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Id rediscovered why I still play this game tonite...plz readFollow

#1 Oct 12 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
As I am sitting here writing this, it is 2:57 AM in the morning, and I am not the least bit tired, but rather am excited and happy and joyful and all set to bursting.


I found once again why I loved this game, THIS WORLD, as much as I do...

Tonight, I met old friends that I had not seen since the beginning of the game, friends who I have not seen since my last eco (a long long long time ago) run, and I met new friends.

Just a random gathering of people together in Jueno...

Yet, somehow, it felt like...

It felt good, it felt right, I can't even DESCRIBE it. Everyone, from Merodi, to Kestra, to Namnoodle was there. I even met someone new, Lylianra. We joked, we got our picture taken by our fav. forum photographer Merodi, and had fun!

Afterwards, one of them from the group and I went off to a remote corner of Batallia Downs...and had probably the best role play session that I had had since I began this game for over an hour...

And those that know me, know I have rp'ed A LOT.

Afterwards, I wondered my way back into Jueno, and just happened to walk down to the area where people do the chocobo quest...

There, I asked softly, politely, if the people there were doing the chocobo quest...and only one of them was apparently not afk, for he said yes.

I then asked him how much gil he had...and he replied "not very much at all...why?"

I opened up the trade menu, and explained to him that when I did my chocobo quest, I was in the exact same position, and was unable to really afford the chance to ride a chocobo. Someone asked me if I was able to afford it...and when I said no, he gave me 1000 gil, and told me to go ride with it. When he gave my that gil, I had promised myself that someday I would do the same for another player, who was in my exact same position at the time...

He listed to what I had to say, and when he accepted my gil, he said that he would carry on the tradition. He then saluted me when I left...I stopped, turned around, and saluted him back. I then told him that he was the one who deserved to be saluted, for he was the future of this world, and he had the chance to make it a bright one.


I just, I dunno...tonight, I still realized why I play this game, and that it is as fun as it always was.

Forgive me for my rambling, and for taking the time to read this. I just had to get my feelings out in the open.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#2 Oct 12 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
An good friend of mine on Bismarck and I had a huge falling out several months back. It was just one of those things, ya know? He said, she said, we both got mad. I've not spoken with her since, mostly because I'm a pessimist. I'm afraid something like that would just happen again.

That's beside the point. I mention it because you reminded me of one of the finest conversations she and I had one night. The topic of discussion was life, and living. Talking about how both she and I strive every day to really LIVE, to be awake and observative and take an active part in our world. To experience it. Like Walden Lake.

I think I lost that somewhere in the last few months. Thank you for the reminder. Rate = Up.

I was told once by someone I met in this game that I cared too much about my friendships made in this game. That it's just a game, and that I take it too seriously.

Perhaps he was right. But I'm not interacting with computer controlled npc's. I'm interacting with real people. Like you, for example.

And that's never a game. It's something far better.
#3 Oct 12 2004 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Lately, many of my friends have been losing the real meaning of this game. I have been playing since April and all along I went around making friends and connections with all the people I could. My friends list continued to grow and I always remembered the people I had encountered before. I was helped by higher levels and swore that I too would help out the lower levels when I was able to. Here I am 7 months later, at level 55 and I have stayed true to my word. I will drop anything to help a friend (even if they will not do the same for me) and I will always help out a lower level person because how can they get out of their noobish mind frame if they don't have help?

Recently I have gotten into a set party with 4 of my really great friends in-game. Of course a set party means that you won't be getting to level 75 in no time and that you have to wait for your friends to get there with you, and I love that but some people could never do that. Constantly I see the want to push forward and leave the set behind in two of the members and it hurts me. We started this set to be able to play with the 4 people we trusted the most and the 4 people we wanted to spend all our time in-game with but yet the want for power is so strong it sometimes masks the want to be with your friends.

I constantly tell my linkshell how important friendship is in this game because well, these are real people you encounter, and you do form real friendships with them, no matter how far away they might be from you. I rediscovered why I play this game this past week when over and over I have had people wanting to help me the way I want to help them, when I have spent time adventuring with my friends into far off places we had never been before, even if it meant our death. You can't lose sight of the real reason you play this game inside the hustle and bustle of levelling and questing..because friendship is so much more important than all of that.
#4 Oct 12 2004 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Yes, the want for power is very strong, but remind them that it leads to the dark side. ~.^
#5 Oct 12 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Excellent
642 posts
Aww Nights, you made me smile on an otherwise Cruddy morning. ^^

Thank you for that, Rate up!
#6 Oct 12 2004 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Yeah dude good post... excellent... spectacular...

