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A reminder of how fun things used to be.....Follow

#1 Oct 10 2004 at 12:20 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts

I saw this thing just today. Most of you have probably seen it but it reminded me a lot of how things have gone as i've played. It reminded me of just how much fun this game is!

#2 Oct 10 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Excellent
man, I just watched that, and I damn near /cry'd

here's hoping that we all find our way to adventure... not just "kill kill kill" but the adventure of finding new friends, finding new places, and finding new accomplishments

I hope everyone that has ever "flamed" about this game, or someone in it watches this and was moved the same way I was when I did.

if more people had this spirit within them(I typed it and knew that it was a corny use of a FF title) then FFXI would be a much better place

btw, nam... you get a rate up for this one

Edited, Sun Oct 10 01:37:16 2004 by taliph
#3 Oct 10 2004 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,002 posts
Namfoodle your freakin *******, you made me cry..

thanks alot.. i love that story, and i am glad somebody put together a bit of flash for it..

Thank you my fellow Austinite!
#4 Oct 10 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Excellent
I remember reading the original story thread. It's just as touching now, as it was back then, and still as inspirational to me. That White Mage was the perfect example, of everything I love about this game.

Even though it's long gone now, I still have my PerfectEssence pearlsacks, both of the ones I was given.
And, long after they are passed, I can still sit around with my friends, IRL, and talk about (mis)adventures that we've had along the way. Some will argue that it's just a game, but it's a game with so much depth and emotion, and I've made a lot of REAL friends within it, all around this country. My linkshell's like a family to me. All the trials, and toils, and travels (to an old familiar city, or even a new unexplored zone), and mishaps, all the things we experience along the way (IRL or digital) are an adventure in themselves.

That is the spirit of the thing, or why would S/E have put so much time into such minute details of Vana'diel? I've still never seen the rainbow, or the tornado in the desert, and I'm not able to find my way to Tavnazia, a place I've tried to find since I started playing FFXI, for months, before I realized, at the time, it didn't exist in the game. I could die happy, if I lived in a place like Zi'Tah. I still quest and quest, trying to figure out just what happened in Gusgen, so long ago. What can you see from the Stellar Fulcrum? Just what is it like in Dynamis? Or how will it feel to finally put on my Warlock's Chapeau for the first time, when I finally get it?

Did you ever notice the oddities, here and there, like how the fish in the tank of the Fishing Guild in Port Windurst is swimming upside down. And it still amuses me everytime I get kicked off the drawbrige in Bastok Port.

I often wonder, when I go some places, just what would have lay in store for Michiro and I. We had a knack for getting into trouble, no matter where we went. He's gone from Bismarck now, but I will never forget the "first friend I ever made in this game". The Giddeus stories were hilarious.
#5 Oct 10 2004 at 1:17 AM Rating: Excellent
996 posts
THF discrimination!!!
#6 Oct 10 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
Nam, gotta love that flash.

My first ever pt, and the first ever friend I really had there was Jachyra. Recently, since we both got CoP, we've found ourselves exploring the places together (getting mugged by Moblins, beating up Peelfins, etc...).

What's interesting is he's never really seen the beauty that already existed before the CoP areas, like the rainbow in La Theine, or the waterfalls of Jugner. So every so often, we'd go sightseeing on our way to finish a quest.

Me and Jachy met a long time ago. We lost track of each other over time, and over the course of a couple months, we had no contact with each other at all. Even though we were in a party, and I befriended him, we never really talked or spent time together. I remember him helping me with Subjob quest, but afterwards, it was a *Hugglez* here and there, and not much else. It's only been a month or so ago since we've started sending each other /tells again, and it's refreshing to explore together like good friends should.

Every new area and old is a great adventure waiting to be discovered, be it in the rise of the sun over the horizon, or the falling of water over a cliff.

(Which reminds me, I have a couple new pictures of new areas and old I'll be posting up soon. Screentography was the excuse I needed to slow down for once and stop to take screenies of sites I love ^.^)
#7 Oct 10 2004 at 4:33 AM Rating: Excellent
91 posts
Wow, I actually cried a tiny bit at the end.

Does have a link to the original story thread? I'd love to read it..
#8 Oct 10 2004 at 8:09 AM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
I think it's great that CoP is bringing this sort of spirit of fun and true adventuring back into people's lives. We live by completing a checklist in this game: get to Rank 10, get to level 75, get AF, get max fame, do Gobbiebag, etc etc. And for what? So we can sit around in fancy gear all day in Jeuno telling people that their job combo is useless for HNMs and therefore they're unworthy of talking to as an equal? It's a game, about exploration, about making friends and comrades, about looking for new things to do together. The end game is a worthy goal, but not if we lose sight of exactly what made this game worthy of playing the first place.

