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Lamentations and such.Follow

#1 Nov 09 2004 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
What follows is essentially me thinking aloud in a public forum. If my musings have thus far held no interest to you, then by all means hit that Back button on your browser; I fear what follows may hold even less interest for you.

I quit this game once, you know. Toward the end of summer I just found myself unwilling to play anymore. I just didn't have the energy. I had gone a month in Yuhtunga sufferring from one bad xp pt after another, and in most cases this was more due to bad luck than bad players.

The LS in which I spent my time, while full of great people, just did not serve to help this matter at all, as it seemed like all the LS in question ever wanted to do was BCNM40s, over and over. Events in which I was unable to take part, due to being stuck for a month on level 26.

I had just had a falling out with a friend. For some people, online communities such as the one we have on our Bismarck server are not as valid as those IRL. For others, they can be equally as valid, more so in some ways, when a meeting of like-minds occurs. I admit freely that I am one of the latter. And as such the lose of what had promised to be an edifying friendship had a real effect on me. It hurt. I expected many things from this game when I bought it, but I never expected that. Naivete on my part, I suppose.

Also, another blossoming friendship had begun with someone I had met in this game, and that new friend was no longer playing at the time, and so my contact with her occurred largely in formats which precluded me from playing effectively and still having enjoyable conversation with this friend. I am a fair multitasker, but I can't xp and chat on YIM at the same time.


All the friends I had made from Valkurm Dunes and Qufim Island had quickly surpassed me in level (Ladyriku, Winawer, Botant, Selaste; the list is something like 66 people long.)

The game just stopped being fun to play anymore. It became work. I'd log in, put in my 8 hours, or however long my shift was, and "go home" dejected and weary.

So I quit, for upwards of two months.

Then one day I picked it up again, a little over a month ago. Just on a whim. And I had fun again. As much fun as when I killed my very first mob in South Gustaberg, or when I first partied in the Dunes. In Qufim. When I led my first truely great xp pt. When I finally learned how to pull successfully without dragging 100 aggro'd and/or linked mobs with the intended xping victim.

Blasted through the remaining levels, got my 30. I had the biggest ****-eating grin on my face. Tycho over at Penny-Arcade once made a comment that struck a chord with me. I've been playing video-games for almost 20 years now. He said that when the game is more than good but is better than you ever expected, we really do have the greatest toys of all time. (That was a hideously butchered paraphrase, incidentally).

Perhaps that's not particularly profound, but it struck a nerve nonetheless. This game really is a masterpiece, and when it goes good, it really does leave you feeling on top of the world. (Well, maybe that's just me, I don't know. ~.^ )

Shortly before this I started talking to one of the very first friends I made in this game again, after two months of no contact. He helped me go get my Paladin active, the job I had wanted so damned bad since April. And we got to talking, decided to start our own LS.

Since then its been a wild ride, starting TeamHyperJustice, seeing it blossom nicely. Nearly boom, honestly. Doing things with the LS, like getting everyone their Rank 3. Running one of our newer members to Jeuno for the first time.

But in the last two weeks, it feels like this game of ours is dying.

My own observations lead me to believe that the gil-seller problem is getting worse. A friend of mine, with more of a penchant for sensationalism, referred to the situation as reaching critical mass.

And all my friends are quitting. TeamHyperJustice now lies mostly dormant and empty, serving only as a chatroom for either myself, my gf, and a good friend of ours, or a chatroom for another LS-mate, his gf, and a good friend of theirs (the 6 of us are rarely on at the same time). My old friend with whom I started this LS has seen his interest in this game of ours waning in recent weeks, and now rarely logs on. Most of the other members have quit or are taking a break (which I doubt they'll ever return from).

And now due to certain IRL circumstances, my gf is unable to play the game, leaving me with one companion left of the 60+ I had previously.

And meanwhile, I look ahead. Players are getting more disgruntled with the game. With gil-sellers. With each other. It just doesn't seem, overall, like the environment into which I first stepped way back in April. And the winter rush of games is upon us, drawing more players away. Not to mention EQ2 and WoW.

Despite the addition of new players from Europe, I can't help but feel that this game's time has almost run its course, and it leaves me feeling more sad than I ever expected to feel in regards to a video-game, even one which I generally feel to be a good example of the kind of experience Tycho was referring to when he called them the greatest toys in the history of mankind.