Were you in the Windy Consultant in Sandy yesterday Night because I believe I saw you... your bazaar says something like "Send a tell if you like to role play because I do."

or something.....
#7 Oct 12 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
/wave Nightsintodream

That would be me you met yesterday. It was really a pleasure meeting all of you. I was talking on my LS and just standing around when I heard the conversation Merodi and Kestra were having. I just decided I'd plop down and listen to all of you and see what was going on. I was kind of afraid I had intruded on something but none of you had the same LS so I figured it was just a group of friends. It was really great meeting all of you. I have heard of people role playing on the game but never seen it before and I must say I really liked all the stuff you said and did Nights. You guys all seem really nice and I wouldn't mind hanging out again sometime. Especially now that I'm done with the Avatar battles till I have to go get Fenrir and I have lots of free time on my hands.
#8 Oct 12 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
I've never encountered an rp'er... /blush
#9 Oct 12 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
353 posts

I, too, was there last night. I rather enjoyed meeting new folks and finally exchanging a few words with those I had seen often but never formally met. Unfortunately I had to log off before the move to Battalia, but I left with a good feeling and a smile on my face. I commented over my ls's teamspeak server that little goofy random things like that make me enjoy the game so much more. Luckily, my ls is known for random goofy events, so we all get to have a good time.

I can't stress enough how important it is to just have fun. If the level grind is your fun, then great, go out there and get those levels^^. But if it's not doing it for you, experiment a little. Be that level 75 player that still likes to run around in circles. Experiment with emotes. And I've learned a great way to pass time and meet new people is to just gather a couple of good friends and sit in Jeuno chatting. Pretty soon you'll have about fifteen people around you enjoying the conversation.

Put aside ego and stubborness. We're all sharing this beautiful virtual world that has been created for our entertainment. When we log in, for a little while at least, we don't have to worry about the state of the world, global or local, we don't have to worry about our exams, bills, or house work. Relax, take a deep breath, and look around you. A new friend could be just around the corner.

#10 Oct 12 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent

I love to role play, and I do it a LOT, and I am always looking for other role players, hence the bazaar message that Omniscient saw. And there is nothing too different about us Nata lol, rpers are just normal everyday people who happen to love to story tell. All you gotta do is just be able to live out someone else's life, someone else's world, even just for a brief moment in time. Other than that, we are normal people. Heck, we even put our pants on one leg at a time like the rest of the world!

Lyliandra, I loved meeting you. It is always enjoyable-and fun!-to meet and make new friends! Personally, I can't WAIT for Merodi to put that group pic of all our friends up, cause it is gonna be the new desktop pattern I been searching for for a while now.

Btw Lyliandra, Nata, Raynil, or ANYONE, if you ever need anything, give me a buzz. I am always honoured to helped someone who also breathes the same air, and lives the same life style under Her beautiful skies...

Edited, Tue Oct 12 11:36:48 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#11 Oct 12 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
I was glad that you were there Liliandra... It seems that we met a looong time ago, as I was running around doing nothing and just caught the name out of the corner of my eye. I was thinking...."How is it possible that my mule is running around without me?" Then i saw that it was Liliandra and not Lilandria... Even though last night my marriage proposal was turned down *grin* lol I had an amazing time with everyone.
#12 Oct 12 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
Thanks Nights ^^

Hey, since you're into fanfiction and roleplaying, you might be able to help me out.

I read a FF6 fanfiction by "shadowstalker0" called The Crystal War (i think) many many years ago (like, a year after the game came out).

And I've never been able to find it since.

Seen it anywhere? It really was one of the best pieces of fanfiction I've ever encountered. Almost as good as the Reno origin story, Northern Lights, by Tini. If you haven't read this I suggest that you do, though I warn you now it will make you cry.
#13 Oct 12 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
58 posts
It was nice meeting you too Fionchadd. Sorry but I can't go around marrying every Elvaan, Male that proposes to me the first time I meet. Although I really want that wedding outfit.../drools. Maybe if you're lucky and I get to know you better...~_^ Although I think I told a kitty I would marry her, I don't remember.
#14 Oct 12 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Excellent
If you can tell me a little about it, I can probably find it if it is still up on the internet. And btw, I have read that fanfiction...and did make me cry...

Oh my Goddess, you HAVE to read "All I wannna do is make love to you" by Cats eye, based off of FFVIII. It is sooooo sweet...

OMG, I love it so much!!! (I'm a wierd kinda guy, I know)
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#15 Oct 12 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
The story, without spoiling it too much, revolves around Zeromus seeking a new planet to destroy, and coming after the world of FF6. Mass chaos ensues, huge war breaks out, etc.

