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#1 Oct 19 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
790 posts
The point of this thread is to promote people helping each other on the server.

If you recieved help from this thread:
1)Credit the helper.
2)Leave your name, and time available to help in the future.
3)Promise to do at least one help request on this thread.

-Reader please feel free to ask anyone who've recieved aid but have not yet provided help on this thread.
-Please ask for reasonable quest/mission related help. Don't ask people to farm for you.
-Feel free to collaborate for things that requires a group. (Genkai,AF,Mission, etc)
-Please arrange time a place through private message once you find a helped/helper match up.
-Feel free to offer help :)

#2 Oct 19 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
790 posts
I'll start off. I am free to help on most days 8pm-11pm est.
#3 Oct 19 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
230 posts
good idea

anyone want to put together a party for level break one?

I only need the paper, but I could go help with the other 2 items.

my schedule might be a little iffy for a little while but Im usually on from around 6-12 Est on weeknights, Ill probably be busy most of the time for the next couple of weekends
#4 Oct 20 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
Hi all, this is my first post on Allakhazam.

Could I request some help questing for a piece or two of my RSE (Elvaan Male)? I'm a Bard, so that extra MP from the gloves & boots would really come in handy...and I'm not really in the mood to farm for it nonstop to buy it from Jeuno.

I did some research on the times (Earth times, not Vana Diel times) for my RSE, and they are as follows:

(Start) Oct 26, 2004 (TUE) 04:14:24
(End) Oct 26, 2004 (TUE) 11:55:12
(Location) Shakhrami Maze

Would anyone be willing to help me get the key and the chest? I have chosen the Tuesday time to allow plenty of time to prepare and whatnot.

Also, I'm looking for a little help on completing mission 3-3. Just send me a /tell in-game if you want to help me go kick Porphyrion's butt; have map, will travel. (And if you're really friendly and/or bored, I'd love to see about even getting Rank 5.)

I'll help with the early San D'Oria Missions (up to 2-3) as my Bard as a reward for volunteering to help me. Send me a /tell and remind me that I volunteered my services here :)


Edited, Wed Oct 20 01:15:43 2004 by rayado
#5 Oct 20 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
I just hit 50 tonight so I would definately be interested in starting a LB1 party. All I have is mold. The only thing is im usually pretty busy so I hope I can find a time when I can be on.
#6 Oct 20 2004 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Genkai 1 sounds like a good idea to me. I'll be around starting sometime Thursday afternoon, 10/20, and I need all three pieces, but I'll tag along for whatever because I also need to skill up my goddamned great sword.

If you need a DRK for this, drop me a line here or ingame.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 10:07:18 2004 by Xanoxonax
#7 Oct 20 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
790 posts
Thursday afternoon like 1pm est is fine with me for genkai. Send tells in game.
#8 Oct 20 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
rayado wrote:
Hi all, this is my first post on Allakhazam.

Could I request some help questing for a piece or two of my RSE (Elvaan Male)? I'm a Bard, so that extra MP from the gloves & boots would really come in handy...and I'm not really in the mood to farm for it nonstop to buy it from Jeuno.

I did some research on the times (Earth times, not Vana Diel times) for my RSE, and they are as follows:

(Start) Oct 26, 2004 (TUE) 04:14:24
(End) Oct 26, 2004 (TUE) 11:55:12
(Location) Shakhrami Maze

Would anyone be willing to help me get the key and the chest? I have chosen the Tuesday time to allow plenty of time to prepare and whatnot.

If my LS set does not go that night I can help you with this one. I seem to have extraordinarily good luck with key drops. I have taken several of my friends to the Maze and got their key on the first or second crawler kill. Let me know and as I stated, IF my LS set isn't going that night I will help you.
#9 Oct 20 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Hey Trizzoro, I'd be overjoyed if you were able to help me get one the RSE pieces. I'm sure I could find a little something (stack of crystals, or a bag of tree cuttings/saplings) as a little 'thank you.'

/em schemes to bribe Trizzoro
#10 Oct 22 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Hey Trizzoro, I just wondered if in your post you realized that the RSE time is during the morning instead of evening, A.M instead of P.M.

