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Bismarck isn't the only one suffering I guessFollow

#1 Oct 17 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I think I might have posted this already, but a friend showed me this page about something intriguing.

I don't want to start something that'll be blown out of proportion, but wow. Seriously that's all I can say. Wow. -_-

They don't really bother me too much since I only play like 4 to 5 hours a day, if that, but geez, we have so many, and look at some of those other poor servers.

Is anyone else fearing the apocalypse...? It's like some giant uprising...
#2 Oct 18 2004 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts

#3 Oct 18 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Perhaps someone should mention to them the other Bismarck gilfarmers or character builders like: Woodfoor, Redmagic, Beyond, Ivelle, Iceangel, Fireangel, Roseangel, etc etc. People in Jeuno still teleport these players and offer them services because their names are decieving and some groups even purchase a linkshell for the sole purpose of looking like actual players when /anon. ;;

On a funnier note, one of the Zooe's bazaar comment says (something along the lines of):

^^ I am no gil farmer Im a palyer ^^

Uh-huh. *moves to Ragnarok* >.>;
#4 Oct 18 2004 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
LMFAO. Mamimi, I saw that Zooej last night in Windy, and read that message and started laughing my *** off. Then it looked like that Zooej and some people took off for Giddeus. No idea why, but I'm hoping these dopey bastards weren't going with this gilfarmer to get Rank 3 or something.

Oh, by the way, this Zooej was a WHM 50/WAR 8.

What a gimp. ~.^
#5 Oct 18 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Giddeus to hunt the monster signa.

Yeah a zooe /tell me and said "Is no gil framer, is a player." he did miss spell famer too. ^^
#6 Oct 18 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
83 posts
yeah.. i'm guilty i was helping that group get rank 3. didn't know that the zooe was in the pt when i said i'd help and didn't want to just leave the other 3 that needed rank 3.


Edited, Mon Oct 18 12:42:10 2004 by Kakashisan
#7 Oct 19 2004 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
The Zoojes are weird. I don't know what to make of these guys.

As a whole, I utterly hate gilsellers. My fellow players are PAYING these jerks to steal from me. I spose I don't know who makes me madder, the gilsellers


or the people who insist on buying the gil rather than taking time to farm it. ><
For the most part, gilfarmers aren't *playing the game*....they're there to get as much money as possible, all the money if they can, by any means necessary.
Twenty four seven.
There's no hope of going to mine when the gilfarmers won't be there...they're always gonna be there. I mine, and these farmers think nothing of mining on top of you, camping points, and following you around, trying to drive all VALID players away.
I don't mind at all when another player gets to a point first. I'd never steal a point from another player, although I think nothing of doing it to gilfarmers who've done it to me.
But I think my great issue with gilfarmers is that they hate the game. They hate me. They're not there to play, they're wagering real life money on this boring and monotonous farming.
Like robots, without etiquette, without a smile or a nod, no passing on a point out of politeness or friendliness. Mindless little monkeys in field gear.

But the zoojes are weirdly different.
I had a Zooje heal me once in Beadeaux, when I was about to get seriously spanked by an Emerald Quadav. I still died, but I died with an amazed look on my face.
Some of them seem to have halfway decent, even good gear, and the guy that camps Spook...he has mad skills. I have to respect that, even out of a damn gilfarmer.

I've never had to listen to abuse from the Zoojes, unlike the crap Oneman, Careerwoman, the Angels and the Lucks hand out.

These guys make Baby Jesus cry too. Extremely rude.

But things like that message in the Zooje's laugh, but you have to think, at least she CARES what people in this game think of her. At least they're trying to gain in rank, which is something most of these momos never bother with. And to be honest, the closest a Zooje has ever come to actually stealing from me was when camping NMs...and that's like love and war, that's not the same as mining on someone else's point. I sure as hell would steal it from him, given half a chance, so more power to him for outclaiming me.

This has gone on way too long; but in short, the Zoojes are kind of odd, we all know they're gilsellers, but they're not on the same level as some of them, at least not in my experience. Come on, they're the Zoojes. They're old school. If gilselling were rap, the Zoojes are Grandmaster Flash.
#8 Oct 19 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Welcome to Capitolism LOL.

It sucks, but as long as players support it it won't go away. Luckily prices are plummetting, it was 24.95 for 100,000 gil, now it's 12.95 and 9.95 for 100,000. Hopefully as prices drop the farmers won't have as much incentive to do it....

unless users now see they can get 1 MILLION GIL FOR $100.00!

#9 Oct 19 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Hey Sioux,

I see that Yoyoma guy from that link in BuBu all the time as a DRG. I went to kill a crawler while farming for silk thread to make silk cloth and right after I voked it, I got a tell saying FU. I laughed because I didnt even know there was someone around.

I tried to respond to his rudeness in a tell but the pansy had his status set to away. So I just followed him around for a few and Flashed and voked a few of his prey until he got the hint.
#10 Oct 19 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Yeah, but it's really bad when you find out the leader of your old LS (and a few other members, prolly more) are now buying gil... I mean these are people I used to have good times with... makes me kinda sick. Oh well, I'm glad I got out of the LS when I did.

So yeah thank you to:
Phileoca (hope you have fun with your level 70+ woodworking skill), Haidin (grats on that pair of sniper rings...) and the rest of Eternal Brotherhood LS, for contributing to the downfall of this game by putting up with this weak, sad way of playing.

You guys pay real life money... for fake video game money... I bet that feels really good.

Edited, Tue Oct 19 13:51:58 2004 by Lainn

Edited, Tue Oct 19 14:05:12 2004 by Lainn
#11 Oct 19 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
Downfall of this game? The only thing that hurts the most is when people control a certain item and ram up the price from 300k to 1mil etc.

