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Imakoo words on Gil Farming.Follow

#1 Nov 08 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
919 posts
Hello ^^
Just incase some people missed Imakoo speach in Lion Springs last night about gil farmers ill post it.

I am honored to stand before you once more. I thank you all for coming. I thank you for standing by me through thick and thin. I thank you for listening to my tales with the greatest of interest. But sadly, the tale is over the dream is over and I can no longer sleep. My restless nights are torn apart like the very fabric of this game. Our economy is in shambles. We can no longer achieve the productivity we once had. These Gil Farmers are ruining our way of playing. Mining, logging, harvesting, and even farming have all been destroyed. Imagine if you will; you are a bard or beastmaster. It is due time to get your signa. You have put aside one day to camp the monster each time you kill it, there is only a small percentage that you will get it. Still, you are willing to try. But when you get there, there are 5, 10, or maybe even 20 people who all want it as well they donít want it for the item. They donít want it for the Gil. They want it for real currency some of them are decent about it. Others perform despicable acts. While you are willing to do some work, some simply run a bot. Others will use cheep tricks like pulling Mobs to you to keep you busy.

Ultimately, you are forced to buy it and ironically, you must purchase it from the very people that made it nearly impossible for you to get. As for you fellow field workers, we used to have a code. if you see somebody mining, logging, or harvesting at a point, leave them be and find your own. This code means nothing to them. Some of them are even under suspicion of hacking. It is believed that some of them speed up their system clocks so they move faster and mine, log, or harvest faster. Others are suspected of creating a new line in the programming so that they get to level 50 with just one fight. And of course, there are those who are believed to be bots.

But whether they are hacking, or are just rude, they have all broken one rule. The sale of Gil, items, and characters for legal tenure is forbidden. And yet, the GMs do not answer our calls when we report them. They do not look into them and they do not dignify many of us with a response. I have two ideas to solve this problem either look into this and delete everyone who has been proven guilty of any of these violations or, delete that rule. Since it means nothing, the sale of Gil should be allowed but only under the regulation of square enix. They can simply spawn the Gil and sell it for lower than the Gil farmers could without going out of business. Either method is fine with me. Ill not play a game under hackerís rule. I would rather close my account but if I do that, the Gil farmers will win. It will be just another legitimate player who is trying to make ends meet out of their way. So I beg of you the great people who make this game. Join me in my message I beg for your support For those of you who side with me, we will go to SE with a single message. Either they leave Or we do!
Now! Who is with me!?
#2 Nov 08 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Bismarck's first rally. *tear*

Rate up, just cuz I like rallies. ^^
#3 Nov 08 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
919 posts
Heres my 2 cents on it:

Im actually going to sign up. I know that i shouldnt let Gil Farmers ruin my fun gamming experience but with games comming out like World of Warcraft SE needs to get on the ball.
#4 Nov 08 2004 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
Moshiiii the Hand wrote:
Heres my 2 cents on it:

Im actually going to sign up. I know that i shouldnt let Gil Farmers ruin my fun gamming experience but with games comming out like World of Warcraft SE needs to get on the ball.

/em thinks of WoW and drools...

Oh yeah count me in too where do I sign?

/rushes to sign his name in Gil-Seller blood on the dotted line.
#5 Nov 08 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
Imakoo is truly a swell guy! I first met him in Gusgen Mines. He gave me a free Raise and a Red Rose. I was inspired to follow in his example, I carry a few Red Roses to give to people I Raise now : )

He's also got great ideas on making your gil. He's definately a guy worth talking to online or in-game.
#6 Nov 08 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts

I wonder if they would take notice if all the NA accounts from Bismarck up and cancelled?
#7 Nov 08 2004 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts

I wonder if they would take notice if all the NA accounts from Bismarck up and cancelled?
#8 Nov 08 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
1,002 posts
i dont think SE will do a thing about it.. but good luck in your crusade..

I hope that everybody who signs up makes a difference.
#9 Nov 08 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
sign up where?...and what for >.> I might have missed something >.<
#10 Nov 08 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
Count me in, these gil seller sons of a b*tches must be stopped!
I've been doing my own part in resistance lately. Warp II-ing gil seller miners and loggers. This isnt pking nor is this a violation of the TOS! we must rise to the enemy, citizens of bismarck! fight the power!
#11 Nov 08 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
I absolutely agree on this subject. Gilfarmers and botters have made my FFXI experience a rather dismal one.

