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I can't be the only one who has to deal with this...Follow

#1 Oct 14 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Does anyone else find that after countless hours of helping someone out, camping an NM for an item they need but are too weak to get themselves, dragging their **** through Delkfutt to get them their Rank 4 or whatever, they just keep asking for more??

I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVE helping people, that's why I'm always offering, but I do pay my monthly fee so "I" can enjoy the game for myself, not to make it more enjoyable for someone else.

I don't think I'd be so upset about this if, when I explain that I can't help right now because I'm doing X or Y, the person accepts my reasoning and leaves me alone. But really, do people need to get all ****** with me like I just ran over their dog???
God forbid, you ask one of them to help you one day. They can throw every excuse in the book at you, up to and including "I can't right now, we're having a power failure and I need to find a flashlight for my mom....maybe later" (I'm not kidding, I actually got this one -.-)

I really need to know. Does anyone else get this crap? Or do I have some kinda luck that I get all the winners of the bunch.
(I asked my whole LS and none of them have ever had this problem with more than one or two people).

**I am helping out a few people on this forum with different quests and NO!! this is not in reference to any of you! I've yet to have a bad experience helping anyone from Alla so I just wanted to make sure that was clear ^^
#2 Oct 14 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
Well, I see where you're coming from on this.
If you really don't enjoy it, then don't feel obligated to do it. If people lose respect for you, or try to talk you down, obviously they were just using you for help anyway.
I personally love helping anyone in my LS with stuff like this, because we always have one hell of a good time. However, sometimes I feel that it is necessary to be frank and tell someone no, I'm busy, I cannot help. Just think of it being the same as someone asking you for d2 when you're busy.
#3 Oct 14 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not sure Ele, the few times I've actually been in a position to help I've gone, at 52 a whm still can't do a whole lot in terms of helping with rank missions or stuff like that ^^ Things I have been able to help on is curing Kpp while he kills for coffer keys and stuff like that, if I'm the highest level in the group there's not a lot we can do ^^

I am usually on the receiving end of the help (Kingpopof and my entire LS can vouch for that ^^) and I'm very concientous (sp?) of being a pain in the butt for them, I definatly understand where you're coming from.

I would cross them off your help list, and let them try to find someone else who will put up with their crap. I get the same thing when I'm crafting in Bastok and someone asks me for a Tele. I leave my HP set in Jueno so I usualy have to turn them down but every once in a while I get an *** that won't leave it alone.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 13:42:44 2004 by Wintaru
#4 Oct 14 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Not so much myself, but I have noticed there are some players who always ask for help, yet ironically never seem to be around when others need some assistance.

And the NM hunting thing isn't too bad, as long as they remember it in the future. NM hunting can be a VERY boring and frustrating task even when you can possibly expect some type of reward, but when your solely doing it to get an item for someone else who does not want to take the time to farm for it (such as I farm for EVERYTHING I own) then yeah, saying "Sure" can put a lump in your throat. If it is for an LS meber (as long as that member is not constantly seeking aid) then no problem.

We have such a member who does NOTHING BUT LEVEL. One of our members claims to see him/her farm from time to time, but I have not seen them in any other area but a leveling area for at least 2 months. Either his/her equipment for their level is absolutely horrible, or I am convinced they buy gil online. If I discover that they do, either they are getting booted from the LS or I am going. Plain and simple.

Basically my suggestion is to stop helping anyone for awhile, get back to your own game and let the beggars figure out there own way, such as I had to (for the most part). It kinda "refreshes" your helpfullness.