The game is fine, and as long as refuse to pay the inflated prices, and farm and actually just play right, things will balance out.

Remember, if people buy a lot of gil, it can either drive up a price of an object due to people having enough gil to lazily pay for it, or it can plummit it, look at silks. They hit an all time low of 6K on the server (of course when I was farming) and I held onto my four stacks and waited for the price to go back up to the 9K range.

It's a real economic system, it has inflation, it has outside influences, and buyers control the market. It's one of those things that I love. If Square really wanted to combat it they would flood the market with items the Gil Farmers are hunting, and drop their margins. Easiest way to fix it. But with 500,000 unique logins a day, the most of any MMORPG, and membership growing, I don't think SE is to worried about it.

So either do something about it, ie go out and ***** with the farmers, shoot, get your LS to go out and go GilFarmer Hunting, and just stir up trouble. Don't do anything against the TOS, but do have a light heart about it and do something about it besides whine on a non-affiliated MB.


#12 Oct 19 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Items such as Sniper's Rings are controlled by people who camp Stroper Chyme, since that mob drops Archer's Rings, which are used to make Sniper's Rings. Sometimes you cannot help but pay the inflated price, because you need the item and are stuck paying the price, no matter what.

You can try to camp the Chyme, but good luck, as any of the farmers are down there trying to get it. This is a case of a tight area NM, which I've heard are more a pain in the *** to farm than the open area ones. (Stroper Chyme and Argus are tight area NMs)

Anyways, people who hunt Chyme control the Sniper's Ring market. That's just point of fact.

I cannot even remember what the hell I was trying to say here now. So, whatever... Have a nice day all. ~.^
#13 Oct 19 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
Hey Xan. I remember when I first met you online, I was just a 14 War, and you were a 30's DRK. I was in awe.

Yeah, I personally wish SE would make rares like that no so hard to get where people control the market. But if they don't care, well...
#14 Oct 19 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
If they don't care, then we must storm the SE headqauters and MAKE them care. heh heh heh

Hey, Kgo. Yes, I remember. We met down on the dock in Selbina. I see you've gone down the path of Darkness. Good for you ~.^
#15 Oct 19 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
I love DRK. I mean, very versatile job. Good puller (with poison or Bio unless you are going to sleep then use stone,) tractor, I use Drain and Aspir a lot to help WHM, and I MB off my own sc's all the time.

I am just a little hate stealer....

I Do agree that I wish SE would do something about this, but they are getting their 12.95 from all of us. If we maybe boycotted the game?

#16 Oct 19 2004 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'll be around this weekend Kgo if you wanna BS about the job and what not. See ya around. ^^
#17 Oct 20 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Good
I see that Yoyoma guy from that link in BuBu all the time as a DRG. I went to kill a crawler while farming for silk thread to make silk cloth and right after I voked it, I got a tell saying FU.

These buttheads were leveling at about the same rate as my RDM, so I kept running into them on the leveling field. They are rude, vicious, obnoxious assclowns.

I was in a party that was fighting in the CN, in the secret room, and these guys were in there with us; we didn't do anything to them, but they moved up INTO our camp, and stood around on top of us, sending /tells in Chinese. They would emote repeatedly, spamming emotes, standing up and sitting down in the middle of our fights. It was vaguely surreal, and incredibly annoying.

All of them seem to have major social problems. Never camp near them while leveling, they insist on having everything to themselves, and will drive you absolutely insane. I 100% believe they would say "f*ck off" to someone just for farming nearby; it's just the way they are.
And yeah, they're all like this...I don't generalize usually, but they all join in when they're together.

It's confusing that they're even still around, as they've been up to the same crap for a loooong time. This picture was taken when my RDM was still in Yuhtunga, and I'm now 52, after having taken a long break to level DRG and about nine other jobs.

They've been at this for months. Augh I wanna kill those guys. Augh.
#18 Oct 20 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well, when I was leveling my thf, I attacked a DC- Mandagoria in E. Saru and out of nowhere, someone with a typical Gil Farmer name ran up to it and tried to attack it. Sadly, I couldn't hit the mandy at lvl 7 u_u so I diengaged and called for help. They sat there and watched me die. When I respawned at my moghouse, I got a tell..

"Ha ha you no steal from me, you got what deserve"

I was like WTF! So, in a rage I changed back to drk and followed them around stealing all their mobs with provke and poison. All I did was say is "Ha ha." They eventually logged off and I sat there for, 15 minutes and they came back... saw me stil there and logged back off

#19 Oct 20 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
As infuriating as the gilfarmers are, and as loathe as I am to post on one of these types of threads, I have to stick up for the majority of the zooe's.

As far as I've noticed, the actual economic impact from the zooe's has been minimal if any, because they're not persistant campers. Now, the Love-- gang and others that control a market, that's a definate and detrimental impact.

But aside from the very first meetings with them, I've seen nothing but courtesy and good will from the zooes. Aside from the language barrier, I'd say they're some of the more honorable players on the server.
#20 Oct 21 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Yeah the Galka PLD...whichever that one is...cast Pro 3 on me in Pashhow the other day. ...not like I needed it. I was in the TM coat and had the Dark Staff, and I wasn't anon, and he checked me. I didn't know what to make of that. But, he still religiously camps Mimas etc, and I know he's gotten the drop and sold it multiple times (look at the price history if he's still on it) so...well I'm rightfully confused.

They're kinda like..."sociable" gil sellers. I dunno. At least they're not rude and obnoxious. I'm not going to say I like them, but I don't *hate* them.
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