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good equipmentFollow

#1 Oct 13 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
i pride myself on having the best equipment possible that if that means having plus 1 everything then thats what i do. I recently have had people complain that i make other people of the same job/lvl look bad by having plus 1 everything. I am confused here. You guys are biotching at me because i use the best equipment possible but then others will biotch because i am not using good enough equipment when i don't have the best. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO??? I can't plese both of you and personally i want what makes me better so i am goin to continue to use the best equipment possible and if you don't like it because it makes you look bad then get off your behind and go farm and get the best equipment yourself!!

Edited, Wed Oct 13 02:35:42 2004 by Shreg
#2 Oct 13 2004 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
As you stated, people of the same job rag on you because of your equipment. I for one want everybody in an xp party to have the best possible equipment. Now this doesn't always happen and some +1's aren't that significant. I'm sure that the people that say this are are either too lazy or they can't play enough to actually farm. I will say that I will take a smarter and better player over a bad player with +1 equipment. Anyway keep up what you are doing people will notice.

#3 Oct 13 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I'd take a person with a lot of +1 equip in a heartbeat. Means they know how to get money. ...or they bought it. Well either way, I'd take you, and then if you're good at the job, big major kudos to you for doing an outstanding job.

Equipment isn't *everything* but it can make a difference, and it shows you're dedicated to your job.
#4 Oct 13 2004 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I totally agree but, I know there are a lot of gil buyers out there so until I see someone play I'm leary.

BTW...Please don't buy gil.
#5 Oct 13 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
I'm pretty neurotic about my equips myself, so I can relate.

But there's something gratifying about getting conned and being told "Nice equips".

#6 Oct 13 2004 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Nice job lol. Make them so ashamed that they want to find a hole to hide in. You did nothing wrong by being well perpared. I wish if everyone's like that.

Its funny how some people get jealous when someone have slightly better equipment; and distain other if they are not as well equipped as them. People like that needs to get their heads checked.
#7 Oct 13 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
In GC i met a cocky NINJA/WAR he had Emp Hairpin, Leaping Boots, and all +1 equipment and some of his RSE on.

Let me tell you i wound up tanking the whole time he was in party. Me tanking as a DRK/WAR that is. He could not get hate and he was also trying to pulling when i was out pulling. He was /telling that he likes it how I have great equipment and saying how he has over 500k. Its quite obvious he bought this charector on the internet because he had no idea what a Renkai was.

I would take a Smart player over a newb dressed up in +1 any day.
#8 Oct 13 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
If you are ever in a party with me and don't have everything +1 possible I shall taunt you.

If you are able to ignore this, I shall taunt you a second time.

Seriously, I don't know the secret to happiness, but the way to unhappiness is trying to please everybody. If you are like me and want to get all the best gear, and someone has a problem with it, tell them to fu[b][/b]ck off.
#9 Oct 13 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
I could care less about most gear. Super Duper Armor's don't excite me like the crazy Melee's out there. What I do care about is your ability to hit the mob.

So, if I see that a person is thinking that +STR is better than +VIT on a PLD, I won't party with them. Or, if I see that +STR is more important to a DRG, or any class that melee's, than +ACC, I will also not party with them. What is the point of hitting something really hard if you can't ever hit them? Conversely, what is the point of a PLD who hits really hard but also gets hit harder than a WAR?

Also, while gear isn't really important to Mages, spells are. I had to stop for a while and go find a way to get Raise II; that ******* spell. But, I will say that it has come in handy more than 20 times and i've only had it for 4 levels! Reraise II has more than helpful as well.

+1 Gear is good, unless it's not the gear that you should be wearing. Then, what is the point? Your gear may be +1 but it's still a worthless +1.

I guess maybe I care more about gear than i've let on. As a defense, I will say this. In XP parties, it is important to be at your best. By agreeing to take part in a party, you are saying that you have brought your best to the table and will use everything you have for the common good of the group. Individuality, gear that does not make you work at your peak, these things slow the group down. Leveling up is not something that most people enjoy and so, this makes for some grumpy times if someone has become a weak link in the group because of poor choices for sub classes or the inability to farm for gil and buy the gear they need. This can be frustrating as one gets into higher levels and gear moves from being in the 10,000 gil range to the 100,000 gil range all the way up to the 2-3 million gil range, but by purchasing this gear you have shown to those looking to form a party that you are more than capable of performing when you need to.

