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Weekend Goals Thread - 10-8-2004Follow

#1 Oct 07 2004 at 11:03 PM Rating: Excellent
762 posts
I know Wintaru started this last Monday, but I'm so antsy to get it started, cause I wanted to see what everyone was *planning* to do for the weekend, instead of seeing what we actually did. (Hope you don't mind!) That way, if we see something we want to help someone on, we can contact them.

So heeeeere we go..

- Get Beastmaster to level 67 (ugh!)
- Do Promyvion - Holla (and actually beat it)
- Do Promyvion - Dem (and hopefully have one more to go)
- Attempt Maat again for the hell of it if I get another testament. (0/2, but I get testaments left and right, so no biggie)
- Cry and Whine that I can't attend Dynamis-Beaucidine on Saturday (but will hopefully be flagged for it by the end of next Saturday! w00t!)

Rate ups to serious posters! Soooo, whaddaya doing later ~.^
#2 Oct 07 2004 at 11:27 PM Rating: Excellent
well, as low a lvl as I am, there isnt going to be much to my goals... but here it goes

first, kill the NM crawler that spawns in east sarutabaruta

2nd lvl my warrior job past 10 (hopefully to 12 or 13, I'm lvl 9WAR right now)

3rd find a lvl 10 or so whm to static with... (the only problem with this, I play after I get home from work, about 2:30 am mountain time, so I will probably be using the auto-translater alot if I do accomplish this goal)

4th, if I have time, kill the mandragora NM that spawns in west sarutabaruta or one of the lower level NMs that spawn in giddius

anyone that wants to help, or wants to lvl their whm can post here, or send me a /tell, or email me at

keep havin fun

btw, my weekends are mondays and tuesdays atm, job with wierd hours too

tend to be on between 3am-8am(mtn std time) on work days

Edited, Fri Oct 8 07:07:51 2004 by taliph

hit lvl 10 war last night, so looks like I have a good head start for my weekend

Edited, Sat Oct 9 19:15:32 2004 by taliph
#3 Oct 08 2004 at 12:29 AM Rating: Excellent
590 posts
Can't wait for the weekend (which would mean the paper I'm working on will have been finished). After some sleep I will:

-get my WAR as high as I can. I'm guessing 46, maybe higher.
-Hope my favorite dragoon buddy Painezy will lend me his Brigadine like he said. If not I will be doing some more fang farming in my favorite spot while listening to NPR (yes I find this fun, leave me alone, Pulling with SA + Sturmwind while Listening to All Things Considered is a highlight of my day)
-do the inevtable catching up of my thf sub (Qufim is so irritating)
-start working on G1 stuff, at least the mold and coal.
-Maybe get cooking up a bit more, or start gaining guild points. I have a goal for my cuisine I'm only 69 synths of Mushroom soup away!

Edited, Fri Oct 8 01:30:09 2004 by Cambot
#4 Oct 08 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Since my leveling group's Paladin is on vacation, I got some downtime to play with...

I am going to defy this crazy fluctuating market (booo undercutters), and try to earn enough to finally get Kestra's spells updated. (Protect III, Shell II, Cure IV = Farming mania)

Will attempt to get her Smithing to 20. Iron's already grinding the gil...geez how do high level Blacksmiths do it? And decimate the sheep population, until her Clothcraft gets over 30. A faster way to get Wool without bleeding gil would be helpful.

Maybe if I'm lucky, I can nab Kes an Ancient Papyrus and say goodbye to Genkai 1.

Also on my list, is a trip to Western Altep to practice her Archery and Elemental, on anything I deem as a target.

And roam about Pashow, Konschtadt, and Gusgen stocking up on Lightning clusters, for the aforementioned crafts.

If I get bored, later, I may run CJ from Windurst back home to Bastok (that's fun as a level 7 hahaha) and expand that boy's storage. Helloooo water jugs! O.~
#5 Oct 08 2004 at 4:49 AM Rating: Good
282 posts

Hopefully get from Genbu fights my Aquarian Abjugation hand and leg (hope for leg but I doubt it, alot more people need it besides me)

Help Taru blmg friend get at least the Eldieme Key.

Sort things out with one of the LS

Maybe get around 10k exp or so towards 72

Get BST to 17

Do the rest of the Prom

Looking at a large stretch of fishing to start earning gil for cursed armor and errant gears.

