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Anyone wanna go exploring??Follow

#1 Oct 14 2004 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Me and a couple of friends just decided to take tonight off from farming/exping and head into some of the newer zones to explore.

If anyone wants to tag along we'd be more than happy to have you. Just lemme know in here or /tell me in game after 6:00PM EST tonight ^^

The more the merrier!
#2 Oct 14 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
389 posts
Hey Eleusynia

I would love to but I heard you need to be rank 5 to do that, and I'm still working on getting rank 4.

Take some pictures for us though :)
#3 Oct 14 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Check out Attowha Chasm. Blayze and I went there awhile back and the first area you enter it seems NOTHING aggros but Gobs and Hecteyes, even if it cons DC. I walked right by Attowha Coreul (sp?) and Antlions (cannot recall which type) and they just sat there.

However, this place is HUGE. Take some of the tunnels and go West and you will find Pit Antlions and Chasm Lizards that conned IT+ to Blayze and he is level 50. O.o I found a great spot to xp party there once my set is about 51 I would say.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 15:15:39 2004 by Trizzoro
#4 Oct 14 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I'd love to go. ^^;
But, I planned on exp'ing tonight. I'm only 46 exp into 40, so I wouldn't want to die, which tends to happen while exploring. However, 6 isn't for another 3 hours. Assuming I get an invite relatively quick(Ha!), I could get a decent enough buffer by 6. I'll send you a tell later. :D
We could also explore some old areas if noone in the group's gone there before for any decent length of time. ^^;
#5 Oct 14 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
; ; I wanna! Too bad my static is heading out at 7. ; ; Booooo.... if you go again let me know. I want to go. :( I've only seen Bibiki Bay so far and that makes me sad.
#6 Oct 14 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
We could also explore some old areas if noone in the group's gone there before for any decent length of time. ^^;

Good idea :)
I was just looking through the Level chart to see which zones I've never really explored :P

And yes we'll definitely go again Byaina, I'll let you know. We do this quite a bit, especially lately with all the new zones we can die in ;)
#7 Oct 14 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
D'oh. Not sure if I can go tonight. ; ;
My %(*^(*&@%-&^% game doesn't want to connect to Playonline or verify DNAS or whatever the hell it's doing. So I'm wasting valuable exp time trying to figure out what the hell is going on. As far as I can tell, my cord is connected fine. I rebooted twice, I can still use the internet and AIM/MSN, people say the servers are up... So I'm not sure if I'll be available due to needing to make up this lost time. >< Next time for sure though, unless it's Tuesday. <.<
#8 Oct 14 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
Hey Trizz,

My static is sitting at 51 and need some alternate zones to level in. Would you be willing to share this location? (We all have the expansion.)

#9 Oct 14 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I'd be up for it definately!

I'm Rank 5 if that's one of the prerequisits.

Sadly the only useful thing i have is 36 whm, but at least I can sneak/invis myself. :p

#10 Oct 14 2004 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I may be, but I've got two statics (same people, just two jobs at two different times of day), and I'm trying to build up RDM to be more efficient in soloing, not to mention farming to support all the new armor. If you need/want a 51 WHM, send Yuehunei a tell sometime, but I can't make any promises I can go though...I'm interested, sure, but I've kinda got a finicky (sp?) time schedule. Real life's a ***** sometimes. :'(
#11 Oct 15 2004 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
OOOooooo, we had so much fun last night! (Atleast I did, I hope you guys did too ^^;)

I finally got to meet Kam and Iggy, GREAT people! We ventured into Xarcabard to get some people their Vahzl crystal and then ran around for a good hour trying to find the zone into some U?? Range (I can't even remember the name, lol). Too bad I had to call it quits, but it was way past my bed time and I'm paying for it right now lol. Oh well sleeping at work never killed anyone.

We had some pretty close calls and one death >< but overall I think we did great given that we got aggro left right and center.

I hope we can do this again sometime, but um..I forgot to add you two to my friends list ; ;
I'll have to try do that tonight when I get home.

**But what happened after I left? Find anything interesting??**
#12 Oct 15 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Well me and Iggy decided to explore the range, and the higher we got it got REALLY scary.