I can't recount how many times I have tried to either camp an NM for an item I actually NEEDED, as well as go mining, searching for chests, etc. Since my main character is a taru black mage, farming with it is quite difficult, therefore I took up mining. I would use any ores I needed to level my crafts, and sell off those that I didn't need, at the normal market price. Everything was fine until the gilsellers and bots showed up. I remember asking these people in the mines NICELY, to "Please refrain from mining at a point I am already at, I would not steal one that you are working on." But these people refused to listen and they kept taking any points that were right in front of me anyways.

Another time, in Kuftal Tunnel, I had been exping with some friends of mine, and not once, but 4 times, gilfarmers had trained crabs, bogys, etc, all to us and the zone. We even died several of those times because the gilfarmer dropped dead right smack in the middle of my party. After calling a GM for assistance, all he said was "We are investigating this matter and we apologized for its occurrence. We hope you enjoy your stay in Vanadiel!" and he left. The support is pitiful.

I have even heard that instead of getting rid of all the bots and gilfarmers, SE has instead simply decreased drop rates of items, and skill up rates of fishing. I also heard the same to be true for mining/logging/harvesting. I heard that the mining rates in various mines were decreased dramatically, and that pickaxes, etc, break less often if you examine a mining point first now. Imagine one day, on a full moon, to walk throughought Gusgen Mines and not seeing a single mining point for 4 hours, and then, to see one that is already being hacked away at by a gilseller/bot.

The sad truth is, SE would rather change the way the game works and make it more difficult, than to get rid of these bots and gilsellers. To them, these people are also paying customers, like us, except that we actually follow the rules. Even when I played Diablo 2 LOD, a FREE online multiplayer RPG, Blizzard still had the descency to ban maphackers and botters.

I'm just as sick and tired as everyone else is about these botters/gilsellers, and I have had it up to here seeing my friends suffer in-game because of them. Many people I know are on the verge of quitting because of how annoying things have become. Since when is a game supposed to be anything BUT fun?
#12 Nov 08 2004 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Well from what I've seen this may turn into another horrible Dialo 2 tragedy, though this isn't by the same company its already starting to get up there with the whole botting, now I'm pretty much waiting to see some bots that sit around all day spamming "Go to for low price on gil!" etc... I really don't want to see this happen.
#13 Nov 09 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
It is a shame that these gil farmers have begun to drag this game down so much. I get so angry when I go out to Ghelsba to try to log (since I am always so poor from buying new equipment and spells) and all that I see are Redapples. (Redappledd is especially rude, when he steals a logging point from you, he gloats about the elm log he horked from you) Regardless, I'll be mailing out the letters to SquareEnix, etc and hope that somehow our voices will be heard!
#14 Nov 09 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
We should all just write SE (which I did, and have yet to receive a reply) and explain to them our discontent. One person isn't going to make a difference. But if a lot of people do...

Well think of it this way. People are getting so frustrated by these people that they're ready to quit right? What happens if *everyone* quits? The gil sellers will too, because there will be no customers. If we can convince them of that, they wouldn't have too much of a choice but to take action. Unless they want to waste a LOT of money.

I must say this though, it is not so much the gil *sellers* that are the problem. It's the gil *buyers.* Little boys with their daddy's credit card (here comes the rate down from said children). And it's not only them, but it's also the people in this game that support them by teleporting them and partying with them. There are WHMs out there that all they see is that 500g in the gilseller's shout and they jump on it, or someone sees a PLD or a WHM seeking that just so happens to be a Jerry, but all they see is a tank and a healer. Well, I hope you're happy. Not only do they steal our mining points and NMs, they've now completed Genkai 1 and some have finished 2. HNMs and Ifrit's Cauldron here they come...and good luck finding AF coffers now. They seem to like them.

SE can do most of the work, but we can't rely on them, because they won't do a damn thing unless we show them we are going to back up our threats of leaving, or taking action into our own hands. Instead of complaining, WE need to do something. As to what, well, all we have to do is interrupt them. We could MPK *them,* steal *their* mining points, etc. Beat them at their own game, sink to their level. Unfortunately this is probably the only way we'll see anything work, because SE will NOT be joining in this fight anytime soon. They don't even acknowledge it.