#5 Oct 14 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
whhoooo...time of the month Ele? ;P Make sure I never ask you for help sound pissed ;)
I always try to help someone if I can but I try to do things I want to do as well. I have also asked for help on certain things (thank you to everyone who has..emilyia, merodi,jubon..etc..) even if I feel bad about asking (cause I seem to be the highest lvl out of all my close friends). I think Emilyia said it best after helping me get my last genkai item: "help out lower lvl players when you can" or something along those lines after I asked if there was anything I could ever do for her as repayment. What goes around comes around. You can at least go on playing knowing you're willing to help out. Of course this person, having refused to help you because they are too busy/don't want too/being asshat is going to get a reputation for being a moocher. Rep seems to matter in this game. I'm sure you'd discuss this person's actions in your LS which in turn will spread the word to their friends and so forth.
#6 Oct 14 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
whhoooo...time of the month Ele? ;P Make sure I never ask you for help sound pissed ;)

If that hadn't made me laugh, I'd be hunting you down right now :P

I got pissed off last night because I got this crap from 3 different people. I gave them each a time when I would help them with their whatever-needed-to-be-done and reminded them that I was gonna need some help killing elementals in CN for my AF. All of a sudden, they were gone, no more ansering my tells or anything. I'm just waiting for them to message me when they are rdy to get their respective quests done.

Me: "Oh! I'm really sorry! I completely forgot! I just spontaneously combusted! I'll be unavailable for a while, Sorry ^^;"
#7 Oct 14 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
"never **** off a woman"

most sound advice I've ever gotten

..especially a women wielding a scyth and can blow you to oblivion

edit: stupid spelling

Edited, Thu Oct 14 14:23:24 2004 by Vimien
#8 Oct 14 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
/comfort Ele

Sorry to hear that. Guess I'm lucky, in that my general cynical view on the human race keeps me from helping people out, especially those I don't really know in-game.

That being said, I generally don't have to deal with this problem because I usually don't throw myself out there to help people. If they ask, and I know them and I don't have anything to do, yeah, I help out. Hell, I've been known to help out someone I don't even know just because I'm in a general good mood and not feeling ****** about the human race. Granted, that doesn't happen too often though. ~.^

Chin up Ele, and if they give you any more crap, kick 'em in the balls.
#9 Oct 14 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
642 posts

** I had something else typed in here but I re-read it and it sounded like a bad **** script forget it^^; **

Edited, Thu Oct 14 14:58:33 2004 by Eleusynia
#10 Oct 14 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Oh god yes Ele. Once upon a time, when I and people whose names and affiliations to me will remain nameless needed help getting a papyrus, one of said people had several high-level friends who tore through Eldieme Necropolis for us. Most of us were just so delighted that we didn't have to go through the hell of this on our own that all we could do was say "thank you" over and over again. But one person decided this would be the perfect opportunity to demand help with their AF in Eldieme, without thanking the high-level people for their help with what they came here to do. Needless to say, they didn't get the help.

And they did it again when we had the same help going through Genkai 2. Not a thank you to be had, just "ok let's do my AF now." They didn't get help again and to my knowledge, still don't have their AF (well into their 60's now). I was appalled at their behavior and still am, really. When you go out of your way to help someone you'd think they would be a little more grateful, but alas, it never is that way.

And yes, I've very much been on the receiving end of this myself, and of not getting help from people you've helped. There are some people I automatically won't help now, no matter what excuse I have to come up with, just because I know they wouldn't lift a finger to help me if the opportunity arose.

Ha, NM hunting... I had an LS friend ask for help getting Mary's Horn and then promptly DC after half an hour of a RDM from the LS and myself training sheep all over Konschtat. We stuck it out for another hour after that but then wondered why the heck we were doing it (other than the fact that I was getting sheepskins I could turn into wool later). Fortunately the person we were doing all the work for didn't complain when they came back and we hadn't gotten their drop, but it was tense for a bit while I braced myself for the worst.

On a side note, I want to read the bad **** script you edited out.. >:)
#11 Oct 14 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Thank you Byaina!!! I knew I couldn't be the only one!!!!!!

