you possess some of this.

And just to make it require some strategy, perhaps unlike SMN which has a constant MP tick, NEC could have a constant HP tick, based on how many undead have been raised.

Geomancer offers some interesting ideas. Spells having the three-pronged effect of causing damage, creating or further exposing elemental weaknesses, and slapping stat effects on there too. Give them the weakness of the stat effects being potent, but having a short short duration. Maybe cause the GEO to have the same elemental weaknesses cast on THEM.

Blue mage. Everyone wants a blue mage, as far as I can tell. =P

Templar, with abilities that double or triple hate gain.

These are rough sketch ideas, and I'm thinking long term. Content added overtime to maintain interest in this game in the face of MMORPG competition. I'd like this game to stick around and remain popular for a long long time.

[Edit: Clarified some genkai-type stuff.]

Edited, Mon Nov 15 05:20:30 2004 by nataraja
#7 Nov 15 2004 at 4:25 AM Rating: Good
Sage - Huge boost in magical prowess, access to all white and black magic. Flaws being they crumple like tin cans, more so than any other job, and to make things more interesting, an increase in hate gain. Just to add some "fun". =P

Which would make the combination of PLD/TEM/SAG an interesting choice. Sage would lower Paladin defense a great deal, but your hate threshold would be through the roof.

The idea here being to add layers of strategy.

And on a side note, I'd give those poor RDM access to the tele spells. They've earned it. ^^
#8 Nov 15 2004 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good
More thoughts before I go to bed.

Leveling past 75 in an expeditious fashion requires link chaining. Taking on two mobs at once, and killing both roughly at the same time (requiring that you be working on both at the same time, i.e. no sleeping one off until you're ready to take it on.)

Two at once opens a whole new can of tactical worms. Say, link chaining pushes your xp gain up into the 500 range per linked pair killed. Then add in standard chaining on top of it, with say a 600 xp cap.

And I should think a link chain should only be possible when taking on mobs which con VT or above to the highest-level pt member.

"Spiked" hate-gaining AOE abilities. Those familiar with the more intricate areas of tanking understand that you have two ways to gain hate. Low hate, long burn abilities like White Magic and Ninjitsu, and High hate, short burn abilities like Provoke and Shield Bash. The ability to cause short-lived hate spikes on more than one mob would be useful if you need to start killing two at once at higher levels.

A quest specifically geared to allow you to make alliances of up to 24 rather than 18, available at, ehh, lvl 110 or so.

And start stepping up the difficulty with mobs so that xping starts requiring alliances. =P

Yeah, I know I'm masochistic. =P

I've got many more ideas, but to avoid turning this from a thread about all our ideas to a thread about my ideas, I think I'll refrain for now.

Feedback would be cool though. ^^
#9 Nov 15 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
- Some type of Blue Mage job (or advanced/extra job).

- I'd love for the game to be able to detect the number of parties in an area and adjust mob respawn rate accordingly. I'm sure we all know how it is when the puller has to do a really long pull, and something to decrease that downtime would be good.

- I'd also love a search function for items - maybe add this to Mog House as "Mog Search" or something? It'd compare the AH prices for one item in Windy, Sandy, Bastok, and Jeuno.

#10 Nov 15 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
I'd like to be able to LFG with any job I want, so I would show up with my 55 WHM, 29 BLM, and 12 DRK all seeking party ^^
#11 Nov 15 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
194 posts
I'd like to be able to see the MP of players in my alliance.

I'd like the ability to turn on a function that would skip over people on my blist when I'm buying items off the AH.

I'd like a flag option that flags you as a crafter, much like the lfp flag, only this would be like a looking for crafting work flag, and it would display your tradeskills so that other players wouldn't be worried about you lying about your skill.

I'd like more space. A lot more space. Like maybe you have your inventory and your moghouse, say you have 55 and 80, but at the same time, if you travel to your hometown you have an additional 50 extra spaces of storage that you can only access from that town. The current idea of storage just doesn't cut it for me.

