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A Giving Thanks ProposalFollow

#1 Nov 02 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
471 posts
Hallo and *HUGGLEZ* everyone. ^^;

I suppose most of you know me as the scenery screentographer, or my self-imposed name, Notorious Galka Couch Sitter!

Others know me from "The Gathering", and that's why I've posted anew today ^.^

We missed out on a gathering this past October (hectic for me, because of midterms), and I have greatly missed seeing old friends and new.

So, my proposal for this month, the month of Thanksgiving, is to set aside a day to gather once more and give thanks for good friends, good adventures, and good fun.

I was thinking along the lines of the 20th of November, to have all those who would like to join, gather in Purgonogo Isle, but then I realized, not all of my fondest friends have CoP, and I'd hate to leave out anyone. Instead, I figured, perhaps we could gather under the trees of La Theine Plateau. (It has the spiffiest fall looking trees, and with little campers and low agro, it'll be safer for any low level friends to come join us)

Each person attending, I would ask (but if you can't, it's understandable ^^) to bring one or two or more of their favorite meal or food item to share, pass around, and eat when we've all gathered. And then we'll talk, tell tales of our adventures, and whatnot, and give thanks for our spiffiest friends new and old.

If wanted or needed, we can have a temporary pearl for those who come so we won't needlessly blabber in the open air. ^^

So, that's my small proposal. I don't know if it will come to fruition, but I'd love to see it happen. Especially if not everyone has someone to spend with during these holidays of getting together (for those of us in the U.S... not sure if anything similar is happening in other countries ^^), at least we can get together as a Bismarckian family.

So, there you have it ^^ *wavies*



Relay Race~(Volunteers needed - one for every running pt)
- One member from each five person pt will be given a different item to carry around. Remaining members will be positioned in different areas through out the map.

The first runner will have to find the second member to pass the item to, and the second the third member, and so on. As soon as the item is passed, the member that was passed the item must take lead, and the passer must /follow the new leader.

Volunteers in each party will follow to ensure that the runners find the relay party members in order and will help correct them if they aren't, as well as check the order of the /follow-ing runners ^^

Fetch This, Fetch That~(Volunteers needed - around two)
- Those who wish to participate will gather in one party. (I encourage you to party with people you've just befriended to make it more interesting ^^)

Each party will stand at a certain distance away from me. I will stand at an opposite area. I will then call out for a certain item, be it a pink pearl, or a meat-like item, or a two-handed weapon.

If you know you have such an item in the party, it is your job to run up to me and initiate a trade. If you can show me the item in trade, or if you tell me to check you after having started the trade (just in case you are wearing the item instead), you win a point for your team.

The team with the most points win ^^ Who knows what I may ask for? So having a team with varied items is a good thing ^^ (Yes, if I ask for something like an ore, you can run up to the nearest worm, and try to kill it for one ^^)

Hide N Go Seek~(Volunteers needed - Hiders, Protectors)
- Each Volunteer will have a different stack of items and be hidden through out all of La Theine (now I'm hoping these Hiders won't reveal their location through /tells... c'mon now ^^ no cheating).

The Seekers, of course, have to find the Hiders, fetch the item, and the person who fetches all or the most items, wins.

(In no way will the Seekers be inside Ordelles, or any other remote area that will force you to have to zone)

Protectors will be stationed throughout La Theine so that in case the NM Rams spawn, you will be informed to stay out of the area and moved to safety.

Mithra Says (Variation of Simon says)
~(Volunteers needed - 2-3 {to keep track of the text})
- I will /emote : Merodi says to /poke or /welcome someone, or yourself.

If I say "Merodi says", the last person to do the /emote or if they do the wrong /emote is out.

If I don't say "Merodi says" and you do the /emote, you're out too ^^

The last person standing, wins ^^

Macro Dance Contest~(Volunteers needed - Helpers)
- Time for the Macro Dance Contest! Put your best /emotes into one macro with a spiffy one liner to'm and see if you can impress the audience who will /clap for their favorite ones and put it to the vote.

