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The Toms, the Jerrys and the RedApples - Your StoriesFollow

#1 Nov 05 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
These are the three gilselling types I know of, and encounter on this server. I've hearn numerous stories of them going on rampage, and other player characters in turn, taking vengence upon them (i.e. MPK). Out of curiousity, I'd like to hear any stories people here may have of their encounters with these gil sellers. Whether they be funny, sickening, or downright cruel.



#2 Nov 05 2004 at 4:37 AM Rating: Good
I went through a fit where I was bumping into the Toms a lot. Farming, wandering randomly, xping, you name it.

No horror stories to share, other than some rudeness while farming.

Although in Yuhtunga one of the Toms kept trying to get into my pt, despite it being full. Nagged us, followed us around, emoted at us.

He stayed clear of battles though, but after a while we started chasing him around with onions in tow, just so he'd get AOE sleeped as much as possible.

Endless amusement there. ^^
#3 Nov 05 2004 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts
One day I was sneak/invis'ing through Yhoator just to try and figure the map out in relation to how it actually works. I found myself near the Ifrits zone, and right there was a pt of Toms. I ignored them and just kind of putzed around a bit, watched their wack-*** fighting style, and zoned into Ifrits because I'd never been there before and wanted to see what it looked like.

One of the Toms (ee, I believe) followed me in, asked for heals, asked to have me join their pt, and was generally being really annoying. He bought something out of my bazaar, which amazed and astounded me, and I stood up ready to zone back out. Two more Toms zone in, and I tab over them to see them near-death. I zone out after a couple minutes, invis/sneak myself, watch them zone back out and.. watch them all promptly die.

I almost felt guilty because, well, as a rdm I could have healed them. I hate standing by and watching people die when I could save them, but... I also felt quite a bit of glee at watching four Toms bite it right in front of me. The one who bought something from my bazaar starting spamming me with "RAISE US!" and when I said "I'm not a whm, and I don't have raise as a rdm yet" he started cussing me out. I blisted them and went on about my merry way.
#4 Nov 05 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
345 posts
Zooe -> Saw them in yuhtunga jungle and they decided to camp exactly on top of our camp and foughts gobs with their nice suicide bombs -.-;;

Jerry -> Tried to camp stroper, but that was so damn annoying. They even pulled on 3 bats and called for help to stop me >< Managed to get stroper a few times though ^^;; In oztrja it is just as bad ><

Redapple -> Was in a party when they zoned a bunch of wingrats, well I know it can happen once but when it happens 5 times in a row killing a lot of people and then blatantly asking people to clean it out and raise it can get annoying :/

Tom -> Only seem them once when they were still lvl 1 in saru ^^; Haven't had any trouble with them yet o_o;

Scarge -> Some chinese gil seller in the delkfutt tower. Yelled at me in Chinese after I grabbed Mimas from him several times ^^;

Kinda sick of all of them though. They ruin the game so badly ><
Haven't tried mining yet, but I'm beginning to see them in gusgen mines etc. ><
#5 Nov 05 2004 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

During summer festival I bought around 100k worth of fireworks and passed around to random people in Jeuno including several Jerrys. I have just met them a few days before when I saved them from train in CN. Few weeks later everyone found out they were gilsellers.
#6 Nov 05 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
I haven't had a single bad experience with gilsellers. Not a single one. You know why? Because I don't go out of my way to be malicious towards them. I have my own playing style. I heal people in need, raise people in need, help people in need. That includes the Toms, The Jerrys, the Angels, the Zooes, and any other gilseller group you can think of. They're just players to me. And guess what? In return for that, they don't train onto me, they don't harass me when I'm camping NMs, and they're generally nice to me.

Just goes to show you that they're not all bad, eh?

Edited, Fri Nov 5 08:22:41 2004 by Alauce
#7 Nov 05 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Until they forget about you or you take their NM. They don't have a hit list, they kill all equally. They simply do not care because there is no one enforcing the rules.

The only experience with them comes with a Zooej voke botting Mimas (why, oh why, do they camp the thing, when his drop isn't worth crap), and Jerryx in Pashhow. We decided we can play that game too, and three LS members and I camp it too. We get it about 3 times, which isn't much, but we weren't the only ones in there camping it. Zooej eventually gave up and started camping other monsters on there til the entire group of us (LS and Mimas campers) started following him. He eventually left.

