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"Stop the Gil Farmers" mailing listFollow

#1 Oct 28 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
As per the request of a sage, I have set up a new, less ambiguously titled thread <edit> removed link to the thread on general discussion forum due to lack of interest there, damn fools rated me down</edit>

the idea of this thread was origionally nataraja's idea, so I would like to continue to credit him for this, probably the best, idea of a good way to get rid of gil farming and ige once and for all

I feel that it is very important to the future of our game that we all take an active role in contacting these publications and getting the voice of the "honest" (aka not gil buying or selling) players into as many outlets as possable

for anyone that wants to link to this thread, to spread the word to other servers, PLEASE DO, the more addresses we get, and the more people that send letters, the more likely that we will win the battle for OUR game

here are the addresses. I will keep updating this post (and the first post on the general forum) with all the submitted addresses PLEASE NO FAKE ADDRESSES you may think its funny, but this is a serious matter and needs to be taken seriously

Snail Mail Addresses:

Square Enix, Inc.
6060 Center Dr. Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Computer Games Magazine
65 Millet Street, Suite 203
Richmond, VT, 05477

E-Mail Addresses:

PC Gamer Magazine

Playstation Magazine

GMR (gamers monthly review? lol) site suggestions (you must put "Site Suggestion" in the subject line to avoid the spam filter)

Web Forms
Game Pro Letters to Beefcake contact webform

Most game sites have web forms to submit feedback and such, that info is usually under the "contact us" link, I will post urls for gameing sites as well cause the more exposure this problem gets the more likely SE will do something about it

Edited, Thu Nov 11 02:48:24 2004 by taliph
#2 Oct 28 2004 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
ok, everyone, here is the from letter

feel free to just put in your name, address, and email into the fields provided, also feel free to change the content (btw, several people that I work with, FFXI players as well, took a look for grammer and for content and were satisfied with my work)

here is a copy you can just copy/paste into your word processor:

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is __________ and I am a player of Final Fantasy Online (FFXI Henceforth) and I would like to bring to the world’s attention a growing problem in the FFXI game, and other MMORPG’s as well, the selling of gil. (money, gold, plat, etc) The focus of this letter is FFXI however, so the terms will be more from this game.

If it were just a matter of several players, during the course of their gaming, selling a little gil here, and a little gil there, then there wouldn’t be much of a problem. Currently, however, there are computer-controlled and sometimes manually-controlled bots in full party’s camping certain high profit Notorious Monsters twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week literally putting a stranglehold on the market for these higher level items. This forces players to spend an even longer amount of time raising gil for the items. As we all know, in MMORPG’s time means more money spent for the game.

The largest part of the problem is not that gil selling is going on, but that it is actually against the Terms of Service that, as players of the game, we must all agree to abide by. On top of that, Square-Enix has thus far done absolutely nothing about this blatant violation of their Terms. GMs in-game are supposed to be keeping an eye out for these violations, but when confronted with evidence, they balk at their duties.

Another major portion of this problem is the violent nature of the gil farmers (the players that gather the gil in-game to sell to companies like IGE) themselves. In FFXI, there is no player vs. player. The only way for a player in FFXI to actually kill another player is by tricking the computer-controlled monsters into attacking that other player. There are skills in this game that allow this to happen, but a majority of players (the one’s that follow the rules) don’t use the skills in that way. The gil farmers have actually started using those skills to try and intimidate other players from even playing in the same areas.

In summary, these violations of the Terms of Service need to stop, or the game will die, as others have in the past. The only people capable of truly stopping these violations are those at the company, Square-Enix. Thank you for your time, and please publish this letter for all to see.

Thank you, Name__________
address and stuff _______________

cc: every other place you have sent a copy of this letter too

as soon as I have a copy of my orgional word document on my webspace, I will also put up a link for anyone to download from

Edited, Fri Oct 29 06:46:12 2004 by taliph
#3 Oct 28 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Have the SE customer phone number so I can call them and ***** about this?
#4 Oct 28 2004 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
sorry xano, but no... the idea here is to complain like adults in a professional mannor, so that our voices are actually heard... I'm afraid that calling SE to "*****" may not be the best way to go about that... feel free to use the form letter that I will be posting for ideas...

