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#1 Oct 11 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
Ok well... as you can see im pissed... and you can guess why... Becouse you dam noobs keep buying snipers for Bulzhit prices! they were 480 a week ago! and now you idiots go and buy them for 550k!? are you retarded? they are not worth that much... your just making me farm more to get them... stop buying them so they are forced to lower the price! god... could you all fruck up our AH anymore!?
#2 Oct 11 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Excellent
476 posts
Items are worth whatever someone is willing to pay.
#3 Oct 11 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
...grow up. Don't use AOLese if you'd like to get a point across. You know how serious people are going to take you now? Not at all. And I bet you don't care right? Then why the hell did you post here if you don't care what people think of your post?

Tatl speaks the truth. The price is that high because people are willing to pay it. And the gil farmers aren't going anywhere. Deal with it. Don't like it? Get another game. I don't think we'll miss you much.
#4 Oct 11 2004 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
919 posts
Haahaaa Its the jerrys who are raising the price they bot Stroper Chyme 24/7 and raise the prices on the Archer Rings. Then the leather crafters have to charge more for Snipper rings because they need a profit.

Edited: I beilive this is why they have been raising in price.

Edited, Wed Oct 13 11:55:53 2004 by Moshiiii

Edited, Wed Oct 13 11:57:55 2004 by Moshiiii
#5 Oct 11 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
Argus = peacock charm. If only you could get his drop for 550k.

Stroper Chymes = archer's ring, which are needed in leathercraft to make sniper's.

Gilsellers = a bunch of p[b][/b]ricks.

Also, Tatl is dead on. RATE UP!
#6 Oct 11 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
If the price of Archer's Rings has gone up, then the price of Sniper's Rings is going to go up, plain and simple. And, considering that the Sniper's Rings are a lvl 40 item, I'm sure it's not noobs that are purchasing them.

Pissed off enough about it? Then go farm Stroper Chyme.

Oh, and good luck doing that, since the gilfarmers probably camp it like nobody's business.

Damnit, Byaina, you jumped right on it before I could post. :P

Edited, Tue Oct 12 15:47:51 2004 by Xanoxonax
#7 Oct 11 2004 at 11:40 PM Rating: Good
What exactly was this supposed to accomplish?
#8 Oct 11 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
996 posts
XbrollyX wrote:
stop buying them
XbrollyX wrote:
your just making me farm more to get them...
So, what you're saying is "Stop buying them so that I can buy them!" ?

Yeah. We'll get right on that.
#9 Oct 12 2004 at 1:52 AM Rating: Good
935 posts
What a horrible OP. Sniper's are rising in price because of the demand for the item. If you haven't noticed, there aren't too many other rings that will give you 5 ACC ech. Many classes rely upon Snipers to optomize their performance. If you can't afford to deal with supply and demand, well, try a single player game.
#10 Oct 12 2004 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Stop being a gimp without Sniper's Rings, Noob.
#11 Oct 12 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
996 posts
Yay, we all got rated down and the OP rated up because we were mean.
#12 Oct 12 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
Cutriss wrote:
Yay, we all got rated down and the OP rated up because we were mean.

Not for long.


#13 Oct 12 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,315 posts
User Information:

XbrollyX's details:
Name: XbrollyX
Number of Posts: 9
Average score of posts: 3.00
Registered FFXI Characters:
Tetsai Hume 54 Dark Knight / 15 Thief

User Bio:
Does anyone really care about taru's?


54 DRK/15 THF?

Level your sub, n00b.

#14 Oct 12 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
This reminds me of my one experience with the infamous Lizy. I was in a pt I'd created in the Valkurm dunes, and needed a 6th member. Lacking a puller, I grabbed a lvl 15 thf, Lizy.

Now I will give Lizy credit in that s/he was very quick on the pull, and had lots of chains. In fact as much as I hate to admit it, s/he opened a door in my strategic thinking which accomodated for chain pulling. And pt's I've run have been far better for it.

The problem was, Lizy paid very little heed to how well medded the mages were, and managed to pull something before we were ready. I think it was a Leecher, but I don't remember clearly

Now, had we been able to pull off any renkei's, we would probably have survived this fight. But the problem was, Lizy was terrible at performing ws on time. In fact most of the time, regardless of how obvious others' ws macro's made it that they were setting up for skillchain, lizy generally never noticed it was his/her turn, and then ******* at us at the end of the battle.

At the end of the fight, in which myself and two other ppl died (not Lizy, as I recall), Lizy called us all noobs for "messing up skillchain" (again, it was no one but him/herself who was botching them), ditched our pt, and began shouting that s/he was looking for a pt that didn't suck.

My theory? Lizy is in fact on crack.

OOT, I know, but I thought it was worth mentioning. ^^
#15 Oct 12 2004 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
...And this is why I don't invite DRKs to my parties anymore. Too many noobs without Snipers after 40. ; ;

Edited, Tue Oct 12 15:33:05 2004 by Theophany
#16 Oct 12 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Ouch Theophany...that really hurt. Just...ouch.