(No **** for you!! Bad Byaina!!! lol)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go see my therapist and find out why I find it so comforting to know that someone else gets taken advantage of as well :/

#12 Oct 14 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
I just use the "Once a Week Rule". Once a week I help an individual out. Like spending 1-2 hours with them to do any quest/mission related things. Unless someone I know asked me, I won't help more than one per week. When you have any job above level 60 (and 75), people start to look you up randomly and ask for favors. I am ok with helping. But I cannot devote all my time doing that.
#13 Oct 14 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
I've always found this helpful when people ask me for help pushily, and I'm either busy or don't want to help.

>>Person (I'm sorry. I don't speak any English.)
Person>> <insert help needed here> (Help me out!)
>>Person (I'm sorry. I don't speak any Japanese.)
#14 Oct 14 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
emilyia wrote:
I just use the "Once a Week Rule". Once a week I help an individual out. Like spending 1-2 hours with them to do any quest/mission related things. Unless someone I know asked me, I won't help more than one per week. When you have any job above level 60 (and 75), people start to look you up randomly and ask for favors. I am ok with helping. But I cannot devote all my time doing that.

I need help with Genkei items soon. Kan ju help meh plzzzz!!!
#15 Oct 14 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
-Sneaks in -

Eleusyina I need help in Eldeime with a coffer key help me please I'm a defencless little red mage who will get torn to shreds by that place. ^^;; (J/K)

I get this a lot too. There were a few members in my previous linkshell *not Nadesico* That would constantly ask me for help or pl's or anything. It was rather annoying when I had put my own leveling and question on hold to do quests for others. I still do it at times just not as much. I'm a sucker for people in need.

Now I only help them if they are nice, I've made a few good friends this way like Grimson, Cqkillin ect. Good thing is these friends I've now made will help me as well if I were to ever need it. I have this thing about asking for help ... I think I can do it alone and dont want to waiste anyones time or get them killed. Heaven forbid I someone gets killed in this game ... god I dont want the ******** at. ^^;

Vimien wrong thing to say to a woman .. if it really were that time of the month I wouldnt want to know what she would have done to you 0.0.

#16 Oct 14 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
Vimien wrote:
whhoooo...time of the month Ele? ;P Make sure I never ask you for help sound pissed ;)

So much for political correctness or even common courtesy, well, manners to.

With a comment that borders so close to chauvinism I cant help but have my "ears perk," just a little.

Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, it was distasteful, and if I were a woman, I would make damned sure to smite you, and I would be the one that was pissed.

/em rubs chin in thought

Now for my opinion I suppose, not related to my thoughts on Vimiens mild sexism; as far as helping people goes, I only do it when I feel like it, however if those people give me any hassle what-so-ever, well, theyre expendable afterall. I dont -have- to heal them, you dont have to either, maybe you could make a sport out of going invis in some dungeon and seeing how long it is until they die.

Ive read the TOS, well, skimmed over it, there is nothing in the TOS about not healing people, well, not when youre not in the party... as you have no obligation to help.

The only time I really help people regardless of circumstance is when its a good friend, providing I am able to help. So I guess, help your friends when you can, help people that ask when you feel like it. However, if anyone gives your bother, watch them die.
#17 Oct 14 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
Server lag, thought I hadnt clicked to post, long story short its a double post.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 17:42:34 2004 by Takanaki
#18 Oct 14 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Takanaki wrote:
Vimien wrote:
whhoooo...time of the month Ele? ;P Make sure I never ask you for help sound pissed ;)

So much for political correctness or even common courtesy, well, manners to.

With a comment that borders so close to chauvinism I cant help but have my "ears perk," just a little.

Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, it was distasteful, and if I were a woman, I would make damned sure to smite you, and I would be the one that was pissed.

Takanaki's Sense of Humor skill drops 0.5 points.
Takanaki's Sense of Humor skill falls to level 0.