And of course, I'd like more jobs and content down the road, but I still feel pretty busy with the ones there are now, so that's more of a long term thing.
#12 Nov 15 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
282 posts

Problem with raising past level 75 is balance. You'll have every mages and their grandmother sub redmage at level 82 for refresh and convert, at level 100 throw in a level 25 bard or summoner sub for more mp refresh underneath that tripple layer sub. What are the needs for redmages and bards in a party then? What would happen to support jobs? in the end you get a party of uber 6 people that had so many extra abilities that instead of being a group dynamics which is already bad as is (only certain jobs get parties easily while the rest sits out). NOw you have even more jobs being excluded. That does not make for fun parties, it also left a large portion of the players who chose support jobs as our jobs to be forced to come back and level other things. Something dragoons knows so much about.

The last three new jobs that was added were 2 melees (dragoon and sam) that does not alter group dynamics much, and ninja which changed the way the whole game was to be play. Before Rise of the zilart there were no such things as blink tanking. The only tanks were the paladin and the warrior. To this day paladins and ninjas still argues about who's the better tank with the warrior on the side taking jabs. Its an example of how adding just one extra job can alter the whole structure of how the game is played. Square enix tried hard to have a balance of all jobs and though they did royally screwed up one, dragoon, the other jobs pretty much will have their moment in the sun but not for long if more stuff are added.

Adding new jobs will just take it all away. What is the purpose of a bluemage? This game is elemental based so what if the bluemage learn screwdriver and used it against a pug who's strong def is water? The bluemage jobs, to tell you the truth, is being taken by Beastmasters. And they DO work well it groups. Mobs are designed so lazily that the Robber crabs you're fighting at level 56 does the same moves as the snipper level 14. Being a bluemage definitely wouldn't be fun. How many mobs outthere do you fight with Meteor or ultima, those cool moves everyone wants to imitate? HOw many times can you do bubble showers over and over? since you basically leveled off like 5 kind of mobs the whole time.

This is Square's first time doing MMORPG and it shows in end game when the only fun is to camp the various HNM over and over or go back and level another jobs with the uber load of cash you made from HNM hunting. Some people found it repetitive and quit but adding new things to unbalanced the game would just make more people quit. With the subjobs system it created the fun of being able to mix and match abilities yet ultimately made the creation of a lot of jobs useless, since you can already do the samething with the current job mix. THe major thing I would want to see is better mob selections and levels correspondent. People fight onions in kazam after 25 because they are easy EXP. True there are other alternatives but they do not give the same "easy time" as onions. SO in the end, make the other mobs more productive or nerf the onions by making them harder, just dont' make it so pulling onions during peak time is like camping for lizzy.

I'm sorry for ranting but back on topic I would like to raise my own chocobo like a tamagotchi and whistle for it to come to me whenever I need. I also like wintaru's idea of being able to lfp with all my jobs. I like to make it so everyone can enter my mog house and see it. I would like the marriage system to be more refined and less difficult to sign up. I would also like the ability to BbQ a taru. Thank you.
#13 Nov 15 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
what exactly IS a Blue Mage? what do they do? what's their specialty? is there another game where the idea came from?

and of course the big thing is.. what three letter abbreviation would we use??? BLM is already taken! BUM? that just wouldn't work... lol.

Edited, Mon Nov 15 10:21:16 2004 by Skiltrip
#14 Nov 15 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
790 posts
Have a counter on top of the screen to show the performance of the party members. Its like a build in parser. Letting people know how they are doing.

1)total damage dealt to mob
2)total damage received from mob
3)total hp healed
4)total mp healed(refreshed)
5)hate time held in %.

This will show the effectiveness of the each player. It will also end the age old DD-job-A verses DD-job-B pissing contest. This system will truely show how good a player is or weed out the weak ones.
#15 Nov 15 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Excellent
I would like a deeper plot line that is easier to find and to travel through.

Honestly, line per line, piece by piece, this game has one of the weakest FF storylines I have seen to date (and no, I am not including Mystic Quest in my assesment, cause that game was BAD).

Storywise, this game is okay as a standalone rpg, especially considering it is an online game. But I challenge you to compare it to any of the other FF games. Can you honestly tell me WHAT Ajido-Marujido might be thinking, or what might his personality be in the game? I find myself trying to describe the main actors and actresses in the game to my friends, and am only able to give a weak character description. Now take any other FF game, and not only will you be able to figure out any main character's personality, but you will also be able to even start THINKING like them midway through the game.

