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FFXI with a side of Prozac or The Fake Life of a White MageFollow

#1 Oct 17 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
91 posts
Lately, I've been finding FFXI to be very depressing. Like most people, I played this game to get the "online experience", to have meet all sorts of fun people. But now as I check my Play Time (18 Days) and look at my level 36 White Mage, I start to wonder. The people who play this game will determine whether this game is fun or not. But so far, the people aren't very nice. So is this game truly fun?

A friend that I will call "Jean" recently deleted a level 40 dragoon because smack talk about Jean playing DRG had gone too far. Group chat, linkshell, /tells... you name it. Jean's Armor's up-to-date. Uses food. KNOWS how to operate in a PT. But still, someone will always have something bad to say about Jean being a dragoon. Here's the best part. Two other higher level dragoons felt the same way, so the three decided to delete together to start out fresh. They're now Red, Black and White Mages.

I wish I could tell this friend that making a new White Mage means you'll meet better people. But of course, that's not the case. The people are the same. And even as White Mage, I find that people only like you because since White Mages are low in numbers, people gotta kiss up to the ones that exist. They don't care about you. They just need you so they can get their precious exp.

It's sad when you make friends on FFXI, only to have them disappear. It's more sad when they decide to talk to you again with:

"hey! how are you! can I have a Teleport-Mea?"
"been awhile! are you busy? think you can plvl me?"

How convienient for them to remember they are friends with me, a White Mage.

To be honest, I am jealous of "Jean". Yes, Jean is deleting a Dragoon along with two others. But because of their common experiences and their desire to continue playing FFXI but with better treatment, they formed a tight-knit group. Jean tells me about how exciting the future in Vana'diel will be with these two. Why haven't I made any friends like this? I haven't even made friends CLOSE to this.

Maybe I'm just being dramatic. After all, I did recently see that flash video of the JP White Mage and her static party, formed in Valkurm. Maybe I'm expecting too much. After all, this is just a game right? I should just join in the race and level up.

I don't know. Don't mind me, I'm only ranting... I may be fine tommorrow, or maybe not.

Edited, Sun Oct 17 08:52:41 2004 by Mailorder
#2 Oct 17 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
446 posts
It's one of the reasons I left the game......
You'd think being a Lv 53RDM would be all fun and
games but it gets boring after a while too many people
asking "Hey you think you can help me level?" or "Can you
help me with this mission?" or "Can I get a Raise at <randompos>" oh and my personal favorite "Can you Dispel <bt> please" (When it wasn't needed because <bt> didnt have enhancing/staus boost effect on) or wait wait I got one more "Can I get a Refresh please?"

And that's not even the half of it, WHM was my sub Lv 36. Try getting a great exp party at that level. Oh wait what am I saying you are a WHM,

{death} {can i have it?} {excitement}

Oh yeah and then try leveling THF because Mages are expensive ******* who need all the finest jewelry and spells money can buy oh and if that isn't enough then you get to party with <insertrandomplayernamehere> for the next couple of hours and have to actually listen to them tell you how to do your job (due to not partying in a while and actually getting decent exp) because you know you've been playing for a couple of months and <insertrandomplayernamehere> bought their Lv 50 Rank 5 character off of some stupid website and think they are like Ubern00b!

And you know what else DRG job is one of the sweetest jobs anyone could ever have Who in their right mind would NOT want to have a Wickedly COOL looking dragon flying by them beating the **** out of something while in battle?!?!!?

Dramatic {no thanks}
realistic is more like it, maybe ill come back and play this game in the future under a new name and a new job with people
that aren't going to pretend to be my friend and then forget
about me when i dont have the courtesy to drop what I am doing ASAP and help them with whatever they are working on. I always
wondered when I was Lv Suck why people weren't always willing to help out. Now I know why... once you start helping someone out they tell their friend

Randomplayerwhothinksheiscool>> LYK3 OMFGWTFBBQUBERCOOL W3 PWN'DZ DIS NM CUZ I AM T3H ROXX0rz an I talk Lyk3 DIs
Friendofrandomplayerwhothinksheiscool<< LYK3 OMFGCANH3H3LPM3 2?!?!?!?
Randomplayerwhothinksheiscool>> <insertyournamehere> lYk3 4 R3alZ can j00 h3p m3h with m3h FRri3nd Cuz U R T3h UB3RCOOL?!?!?

rinse, repeat....

maybe i'm just bitter.

Edited, Sun Oct 17 11:31:45 2004 by zandertheredmage
#3 Oct 17 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Default
i wanted to start over it jut seems like to much work

i had to wait for my freinds to lvl up and now they want to remark characters

and im still anoob what do u think it is a good idea

as u might know im the person who steals a stuff just tell me what u think
#4 Oct 17 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good

I my self am a white mage, and I know first hand what it is like to be asked to raise people across the world, and to be asked to "plz pl me to lvl 10 it wunt tak long, plz!!!". I am constantly asked to replace my sub, bard, with my blm (only lvl one) or rdm (lvl one also) when ever i get into a pt three times out of five.

I am also a role player, something I have found a lot of players don't have the patience for. A lot of people dont want to see someone walk strangly after the player just rped a drink out of the Merry Minstrel, and is a bit tipsy, or to hear someone go to the gardens in Jueno and pray for all the souls lost in the war from twenty years ago and the hopes that the wars may never erupt again... I have been blisted, and been hate imed for it, and not been invited to pts for who i am before.

Why do I still play though?