Might wanna raise that skill some time bro. =P
#19 Oct 14 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Hey Ele,

Will you help me kill the Windy Dragon? Btw do you have a sword and some gil I could "borrow"?
#20 Oct 14 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
SneakyWeaky wrote:
Takanaki wrote:
Vimien wrote:
whhoooo...time of the month Ele? ;P Make sure I never ask you for help sound pissed ;)

So much for political correctness or even common courtesy, well, manners to.

With a comment that borders so close to chauvinism I cant help but have my "ears perk," just a little.

Regardless of whether it was a joke or not, it was distasteful, and if I were a woman, I would make damned sure to smite you, and I would be the one that was pissed.

Takanaki's Sense of Humor skill drops 0.5 points.
Takanaki's Sense of Humor skill falls to level 0.

Might wanna raise that skill some time bro. =P

Mhm, women are exploited and dehumanised enough, why make jokes of women too?

I wouldnt like to be female, women are treated a lot worse than men, without delving into anything remotely intellectual here, if you think there is gender equality you're sorely mistaken.

As for my humour skill, feel free to continue joking over women, im just voicing my opinion of it, if im the only person that finds it bothersome then I guess I should take note of it, as itll be interesting to discuss with my sociology class.
#21 Oct 14 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
First off:
Bwahahahaha @ Celestia

Secondly (probably more importantly):

Ele, I know exactly how you feel. Most of my close friends and LS mates are lower level than me. So naturally when it comes to them needing help I'm one of the first people they ask. No big deal. Most of my people are courtious enough to know that if I'm busy or I don't feel like helping, to stop asking for a bit. However, there have been people that I have encountered that are just completly self-centered and rude about what 'they' want. Alot of people refuse to take the time to realize that us higher level people have things that we want to do. There was one person that used to be in my LS that absolutely refused to take no for an answer. No matter what I was doing if I didn't drop everything to come help him he'd whine and ***** mercilessly until I'd do what he wanted or took my Linkshell off.

But almost everyone I've been helping is very nice about asking for help. For example, yesterday Arkard asked me for help with some MNK AF. I said that I was gonna xp today and he replied with something to the effect of "That's cool, just whenever you get the chance I'd appreciate your help^^"

Honestly Ele, if they keep being ridiculous about getting help, I'd tell them just to **** off if they can't be reasonable about it.

Btw, Ele, I need help getting and Earthern Abjuration Body. So get off your *** and kill Niddhog for me plz. =P

Edited, Thu Oct 14 18:54:00 2004 by kulganflame
#22 Oct 14 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Hey Celestia, Kulgan... I'm lvl 51 now... where is my AF hat party?? LOL just kidding guys...

But Ele I see what you mean... Just because I drop a quick cure on someone in a Dunes party doesn't mean I want to PL them for three hours. Heck, I don't even do that for my boyfriend >.>

I usually love helping people out since I'm finally getting to levels where I can help out more... I know a ton of people will probably die for their AF so why should I not do the same (for mine and theirs... darn you random sneak timer, darn you!!). I may be scared to death but if people ask me nicely and I don't have anything else to do, I'll go help. Goodness knows I owe a million people favors for helping me out with random things. So Ele, if you ever need help be sure to ask..... and I'll find someone who can help! XD

Gogo karma!
#23 Oct 14 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I know how you feel Ele, I really do! As a White Mage, I constantly get, "Will you PL me plz?" Wait, that's too much Grammar. "PL Plz" is about all that gets typed.

Now, these guys I can usually stand but there is one instance lately that pushed me over the edge. I help a lot of people when I can. Sometimes i'll be selective about what i'll do for help and sometimes i'll just respond to every tell I see and go help them. Teleporting people, helping people unlock jobs, escorting, raising, AF, missions, you name it and i've gone. I like helping random people.

The other day this guy who used to beg me to buy Yagudo Drinks from him starts hounding me for help after I see him a few times as I'm leveling around Cape Terrigan. He asks me if I can help level his axe. Usually when this happens it happens on Tigers in Batallia and the Wars will hand me all of the fangs they get in payment (it's quite profitable if the war is a war/thf!^^). So, I was helping tons of people that day and I told him i'd help him tomorrow.