Also bumping the thread, I think this is a good idea.
#11 Oct 22 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I'll come along on any limit break 1 party that gets set up. I currently have the coal thanks to Emilyia. I'm a 50 pld/war. I'm also usually always on after 7 pm EST. Thanks
#12 Oct 25 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
790 posts
I should be free tonite for genkai related help. Catch me in game 7-8pm est before an exp party gets me.
#13 Oct 25 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking to organize a Friday night Genkai 2 run.

For those of you in the know, I botched my first run by forgetting to talk to Maat before going >.<

(Go ahead, finish laughing, I'll wait before I continue ^^)

Anyway, I would like to take another stab at this Friday night if I could. My wife is pregnant so during week nights I'm usually getting obscure foods for her, but after she falls asleep on Friday I can stay up and get this done ^^ I would like a couple of High Levels, to help with Damage and Tanking if possible (I'll be spreading the word to my own LS, maybe the mighty Kingpopof will be free?) but I would like to pick up anyone else who either doesn't have it done or would just like to help out.

Details are as follows:

Meet at Teleport Vazhl at 9pm Central
(I'll try to have my scroll by then, if someone can help me with a Fei Yin treasure chest key I could provide free Teleport-Vazhl's to anyone who wants to come)
Form up our alliances if we haven't already done so in Jueno via teleporting.
Take out the 3 NM's.

I have a link started on our LS boards, if you want to come please reply there so I can keep a tally of who's coming, and that way we can keep this thread free of replies that would be great, thanks^^

Edited, Mon Oct 25 12:35:15 2004 by Wintaru
#14 Oct 25 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
>>> edit <<<
Just a quick thought. You may want to change your G2 meeting place from "Vhazl Crystal" to "Standing right in front of Matt". There is a lot less chance somebody will not have the quest started then.
>>> end edit <<<

I'm not sure I could make the G2 run with you guys. Our static usually exp's on Friday nights. However, I want to get the Vhazl scroll too(I need money T_T). I think you and I can duo those Shadows pretty easy.

At this point I have no idea when I can do it as our static is still planning exp runs, and I'm working on the CoP missions in the time in between.

If you think you will be on a few weeknights send me a /tell and we can go try to get the keys. If we go, you'll get first key since you will actually use the scroll (I'll be selling it).

If our exp group and CoP mission groups fall through on Friday then I'll tag along for G2. I've done it a couple of times and can lead the way to the NMs. A high level tank is always nice, but if you've got more than 12 people with a pld or two it shouldn't be much of a problem.

On the subject of obscure foods for a pregnant wife: Mine could only keep from throwing up when eating the greasiest food available. Lots of hamburgers, tater tots, French fries and the like from the local sonic. Extra grease, {Yes, Please}. Good luck with the pregnancy and birth. Try to remember that she doesn't really hate you even though, at the time, she will swear that she does ^__^;

Edited, Mon Oct 25 14:49:57 2004 by Idwa
#15 Oct 25 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'd be tempted to have everyone meet there, especially if I get my spell, I know first hand that particular frustration^^

I may make it on tonight, if I do, I'll look you up we can go shade killing (never actually been to Fei Yin so it'll be a learning experiance). Of course I only have an hour or 2 every night, so if we end up getting one key but not the other, I would be more than happy to dedicate more time to helping you get yours ^^ Thanks for the help!:)

My wife is having a hard time keeping anything down, has lost 7 pounds so far >.< I usually go get something and she gets a bite or two and then it's not good anymore, putting a lot of miles on the new car lol. People have warned me that she'll say mean things, I've been lucky so far I guess, I have a feeling right as 9 months is up I'll be hearing a explicatives ^^
#16 Oct 25 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Wintaru: I'm not and have never been pregnant, so I don't know for sure that this will help with the early-baby sickness, but I swear by ginger pills for nausea - a nurse practicioner recommended them to me when some meds I was taking were doing a number on my stomach. You can find them around the vitamins in a drug store, or barring that, any health food/natural food store worth their stuff will likely carry them. I take two at the first sign of feeling ill, and it perks me right up. I hope the Mrs. is up and about soon, and feeling better. ^^