the voice of one is small, and easily ignored

the voice of many, however, is hard to ignore, due to the almost defening roar
#5 Oct 28 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
1,091 posts
all i have to say is that i have lodged numerous complaints about the gil farmers and Squenix has done absolutely nothing about it. I have to contend with Redapple(aa, bb, cc, dd) in ghelsba farming wood so i can level woodworking up. its ridiculous, they are always there and in abundance. Tonight Redappledd wouldnt stop sending me messages telling me to give him my elm logs, i said i would trade him for them and he just kept laughing at me. Add the Tom's (aa. bb,cc) to that list along with the Zoolefsbaa people too. i cant even level my damn craft in an effective manner because of these bastards.
#6 Oct 28 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
well Aryden, the idea here is to give SE as much bad press as possable about their LACK of action about blatent violations of the ToS that they wrote, not by complaining to SE themselves, but voicing our complaints in more public forums, aka gaming and game related magazines, websites, etc... also sending cc's of the letter to SE (noting that copys have been sent to all the major publications in a cc note at the bottom of the letter) so that THEY(SE) know that we arent just keeping the complaints in-house. bad publicity will eventually = no more "LACK OF ACTION"
#7 Oct 29 2004 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Being as I am an award winning historian, my call to them won't be a ********** That being said, I'd rather call them, but if we should mail them instead, be it.

Guess I better put my thesis hat on and write up something marvelous.
#8 Oct 29 2004 at 12:32 AM Rating: Decent
lol, xano... if you want to type me a form letter to post, go ahead.. lol... but since a majority of the people that arent in our server seem to be dismissive of this, then I guess its up to us to spam the hell out of every gaming mag and site with as many complaints as we can think of

but then again, without the support of the players on other servers, I fear our voice will still not be loud enough
#9 Oct 29 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
While your effort is quite valiant and well thought out, and quite professional taliph, I have one wrench to throw in here.

Nobody on this forum really gives a damn...really, they just want to *****, but when it comes down to it, nobody will help you out...I would, sure why not, I've got no reason not to. But from what I can tell from other posts on this forum, nobody is really into the action portion of this problem and just wants to complain about it, and as long as you just complain, SE isn't going to give a damn, they'll laugh at you all the way to the bank, its a business to them and until they have a threat to that business they won't change a damn thing.

If, as taliph has stated, there were to be letters drafted and sent to SE as well as major publications in abundance, who knows? Maybe something will happen, but ******** to SE won't work, it has to be widespread news, to non FFXI players for this to work, you're gonna have to get a lot of people to agree on this matter before SE will even think of doing anything about it. It's business, why would they want to take the time to deal with gil selling when nobody has really done anything about it? And no, online petitions don't count, nobody cares about that crap. For SE to do this, getting rid of the gil sellers, it would be a huge undertaking for them, so you've really got to get to them for them to consider fixing this problem.

I'm sure they're aware of it, but until someone can provide a threat to their business they won't take on the gil selling companies, it would be quite costly and why would they waste their money right now when they haven't had a real reason to?

*I'm not supporting gil sellers mind you, just making a point.*
#10 Oct 29 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I already wrote them. I'll write them again under another name if I have to. I haven't written to all of them (I'm currently avoiding the snail mail >_>) but maybe I will soon.

I agree with your post, because it's most likely true, but rest assured this Vana'dielian is doing his part.
#11 Oct 29 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
and a very good point it is, I have noticed on the mirror thread (in the general discussion forums) nothing but dismissive posts and rate-downs...

still, I am not going to let it discourage me

and I hope that those that DO actually care about the game, most of you here, will join me in doing this

I have said it somewhere before that the $10 in stamps and the 5-10 min emailing will cost FAR LESS then the time spent attempting to steal claims on NMs from bots that are programed to be faster and better at claiming those NMs then humans, or the time spent recovering from a gil farmer mpk'ing you to get you "out of his zone"

take the 10-20 min

its your game, prove it to SE and the world
#12 Oct 29 2004 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Some gilselling douchebags MPK'd some of my LS members this past weekend. That being said, when they ******* to the GM, they also threw something in that was quite truthful:

"I, as well as members of my LS, are sick of this issue and are seriously thinking about quitting the game because of it."

Now, this wasn't a ***************** move to the GM. There are a majority over at the ole KoR that have been thinking about quitting the game because this crap has gone overboard. It's a pain in the *** to be a lumberjack when you've got two Redapples and Zooejs in Ghelsba when you need Elm logs to build up your crafting stats. It's also a pain the *** when you're trying to mine in Gusgen to simply make an honest gil and goddamn Oneman and Honeyboy are down there all the friggin time.

Needless to say, the GM didn't like to hear that there were people that were thinking about quitting the game.

Sorry if this post is kinda rambling and doesn't make that much sense. I've been into the sauce tonight. hahaha

I just bought a mule. I've gone 49 levels without one. That being said...if they don't do something about this fu[/sm]cking problem, I'll be more than willing to take my 14 bucks a month somewhere else.

Sorry for the *************** this issue really bites my Elvaan ***.