Prizes will be awarded in each of these categories:
~Cutest Dance
~Funniest Dance
~Coolest Dance
~Spiffiest Dance

Guess the Trader~(Volunteers needed - 8)
- Participants will work in parties to try and figure out, who is the "Trader" and what was he/she traded.

I will have a certain item. No one but me and the "Trader" will know what it is.

It is up to the other volunteers to try to convince the participants that they are the trader and have the item I traded them. (Please, honesty is the best policy, so if you're the "Trader", don't /tell your friends you are ><)

The Participants will then send through /tell to me, who they think is the "Trader" after a given amount of time. The Participants who guess correctly, win ^^

Vana'Diel Trivia~(Volunteers needed - ?)
- Every so often, I'll offer trivia questions with prizes to each one ^^ If you know the answer, be the first to send me a /tell with it, and you win!

Scavenger Hunt~(Volunteers needed - one per party)
- I will have a list of items given out to each Volunteer. They will all be different lists. It's up to the party to find as many of the items on the list as possible. (I will not make it uber super rare expensive items, just a list of easy cheap-o-to-some-extent stuff)

Volunteers will read out the list for the party and help them figure out just how much they have done and hold the items for them. When the Party has completed the list, the first, second, and third parties to return will each claim a prize ^.^

Say Something Nice~(Volunteers needed - none)
- Yes, yes, this is like a kiddie game, but you know what? It's nice to hear someone say something nice about yourself. You never know what nice thing you'll hear.

So in this game, we'll sit in as best a line or circle as we can, and the first person will tell one nice thing about the person on their right.

>> Well, that's all I have for now ^^ I hope these will keep you all occupied in fun. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer for a certain game, please let me know. I'll try to cycle as many of the games as possible, so if you volunteer for one, and would like to try to play it, you can. (I hope it works ^^) Thanks everyone! <<


Shadowbuni - Bastok
Apollonious - Jeuno
Nightsintodreams - Windy
Zander - San'doria

Edited, Sat Nov 20 11:24:55 2004 by Merodi
#2 Nov 02 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I dont know you but my name is Mosh and im a Mithra.

Count me in, i love meeting new people.
#3 Nov 02 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Merodi that is a great idea! I would love to stop by! I clear out my calendar for it too! ^^
#4 Nov 02 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I would come and sit and chat if for nothing more than the great snap shots i could get!
#5 Nov 02 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
Count me in, help me remember, I have the memory of a...uh...I forgot... >.<
#6 Nov 02 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
230 posts
/wave Merodi

I missed the last one, but Ill make sure Im avalable for this one ;D
#7 Nov 02 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Rate up for you, Merodi. :D

The 20th looks good for me - will be there if at all possible. :)
#8 Nov 02 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
389 posts
I'm definitely in for this!! Sounds fun!!

Is this Alla based? Or can I spread the word around to my LS?
#9 Nov 02 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
You can count me, my kitty friend ;)
#10 Nov 02 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
471 posts
Spread the word. I want it to not just be an Alla gathering, but a gathering for everyone to make new friends, visit old friends, and for all to share in food, fun, and stories of adventures.

I will do a /tell reminder the day before and the day of the event, for those interested ^.^ I'll also start scouting La Theine for the perfect spot to gather together.

So do feel free to please spread the word to good friends to come and have fun. Take a break from the fighting for even just an hour, sit, talk, and enjoy yourself.

I'm really glad there's people willing to come, and I'll start to make arrangements to make it happen ^.^

I really do hope to see you there!
#11 Nov 02 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ohh I like that Idea, Merodi. I'm there!

(I may bring a special guest)
#12 Nov 02 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
I'm there! I'll cook too! Wooooot. I'll be the resident assholio supremo!
#13 Nov 02 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
This sure is a great idea! I have many things to be thankful for, and one of them is the opportunity to have made such great Online friends, and amongst them one special kitty named Merodi!