There's so much I fear I'll never get to experience in this game, in the time it has left. Most important to me is the story. Ever since I first picked up the original Final Fantasy all those years ago, RPGs have been my favorite genre of video-games for one reason: the stories. I'm a great lover of stories, and most the games I actually purchase are bought for that reason alone.

Imagine my surprise (coming from my last online RPG, Phantasy Star Online) in learning that this game has a story. A good one too. And a deep history.

I'll probably never go and defeat the Shadow Lord. And continue on through all the twists that the story holds from that point on.

I'll never see those areas I've been dying to see. The Hall of the Gods, the Sanctuary of Zi'tah, etc, etc.

You know I've still never seen Fenrir in person?

Dynamis. Another thing I've been wanting to do since I started playing.


That's what it feels like, anyway.

So I've been trying to hurry. To get as strong and powerful as I can, to see these things. But I've run into two problems. The first is simply that I've again turned a game into work, in a desperate attempt to experience as much of what this game has to offer as possible. And two, its not a lot of fun to do this when all your friends have left.

I think though at the end of the day that the latter problem is probably the more important one, as far as my current waning energy for this game is concerned.

I realize this is sounding like a pity party at this point, but its not really intended as such. From years of experience I can tell you one thing. Its hard to start over and make new friends.

Again, not trying to through a pity-party. Just thinking out loud, and I admit I have a penchant for the melodramatic turn of phrase. Or more like an OCD sort of constant usage of them.

Hence the point of my publicly-aired thinking.

What do you think?

Nothing lasts forever: How much longer do you think this game will last?

How much longer do you think you'll be playing it before you move on.

Do you think I'll have enough time to experience everything I want to in this game, without turning it into a chore?

Have you ever experienced similar?

Am I just a whiney little ****? ^.^

I'm particularly interested in what anyone might have to say regarding how to reinvest some fun into what feels more like work.

Feel free to comment in any manner you like, even if that means rating me into oblivion for the pity party I've apparently indulged in above.

Thanks for your time, as well as your reading (or skimming), and perhaps even thank you for your posts.

[Wow, that took upwards of an hour to type. O.o ]
#2 Nov 09 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
649 posts
Hey Nata!

I don't know how to make the game more fun for you, but maybe this will give you an insight you haven't had yet.

I sorta went through the same thing awhile ago. The game entered a phase of tedium. I personally just started doing things in the game that I had never had the time for because I was always leveling. I started fishing, questing, doing missions, opened a couple of advanced jobs, asked and recieved help on getting my RSE.... stuff like that. It all just added variety. Then, the opportunity for a static party opened up, so back to levelling for two days to get to 32, and now I'll just fish and craft until the party is ready to go.

My current LS is also somewhat silent. I have one good friend, actually one of the first guys I ever gave a pearl to, who is always on at the same time as me. We always chat and keep each other updated with our progress during a session. We've even partied a number of times, levelling subs and such. The rest of the LS is a mystery. There are the odd players that come on now and then but the leader of the shell hasn't been seen for weeks and his lieutnant just quit for 3 months ><!

If you want to chat, send me a tell, I'm on quite often. If you want to try to revive an LS we can talk about one of us switching or even starting a new one. My current LS buddy would probably join me in a switch. This is where I get crazy. Perhaps invite a couple of Newbies to the shell. They are first experiencing this game and having FUN! Maybe their enjoyment will rub off on ya! :)

As far as how long this game lasts, that's a toughy. I hope it lasts quite awhile, my addiction is too great to move on right now. You would have to think though, with the European release and the recent release of CoP, that the game will be around for at least another year or more (who knows maybe longer). At any rate with all the new games coming out, perhaps a drop in popularity would do this game some good, like perhaps making it less profitable for the gil-sellers, forcing then to move on to WoW and EQ2.

Anyways time for breakfast....

*Edit... Holy Crap... SAGE!!!!! WoOT!

Edited, Tue Nov 9 07:49:32 2004 by GaranTheElvaan
#3 Nov 09 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
My own observations lead me to believe that the gil-seller problem is getting worse. A friend of mine, with more of a penchant for sensationalism, referred to the situation as reaching critical mass

This is a lame escuse. They will be there no matter how long we whine and ***** about it. Actions speak louder than words on this matter. If people are gonna quit of this problem, they have really low tolerance on anything annoying in life. Do something about it instead. I believe Zandertheredmage is the only one on this board who's actually tried to understand them rather than complain endlessly about them. I congratulate him on that. Personally I'm tired of hearing about them.