[sm]Edited, Fri Oct 29 01:50:51 2004 by Xanoxonax
#13 Oct 29 2004 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
Onmyoji, I don't see your point, actually.

Should we not attempt this for fear of failure? What exactly is there to lose by trying?

I'm just trying to understand why you bothered with that.

In any event I think Square needs to consider that, even beyond the possibility (as mentioned above) of losing business because of the gilsellers, by putting forth so little effort toward trying to solve this problem, they are going to make it more difficult to sell their next MMORPG undertaking. Good business is dependant upon life-long customer loyalty, and they fastest way to kill that off is poor, effectively negligent service.
#14 Oct 29 2004 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
/ja "Bump" <t>
Bump skill raises 0.3 points.
Bump skill now level 4

shameless bump... had to skill up my bump skill^_^

Edited, Fri Oct 29 03:13:09 2004 by taliph
#15 Oct 29 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
****shakes her fists~~**
Damn those gilfarmers~!!!
...ya know... i'm willing to help out anyway i can..also i think the whole mailing list is another good idea..
Hmmm...if we could work together (even if i have to do it training a group of mobs on them... >.> or even form a small group to outcamp an NM.. >.>)
So..inside and outside the game we could do something :)
just being optimistic of the outcome XD
/bow /wave /smile /cheer
#16 Oct 29 2004 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
well guys, I have it, the form letter

check out the second post on the thread, the form letter is in bold

btw guys... any more addresses to add to the list would be much appriciated

I'm hunting some down tonight, along with url's for gaming sites along with instructions on how to reach thier web form for emails (most sites do this, not that I blame em with all the email farming bots hittin the internet.... I posted my pol email addy here ONCE and I'm already getting spam)

happy mailing, and remember, we all work at this, it will work
#17 Oct 29 2004 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
397 posts
the letters are being sent now (from me at least), just one thing I thought I should mention, right before the thank you section, shouoldn't that be summary, not summery.
#18 Oct 29 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
thanks for pointing that out... now to fix it on the other two threads, lol
#19 Oct 29 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
Sent all my mail out. Thanks for makin it easy to be heard.
#20 Oct 29 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Ziff davis media


November 2004

Page 157

Article: "My life in vana'diel"

Milkman of Siren server wrote:

"For almost a year now, i've documented my rise through the ranks of FFXI, so I thought it was time to list the things--to be fair-- I hate about the game.

...1)jerk-*** players
...2)no-droppin' NM mobs
...3)People who do nothing but camp the same NM 24-7
...5)Eagle eye shot misses!

...6)Gilfarmers. A recent influx of no-skill-having players from asia (they wear stupid equipment, rarely have a linkshell, and have names like zoaws, zoehm, zoacms, etc.) have invaded FFXI to kill everything in sight and sell the gil online. FFXI is the new asian sweatshot, and this creates a false economy that is bad for every player buying something at the auction house. dont make me mention the fish-bots.
that said, i hope square does something about this stuff because plenty of players are noticing these things. and with games like
World Of Warcraft on the horizon, they cant afford to ignore us.
_james mielke

(this is the exact quote. i only typed up the last part about gilfarmers because i was too lazy... if you wanna read the whole thing search for it on
#21 Oct 29 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
lol I have that issue of GMR. Completely forgot about Milkman's rant about gilsellers there.

Just another publicized complaint about it. The more the better.

I wanna see this stuff running on the news at some point =P
#22 Oct 29 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
this is great, the more bad press the better

workin on getting a word doc version of the form letter on my webspace... once its there, I will have it linked so people can download it (making it easy to put in your own info)

it has begun everyone, lets continue to let the momentum build
#23 Oct 29 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
In my opinion if you get rid of the sellers there will not be any buyers. I have 60k all legitamate from selling items at AH I think that is the honest way not going to like eBay and buy your gil so again I say get rid of the sellers you will get rid of the buyers
#24 Oct 29 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
It would seem to me that changing the blind action system to an open auction would be helpful.

You could then see who you were buying for, and perhaps be able to chose between vendors who's product falls within your bid.

Many ppl would still buy from gilsellers, since they often are offerring "deals" on what they sell, but some wouldn't. Every little bit helps.
#25 Oct 30 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
194 posts
Someone in my LS came up with that same idea. That adding someone to your blist would also make the auction house skip over their names when you went to buy an item. I would definitely take advantage of something like that if it were implemented.

Edit: I also think its funny that anyone making posts on this sister thread over in the general forum is getting rating bombed... Good thing I don't live and die by the flawed Alla rating system eh? ;)

Edited, Sat Oct 30 10:17:28 2004 by Apocpink
#26 Oct 30 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
I haven't been over there yet.

Why the rate downs?
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