You can surely count me in for our gathering, Mero!

#14 Nov 02 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Prolly be easier if you do this at Jeuno-Ru'Lude Gardens Fountains. La Theine Plateau is not that easy to get to for some people without the luxery of Teleport-Holla.
#15 Nov 02 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
1,624 posts
Hi Merodi! Leave me a message sometime telling me whenever you have it scheduled. ^.^
#16 Nov 02 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
471 posts
Awww Apollo *Snugglez*

Thanks for the turnout posts all ^^ I really hope to see you there.

As much as Ru'lude Gardens is a beautiful spot, I want to encourage people to actually get out and see the world. And La Theine has the theme colors, is spacey, little people to lag up the area, and agro will at least be manageable.

For those who don't have a ride available via Tele crystal, feel free to send me a /tell ahead of time, and I'll try to arrange an escort over, or I'll try to escort you myself.

Another reason why I am opting to make it in La Theine is I have a couple party games and entertainment ideas I'd like to put to use, complete with prizes (I hope ^^ I'll be farming my tail off to make this possible).

If there are any problems or whatnot, please feel free to bring it up, and I'll try to accomodate for them ^.^
#17 Nov 02 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Count me in...this sounds like a wonderful idea :)

- David
#18 Nov 02 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Merodi, I'd actually like to help out with what I can here. I'll throw in 10k for ya so you don't have such the farming workload for something you won't be buying for yourself.

I'm also down with escorting people, by the fives down to the party-location. Anyone'll be safe with a 64-65 DRG in La'Thein...At least I hope i'll be 65-66 by the time this happens. Maybe 67. =) Just send me a tell next time you think about it and are in game, I usually am there. So, Just hit me up and I'll hit you up with 10-15k. ......And don't you dare say no.
#19 Nov 02 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I'll come if I remember and have nothing else planned. :D
#20 Nov 02 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
I'd love to come too! As for getting there, Holla shouldn't be a problem; I could teleport anyone there who could get to one of the crags or Jeuno, free of charge.


Edited, Thu Nov 11 11:36:00 2004 by Winawer
#21 Nov 02 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I am so there. Meet some of my best friends though my LS. Why not try to meet more?! Gonna be looking forward to this event!
#22 Nov 02 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Ahhhh, Merodi... up to your usual softhearted self I see. ^^ I, of course, will be at your beck and call... as always. I'll bring teh sushi if you bring teh sake.

*Fionchadd uses sneak hugglez*
*Merodi takes 999 hugglez*
#23 Nov 02 2004 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
*Hugglez back* You know that Yoshi and I are down. I will contribute some gil for the pot as well.

#24 Nov 02 2004 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
471 posts
=^^= aww, you guys are so giving!

Thank you so much everyone for the positive attitude towards this event! I even have most of the games planned out, and can't wait to start ^.^

Remember, even if you can only stay for an hour, 30 minutes, whatever the amount of time, if you've made a new friend, please consider it worth it ^^

For those who are willing to contribute services for teleporting, I'd love to have a list to put up for people to refer to (and I hope no one will take advantage of these wonderful generosities).

As to contributors for the prizes for the contests, I would definitely appreciate suggestions as to what you'd like for me to buy for prizes ^^ . I know what some of the expenses shall be, but suggestions are definitely appreciated.

Once again, thank you all for the welcome response to this event, and I hope I won't let you all down ><
#25 Nov 03 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Hi all,

I can teleport-holla -> Warp back to jeuno as many times as it takes to get everybody who is interested to LaTheine.

I've been leveling up clothcrafting, so I have more Seer's equipment than i know what to do with, so I would gladly add a full set of Seer's equipment (tunic, gloves, pants and boots) to the prize bag.

Hope to see you all there on the 20th!

#26 Nov 03 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Y'know, I'm wondering if we couldn't use the existing Moronathon LS for this. You'd want to run it by Byaina first, but it's there and there are sackholders about. ^^
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