In Pashhow, Jerryx used to kill everything where Bloodpool Vorax spawns (I don't think Jerryx exists anymore though) and I hunted there too because of the Water Elementals and Beastmen Blood goes for a good price. He wasn't pleased, and I was constantly spammed with "+++++++HP OK" over and over and over and over again until I blisted him and I'm sure he kept doing it. He never got his +HP from me. And never will a Jerry ever get a +HP from me. I'll sooner watch them die.
#8 Nov 05 2004 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Until they forget about you or you take their NM.

No, see. That's the thing. They don't do that. I've maintained peacable relations with them since they first started here. I've camped Stroper Chyme at the very same time they have, with my friends. They've yet to do anything remoately malicious to me, regardless of the fact that I could possibly steal their mob.
#9 Nov 05 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
350 posts
seraphimhunter wrote:
(I don't think Jerryx exists anymore though)

Sadly, he does still exist...been camping in Beadeaux as of late.

As for the rest, haven't had any personal encounters with them lately, and I try not to form my opinions on the stories of others so they don't really bother me. Granted, the whole idea that they're gil sellers does put a bad taste in my mouth, but as far as in-game playing, no complaints.

The one that really bothers me is Luckhero. Constantly mining over me and my LS friends, following us from mine point to mine point, yelling if we start to get more mining spots than them...just being a general a$$hole. I've heard that he's got a partner named Luckgirl, but I haven't come across her yet.
#10 Nov 05 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
Alauce I dont know why they like you, if in fact they do but I would like to give 3 good threads so that maybe even if they dont do it to you they have done it to many ppl.

Why do they MPK in EXP areas???

A Depressing Evening

#11 Nov 05 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Zooe- When i use to mine Grotto they would follow me arround and beg for a kiss. I Kissed one of them for 2k.. Haahaa

I was lvling BST and a Zooe asked me to party with him bc he was a BST. I said Im sorry i dont play with gil sellers.
#12 Nov 05 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
Maybe Alauce is secretly a gil-seller!



#13 Nov 05 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

I think cause Alauce is high level and they really can't train anything to kill you. The gilsellers that I really worry about are the ones like Beyond whose account probably was bought by gil seller companies, they can do real damage to pretty much anyone at any level in the game.
#14 Nov 05 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
I think cause Alauce is high level and they really can't train anything to kill you. The gilsellers that I really worry about are the ones like Beyond whose account probably was bought by gil seller companies, they can do real damage to pretty much anyone at any level in the game.

I, as a matter of fact, have two good friends that were victims of gilseller MPKing. Victims from the "A Depressing Evening" thread. I feel sorry that it happened to them, but until something is done to me personally, my opinion of them won't change.
#15 Nov 05 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Alauce wrote:
Until they forget about you or you take their NM.

No, see. That's the thing. They don't do that. I've maintained peacable relations with them since they first started here. I've camped Stroper Chyme at the very same time they have, with my friends. They've yet to do anything remoately malicious to me, regardless of the fact that I could possibly steal their mob.

I actually have the same relationship with Team Jerry.
Jerryb (or whoever plays Jerryb) is the nicest person I
have ever run into. Heals me in Kuftal Tunnel whenever
I am low HP and emotes /cheer to me. I even remember running into Team Jerry when I was leveling in Quicksands.

He/she in my book regardless of what they do are ok.
Until they try to MPK me (which I sincerely doubt they would be successful with)... then perhaps my opinion as
well may change.
#16 Nov 05 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
I don't have any bad stories about the Jerrys, Redapples, Zooe and any other "gil sellers" because I never had a run in with them. The only cute thing one of the taru Zooe(s) said to me was when I took the airship from Kazham to Jeuno, the taru Zooe sent me a tell and said he loved me.
#17 Nov 05 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
I've never ever had a problem with the Zoojes. I think they're cute in the way they interact with people, I've never heard of them being otherwise (aside from trains, that I have heard about...but you know something, I've been trained on by regular players hauling *** for the zone a-plenty ^^).

Willful MPKing they don't do, to my knowledge.

Jerrys are notoriously 'gimme gimme gimme'. They used to camp Ghelsba, although I hear the redapples are the new badness over there. But I've been messing around in Beadeaux and had my kills yanked by a Jerry. What he wanted my stinky old Quadavs for I have no idea.
I was once cleverly MPK'ed in Beadeaux by a DRG that didn't speak very good English, judging by her tells. She was nothing but nice to me until that.
I was fighting a pair of Quadav in the area past the tunnel. It was no big deal, I could have taken them both; they had linked, and one of them was Slept.
The Slept quadav went yellow, so she Jumped it. It woke and, claimed by her, started beating on me in rage.
"Please release the mob," I said, to which she replied in another language. She was standing right in front of me.
" {/help}", I said, running in a little circle with this purple Quadav spanking me. She watched and didn't reply.
No reply.
The mob never did unclaim. A few more linked, and I was toast in no time. Oh my god was I mad. In the fury I don't remember the DRG's name, but I don't remember it being a Jerry. She was a Mithra.