You may now proceed with your normal thread. *laughs*

Edited, Mon Oct 25 17:57:28 2004 by Zylle
#17 Oct 26 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Me (57 whm) and my friend Tinyjr (58 whm) have collaborated together to do our AF3. We have already aquired our bells and now need to organize a party to run to Fei' Yin and fight the wonderful NM there. He is roughly level 65 and I am sure many people have heard horror stories about it. But Tiny and I are in a bind. We can't seem to find help at all so I figured I would call out for help here at Alla because you guys are always really nice about that.

I have read the comments at the AF3 section on Alla and people say that anyone level 60+ could help so if you are interested that would be great! We also need a 65+ tank. Dimensional Death is killer off of this guy. We are thinking of doing this run Friday night sometime after 9pm est or Sunday night around 6pm est the time isn't certain yet. If you could help that would be amazing and I would forever be in debt to you :) So you can post here if you would like or send me a /tell in game. Thanks so much ahead of time guys.

Edited, Wed Oct 27 08:52:24 2004 by Yekan
#18 Oct 26 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Yekan, I would be in on that but I have a feeling at level 53 I would be a liability. I have my bell already, if you think I could tag along I would be in ^^
#19 Oct 26 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Hmm well I would let you come along but it all depends on whether the help I get wants to do the fight three times. Already me and Tinyjr will need to have our help fight it twice since you need to fight the NM once for each white mage. So I will have to see how that goes. If it turns out they are all ok with it (considering I find some help) then sure why not have you come along too. ^^
#20 Oct 26 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
Wintaru -

Yoshinaka and I are in for Friday night. Quick question, we are both at 54. Do you have to be 55 for Genkai II? If so, we will try our best to ding 55 before we go. I will check and see if I have talked to Maat again for the next quest. Oh, we are a 54 MNK and 54 RDM.

#21 Oct 26 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Hey if you guys need a white mage to come along let me know. I've already done it and if I am not doing Genkai 3 Friday I will tag along. G2 was actually rather fun. So send me a /tell when you do it ok?
#22 Oct 26 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Mistress lgordon wrote:
Wintaru -

Yoshinaka and I are in for Friday night. Quick question, we are both at 54. Do you have to be 55 for Genkai II? If so, we will try our best to ding 55 before we go. I will check and see if I have talked to Maat again for the next quest. Oh, we are a 54 MNK and 54 RDM.


You can do G2, I did my first run at 52 so I know your good, just make sure you talk to Maat and that he asks for Fragicite. I'm going to try really hard to get my Tele-Vazhl scroll before we try this, so I can meet people at Maat and teleport them out after they chat with him. I'll add you guys to my post on our LS boards.

Oh and thanks Yekan, I'm sure the help will be much appreciated, I'd like to have one WHM per party in the alliance, hopefully one refresher too along with a tank of some kind.

Edited, Tue Oct 26 11:24:32 2004 by Wintaru
#23 Oct 26 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
hey, just wana say thanks to emilyia for trying to help me get pld. =)
#24 Oct 26 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I need help getting my Warp II scroll.

i've tried a couple times to get my WarpII scroll in Fei Yin, Sneaked and Invised my way there with my RDM. scary journey. Everytime i get close though, sneak and invis wear off at the worst possible moment. last time i tried, i was steps away from the cermet door and couldn't find a raise =\

I'm always willing to help kill a couple dragons for rank 3. I'll have to go nekkid but it hasn't been a problem so far...
#25 Oct 26 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Well, i'm always available to help anyone whenever i'm not in a xp party. Just send me a /tell.
#26 Oct 26 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
There are 2 things that i would need help with over the next 2 weeks

1. Obtaining a Coffer Key in Castle OZ for my AF body peice
2. the RDM AF3 NM Battles in Fei Yin and Galarage Citadel
If anyone can help me with these or if you need either one i would really appreciate it
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