If people are angry with you for having the best gear, they are merely envious of your ability to find the paintence nessecary to attain your prize. Maybe they'll tell you how they don't like you purchasing gil, maybe they'll yell at you for supporting gil farmers; just ignore them. Black list is there for a reason. No need to put up with the stress of anger in a game that is supposed to be enjoyable.

Looking back on this post, it doesn't even look like I wrote it! But this is how I feel, please forgive me!
#10 Oct 13 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Shreg, after partying with you in Qufim, I've come to this conclusion: equipment isn't everything. In all honesty, I don't know whether it was an off day for you or what, but you were terrible. I asked you to voke the mob off of me so I could recast Utsusemi 3 times before we even started pulling. I even have a macro with a <call3> in it. You sat there and kept hitting the mob and shooting arrows. I don't think I need to say more, but anyone other than a RNG or a THF/RNG shooting arrows is a bad idea.

It should be noted that I'm not trying to start a flame war, just proving a point that while it's nice to have good equip, knowing your role in a party and being able to perform that role well is much, much better.
#11 Oct 13 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
I would take a Smart player over a newb dressed up in +1 any day.

This arguement is brought up time and time again, but it completely ignores something that is true a large percentage of the time. People who take the time to farm for the best equipment they can get for their level, are generally going to be dedicated players who maybe have already levelled a job, or have taken the time to make sure their equipment is the best it can be. Generally these types of players are going to be quite knowledgable.

It's very true that there are completely horrible players with amazing equipment, but there are even more amazing players, that make themselves even better with amazing equipment.
#12 Oct 13 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Well... Let me say... I have a lvl 20 THF and a lvl 20 BLM. I farmed more than 1 Million gil for my stuffs. I already have my Winged Boots for the lvl 24 and currently farming my emperor Hairpin. Got all the spells I could have at lvl 20 BLM, also got +13 INT. I'm stuck to lvl 20 for 3-4 months now because I don't have much time to go on the game and because I'm farming all my stuffs. About 30 ppl on my LS came in the game after me and are now much higher than me (Some of them are big noobs that pretend they know more than me in the game because I'm only lvl 20 and they are lvl 30, and after this they ask "What's skill points for ?"... /disgusted). But well. Getting the best stuffs take a lot of time, I could be lvl 50 at least If I really wanted to. But omfg, I can't even get into a party without my big stuffs...


1) Leveling fast and good, with a 'decent' gear ...
2) Leveling very very slowly, but with god stuffs ...

I've choosen the 2nd choice, but now ... All they want is my MP and my spells. Every time I party with other people, I meet ppl that are fighting with crappy things, that know almost nothing about party, that aren't able to do a Renkei... And then I look at me, at my gear, that took more time than 60 party like these ones to get it, and I'm thinking about one important thing ...

"Why, tell me WHY I've choosen the 2nd choice ?"
#13 Oct 13 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
this is to theophany. You invited me to your party and we had one fight!!! one Fight!! i remember it distictly. I was trying to voke the mob and just so you know i can only do it every 30 seconds. With different Pt's i need to adjust the way i keep hate. Some parties it will be easier and some will be harder. After the One battle we had you took off and said you couldn't be in a crap party. Maybe if you had some patients you would've ended up having a good Lvling experience. I know alot of WHM's have praised me for my ability to keep hate and that i keep up good equipment with good Def and that i use Fish Mithkabob(+25% Def). I am not angry with you i could careless. I just think you should give people a chance before you go judging them like the way you did.
#14 Oct 13 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
I don't want to argue with you, but well, a WAR shooting arrows ... not voking ... Well, you can have the best gear, but if you start attacking mobs with HtH with your BLM or shooting arrows like a RNG as a WAR, I don't think much ppl will like you. And the arguement "almost everyone said I am the best" ... You can't prove it, we can't say you're a lier. What's the point ?
#15 Oct 14 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
your right there is no point. I am a PLD and i was experimenting with bows for awhile because i had found they do good damage(i no longer use them). I can't prove that people have praised me for my ability to do things so i am not goin to try but maybe i'll see you out there sometime and if we get a chance to party then i can show you in the Meantime Good luck to everyone and Best Wishes.
#16 Oct 14 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Well, as Teophany said, you weren't able to keep the aggro on you because he asked you to voke the mob off of him, but a good PLD must keep the aggro on him. Well, also, like other ppl say, +1 items mean nothing. For example, you can try a THF/MNK lvl 15 with hydro baghnaks+1, he won't be better than a THF/MNK with Strike baghnaks. Also, Balance rings+1 for example are a waste of money because they're sold for a lot more for only 1 more DEF... you could keep this money to buy Deft rings at lvl 36. But well, like I said, i don't want to argue with you, you act as you like and I only can judge you with Teophany's post, so ...
#17 Oct 14 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Also, Balance rings+1 for example are a waste of money because they're sold for a lot more for only 1 more DEF..