Now I'll be the first to admit that my head was kind of hazy as to what was the point of this game, lately it's been "must complete this task, must complete that" and I haven't taken the time out to explore and appreciate the people I've met, or the environments I've seen. But that flash, and CoP, have inspired a lot of people to remember exactly why they started playing, and that makes me /very/ happy. Vana'diel as it turns out, has a lot of history and story, you just have to look for it. Greatest thing I found out today? The bones strewn across the land belong to Drogaroga, the Heavenly Dragon. Now maybe I'm slow for not knowing this after 6 months of play, but I think it's great that after all this time I can still go, "oh!".

I still hang out with the first friend I've ever made in Vana'diel, she's my set PT Ninja and also the person who gave me a Bismarck WP just so I could come here to what has to be, one of the best servers in FFXI (sod the gilfarmers). And she introduced me to a great group of people who are smart, fun, and into playing the game because they want to see what's next.

Thanks for reminding me Nam, rate up for you~
#9 Oct 10 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
33 posts
o_o I feel so loved! :D

I love the detail in this game. I love the detail in the graphics. I love the detail in the stories. And I love how the other players can enhance all that detail. It's why I have more than one character, too. Sometimes I just like to go back and remember how awesome it was the first time through. It's awesome now, too, but in different ways. Our set works together so well, I can't imagine where in Vana'diel I'd be without them. I love this game.
#10 Oct 10 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
446 posts
Since I have had CoP installed I haven't really gone into the new areas or done any of the new activities that there are to do. I'm waiting for the linkshell I started to have enough members so that I can go into these areas to explore....
Unless any of you who haven't been into the new areas wanna
make a date and go exploring =)

Time for some adventuring.....
/em runs into a glass wall and looks dazed..
#11 Oct 10 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
446 posts
Hiptaruu wrote:
Namfoodle your freakin *******, you made me cry..

thanks alot.. i love that story, and i am glad somebody put together a bit of flash for it..

Thank you my fellow Austinite!

I saw you the other day in Kuftal Tunnel!!!

#12 Oct 10 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
47 posts
No offence, guys.

It was touching the first 3 times I saw it.
There have been more than 90 posts all over killingifrit and here.

I just find it annoying.

sorry to say so,
#13 Oct 10 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
215 posts
The pickle barrel was the second linkshell i ever really went too. When Marklar and Spliffsix told me that there were technical difficulties in several of the members there and they couldn't log on, i stopped logging in. I've always wondered what is going on in there; i threw my shell away sometime ago. And, now that only a handful of my friends are still playing, I find myself wondering that more and more.

#14 Oct 10 2004 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
446 posts
Namfoodle wrote:
The pickle barrel was the second linkshell i ever really went too. When Marklar and Spliffsix told me that there were technical difficulties in several of the members there and they couldn't log on, i stopped logging in. I've always wondered what is going on in there; i threw my shell away sometime ago. And, now that only a handful of my friends are still playing, I find myself wondering that more and more.

The Picklebarrel still lives on through the mule accounts of the original members. I for one still have my Pearlsack neatly tucked away in my mog safe for the day the Original Creator comes back to the game. If and when he does...
As far as the original members of the Picklebarrel we split apart and went our seperate ways. However a new linkshell "Reivax" has come together bringing back the old and mixing with the new.... Daemos, Thanase, Jowie, Elypso, Zander, Bloodykisses, Spliffsix, Damiilla, Ciran, Arcticlynx (OM's). I am still trying to track down the remaining people still in game but thats taking some time....

Edited, Sun Oct 10 12:31:25 2004 by zandertheredmage
#15 Oct 10 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Thank you.

Rate. Up.

[edit: Upon further reflection...)

I actually quit playing for over two months. I got stuck in that mentality of kill kill kill. Trying to get the next level. Checking things off the list.

And at the end of the day, that's not what initially attracted me to the game. I generally avoid MMORPGs because it my experience they tend to turn into nothing more than giant leveling grinds. What attracted me to FFXI was the opportunity for exploration. And the host of suplementary activities in which one can partake. I had turned the game into what I dislike about MMORPGs.

But I came back. And things couldn't be better.

Initially I was in the same rut. Trying to get those levels. Trying to be "the best". I wanted to get to 30, and get my PLD.

I succeeded after much work, had a buddy help me through Davoi, and got that long-sought-after prize.

