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Internet is ruining our language!!!Follow

#1 Nov 06 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Maybe I am just old school but all the poor typing is driving me nuts. I can understand in a game you might what to abbreviate a little bit, but posting in fourms and resorting to wat instead of what is really getting to me. I was in valkurm dunes the other day, leveling my poor thief to 15 so i can use treasure hunter, when someone was spam /shing PLS INVT ME!!!! I suppose it's not horrible, but just drives me nuts.
Now, the worst part about this is that my wife is an 8th grade Science/Literature teacher. She has students turn in papers... yes, I mean essays where, a student will write the word wat instead of what, cuz instead of because and shorten words like football to ftbll.... I just don't see the point in any of this, does anyone else feel this way or is it just me that gets so bothered by it?!
When I was 5 years old (I'm 26 now) my dad made me learn how to type on a computer, he thought that they would play a huge part in the world some day (crazy guy eh?), so how is it that people who are obviously old enough to get onto a computer and play a video game can not type! oh well.. enough ranting, back to work


Edit: poor spelling ^^

Edited, Sat Nov 6 15:08:18 2004 by JomiWar
#2 Nov 06 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Good
247 posts
LOL!<--abbreviation for Laugh out Loud.:)

Yes, it bothers me also. I can't believe that kids seem to have let 'net language permiate into school. That is just insane.
It reminds me of Ebonics. I don't want to turn this into a racial flame by that statement either, as I am not racist, but it is the same concept. There is a right and wrong way to speak and write the English language, and good grief, if you are in a social forum, try and make yourself look literate. The ROFL's and LOL's and other emotes are fine, but keep them in game.

/shout {Please} {Invite} {Party}!
#3 Nov 06 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I've been BBSing since I was a kid, my parents used to own a primitive BBS called DDIAL, anyways LOL or ROFL even bug me a little, since when I was on BBS's we just typed laugh, or nod, and you would do those actions... people think im wierd when they say something to me and i respond by nodding though..
#4 Nov 06 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
#5 Nov 06 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Bothers me too. I spend 3 1/2 years getting a degree in this language only to have to interpret things like "hagn syl" (Have a good night see you later).

However sad it might seem, the "standard" English considered proper now is a horribly butchered/shortened form of an older standard.

And before there were standards...ew...

It's human nature to try to find shorter more convenient ways to do things, including communicate. Unfortunately some humans are better at this than others. ;)

Some things just seem incredibly stupid to me though, like adding a freaking z to lol. What the hell. lolz?
#6 Nov 06 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
To be honest, I base my decisions of who to invite to my parties partially based on the player's grammar. If I get a guy that says "Lolz, hellz yes! invite me 2 ur pt plz!", I will not send an invite to him or her.

Anyone that takes AOL'ese or 1337 seriously will never see an invite from me. (And I have good parties =)

I don't, however, mind seeing "lol" or "brt".
#7 Nov 06 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
I've never understood 'pwned'. Pawned? You sir, have been pawned. And for a lot less than face value. So hah.

I kind of grew up on 'lol', so it doesn't bother me quite as much. 'hahahahaha' has more of an ironic feel to it, and 'lol' has become such a universally understood abbreviation that you don't usually run into people that can't follow you when you use it. If I were to say 'lol', and the next guy say 'huh?' my immediate impression would be that someone's grandpa has taken over the computer. ;)

Some of the Internet verbal mutilations drive me nuts though.
LiKe caPitAliZinG RanDoM LetTerS.
Or things like 'u r dum stfu you noob'.

Or for that matter the word noob. You know what, I passionately hate that term. Everybody had to start somewhere you know, and there are a lot of terms for outright stupid people, you don't have to denote that all new people are somehow mentally retarded.

The Z stuff to. ***** Z. That letter belongs in zebra and zooje, not in an abbreviation for 'laugh out loud'.

So yeah, some of it is acceptable, but sometimes it just goes way out of all human comprehension. ;)
#8 Nov 06 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
WaT R U guyz talkingz about? i LUV talkingz like thiz

incase you cant tell, im being sarcastic, i hate this crap too
#9 Nov 06 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
I've never understood 'pwned'. Pawned? You sir, have been pawned. And for a lot less than face value. So hah.

well pwned = owned..

the P is close to the O..

so its not pawned.. its pwned=owned. like when you get your *** kicked in ballista, you got owned..

