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Weekend Accomplishments 10-11-2004Follow

#1 Oct 11 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Let's see if everyone got done what they said they would ^^


Still level 51, about 3000 away from 52.
Started groundwork for M5-1, LS didn't have time to do it this weekend though.
Helped a friend get his Castle Zvahl Bailey coffer key.
Got my Healer's Duckbills
Hit level 39 Alchemy
Started working BLM again in an effort to get it to 30 so I don't have to worry about leveling sub again for a while.
#2 Oct 11 2004 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Ah weekend accomplishments! Here is what I got done:

-Got to level 55! ^^
-Levelled Alchemy to 11 and Fishing to 2! (I started crafting late lol)
-Got my Healer's Cap! (Man is Garliage Citadel horrible!)
-Finished M5-1 and got the server record! (3 minutes)
-Helped friends with AF missions
-Finally found a 6th for our set PT!

I was a busy bee this weekend! :)
#3 Oct 11 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
Got my last two G1 items (Thanks Pheonix, Hiratsuka, Ichnach, Sharkydart, Snoopywoopy, Motta, Coldfires, Annullo, Lostprophet whoever I forgot!)
Cheered on Red Mage AF hat(congrats to everyone who went with Hiratsuka and Arkard and Raevin [obligatory Galka MNK tank ;-)] and co!) and RNG AF boot successes (organized the RNG AF one meself, heck yeah!)
Helped out with TWO rank 3's
Got to level 49! (3800 tnl!)
Got my sexy Crimson Blade!
Almost made enough gil to pay everyone back....
Made some new friends
Glomped several linkshellians...

All-in-all, a successful weekend! I had intended to get to 50 and get my AF stuff going, but it didn't happen... OH well. NEXT weekend, that's the goal! If anyone is game for the Fei'yin mission of doom, let me know.. I'm in a lich-killing mood!

Edited, Mon Oct 11 10:08:48 2004 by Iverin
#4 Oct 11 2004 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
- Made it to 52 <3 my Earth and Light Staves
- Got my AF boots (which are pointless)
- Helped a friend get his mnk af boots
- Bought a Tact. Magicians coat, decided it was ugly, and put it back up on auction.
- Poked around the Temple of OogaBooga. That didn't last long.
- Cheered on two rdm friends as they got their af hat (mucho grats to Arkard and Hiratsuka!)
- Trained half of Xarcabard with my mnk buddy >=)
#5 Oct 11 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Completed Promyvion - Mea for one of my LS buddies and went poking around in Tavnazian Safehold and Lufaise Meadows; still waiting on Misereaux Coast. Got Ninja to 23, almost 24. 24-25 will be done tonight/tomorrow, then it's back to leveling Ranger to 50 and doing genkai. ; ;
#6 Oct 11 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
+Got Kazham Keys, all three : )
+Leveled War from 1-12, cause I was kind of bored.
+Leveled Blm from 25-27.
+Wondered how the heck I could get easy windurst fame to do the aspir quest >_<

Didnt get rank 3 yet, just need to kill the Bastok dragon, hopefully next week I will accomplish something better, like a BCNM 30 fight or something...
#7 Oct 11 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
Namari wrote:

- WHM to 25
- BST to 14-15 ( with less than 5 deaths )
- Clothcrafting to 10
- Woodworking to 10
- Bonecrafting to 5

- Enjoy every minute of it.


- WHM to 26
- Bonecrafting to 5
- Goldsmithing to 2
- Enjoy every minute of it.

* Bonus

Not playing on Saturday probably had something to do with only accomplishing some of these.
#8 Oct 11 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
Takanaki wrote:
+Got Kazham Keys, all three : )
+Leveled War from 1-12, cause I was kind of bored.
+Leveled Blm from 25-27.
+Wondered how the heck I could get easy windurst fame to do the aspir quest >_<

Didnt get rank 3 yet, just need to kill the Bastok dragon, hopefully next week I will accomplish something better, like a BCNM 30 fight or something...

Congrats on the keys!!

Or my condolences, depending on your Kazham experiances thus far ^^
#9 Oct 11 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Completed Promyvion-Dem.
Attempted Promyvion-Holla, got pwned...twice.

2 words of advice for anyone going into a Promyvion mission (I tried to tell the Holla group this, to no avail)

1. Go with two WELL balanced groups of 6 in an alliance. DO NOT bring any more people than this. DO NOT invite another party once in there. DO NOT attempt to re-adjust the party's once you get to the main boss. Make each party of six well balanced before you get there. The alliance I went with to do Holla (mostly really nice people) invited a group of six once we were in there (against my suggestion not to), basically because one of the pt's only had 5. Well, the lag killed us at the 3rd floor receptacle. 18 is WAY too many people to be fighting in a 10 ft. area. I could not even draw my bow.

2. If the majority of you get in a situation where you have to use your 2 hrs. just to survive the trip to the main boss, just warp out and wait til later. You have no chance.

Then I farmed a bunch, sold some crap, completed Gobbie Bag V (man it was cheap!).

Edited, Mon Oct 11 11:33:37 2004 by Trizzoro
#10 Oct 11 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
251 posts
Took Blm from 20 - 25 ;P
Sarutabaruta Garrison, success ;P
Enough Windy fame to get me Aspir ;P
Helped a friend who just started playing get on his feet ;P
#11 Oct 11 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
Raynedrop wrote:

- Cheered on two rdm friends as they got their af hat (mucho grats to Arkard and Hiratsuka!)

I got to watch over someone's shoulder ;-) We're all happy for our buds... and hihi fellow LS member ^^
#12 Oct 11 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
lvl 12 war so far, got a bunch of quests done, and my weekend has just begun (mondays and tuesdays are my weekends)

hope you all get done what ya wanted, and hope ya had alot of fun doing it
#13 Oct 11 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
What I said:

HELM and farm to get dispel and equip/weapon upgrades.