He's a little miffed and doesn't hide it but i'm busy with friends. Friends come before strangers! So, the next day I log in to do some Promyvion - Holla and I get a tell from him asking to come help. As I had promised him to help level his axe I told him i'd meet him. He said, "Come to Garliage Citadel and PL me plz"

Talk about bait and switch!

I told him no. I won't PL anyone past level 25 (Quifim). I tell him that I would follow him around and level his axe, not PL him in a place that I could end up dying in. But he doesn't understand and he tells me that he is upset and blah blah loser blah blah, guilt trip guilt trip guilt trip.

At this point I want to yell at him but this will only generate a confidence in him that he'll try and abuse later so I just say, "Have fun man!" and go about my business. Since that time he's asked for teleports and more and I just ignore him.

I love helping people but sometimes people seem to think a little help at one time means a LOT of help later. Higher levels (I consider Higher from 40 on) don't just sit around on mountain tops thinking about Vana d'iel.

#24 Oct 14 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
282 posts

Its called the "while you're at it syndrome"

While you're at it could you "!@#%&#$*#@^%" for me please. When was the last time you're in a Paladin AF3 party and a bard that came along wanan go to Monastic Cavern to fight for his AF3. Sure its a few steps away and an alliance is ready and available. Not the point. You ask people for help without giving heads up and the ones that doesn't help are automatically ********. Yeah right. Asking a high level for Darkspark or NM help is like having low levels constantly asking you to beat Sandorian Misision Save the children for them. Sure they can do it with your eyes closed and sometime they will be glad to help, but please understand when they have the other bazillion things that they need to do.
#25 Oct 14 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Takanaki wrote:

Mhm, women are exploited and dehumanised enough, why make jokes of women too?

I wouldnt like to be female, women are treated a lot worse than men, without delving into anything remotely intellectual here, if you think there is gender equality you're sorely mistaken.

As for my humour skill, feel free to continue joking over women, im just voicing my opinion of it, if im the only person that finds it bothersome then I guess I should take note of it, as itll be interesting to discuss with my sociology class.

Bring it down a notch man, Vimien was just making a joke...

This joke was made to cheer someone up with a little chuckle, which seems as though it worked. You're digging too deep into this joke. And yes, I do believe there is a gender equality.

As for the actual topic:

The way I look at it, everyone at one point or another needs help with something. Once you needed help getting something, and that person who helped you also needed help. And soon, that person in which you helped, with be helping someone else. It's the cycle of FFXI.

In my opinion, if someone asks nicely for help, I'll more than likely help them any way I can. If someone decides to ask you in a manner you don't seem to think is fitting, then you should tell them straight up you don't care to help with that attitude.

Example of someone who should't be helped: New member is invited to the LS..only comes on when he needs help with something. I myself, don't care for this attitude, but we end up helping anyway. It's for his AF weapon for Ninja. 4 50+'s walk out to Altepa and wait for him. We expected seeing he asked, he had it all flagged and ready, so only the NM needed a killing. Come to find out, he didn't even flag the quest, or anything to do with it. Hour and a half later, he shows up at the spawn point, and we take the NM's down in about 1 minute. He runs back to Norg, hops off the LS. He then comes on a week later asking some crazy question whilst the LS is having a conversation. Then in the middle of the conversation I see, "You guys all suck, i'm leaving." Never to be seen again....

And that's the kind of people I despise. >.<
#26 Oct 14 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Fair enough, and I accepted that he was joking from the start, however that wasnt really the issue.

As for your feelings on gender equality, you might want to look into it, or not, its your own choice whether you live in a bubble or not, but there are things such as glass ceilings which I dont feel like going into, and that would only be touching the surface.

Anyway, on with the threads actual topic....
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