Well, now I'm not leveling again until I get 1 million gil for 2 Sniper's Rings for sure. ~.^
#17 Oct 12 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Tetsai, your gear makes baby Jesus cry. Seriously. I've seen better-equipped tree stumps.
#18 Oct 12 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
What's the difference between the OP and a brain-dead troll? The troll could spell. I mean, really, come on. All the points I want to make are summarized in the first reply.

Items are worth whatever someone is willing to pay.
#19 Oct 12 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Seriously Dude if you dont want to Put the work in your Job/Char then Change Jobs or Leave the game
Every Job has its Expenses

WHM's Have Erase ( 300k is you dont get it from BCNM)
RDM's Have Phalanx and Dispel ( 250 total for both)
and so on and so on

I feel for Sams since they shuold have Rings and the Kote thats about 1.5 - 2mil for just those 3 items.

And if you a lvl 54 Drk just wait till 59 when you wont get an Invite unless you have Hauborken(i know i killed the name) which is over 2mil alone

And Dude no one is being a Noob here but you ******** about it so Much
#20 Oct 12 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Good
232 posts

Edited, Tue Oct 12 18:48:41 2004 by Machtaru
#21 Oct 13 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
327 posts
Well. I don't totally disagree with XbrollyX, about the AH's nukers. I was farming Chicken bones for example, they were going for 12k, and suddently a ****** put a stack for 8k, yes, 8K, and there were 2 stacks for sale. Maybe this bee-yatch thought he could sell it for 12k... that's why they are now going for 8K... If an item is sold for more than (actual price+10%) I don't buy it. The one's selling it must so put it at the normal price. If other ppl were doing the same when they put something for sale ... 12k, then 8k, why putting the stack for 8k ? If everyone put it at 12k, buyers must buy it for 12k.
But well, if it goes for 8k instead of 12k and that you want to buy it, you're happy. If you want to sell it, you cry. It's the rules of the AH and I hate them.
Anyway, saying "Stop buying this, sell it for 100g instead of 3M because I want to buy it" is really ... err ... stupid :p

May the ROFL be with you.
#22 Oct 13 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Ouch Theophany...that really hurt. Just...ouch.

Heh. Didn't mean you specifically. If you can hit without Snipers, then you're fine; it's just that most DRKs I've partied with can't hit the broad side of a barn. ; ;
#23 Oct 14 2004 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
Hmmm...I'm disappointed in the emphasis this server's board has upon wearing a set choice of equipment for each job. Honestly, I've never asked a drk if he/she had Haubergeon or a mage if he/she had a Vermillion Cloak before I invited them to my party, and I've never complained to that being the reason that he/she wasn't doing their job. I guess it's because I focus on doing my job rather than how other's are doing theirs... Anyways, you can ask my friends digalante, moonpie, lahan, hiratsuka, and many others that I've partied with and we've had 15k experience points + parties without anyone commenting on equipment...

#24 Oct 14 2004 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts

Vermillion Cloak

I would say these are two examples that might represent a different situation. These are very good pieces of equipment, but a Vermy or Haub costs many times more than the sniper rings that originally started this thread. I'm not sure those two are really valid comparisons.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 03:37:29 2004 by Germonick
#25 Oct 14 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
On the contrary... Based on pure value/usefulness, I think both Haubergeon and Verillion Cloak win over Sniper Rings.

1.1 mil? for 10 Acc?
1.9 mil for crazy dex, attack
3.6 mil for the ultimate mage body armor

It seems to me that the two that I mention would be smarter (Haubergeon's for drk's to argue the case against the "Need" for Sniper Rings) to save for. However, just because a drk misses 4 out of 5 times with his or her scythe isn't going to change the tide of battle in my experience.

All I'm saying is that the two examples that I mentioned should be valid examples because at my level they become the same epitome of "you need this!" equipment. Just as Adaman/Gem armor will be for me in 12 levels. The truth though is that having these really shouldn't be what you judge someone's playability on. I personally can't farm NM's, I find it the biggest waste of my time than anything else I could do in life...but to each his own. If you WANT sniper rings for YOUR character, you have some work to do, if you WANT someone else to have sniper it for them, but don't criticize their GAMEplay please.

G'luck saving up money for armor, which seems almost equal, if not more important, to leveling in this game ... /sigh

#26 Oct 14 2004 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
While I will agree that the Vermillion Cloak is a good piece of armor, I must admit it's hardly the ultimate mage armor, and, truthfully, relatively useless for RDM. Errant is infinitely better in every way, and costs a third of the price for the entire set.

What does Vermillion Cloak boast? Refresh effect? Big whoop. You know how much the added mp refresh gives? 1 mp per click. Yippy skip, I'm really gonna shell out 3 and a half mil so I can have one more mp per click.

Not to mention with the cloak equipped, I lose my enfeebling and elemental boosts up from my AF, and virtually negate a very needed fast cast effect.

To each his own, I suppose, though.

Edited, Thu Oct 14 18:04:03 2004 by Alauce
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