What made me enjoy it so much was simply how titanic the events that happened were. They made Kefka and the destruction he wroght look like a small tick.

I'll check out that fanfic presently. After I grab a smoke.


P.S. I encountered it at Tat's incredible Illucia site. It was a sad day for me when that FF6-centric site was taken down (Tat fell in love with Xenogears as I recall and moved on to other interests)

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:37:00 2004 by nataraja
#16 Oct 12 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
That was superb, Nights. Very artistic, and original, and real. I was never a fan of FF8's story actually until very recently. I've been speculating on Ultimecia, and who exactly she was.

I came up with a little theory, which I'll refrain from detailing here, as it would really ruin the plot of the game for anyone who hasn't played it.

Ironically, I encountered a FAQ at gamefaqs by falsehead which espoused a similar theory on who Ultimecia was.

You can find it here. *WARNING: SPOILERS*

And honestly I suspect that this was what Square intended.

I'm a big fan of tragedy. >.>

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:47:20 2004 by nataraja
#17 Oct 12 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
476 posts
I wish I was there for that. Some of the LS members were talking about it last night. I dunno what I was doing at the time, but I would've stopped to come by to meet some alla posters.

I myself try not to get too caught up in the level grind. Sure my highest level job is 32 now, and my friend that started at the same time has a higher job and others around 25. I've done lot's more quests, seen more of the land and learned more of it's history. To me, exploring(or as some call it getting lost ^^) and learning the history of the world and the nations is a blast.

I even saw tonberries the other night while looking for the yhoator teleport crystal. Obviously I went in the complete wrong direction, but it was fun up until the point that a pugil heard me walking around and wanted a taru snack (even then I just laughed as some mnk saw it happen, poked me, and moved along)

Helping out the newbies is great too. Went to valkurm last night, just raising people, pulling gobs off of people trying to zone them, helping 1 guy get to a HP. It was a lot of fun really, and I'd urge anyone with raise to give it a try some time if you want a break from the usual. Even made a new friend while I was at it and ran into another alla poster.

Oh and /wave Lyliandra. :D
#18 Oct 12 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
Great story.

Edited, Wed Oct 13 01:46:00 2004 by JoLOveS
#19 Oct 12 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
Last night was icing, on what was already a great night, for me, and I have all of you to thank for it!

No leveling, no farming, no griping about which job is better (we did trashtalk about the gilfarmers though, WOOO). It was sort of a break, within our break, and well worth the time.

Think about it, the setting may have been off just a bit, but it was a good place for Merodi to keep snagging other posters, as they went by. But it was so spirited, so perfect; just like a bunch of adventurers sitting around a tavern talking of their journeys.

I kept teasing Fionchadd and Nights over the LS about the group, until they finally gave in and came halfway around the world just to join us, haha.

I like the sound of the picnic, for some point. Keep me posted, please.

And to whichever of you had the "pet kitty" emote...I think it was Lyliandra, LOL it was priceless!

We have GOT to do that again sometime. It's a great way to unwind. I look forward to seeing you all again, warming up the steps to the residence. /salutes all my new friends.
#20 Oct 12 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
/wave Tatl
#21 Oct 12 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
Greetings all ^.^

Nights, that was quite beautiful, and I can't wait to hear more of your exploits as you go on in the world of Vana'diel.

To all of you who came, I can't thank you all enough for coming, staying, and contributing to the fun.

Instead of creating a new thread, I shall just add to Night's already beautiful thread. (The pictures are coming Nights, I want to tweak them just right, and right now, I'm here in school and cannot do so, but as soon as I get home, I will do it.)

Here is my story of that night...

I had just awoken from a nap in my moogle house, and was rather groggy and feeling dreary. I had no real direction as to what to do.

I didn't feel up to farming, killing things repeatedly is fun, but just not what I had in mind for the time being. I couldn't craft, lack of monetary needs to successfully go on, and lack of inventory space (my usual dilemma) were restricting me. And I definitely did not feel like spending another three to four hours in a level grind. I couldn't explore, for exploring alone isn't so bad, but to go with good friends would have definitely been better.

And so there I was... thinking to myself on the steps of Jeuno. At first, I had found someone to talk to. But our conversations did not last long. And so I sat, contemplating. In comes Neovision, and we proceed to talk, though not for long. We say a few words here and there, and comment on how we're both looking for Raevin, a great and cuddly Galka monk we both had befriended in the jungles of Yuhtunga.