#10 Nov 06 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts

Some moron went to type "owned" and hit p instead of o? ;)
#11 Nov 06 2004 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

I said ORZ outloud in real life the other day, now that's good English.
#12 Nov 06 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
damn double post

Edited, Sat Nov 6 18:32:15 2004 by JomiWar
#13 Nov 06 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I play a text based game that we call Major Mud, and pwn/pwned is an often used word.. one of my friends in RL said the he got pwned by a monster, actually said this outloud... it was pretty funny
#14 Nov 06 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Ha Ha ^

Ah, man.. that's bad.
#15 Nov 06 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Mine was intended for Bowser, by the way.
#16 Nov 06 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
Although I find that the rather abbreviated nature of communication on the internet does occasionally require a double take (especially when in a real-time situation such as a battle in FFXI), I have to say that I find the righteous indignation trumpted forth in defence of 'proper' English to be somewhat ironic, considering the history of languages. After all, methods of spoken and written communication are in constant flux. It is not inconceivable that a speaker of Old English c. 1000 AD viewing our modern tongue would be horrified at the massacre of their glorious declensional system; indeed, speakers and writers of 'classical' or Golden/Silver Age Latin were famous for decrying the 'bastardization' of Latin into the Romance dialects that eventually became entirely new languages such as French or Italian. In fact, mere decades ago, to boldly split an infinitive was a cardinal sin in our language, while it is almost accepted in this day and age.

It is almost certainly true that some of the people who use these new forms of written English are idiots; but then, that is true of all sections of society, literate or not. Indeed, I find the fact that people can take something as complicated as the English language and still manage to wield it effectively in the coordination of activites in an environment of such limited bandwidth (i.e. limited typing speed) to be something worth of study and perhaps even praise.

I'll go out on a limb here, and suggest that maybe we should try and understand some of these people, instead of merely condemning them. Perhaps we could stand to learn something, if only a measure of humility.


Edited, Sat Nov 6 22:31:27 2004 by Winawer
#17 Nov 06 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
Ixaera wrote:

Some moron went to type "owned" and hit p instead of o? ;)

somethin like that, lol, then it caught on, and like any other fad, got blown way out of proportion
#18 Nov 07 2004 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
I love how there is supposed to be a discernable difference between "noob" and "newb." Apparently noob is an idiot player while newb is just someone new.

I've been using the internet since about 1995 (I was 12) on AOL. I used to post frequently on these AOL message boards, where we had a close ring of about 15 people who regularly visited. The rest of those who stopped by were either the "i LoVE tHiS bANd!!2412" posters or the "I bought there cd 2 listen 2 1 song, they sux!!!12321" They would all immediately get flamed for being incoherant and acting like "teenies."

Some of the shouts in towns just make me cringe. When people misspell in parties, I have to almost physically remove my hands from the keyboard to keep from correcting them. But that is just my **** grammar police personality shining through.

One thing it IS good for: you can usually predict the age of someone based on how they type. I've found myself among the company of many 23 years+ players thanks to discriminating against horrible misspellings.

Not to say I'm completely guilt-free myself. Aside from the emote words such as lol and rofl, I do sometimes shorten to get my message across faster. Nothing horribly butchered though, just things like "ppl" for people and "msg" for message. My term papers are still grammatically Godly though. =)

I play at to kill time, and there are a lot of older people there. I was in a room with a 78 year old who was saying "lol" and "gn and gl 2 u" and I was beside myself. I find it pretty cool that someone who's generation had no involvement with computers will purchase one, get on the internet, and on top of that, learn the lingo. In his defense, all his other conversation sounded 100x more intelligent than many of the 40-something's who hang out there.

/steps off soapbox
#19 Nov 07 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Hyla wrote:
I play at to kill time, and there are a lot of older people there. I was in a room with a 78 year old who was saying "lol" and "gn and gl 2 u" and I was beside myself. I find it pretty cool that someone who's generation had no involvement with computers will purchase one, get on the internet, and on top of that, learn the lingo. In his defense, all his other conversation sounded 100x more intelligent than many of the 40-something's who hang out there.

/steps off soapbox

I play on sometimes and this is one thing i hate more than the rest!! the glng, and dd, ss, tvm, and yvw are enough to drive me mad, i will sit there and see whole conversations without vowells, and this is over hours of playing.
#20 Nov 07 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
Okay. I have been an internet junkie since about the age of 13 (I'm 21 now). For as long as I can remember, I have always been a stickler for proper spelling. Grammar seems lost on me at times though, but I digress.