Now as far as the rest of your thesis ;) goes, you've just in a rut. What lvl are you. You can certainly meet friendly people who will eventually become good buddies. I didn't meet Mullen, one of my closest friend in this game, till we we're partying in Qufim (to give you an idea of lvl we we're at). You're gonna have friend move on, but you always have the opportunity to meet more. Do Eco-quests, party, etc.. hell we have a damn welcome wagon in this server with Eleu, Blaiyna, Merodi etc... They are always planing some concoction up to have fun. That thanksgiving thing promises to be an event we're they'll be mass influxes of add's in people's friend list. Keep this in mind and I'm sure you'll beat the shadow lord one day and see fenrir soon, maybe even fight him O.o.

Oh, and read JoLovS's (sp) signature. there's the greatest story ever told on FFXI linked to it.
#4 Nov 09 2004 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
35 posts
Meh everyone goes threw ruts in the game...try something new and different...and it never hurt to take a day or two of from the game..... I been know to take a weekend off every now and then just because I get burned out ^^;

Edited, Tue Nov 9 08:07:59 2004 by HolyMullen
#5 Nov 09 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Not complaining, but realistic.

Big differance.

Fear not Nata though...

The game just recently passed the 1.5 million mark, and is still expanding. There was a reason that two new servers were created, and it was because the other worlds couldn't handle the expanding population.

I do agree that the level grind in this game could grind a pillar of steel into dust though. It's horrendeous. There is a reason why I never level, and it simply that I hate it. I genuinely hate it.

Which is why I spend my time enjoying this world ;)

If you were wondering around in Zi'Tah last night around midnight (eastern time) undoubtedly you saw a lvl one blm/lvl one whm dressed only in a yakata, most likely lying there dead. Well, that was me. Why did I do it? Partially for an role playing reason, and partially because I could and I wanted to. Did I get strange tells? Oh yeah, you bet I did, my fave being " do know you are level one right?" I laid dead there for around two hours last night, but I got to see some beautiful scenery along the way. I didn't make it to the outpost though :(

Just relax, and enjoy this world to its fullest. Seriously man, when was the last time you talked to a random NPC in Jueno and actually thought about what it said? It is rather enjoyable to listen to them talk, because often the non quest givers, the "useless" NPCs have the most interesting things to say.

Nata...I have one more suggestion for you that I have noticed that worked for other people...

Stop playing this game.

Stop playing this game, and pick up your favorite Final Fantasy game and play it. I want you to try to tell me that after picking up another Final Fantasy game, and comparing it to Final Fantasy XI that Final Fantasy XI isn't going to survive. While in my opinion the game is not as good as Seven or Eight, it is still excellant (and better than Master Quest lol).

The level grinding still sucks, but forget about that. Watch the cinemas in Final Fantasy XI over again in a row, from the opening FMV to the last cinema of whatever rank you are now.

To quote another RPG series (the one that introduced me to role playing in fact): "When the horizon darkens most, we all need to believe there is hope..."

Wake up, and look at this world. When was the last time you went above deck on the airship, and looked at the world below in first person? When was the last time you PLAYED in first person?

...If you want happiness, look at the heart of this world.

And yes, I know I just pharaphrased another quote from another role playing game.


Nata, you have a pearl in your invatory from the ls Nightmasks. You know what it is, and the explicit purpose behind it. We are almost ready to start. You want something a bit can get it.

Edited, Tue Nov 9 09:06:30 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#6 Nov 09 2004 at 8:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Well I know how hard it is as well. I hit a slump like this around level 36, I stayed level 36 for months ^^

As far as when will I be leaving this game? Not anytime in the near future. I want level 75, I want Fenrir, I want to see all that you want to see, and I don't plan on stopping until I do. I'll probably be online the day they take the servers down for good. (Incidentally, if you want to go see the Sanctuary of Zi'tah, I'll take you, it's worth the trip and I think it would help your spirits).

Even if people are pulled away from this game to play others, I think it will make it better for those of us who are here for deeper reasons than a cheap, quick thrill. We're here because we love the genre, we love this game and it's series and history, and we love our comraderie, which we seem to have a lot of here on Bismarck. People leaving to go play other games is like our world expelling some of its pollution (rude, mean players), we can hope gil sellers and all their ilk go with them. (I read a thread this morning where the value of gil RL is dropping dramatically, so take heart^^).