Balance Ring +1 is actually an HQ2 synth. You would be much better off comparing a balance ring with an amethyst ring.
#18 Oct 14 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
Germonick wrote:
Balance Ring +1 is actually an HQ2 synth. You would be much better off comparing a balance ring with an amethyst ring.

WTF did you say? Yes, But you just posted what the person before you posted......

Anyway, It doesn't take much gear to make a PLD better. PLD's don't need the oober gear most do. Just simple HQ rings and so forth. Theo, Did he ever use his MP? MP is fun to use..
#19 Oct 14 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Balance Ring +1 is actually an HQ2 synth. You would be much better off comparing a balance ring with an amethyst ring.

He wasn't speaking about HQ items but +1 items.

Also, as PLD, using his MP to cure yourself helps to keep the aggro on you (Hate+) :)

#20 Oct 14 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
i know cureing helps to keep aggro thats why i do it as much as possible. I am not claiming to be the best PLD because i know i am far from it. Theophany just didn't give me a chance he left after one fight and we won the fight it wasn't like we had lost or even came close. I need to be able to adjust to the party to keep hate better thats the way i am. I was in a party the other day and it was me 2 WHM 2 BLM and a DRK that aggro was hard to keep but giving time i had eventually did it well or at least i think i did. Maybe i am wrong.... Maybe i should know how to keep the hate right off the bat. I am new to PLD and it is goin to take time to become really good but in hte mean time i would appreciate people giving me a chance just like i would anybody. I have party with some of the worst people and still given them a second chance or 2. I partied with a certain WHM once Who i never booted until i had died 3 times because of her inability to cast. Basically all i want is for people to understand that i, and others, need a chance to adjust to certain parties
#21 Oct 15 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
I'll post this once, explaining my side of the story.

We were in a party set-up of this sort (maybe not this exactly, but close enough): PLD (Shreg) NIN (me) WHM BLM BLM THF. I offered to tank, as that was how the party had been going for the past 2 hours. You agreed and offered to pull. All fine and dandy so far. The way I run my tanking is that I like to have 2 provokes in the party so that I can have the other person provoke the monster, allowing me to get Utsusemi back up. Very rarely do any other members of the party take hate using that system, and I know it works. I have a macro set for this system. "No more shadows! (Provoke) (please)! <call3>"

Now, disregarding that I explained twice what the system was, if you ever saw that macro, being the second and only other provoke in the party, wouldn't you do your natural job and provoke? I guess not though, as 2 explanations and a macro don't explain it enough.
#22 Oct 15 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
i can only Provoke every 30 seconds...... the battle lasted about 1 min.. that gives me time to provoke it once maybe twice depending on when your utsusemi or whatever it is runs out and as i recall i voked it at least once but whatever like i said i am not goin to sit here and argue. All i am saying is you left after one battle....
#23 Oct 16 2004 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Regarless of who was right or wrong in this situation i will say this i Agree that Equipment does not make the player. I dont care if you have the most expensive equipment there is to have, if you cannot play your job appropiatly i will not be in the party for long. Because if one person cannot do there job then the party will fail it is as simple as that.
#24 Oct 16 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Regarless of who was right or wrong in this situation i will say this i Agree that Equipment does not make the player.

I agree with that, but good equipment will make a good player even better.
#25 Oct 16 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
I dont think that good equipment makes a player.
O and if someone has all +1 gear, that person might know how to get gil and farm, but did u guys ever think about the fact that that person might be buying gil for their equipment. I personally think that buying gil is wrong, but some people do it, and they can probably get all the best gear in the game, and still be a noob.
#26 Oct 17 2004 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
All +1 gear wearing people can swing both ways, but never in the middle. Either he's a rich gil buyer who just cluelessly buys up the absolute best item he can get at his level. Or he's one of the super rich HNM LS players starting a new job. Usually it's rich and clueless gil buyers that's the case.

HNM LS power players usually have set parties. They want fast levels and would never try to join any random BS dune parties. Thus you will rarely see them around. Also most experienced playes know that most +1 items are not that good for its price anyways. An extra +1 INT on ring for 100k more is not going to do anything noticable compared to its normal version at all. Experienced players will not shell out that much money for an little more useless stats.
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