And you know since then I've barely touched the job. Upon hitting the infamous lvl 9-10 rut I realized I would need to start purchasing new equips. Neccessitating money.

Previously all my income had resulted in farming. Which I can't stand. I find it to be tedious in the extreme. So I started playing around. Hit upon mining and SM/GS. And I've been loving it.

Why running around spamming tab for mining point after mining point is more entertaining to me than running around, say, Giddeus slaughtering bees, I may never understand.

But it's reminded me why I love this game. I concur with the sentiment of the original post and the flash to which it linked wholeheartedly.

Again, thank you.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 13:21:03 2004 by nataraja
#16 Oct 10 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
716 posts
The pickle barrel was the second linkshell i ever really went too. When Marklar and Spliffsix told me that there were technical difficulties in several of the members there and they couldn't log on, i stopped logging in. I've always wondered what is going on in there; i threw my shell away sometime ago. And, now that only a handful of my friends are still playing, I find myself wondering that more and more.

Holy hell, you were in Picklebarrel? :O I used to be there, too! Bloodykisses always used to pimp me on the corners of South San!

Ah, good times, good times. ^^
#17 Oct 10 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
446 posts
Alauce wrote:
The pickle barrel was the second linkshell i ever really went too. When Marklar and Spliffsix told me that there were technical difficulties in several of the members there and they couldn't log on, i stopped logging in. I've always wondered what is going on in there; i threw my shell away sometime ago. And, now that only a handful of my friends are still playing, I find myself wondering that more and more.

Holy hell, you were in Picklebarrel? :O I used to be there, too! Bloodykisses always used to pimp me on the corners of South San!

Ah, good times, good times. ^^

That's crazy I'd seen several of your previous posts and I'd seen you in game but I could never place where I'd actually interacted with you in game.... now I see why it was that you were so familiar... Picklebarrel =)

awww hell rate ups for all of you !!
#18 Oct 10 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
919 posts
Awww. That makes me feel crappy. All i do is LvL, craft and farm. Maybe i need a adventure. I really dont have alot of friends in the game im usually alone. If anyone wants to have an adventure plz /tell me
#19 Oct 10 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
I'm always up for an adventure. Look me up!

Death for the sake of fun = Okay!
#20 Oct 10 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Having fun in the game is subjective. I personally know that my friend like to exp more than questing. Its the same way most sucessful business people call laid back people lazy and the latter called them uptight who never stopped to smell the roses. If people aren't having fun in the game I doubt they would be playing.

So if people exp all the time they might get bored, or they might not. If people spend all their time looking at rainbows and fishes they might be happy with just that or they might feel like they're missing out on a huge chunk the game have to offer later on. Happiness is subjective. Everyone tell stories about their frustrations with hunting for papyrus yet none remembered to note the jubilation when one finally dropped.

This game is like drugs, hard or expensive to get to the high that is quite short. Some people choose to go work on other highs, like leveling high enough to complete the Zilart Missions, some go look at waterfalls. IN the end both will be happy and sad, its a journey and stopping to admired the scenery isn't for everyone, they're having fun their own ways.

This flash came out a few months back and yes it produced sentimental feelings amongst players, but sometime people came away assuming that high levels players doesn't have fun in this game because all they do is level. Since then almost every board have had a thread about it, sometime several. I have no problem with it, thinking about the past is fun. Sometime people turn it into a tirade against people prefer leveling over questing, and high levels. My point is, people do what they do to have fun, even if its leveling endlessly, or sitting around in Jeuno in uber gears looking at passerbys.

Edited, Sun Oct 10 15:33:19 2004 by Bowser
#21 Oct 11 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
I think our LS is awsome at this.

Just this weekend good ole Kingpopof took me and Xan (BRD) to Castle Zvahl Bailey to get Xan's Coffer key. I'd never been there before, it seems with Kpp I get to see a new part of the game every week.

We then went to the Temple of Ugg to get some lanterns, while I couldn't stay long, it was still fun ^^

If you have the inkling, and are willing to help out fellow players, you can see many sights of Vanadiel, you just have to be willing to do something for another ^^
#22 Oct 11 2004 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
107 posts
OKay, that struck a nerve, a chord... made me cry... I have my own story.