I myself write fanfictions for Final Fantasy, and the ones that are posted on the internet pertain to Final Fantasy VII ( However, I have a hard time writing a FFXI one because of the lack of substance on the main player's parts. In fact, at times I find that the various NPCs in towns have more personality than the main characters. Red Cloud in Jueno is an excellant example of this, at least in my honest opinion.

Now yes, this lack of detail DOES help me with my role playing, because I have a great deal more freedom to develop my character. And if you were in Port Jueno yesterday, chances are you saw me exercise that freedom when I suddenly started to argue the existance of the Goddess with Tenshihi.

But the chance to have more freedom to role play, is that worth a lessening of a plot line? I say not.

One last thing, is that I wish in addition to a deeper, detailed plot, that the plot was more accessible. In the other Final Fantasy games, I have found myself to proceed along the storyline at a reasonable pace, level a few levels here and there, then go onward with the plot after a couple hours.

Here in this game though, I can achieve rank five as early as level thirty (if you have a bit of help killing the NMs in Beadaux), then I have to wait another 25 levels to be able to achieve rank six. And that is only for a main job. If you add in the subjob levels, that is an additional 10-15 levels, meaning in total your character has to gain between 35-40 levels.

Even to the hard core players, that DOES take some time to get.

If you wish to solo every rank without a pt (and aren't crazy like me, and tries his hardest to sneak invis his way through all that he can), then you can do rank one at level 20, rank two at level 25-30, rank three at level fifty (Delfutt's Tower demands the high level), and rank four at level fifty also (if you get lucky). That gap between ranks between the end of rank two and the end of rank three are a major problem. I have done /sea all on rank before, and I notice that the majority of the people exist at the end of rank three, rank five, and rank ten.

That doesn't seem right, at least, to me.

I myself forget some of the finer details of the plot during my leveling spans, and it bothers me when I cannot recall the exact words of the Star Sibyl in my role playing.

Anyway, that is what I think should be changed about this game.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#16 Nov 15 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
More Nomad Moggles. One should be in Selbina so when a gob train kicks your *** you can quickly change jobs and woop his *** right back. Plus we need one in Yhoater Jungle to keep the Smithy Population down.
#17 Nov 15 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
Skiltrip wrote:
what exactly IS a Blue Mage? what do they do? what's their specialty? is there another game where the idea came from?

and of course the big thing is.. what three letter abbreviation would we use??? BLM is already taken! BUM? that just wouldn't work... lol.

A Blue Mage has the ability to absorb a special skill/magic ability from enemies and use it in fights. Quistis from FFVIII is a good example, or Kimahri from FFX.

As for an example of the kind of skills they can do - they can take the skill Bad Breath from a Malboro, which gives all kinds of nasty status effects, and then use it later on. They can also take helpful skills from baddies, too - White Wind is healing, and Mighty Guard buffs.

BLU would work as an abbreviation, I think.

Edited, Mon Nov 15 11:54:45 2004 by Zylle
#18 Nov 15 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
Ill definetly have to aggree with you Nights, I tend to forget most of the story line due to it not being very constant. I can see where it would be quite tough to have a story as intricate as the other single player FFs, that is built for this many people to go through.

I would also love to see Blue Mage introduced...maybe as part of a set of more advanced jobs, that require lvl 50 or 60 maybe.
a Berserker could be interesting also. I do beleive it could be done and balanced somewhat recently, maybe by putting a level requirement on some of the higher level mob abilities.

Also I would like to add more character customization, yes running into my twin is cool sometimes...but I seem to look just like every 3rd Mithra.
#19 Nov 15 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
194 posts
I forgot one important thing I'd change. Randomization of NM spawn points.

What I envision is one NM having the ability to spawn at maybe 3 different points all spread out on any given map, and which one they spawn at is completely random. There are a few NMs that spawn this way already, but not many.

I'd also change the level minimum of certain outpost teleporters. It just doesn't make sense that you have to be level 20 to use the Valkurm Dunes teleporter, but that most players there are levels 10-19.

Travel time is also something that makes this game unappealing to many people. Some people only have 1-2 hours to play at a time and when travel eats up a half hour to an hour, they quit and play other games that they can just "log on and play."