Keep the faith Nata, if you see me online and want to go exploring send me a tell, as a WHM I can get you almost anywhere we want to go, but I think Zi'tah is a good start, one of the most beautiful zones in the game with what is IMO the best music ^^

Edited, Tue Nov 9 08:39:21 2004 by Wintaru
#7 Nov 09 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
Nothing like a trip to Zi'tah to lift the spirits ^^
#8 Nov 09 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
649 posts
OK I think they all said it better than me...

Um Wintaru perhaps you could start a Vana'diel sight-seeing company. I'll pay 50 gil to goto Zi'tah. :)
#9 Nov 09 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Bah, I'll take you for free ^^

Only cost would be a Choco at Teleport-Mea, which may break you depending on the day of the week:)

I still adventure, saw Attohwa Chasm for the first time the other day, still need to ride a manaclipper though. I'm planning on takinga bit of a break at level 60 to see some sights, anyone who knows me will tell you I've wanted my WHM AF since Day 1, once I get that I can relax a little:)

Edited, Tue Nov 9 09:03:46 2004 by Wintaru
#10 Nov 09 2004 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
ILOVE Zi'tah I tend to go out there when I want to relax or think..... such a peaceful place till you start teasing the golems XD and the theme there is my fav in the game!
#11 Nov 09 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
163 posts
I think I'm going through a bit of this at the moment Nataraja.

But I can tell I've been going through it for awhile. The game just isn't as fun as what it was in the beginning...

I suppose that in part is why I've given up levelin' my red mage. While I enjoyed the job, it's not the first I want to take to 75. But now that opens a whole other complication of the fact that it will be weeks of farming and earning gil so that I can continue the job I really truly enjoyed, Ranger.

Doesn't seem like I can escape the rut sometimes. To get out of one is just to get into another. In the past weeks I've found more often that I sign into the game only to sign back out minutes later, and curl up with a book in my hands instead. *sigh*

I've come to truly treasure the people I've met and known from the beginning of this game; Redrolan, Kletian, Antireality, Vilucha, Krssy... etc. Most of these people have surpassed me in levels since I abandoned Ranger and leveled other jobs such as whm and rdm.

But with them I can always relive the truly fun and exciting times I've had with this game. Like meeting Redrolan for the first time while completely and utterly frustrated search for a Magicked Skull in Gusgen where the only thing we came out with was death >.<

I've met many friends throughout my time in FFXI and I'm glad for all of them. I guess the community is the only thing that really keeps me coming back everyday. But many of my friends are leaving with the launch of EQ2 and WoW, and I think even I am going to try EQ2.

I'm not willing to give up on FFXI just yet... I'm not finished with Ranger yet.

You're not alone Nataraja and Bismarck has a wonderful community and if you ever need to talk, feel free to send me a tell.
#12 Nov 09 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
919 posts
Wow thats awsome ^^.
Most of my friends has past me in level but levels is just a number.
#13 Nov 09 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Nata, I hear you babe. Rate up for you.
#14 Nov 09 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
I gotta agree, sometimes, there just comes a day when you go on, and it doesn't feel like a game anymore and you're stuck in a rut with not knowing what to do, where to go, or who to talk to.

I went through it shortly after hitting full AF status. I started seeing people who were 20 levels below me, become 10 levels above O.O Friends I had loved to party with started zooming on without me. I can't even set pt with the hectic schedules I keep ><

At some point, I lost touch with my LS too, my little family that I adored.

That's when I stopped for a sec, after leveling, finding out my favorite party members moved on, and just felt dejected.

Then, I had an idea.

I told my LS... "I'm having a field trip to Bibiki Bay and Purgonogo Island in one hour. Come with me."

We spent that whole day doing half a mission for the Attowa Chasm map, and then, just being with each other, relaxing. No real fighting, no hunt for keys, no level grinding, just hanging out. And you know what? It was good. Seeing their faces see the Antlions for the first time, or admiring the sunset on Purgonogo Island. Watching the dolphins swim by, or rushing to beat up Cockatrice to waste time and having our taru thief get weakened trying to open a treasure chest... Good memories.