There are two people in FFXI that I feel like i have "always" known and will always know.. Namfoodle and Dchere. Dchere was in my first successful Dunes party, and still keeps in touch to this very day. He even helped me get NIN! Nam.... Nam was a part of that party.. the party with the three taru mages-BLM, BLM, WHM-and me, the RDM.... Before I had my subjob. Something about that party changed the way I look at other players... Everyone was helpful, supportive, and most of all, FUN! Namfoodle has kept in touch, we /tell each other whenever we hit another milestone! Of course.. he has his AF now and I'm just barely nearing the start of mine... But he will always be one of the BEST people in this game. Nam-Nick-YOU are one-of-a-kind. Thanks for reminding me what it's all about: FUN.

I don't know how everyone else is about their LS, but lately mine has been doing all the crazy stuff... ZM, AF, everything I can't do... and I've felt so much pressure to level that it's started becoming a chore to log on... I almost logged out when I found out that my boyfriend was helping several of my RDM buddies with their hats... It's just job class jealousy I suppose... But they had so much fun doing it. Getting my papyrus today was FUN. Organizing an AF battle that I couldn't even help with was FUN... Leveling is just another vehicle to more fun ^^ Yes, I DID spend an entire month questing.... for the stories. Why do you ask?

Love to all Vana'diel!
#23 Oct 11 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
215 posts
Wintaru, What's funny is that while I was doing yardwork and standing idle in port jeuno I got a tell

Kingpopof, "Namfoodle, are you busy?"
After I look in to see what was going on, "I'm doing yardwork, what's up?"
Kingpopof, "Well, if you're busy..."
Namfoodle, "Nah, i'm good. Whatchyaneed?"
Kingpopof, "Well, you see, i'm dead."

It's sad but I get tells from Kingpopof like this quite often. He's so nice to be able to and willing to sacrifice himself like that! I got to see him almost die fighting good ole Altedor Tavnazia for my AF3. He's an almost awe inspiring Paladin!

Everytime I see him I /kneel at least 10 times. What a guy!

As for you ms. Saucy Redmage. That party still stands out in my mind as one of the most entertaining times i've had in this game. It's true that I blew through levels like mad after that time but I haven't forgotten my adventuring ways! Everytime I see a quest has made it onto my screen I go and do it. Even the quests that require me to fight something for an item that I could easily just buy in an auction house i'll go out and fight for. I like going and seeing new areas, meeting new people. This game reminds me that we can all still work together to solve problems despite any geographical and / or cultural differences that might exist.

School has slowed me down; i'm very happy about this. It's given me a chance to stop leveling so much and get out and help people do things. I love helping people and I look forward to helping you, Iverin, if you need it!

It makes me sad that I cannot be in 30 places at once. Poor Batousi has been asking for my help for a while and he always seems to catch me when i'm running off to help someone else. If you haven't gotten your papryus by the time I log on tonight, send me a tell! I'll clear everything and grab as many people as I can to come kill those ******* liches!

#24 Oct 11 2004 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
Namfoodle wrote:
Wintaru, What's funny is that while I was doing yardwork and standing idle in port jeuno I got a tell

Kingpopof, "Namfoodle, are you busy?"
After I look in to see what was going on, "I'm doing yardwork, what's up?"
Kingpopof, "Well, if you're busy..."
Namfoodle, "Nah, i'm good. Whatchyaneed?"
Kingpopof, "Well, you see, i'm dead."

Sounds like our Kpp, we try to kill him regularly. That new shiny armor of his is making it harder though^^

I'll get to see him Tank that dude too, my AF3 will be coming up soon as well, I can't wait for it ^^
#25 Oct 11 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
I have also seen that video like a thousand times... It always makes me teary eyed. It is a touching story that is as timeless as this game. I too remember the days of Perfectessence. I thibk of the original members with fond memories, even the ones that I know are asshats. I did, however, get rid of my pearl. Hindsight being 20/20, I wish I had kept it.
I agree with Wanderingshadow, by brother forever, that our LS is like a family. I actually had to walk away from the game when I heard that one of our family was leaving because he was bored with it. I dont know that I could have changed anything, but I would have at least liked to tell him /cry /goodbye...

Shackleton, you are missed my friend.
Michiro, dad...can I PLEASE borrow the choco tonight (for old time's sake) I miss you as well

I have never seen the rainbow in person either, but thanks to Merodi I have a pic of it that I will never delete.

Merodi, I love you for that... you and Nightsintodream and Kestra will always be welcome for a tale round the campfire and drinks at the Rarab's Tail will always be on me.
#26 Oct 11 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't even know about the rainbow, but I got to see it with Decious, coming around an arm of the mountains near Lake Eph, on my way to Davoi to finish the Paladin Flag quest. It was an enrapturing moment, and I took it as a good omen for my pending run through Davoi.

- [THJ] Nata
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