Most of the 'gilsellers' that make me mad aren't in the same-name club. Oneman makes me mad. Lucun and Doublening. Andea. AndyS, who will run herself dizzy trying to wedge her wyvern between you and a mining point. ^^

But I've said it before, I don't have any problem with the Zoojes. I'm kind of torqued at the Redapples, simply because now I have another reason to be completely unable to log in Ghelsba -_-

(they really should add more logging areas out there.)
#18 Nov 12 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
ran into the jerrys last night.. and a redapple or two...

all in the same zone... ghelsba outpost

one of the jerrys was PLing the other near the warchief and the redapples I saw were just running arround checking everything near the entrance of the zone

wierd, I know

just glad they werent stupidly campin the warchief, lol

bastok dragon, your mine soon
#19 Nov 12 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I want to slap the hell out of all the redapples logging when I run threw Ghelsba. I rememeber the days when there was like only one honest logger in any one Ghelsba area at any given time. Even nice ones that would give me their extra logs that they didn't want. Ahh.. the good 'ol days.
#20 Nov 12 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I've had an MPK attempt on me before by one of the Angels (Marryangel) in Giddeus while I was helping someone farm for necklaces. I was surprised to see them all the way out there, since they generally seem to keep to Korroloka these days.

Just to note, since people seem to forget about the Angels when they talk about gilsellers, there's Marryangel (or is it Merry?), Iceangel, Roseangel, and Marrycary (or something like that, but she's with them). There's a couple of others whose names fail me at the moment.
#21 Nov 12 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
My boyfriend and my static RDM buddy were victims of the "train a mob around and call for help" scheme. They were camping for the Och. Kote that my boyfriend desperately needs. One gil seller successfully warp II'd out, one unsuccessful attempt. My LS also stole claim on the Stroper Chyme from some peeved, train-laden Jerrys. The Jerry crew tried to train my LS members, but instead got themselves killed. Way to go, geniuses!

I was personally contacted by Andea once this week and once a while back with random, random tells. NO idea what that is about.

I saw the redapples in Saruta at level 1 with red "?"s. I warned my LS that they were new gil sellers... and they just laughed it off. A week alter they're at 40 and we have no more NMs. {Hmmm.}

Oh, BTW... is it true that the Zooes aren't gil sellers? They seem nice and I see them party with other people all the time. I haven't ever seen them doing unreasonable things.

*Sleepy, incoherent, but BACK! Missed you all^^*
#22 Nov 12 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Iverin wrote:
Oh, BTW... is it true that the Zooes aren't gil sellers? They seem nice and I see them party with other people all the time. I haven't ever seen them doing unreasonable things.
They are. Right now, one is camping Spook, one is camping Da'Dha Hundredmask, and a third is lumberjacking in Ghelsba. This is not uncommon.

Amusingly, one of them can frequently be found camping Gho'Bhu Gascon. I guess they're waiting for a big drop that won't ever come.
#23 Nov 12 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Cutriss wrote:
They are. Right now, one is camping Spook, one is camping Da'Dha Hundredmask, and a third is lumberjacking in Ghelsba. This is not uncommon.

Was just checking. I've heard numerous people say they're just a group of friends who leveled together for a time. And I'm not so sure the NM thing is a giveaway. One would think me and my friends gilsellers the way I've been camping NMs lately.
#24 Nov 12 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
A lot of people that want to give the benefit of doubt have asked "Couldn't they just be a group of really good friends?", but the dead giveaway is that the characters are almost always being played 24/7, meaning that employees are playing them in shifts, and sometimes they don't leave the same spot for days.
#25 Nov 12 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
I don't play 24/7 so I don't know if they're on ;-)

But I see your point, and it's been taken into account. It's too bad... they seemed so nice when they were leveling near me.
#26 Nov 12 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Iverin wrote:
It's too bad... they seemed so nice when they were leveling near me.
It's anyone's guess who's playing the character at any given time, so they might appear nice one day, and then be total jackasses the next.
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