I would like to get BLM to 17 for warp.

Maybe start getting RSE? At least try for the key I need...

What I did...

Well I spent Saturday and Sunday with friends so I didn't have much FFXI time.

I did however excavate and farm quite a bit in T. Canyon with the help of a partner.

I have about 20K worth of items to sell. So closer to dispel! :-D

EDIT: Oh I also helped out a fellow starting RDM. I was going to go on the boat to Selbina (am saving my money!!) to turn in my clay and someone needed to get to Windy (we were in Mhaura at the time). I escorted him to Windurst Woods. I actually escorted someone through Buburimu Peninsula. I must say I felt quite accomplished :-D I hated that Peninsula with a passion when I first started. It felt so good to not worry about any aggro. Well I still get aggroed by Leechers and Muggers but I can take them down now :-D

I felt quite accomplished after that!

Edited, Mon Oct 11 12:11:38 2004 by Dawntreader
#14 Oct 11 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Well not Completeing my Personal Goals (RDM to 55, G2 Complete, AF Gloves Quest) I am Very Happy to Say Our LS and others (Primetime a LVL 75 Pally Rules) got our LS Leader Shadowblade His Castle Zhval(Demon Hell) Coffer Key and Coffer. Now all we have to do is kill 2NMs so even though it wasnt a personal success this weekend it was an LS Success and for that i feel fufilled and Happy
#15 Oct 11 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
205 posts
I did not get any of my genkei 1 items, of course I didn't play much this weekend, so I couldn't really look for a group. Bah! Soon though I will get it done.
I did however get a ******* set of gear for lvl 30 BLM, for Promyvion, and attempted Holla, but failed miserably, for all the reasons Trizzoro pointed out above. Good learning experience though, gonna go and farm for Anima ingrediants, so I can actually take the NM down next time.
#16 Oct 11 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
ha ha, the only thing I got done was reforming KupoKabana, still @6000 to 67, which should be taken care of today. Decided to pick up an extra shift of work, so pretty much had 0 time to play.
#17 Oct 11 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
-Got to level 55, equiped my Lightning Bow +1 *hugs it*
-Got Archery to level 4. Long way to go @_@!

#18 Oct 11 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Got Whm to 27 and summoner to 28
Got some good stuff in the AH
finally got to sell the priest robe that i been selling for 2 weeks.
That's it for now
#19 Oct 11 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
292 posts
Well, I did camp that NM out in Sarutabaruta, but missed it spawning by just a few seconds. Ah, well, c'est la vie, and it's not like Spipi will never spawn again. :)

#20 Oct 11 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
Leveled DRK from 25 - 30...

Spent a lot of money.

That's about it.

#21 Oct 11 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
got rank 4 thats abotu it
#22 Oct 11 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts

i got my utsusemi
farmed..but didnt make alot of money. only about 25k
got woodworking to lvl 24
lvl Nin to 13
#23 Oct 11 2004 at 11:14 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
+Got my Oz key, coffer, and AF pants. ^^
+Leveled BST to 11.
+Made a little more money bazaaring for crafting.
+Tried to get a G2 PT together but was unsuccessful. ; ;
+Was going to exp, but one set member got lost or was away. ><
+Attempted to get set RDM his Cloak, no drop and it was late. ><
+Escorted same RDM to Garlaige for his coffer. Success! ^^
+Realized somehow my weeks are busier than my weekends. o.O
#24 Oct 12 2004 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Since my weekend is over today (yeah thanksgiving!) i might as well post accomplishements for the weekend.

-Dinged 51 with WHM
-Bought out the supply of zinc ores and got enough fame to get all my ninja scroll and make money off them (you'd be surprised how many /tell you'll get with people asking if you need more ores :S)
-drank beer
-ninja scrolls sold so bought my Light and Dark staves ^^ and can now used them :).
-Dinged 26 with SMN
-drank beer
-did rank 4 with a few LS members and ripped a hole through Delkfutt tower in the process
-Fished up my first stack of Moat Carp while getting my fishing skill up to 9
-went on Manaclipper for the first time and myself and this lvl 63 BLM fought this weird octopus creature that regenerated faster than we could take down his HP...most frustrating fight ever..althought we both lived (thank god we docked)
-Ate about a pound of turkey, washed it down with more beer

Busy, very productive weekend.

Edited, Tue Oct 12 07:52:28 2004 by Vimien
#25 Oct 12 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
How quickly Mami forgets. :D

- Killed my AF3 NM(s) with just a RDM and a BRD for company. (Gotta love easy AF3s, hehehe.)
- Popped a coffer in Kuftal for my Ninja Chainmail!
- Helped a passing DRG also try to find a Kuftal coffer, which he did eventually get. Grats!
- Helped my hubbly get into Garlaige for his coffer, which he did eventually get.
- Got my Elvaan MNK to 19.
- Ran my Elvaan as naked WHM 1 from 'Stok to Jeuno. It's getting too easy now. Didn't even bother to HP anywhere.
- XPed a couple hours, but still 8k away from wearing my fiery chainmail. :D

Considering I didn't really have any concrete plans for the weekend, I'm pretty impressed with how much I did get done.

Oh, and I counted Monday as the weekend, 'cause for us Cana'juns it was a holiday and those just kind of mush with weekends so it's hard to tell the difference.

Edited, Tue Oct 12 12:39:09 2004 by Nyellili
#26 Oct 12 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
I had intended to get blacksmithing up to 20 or so.


I did, however, enjoy myself immensely, and took a minor adventure into Eastern Altepa Desert which left me dead.

But I got my Altep gate crystal ^^
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