If you've got an alternate method, list it. But back it up and do it yourself too. Less whining, more action. And I for one will be taking that action. I may just be a WHM, but I assure you, I am not so powerless.
#15 Nov 09 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
391 posts
Just one thing: How do we convince most of Bismarck to boycott the gil sellers? Sure there is the occasional /shout speech and whatnot, but this isn't really enough to grab the attention of the populus, what we need to do is to bring this to everyone we know, our friends LS members static party etc... Just a few thoughts but if we can help spread the word then maybe it will have a better chance then one person rambling on and people going "well he has a point, but back to leveling". So I'm thinking if we can somehow get our friends and LS members and whatnot to help us get this out instead of just the forum members maybe we can actually make a change, and how come SE never replies to any of this? Too busy with all of their "work"? Kind of pathetic if you ask me, that they refuse to help the very people that keep their game company running.
#16 Nov 10 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
I already posted this on another thread on this server board but I just wanted you all to see these also. Ok since we are already on this godforsaken topic I will post these here. I was helping some of Shadiest friends do PLD AF1 and DRK AF2 and I bumped into these people. Well actually my intention was to kill stropper chyme at 1st but saw I was out numbered so I took some pictures for your delight:

These were taken the next day at Beaudeux while doing Genkai 3.

To me this is horrible and I wanna do something about it, so I propose that we organize what will be called the 1 day Mass cancellation campaign, just cancel it for one day and resign up the next if youd like.
#17 Nov 10 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
lol, people are quick to talk but not so quick to act. I've seen plenty of threads where there are 30 + posts of people complaining about gil sellers... but maybe 10% of those people go out and actually try and do something...
#18 Nov 10 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
lol, people are quick to talk but not so quick to act. I've seen plenty of threads where there are 30 + posts of people complaining about gil sellers... but maybe 10% of those people go out and actually try and do something...
#19 Nov 11 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
391 posts
I would love to act but I don't want to waste time and energy doing something that doesn't make a difference on any scale, I'm looking for a direction to go to make a difference, not just a speech that people will listen to but some physical rallying action, preferably Jeuno but no one there really cares about a whole lot unless you force them too, besides...who listens to a 23 Mithra RDM anyway!

#20 Nov 11 2004 at 3:25 AM Rating: Good

you want action... there is action

have you guys heard of Fantasy Earth??

its S-E's new mmo project

you want to help make it bomb? hitting S-E in the pocket book? getting S-E to listen to us? well... click that link above, post an address or two (that arent listed) and mail/email/webform our voice into the public...

/end hijack
#21 Nov 11 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
JoLOveS the Charming wrote:
To me this is horrible and I wanna do something about it, so I propose that we organize what will be called the 1 day Mass cancellation campaign, just cancel it for one day and resign up the next if youd like.

The problem with trying to organize it is that it has one very bad weak link.


The magazine adbusters, for example, attempts to organize a "no purchasing" day under the belief that simply by the act of purchasing products we are now nothing more than consumers (and issue which I think is significantly more complicated, but don't wish to see debated here).

My point? What was my point? Where did I leave it>

Ah, there it is.


Point being, it never works out as well as one would expect, just looking at their readership numbers and extrapolating participation from that.

Ppl forget, or the day rolls around and they don't feel like going to the effort, etc etc.

It's far more effective to do all the work for them. Which is why I'm particularly fond of Taliph's mailing list thread. He's put so much effort into it, anyone interested in participating has to do about 30 seconds worth of work. =P

Not really trying to debate or anything. Just passing thoughts as I ready myself for bed.

[Edit: I've been neglecting the question mark lately, to such an extent that she has threatened to leave me for the circumflex. So to make it up for her I stuck her in some tasteful places. I also caught an H that was stepping out of line, trying to be all caps-ish when no capital H was called for. I slapped him down for that.

If you decide you want to be a writer, you first have to learn how to teach letters their places. They're hooligans, and unruly, if left to their own crude devices.

*Stops here* *phew* Very nearly posted an edit note more than the length of the editted post again. ;-) ]

Edited, Thu Nov 11 03:46:56 2004 by nataraja
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