Along my way, I have met several people who are like me, who dont follow the normal pattern of "gotta get the boots, then rank five, then lvl 70, then scorpion harness and Lunarians or IRON". I have started to count a lot of these people as friends in real life, as people who I can count on if I am ever in a bind inside or outside of this game...

You guys and girls know who you are.

I have also fallen in love with this world...

I know it is virtual and not real, but it still is beautiful. It is like a storybook waiting to be read...and the ending is not anywhere in sight over the horizon.

THAT is why I play. Mailorder, if you want someone to talk to who won't be begging you for pls or teles, but will treat you as a regular person, then look me up.

I won't turn you away or treat you any differently based on job or level.

I promise.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#5 Oct 17 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
so what ur saying should i wait to till lvl 30 then start over

cause i really wanna be a summoner/bard and i know it would take longer to get that if i started over

do elvaan have suffiecent mp for these jobs??
#6 Oct 17 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
91 posts

Zander: I was actually considering being a Red Mage. Having people let me know that I'm playing a no-brainer job does not allow me to feel good about it. I played White Mage to help people. I'm the guy that sits in Valkurm to Raise random people. I crossed zones to Raise a linkshell buddy. Powerleveled parties and people I felt needed a bit more help. But I guess charitable acts don't matter, since people remind me that in later levels, I'll be stuck doing events since I'll be picked over in exp parties.

I stopped considering Red Mage when I figuerd that I might have been escaping the fake attitudes a White Mage meets, but I realized that Red Mage probably has it just as bad. You listed all the reasons in your post.

libien: I would start fresh. You've got a bad name on Bismarck... and for good reason. You probably pulled off your stunt once as a joke, and then couldn't help finding yourself addicted cheating people for fast gil. Your character is probably forever tied to your sins. The only way you could convince people that you've changed is if you paid back every gil worth of the items you stole. If you're not up for that, recreate under a new guise...

Nightsintodreams: I remember seeing you in a friend's linkshell! I talked with you briefly, about how FFXI wasn't kind to RPers. I'm the same guy that played on Firiona Vie on EQ, the Ropeplaying Preffered server. So yeah, of course I'd get along with you : )

Believe me, I have an entire folder full of screenshots dedicated to the beauty of FFXI. It's always the screenshots that do it for me because you don't see the window below, usually filled with all things I complain about. It's whenever I sign off and spend a few minutes to scroll through the pictures where I feel peace at mind, where I say, this game isn't bad at all.

Edited, Sun Oct 17 15:52:57 2004 by Mailorder
#7 Oct 17 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
I am actually buying the PC version of the game and I am going to end up starting over completly new on Hades. Hopefully it will go well there, new friends and such.
Not that I ever had a problem with helping people...
It was the repetitiveness (spelling) of it that bothered me.

heh go figure I replied to something and got rated down.. Wooohoo!

Edited, Sun Oct 17 15:16:24 2004 by zandertheredmage
#8 Oct 17 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
I read this thread and wonder why I haven't met any of you guys. My husband and I both play the game. We have a tight knit group of people that we level with.

We've belonged to 2 LS that broke up over petty things. So we formed our own and only let people we know well in. I've met some of those people through this board.

For the most part, I've experienced everything you have. /Blist and /Anon will become your best friends. That stops alot of the stupid shouts and requests. You can also filter out certain things using the config.

By no means am I saying that you are overreacting. There are times when the game feels more like work than fun. When this happens, get your small group of friends and do something new.

We've tried BCNM's, farming, garrison, exploring, fishing, you name it. And sometimes we just turn it off. We also schedule our next party when we party so there is no confusion. And we only level a few times a week.

So if you guys hang around, give us a /tell in game. We are more than welcome to hang out, party, level subs, etc. We don't get involved in drama and understand that there are RL issues that people deal with.

Stick around and have some fun! I've heard that some of the other servers are way worse than ours is.


#9 Oct 17 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
91 posts
My big problem is that I feel I haven't built that small group of friends yet. I mean, they exist, but their play hours are different from mine. Not only that, but our levels are different. Even my subs don't match their subs. I'm sure that everything will improve through time..

And yeah, you're right. I've heard some bad stories on other servers. I guess I'm glad I'm in Bismarck : )
#10 Oct 18 2004 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Mailorder, I can definitly see where you are coming from. So many people have different goals in this game and it is rather hard to find friends who share your goals. It took me about 5 months of playing to find a group of people that I fit in with the most. I have recently formed a set party (which isn't working out too well) with four of my good friends in game and it keeps us in touch with each other.

At the same time, I know what you mean about people only being your friend when they want a favor from you. I am a level 56 white mage at the moment (Yay for raise II) and I find that some people on my friends list only contact me when they want a PL or a teleport or some other wonderful task from me. Don't get me wrong, I love helping out my friends but you can't expect me to drop everything to PL you for free or teleport you when I haven't set my HP or I am busy. I wish I could tell you that in time this will get better, but it really doesn't.

As for how your friend Jean was treated, well that isn't right, but every job has people complain about them. When I was in the awkward levels of 45-50, I found myself experiencing the old white mage vs. red mage debate over and over again. True, many times I was about to give up, but I love my job as a white mage far too much for that so I delt with it, and levelled slower than I would have hoped.

But levelling and partying isn't all there is to this game as many have mentioned. I have spent many hours just wandering around Vanadiel with my friends or sitting in remote places with my boyfriend just talking. There is so much to soak in and I don't want to miss anything. Many times I have taken a break from levelling because of my aggrivation, but spend the time farming or questing and eventually find my way back out there partying.
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