Over the course of years that I have partaken in the activities of the web, I have never truly adopted "the lingo." Or rather, at least not until playing FF-XI wherein I have developed the use of: BRB and AFK, and also the abbreviations "tho" (though) and "prolly" (probably). That's about it. This is mostly due to the fact that I somehow learned to type with good speed and proficiency and on top of that to quickly identify a mistake and correct it posthaste. Ultimatly, I think it's sort of enbittered me towards this super-short "internet English" which at times comes across as garbled nonsense to me. I've even had instances where I have not only recieved messages that are abbreviated, but there are typos with the abbreviations. And when people can't get that right... I think thats just sad.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with internet style-English. However, anything in excess is bad by any means.
#21 Nov 07 2004 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
I'm guilty of saying prolly instead of probably a lot. Just an old old OLD habit from when i first started using the net, oh god, back in like 93.

Lots of mIRC.
#22 Nov 07 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
My mom (62) plays on and will say those things...tu, ty, syl, gg, gj, wtg...on and on :P The worst part is this is the same woman who yells at me for pronouncing jaguar incorrectly :P
#23 Nov 08 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Bowser wrote:
I said ORZ outloud in real life the other day, now that's good English.

Orz is a simple form of ASCII art to indicate a person on their hands and knees, head bent. It's not in the same category as 'lol', 'lmao', or 'gtg' and doesn't even constitute as a real word. I realize you were trying to be ironic by using Japanese internet slang in the place of English internet abbreviations or slang, but it's inaccurate.

To quote this site (

"A simple example of Japanese style of the Ascii art is "orz" and represents a man on all four kneeling in an expression of the despair. "o" is the head, "r" is arms and shoulders, and "z" is the back and bent legs. "

Just thought I'd point that out. ._.

On the actual topic, in a game where all of your reactions and relationships are based completely off text, I put a lot of stock in the way a person 'speaks' or types. People who bother to use complete words and sentences often will garner more respect from me than any person abusing 'plz' or 'u'. It simply denotes respect for those you are interacting with to take the time to type it out.
#24 Nov 08 2004 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

Actually I was referring to how the internet itself had penetrated the way people talk in real life sometime. LOL is an abreviation yes? or ROFLMAO. But do you really rolled on the floor laughing? Give me a situation where ORZ is not used as a verb? Sure it is a macro, but its not along the same line as a smiley face I don't go around pronoucing "colon" "paranthesis" to represent :). But to my geeky self and the few around me that knows what it meant, ORZ meant ORZ.

IMHO ORZ is in the same category as any other internet lingo out there we used it so much (at least those that came in contact with it) that it represent a verb, a word that denote an action or a state. ORZ in this case represents I GIVE UP. I don't even know why you brought this up, seems very pointless to me. Using Orz is inaccurate? what is accurate? IFOTFOMKGU? (I fell on the floor on my knees giving up?)

Point is the other day I said ORZ in real life, now that's good English.
#25 Nov 08 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
Oooh.. THAT's what orz is... I remember when I was in Crawlers Nest a couple of weeks ago, we beat one crawler flat into the ground, in maybe 10-15 seconds it went down, and one of the Japanese players (most of the party was Japanese) said something and at the end of his sentence it said orz. Then the rest of them said w (which I do know the meaning of) and I was just confused. =(

More on topic: It may be wrong, but I tend to judge people when one of the first things they say to me has one of these weird "abbreviations." I use brb, lol (I never even used lol much until I started playing counterstrike) and afk sometimes. That is about it. I tend to not have the best impression of someone when they say "plz" "u" or "y" a lot. Much of the time these impressions are accurate though. I mean, if you're going to ask me to go out of my way for Raise, could you at least form an actual sentence? I will usually raise anyway but it's a little nicer to see something like "Hi. Could you raise someone if you're not busy?" instead of "raise plz" ><

plz bothers me the most I guess. Please is supposed to be a somewhat respectful word when asking for something. To butcher the word that makes the request polite seems to be a bit self defeating to me.

And don't even get me started on "could u PL me plz?"

#26 Nov 08 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
Most of all I just hate the "Tab Key." I mean if you speak English, as do I. Type congradulations and not type cong"Tab Key""Enter""Enter." I really hate when people use (Config)ulations. I mean wtf (btw I use some abbreviations) is that?
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