And you know what else I look forward to? The Gathering. No doubt, for me it'll be a lot of work ^^ But I choose it to be, and it's going to be fun, if not hectic. Why? Because I get to see friends finally just be together. Some will come and go just as quickly, but if they get just a good time for a brief passing moment. I'll be happy.

Is it asking for too much? Maybe. But I can only wish that it gives people hope that there's still something left in this game worth playing for.

I miss a lot of people. I have to catch up to so many already up there in the 70s, up in Sky, with rank 10 uniforms and whatnot. But for one day, it's not going to matter what level we are, what we're doing, or where we're heading. We're just going to be together, and that's something I can't wait for.
#15 Nov 09 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
Regarding gil-sellers, I really hadn't intended this to turn into a discussion on what they're doing, what the impact is, etc. I simply referenced them because there are people who are giving up on the game due to them. Whether that's a good excuse or not is rather not the point. (And I might point out, as far as *doing something about it* goes, I'm involved in the letter-writing campaign.)

Regarding (mostly) everything else, thanks guys. A bit more than a rut, I think, but I suppose there's nothing for it but to get up off the ground and keep on keepin' on.

Thank you for the advice and encouragement. /cheer Bismarck, you have proven once again to be the best of servers.

Wintaru, I might just take you up on that offer. It's very kind of you, thank you. I'll try and catch up with you tonight, if you're free. =)

And thanks for the rate-ups also. Maybe now Allakhazam will stop saying I'm a scholar half the time and a sage the other half. =P

/em picks himself up off the ground and dusts himself off.
/em strides forward into the sunrise.
/em pets a sheep as he passes. ^.^

P.S. Nights, if you could PM me with your email address I would appreciate it. I appear to have misplaced (read: lost in the mess that is my room) the paper on which I had written it.

P.P.S. Rate-ups for everyone who replied. ^.^

Edited, Tue Nov 9 13:33:18 2004 by nataraja
#16 Nov 09 2004 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
A lot of people, myself included, go through phases when playing online games.

When you first start, it's all new. You want to advance, you want to learn, you want to craft, you want to do everything at once, which is, quite frankly, impossible. So you pick a path and head down it, do what you want to do.

When that's over, you pick another path, and head down. Again, doing what you want to do. Then another, then another...

Eventually, you find that you've exhausted all the paths that you wanted to head down at the beginning. You've grinded out levels, you've improved a craft, you've seen the sights, you've farmed, you've mined for 3 straight weeks to get that super gear you wanted, you've logged, you've played "catch the NM spawn before everyone else," etc...

This is where the rut sets in. Your brain simply can't come up with anything more than what you've already done. I was a hairsbreadth away from just stopping playing for a while, when, instead of my brain, the game showed me something new. I did the Selbina clay quest. I posted about it somewhere in these forums, but that quest just blew me away with the amount of history and work that Square-Enix has put in to give us this world. And it rejuvinated my drive to keep playing.

So sometimes, you just have to stick it through the rut, because eventually you will find something, or something will find you, and it will reignite that fire you first had when your brand spankin' new character set foot in his or her respective starting city.

Friends will come and friends will go. You'll make great friends, you'll have a falling out with old friends. Your linkshell will die, you'll go for days where your only conversation will be skillchain order and burst elements. You'll die, you'll get raised, you'll die again. You'll de-level. You'll wonder why the hell you joined this party. You'll want to shove that Bomb Toss up that Smithy's ***. Bottom line is, you will get frustrated. That's when you take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and go do something else for a while. But you won't quit. You started playing for a reason, and that reason is still there. It just might be masked by all the sh*t that's been happening lately.

Keep the faith. This game has more to offer than you, or anyone else, really knows.

And if you're feeling bored, or down, and just want to chat or say hello, or take a romp through Passhow to see how many fungaurs you can take out before resting, feel free to shoot me a /tell. This goes for the rest of you as well.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Edit: Rate-ups for everyone!

Edited, Tue Nov 9 13:41:41 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#17 Nov 11 2004 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
I really didn't expect such positive, well-thought, and generally helpful replies to this post.

My sincerest thanks.

I have opted to take a small vacation, for the most part (though you might see me around). Just gonna cut back, rest and recup with some of the fine games coming out this holiday season.

And hopefully it will be in better spirits that I return full-time.

Thank you all again.
#18 Nov 11 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
Well let me know when you get back and we'll go check out Zi'tah ^^
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