In the lower levels we saw buffalo, we saw ice bombs *i got killed by one,* tigers *we both got killed by one :X go reraise,* White Bunnies *so cute.*

Then we went up where things got really scary with Raptors, Brontosaurs *RUN AWAY,* bigger buffalo, and demons.

Then we got to Jormagunds spawn area, but alas he was not there. =(

We walked around some more and had to dodge true sight demons *easier then expected,* and then went into Bearclaw Pinacle which was neat and pretty but ultimately useless.

Then we fell down a giant cliff and called it a night.

Oh yeah, get mystic ice key item (they're usually in tunnels if the next area has holes) if you have the chance. It is a easy way out of holes you can fall into by giving it to a fissure.

Overall it was pretty fun and scary, but me and iggy were really sad to not see Jormagund. =(

Anyways, it was great to meet you all and i hope we can do this again soon! :D

/comfort eler

Edited, Fri Oct 15 12:22:11 2004 by KamakazeKat
#13 Oct 15 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Aww, that sounds like fun ; ;
Wish I didn't have to leave, and I talked with Eleryn after we lfet for a bit and he's doing better now lol, so dont worry about him, he already got his level back and A LOT of buffer ^^
#14 Oct 15 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Then we got to Jormagunds spawn area, but alas he was not there. =(

Are you sure you were in the right area?

I have yet to hear on any FFXI forum of any NA or JP LS being able to take out Jorgamund, even with 50+ people.
#15 Oct 15 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Gah, stupid servers destroyed my leveling time so I couldn't go. >< Sounds like it was uber fun. <.<
By the way, Ulegeurand(sp?) Range is on the Xarcabard map. O.o
But yeah, /tell me when you go next time! I should have a buffer by then. ^^
#16 Oct 15 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Are you sure you were in the right area?

I have yet to hear on any FFXI forum of any NA or JP LS being able to take out Jorgamund, even with 50+ people

Yeah we were i the right spot, matched to coordinates people have said he is and looked like the screenshots.

We came to the conclusion that he depopped

Edited, Fri Oct 15 16:15:11 2004 by KamakazeKat
#17 Oct 15 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
By the way, Ulegeurand(sp?) Range is on the Xarcabard map. O.o

We didnt have a map ^^;
#18 Oct 18 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Ule-googlyeyed Range is a good place to XP at around 51 I know... My party was doing really well damage-wise, with anywhere from about 150-200 per. Just FYI y'all
#19 Oct 18 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Hmm, do any of us want to do this again?

Isn't there a level 40 cap area we could go visit? I'm about to hit 40 and sounds like a fun plan. :X
#20 Oct 18 2004 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
I went and did some exploring over the weekend with a friend so I got a new place we can go to.

I took Trizz's advice and we headed out to Attowha Chasm, and I ran into something that I wasn't expecting. " Oh Look! a big opening, lets see what's at the other end of that canyon thingy"...walk....walk...walk...


Tiamat staring me right in the face lol. I have never run in the opposite direction so fast in my life. It was amazing though, I took lots of screenshots but I'm on PS2, I dont think there's a way I can get the pics on here ; ;.

Then my WHM friend joined us and we went off to see the hall of the gods, took a few more screenies there.

Then after that the THF says "Hey, I have an idea, lets go somewhere" ..Off we go again...

Qufim --> Behemoth's Dominion --> King Behemoth hi ^^

It started off just the 3 of us, then my friends starting /telling me "Why are you there?" I'm watching King Behemoth go down "OMG I'M COMING!!"....a bunch of my friends showed up and a bunch of my other friend's friends did and before I knew it we were about 10 or 11 people. Most of the time we were running around raising and tractoring everyone (we did ask first) and trying not to get "Meteor'd" to death.

I think I was the only one who didnt die the whole time. Our whm died 6 times, our rdm died 4, and the others died atleast 2 times. Even our 74 THF died and he deleveled ; ; (he solo'd it back later on). The whole fight must have lasted over an hour (atleast it felt like it) but it was still one of the coolest thing I've ever seen.

Altogether a pretty eventful weekend although I didn't get all my goals done, I still have a ton of fun. And now I have a few more places we can go next time we get together ^^
#21 Oct 18 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ele, you can email pics from the PS2, gotta go into the Navigator, then Mail I believe. Compose a new message to send to your email account (other than your POL, something you can access via your PC), and then attach the screenies. You can only do 5 at a time though ; ;
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