Jachyra, my first ever friend in my first ever dunes party, sits by my side, busy trying to gather his pt together. We are silent to each other, but there I sit, nevertheless. Neovision decides to leave to hunt down monsters in Qufim.

Raynil happens by, and she plops herself down to talk to me. I can't remember the conversation, but it floats here and there from this topic to the next. I wave to passerbys and they wave back, friends I've partied with and whatnot. Raynil talks about her staves, and somewhere within this conversation, Lyliandra and Kestra happen by.

Our group slowly starts to grow, and it's becoming a more animated conversation. I wave down more people, and encourage them to sit with us. "If you have the time, come sit and make a new friend." Was what I'd occasionally say. Pretty soon others started to join our motley group. Jedimindtricks, Bhone, Kahan... all came and sat down. I started to introduce everyone as more and more people come down. Namfoodle was there, Shadowbuni, so many people. Some had to go, but wherein they left, others made up for the loss.

The conversations changed, like the ebb and flow of the tides. One minute we're commenting on what gear we need, the next we're talking about gil farmers. Sometimes we happen to mention where we met people and how, other times we comment on what we've been doing. It's an easy-going, casual conversation, but filled with fun, sharing it with others, commiserating our griefs and joys.

Soon, we've become a veritable blockade on the stairway. How it happened, we didn't know, we didn't care, but we didn't want it to end for the time being. We spent many an hour there, just talking it up. Pretty soon, it became late, and before we left, we wanted a memento of our gathering.

Kestra suggested we run up to Ru'lude Gardens to create a memory of our "Gathering at the Stairway". We all rush on in. We lost people along the way, but from those who did come, we all were enjoying in the mirth and merriment.

And so that is the story of the "Gathering at the Stairway". I never meant for there to be such, but perhaps it was fate, and it was inevitable that we should all come together to remember the fun of friends, new and old. I had called up, at the fountain, during the picture taking "A motley band of fighters and friends", and indeed we were.

To those of you who came, and those of you who want to come... I know we cannot gather often or frequently, but I propose to you this:

I know not everyone can wander the world as freely as others. I have seen people who haven't noticed the beauty of the world as well as others.

For us who would like to, I propose that at least once a month (if it not be too much or too less of a time) we have a gathering once again. Although the impromptu one was fun, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to have a planned one as well. Nothing says we cannot have both!

On this planned event, one person who wants to organize it, shall set the meeting up at their most favorite spot in all of Vana'diel. For some it may be at the waterfalls of Jugner Forest, for others, the Stone Monument on the Highland hills, and for others with CoP, perhaps a picnic on Purgonogo Island is called for. But wherever it is, it gives us a chance to see a piece of the person (a favorite place can say so much), and we'll get to gather together, and we'll get to see Vana'diel anew.

It's just a proposition. I don't know if it will make its way to fruition, but I'd like the idea to hang in the air, so that at least I can say it was thought of.

And to those who have thought of it, perhaps maybe we can have an LS for this. Although it's been mentioned that many were Allakhazam posters, I would like the LS to be opened to posters and non-posters alike.

I have a shell I have not used, made long ago that sits in my box. I made it one the verge of a breakup from my first shell, and though I thought it'd be a new beginning, I ended up getting a pearl to a new family, and so, it lays there in disuse. The name: ForsakenedAlliances may not sound appealing, but it is there for you all, if you wish to have it. And if not, and you would like to create a new one, just tell me so, and I'd like to be a part of it.

And so, forgive me for having rambled on and on, but thank you for listening/reading. I had fun, and I enjoyed myself, but it could not have happened without you. Thank you for being who you are.
#22 Oct 12 2004 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
Now I wish I had been there. I was blithely running around mining all night.

Count me in next time.
#23 Oct 12 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Miss Merodi,

Count me in.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#24 Oct 12 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
/em pets the kitty on the head.

I'm in too ^_^ I got a few good meeting places in mind.
#25 Oct 12 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
232 posts
Hey Nights I wa By the AH in Ru Lude when you were speaking of the Sky There and How It doesnt compare to the other Kingdoms. I am Happy to see that you are doing well and Still RPing Keep it up bro
#26 Oct 12 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Fionchadd casts his lot in as well... It was an awesome time that I'll not soon forget. I would like to, on behalf of Nights and myself, to also suggest a RP night. I f you want to, let us know, if you don't...well nuff said. ^^

Oh yeah, I also have an unused shell "Nightmasks" is the name of the shell. If you RP an want to join, send me a /t

I almost forgot to mention... Just call me FI. Not Fion, Fio, Chadd, hadd, Och... just Fi ^^
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