I don't have a specific recommendation as to how SE could fix that, but in general I think a lot of people feel that the time input necessary to play this game is extreme.
#20 Nov 15 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
175 posts
The 'remote scan' interface sucks rocks. I need to be able to artifically 'turn down' the radius on my widescan or be able to filter the list somehow. A level 60+ ranger can dang near see all the mob on the map. Even at full scroll speed, you rarely stand a chance of claiming VE or Lizzy. Remote scan makes you have to move the cursor to the desired area (and it doesn't stick to the same spot, so you have to do it every time). This causes too much time to be lost as well.

That is all for now.
#21 Nov 15 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
I have a thought for NM spawns...

Make it so that if you get the spawn, you can't get it again. Then people would think twice about selling their Leaping Boots. Either that or if you get the drop, you can't get it again for a certain period, say 50 spawns or something like that (if on a hourly timer). I dunno, I haven't thought it through completely.
#22 Nov 15 2004 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
i strongly strongly agree about the slow travel time thing...

the transporation system should not be so elite. for example, i don't think a person should have to reach rank 5 before they can use the airships between cities. or even 20 to be able to use a chocobo. or, maybe with the chocobo, once a player obtains the chocobo license i say they should be able to use it with any of their jobs, even if they are sub-20.

it puts people with limited amounts of time at an EXTREME disadvantage. if you don't that much time to lvl, then you don't have that much time to travel to lvling spots, and you definitely don't have much time to organize and get together with people to do rank 4 and 5 in order to get the airship pass to make things go faster.

i think missions especially should be made more challenging maybe to keep the balance, but way less time consuming.

maybe basic teleport points should be placed around vanadiel. perhaps cash in exp points for teleports from area to area. so you're taking an exp cut to zip to another area, but the intention is to make it back once you get there. more advanced areas require a larger exp point payment. that would keep low level jobs from just teleporting anywhere, cause they'd take a big exp cut and probably lose a lvl or so.

more crags. the good ol method of paying a whm/blm to tele you works ok for most places, but not for everywhere. build more crags.

all in all, i'd like to see SE make it a little easier to get around Vana'diel.
#23 Nov 15 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
649 posts
To respond at least in part to Braewyn... you CAN ride a chocobo sub level 20. I did last night with my 18blm... When you go to the chocobo stables the NPC will tell you that you can't ride for as long and any gear that extends riding time won't work.

For the record the choc got me all the way to Jeuno from Sandy.
I don't know how low in level you can be and still ride the last time I checked with another job was my 13PLD no dice, NPC was downright rude if you ask me....told me to come back with a better levelled job... dirtbag :(

#24 Nov 15 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,315 posts
Only two things really, in order of importance.

#1: To be able to send things to my mules or another player from within my mog. I hate having to send money I have made by selling stuff on AH from my mule to my main by always running to AH every single time. Such an inconvenience.

#2: Basically a RNG request...I want to be able to quiver arrows past lvl 29 Horn arrows. 12 Stacks of 99 Scorpion arrows plus a few stacks of Elemental arrows takes up way too much room in my inventory, and I have done all 5 Gobbie Bag quests.
#25 Nov 15 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
Only two things really, in order of importance.

#1: To be able to send things to my mules or another player from within my mog. I hate having to send money I have made by selling stuff on AH from my mule to my main by always running to AH every single time. Such an inconvenience.

This is an EXCELLENT idea ^^

Edited, Mon Nov 15 14:17:02 2004 by Wintaru
#26 Nov 15 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
GaranTheElvaan wrote:
To respond at least in part to Braewyn... you CAN ride a chocobo sub level 20. I did last night with my 18blm... When you go to the chocobo stables the NPC will tell you that you can't ride for as long and any gear that extends riding time won't work.

For the record the choc got me all the way to Jeuno from Sandy.
I don't know how low in level you can be and still ride the last time I checked with another job was my 13PLD no dice, NPC was downright rude if you ask me....told me to come back with a better levelled job... dirtbag :(

The lowest level you can be to ride a chocobo is level 15. Even then you can only get your ride from one of the three major cities. Hopping a ride from the Crags is restricted to jobs of a minimum of level 20.
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