#6 Oct 08 2004 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
103 posts

-Get to 58 if possible, purchase Hamelin Flute and Carnage Elegy.
-Kill Lich C. Magnus with the set.
-Finish Star Necklace quest?
-Obtain a Shaman's Cloak for my set's RDM and/or help him get his Garliage coffer real quick.
-Level my noob alt BLM to 17.
-Level BST past 10. Anywhere past 10.

Busy weekend. I assume 70% of it will actually get done. ._.
#7 Oct 08 2004 at 5:41 AM Rating: Excellent
157 posts

-Get SAM to 40.
-Harvest/Feed/Plant my trees.
-Maybe farm for a bit.
-Hopefully get a Jujitsu Gi.
-Maybe AF1. :D
#8 Oct 08 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
251 posts
Ding at 25
Get Rank 3
Get Kahzam Airship Pass
Get Aspir
#9 Oct 08 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good

Theiveses, tricksy, false!

J/K, Glad my original thread was so entertaining, it's a fun way to find out what everyone's doing ^^

For me there will be:

Level BLM some more (*shudder* Kazham)
Get Alchemy to 46 (and past Viterol, and on to Holy Water)
Drool over gear I can't afford yet
possibly level WHM some more, if I can get BLM up a few more levels (I refuse to have an under-leveled sub ^^)
If not, try to get SMN to 25, I wanna see what it's like having Auto Regen and Auto Refresh as a WHM/SMN.

*Edit* Forgot to add that I'll also be trying to do M5-1 ^^

Edited, Fri Oct 8 09:37:16 2004 by Wintaru
#10 Oct 08 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
I will probably focus this weekend on leveling my subjob, bard, inbetween bouts of homework. I am shooting for level twelve!
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#11 Oct 08 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
hmm, this thread is kinda nifty :)
my goals don't really apply to the weekend (since I won't be on) but to sun-tues since I'm on break :D

-Achieve level 50
-Finish Genkai 1 (just need the mold)
-Earn enough cash and purchase ice and dark staves
-Stab kulganflame with my scythe
-Attempt to stick my wand in more places it doesn't belong
#12 Oct 08 2004 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
*hides from Varcore and his wand*

Goals, goals, goals..

- Get to 51 with my set so I can use those nice light and earth staves that I bought.
- Hopefully get a nice harvest from my plants.
- Turn in my genkei 1 items and let the fun with Maat begin.
- Poke some more promyvion fun
- Explore a few places I still haven't seen
- Get BST to 10
#13 Oct 08 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
919 posts

  • Get Ninja past level 15.
  • Get Warrior up to Level 30.
  • Help Bellrogg camp Maaj for his Kote.
  • Buy 1 Sniper ring.
  • Get Drk to LvL 43.

  • Edited, Fri Oct 8 11:24:49 2004 by Moshiiii

    Edited, Fri Oct 8 11:26:15 2004 by Moshiiii

    Edited, Fri Oct 8 11:26:45 2004 by Moshiiii
    #14 Oct 08 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
    53 posts
    Actually, this is more than a weekend goal since I am off for the entire week...

    - Find some help & get myself a beautiful Eldieme Necropolis Coffer Key.

    - If I get beyond that probably level to 54-55 or find more help and get a Garlaige Citadel Coffer Key.

    Yes, I know I'm only PLD50, but I would like at least my AF gloves before I start to do some serious levelling into my 50s.

    #15 Oct 08 2004 at 10:42 AM Rating: Excellent
    71 posts
    Eat a lot of turkey. Drink a lot of beer.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians!
    #16 Oct 08 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
    I am aiming only to get the Kazham keys, anything beyond that is something I can pat myself on the back about.

    I will probably post what I actually accomplished after the weekend. Hopefully, more than those damned impossible to get at level 25 keys (when youre a taru blm).
    #17 Oct 08 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Excellent
    232 posts
    to Lvl my RDM to 53-54 and put on My Warlock Boots (1800 more XP till 52)

    Get a Eldimine Coffer Key for my AF Gloves

    Beat Dark Spark (If i get the Key)

    And mabey lvl my NIN to lvl 20
    #18 Oct 08 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
    [quote=Takanaki]I am aiming only to get the Kazham keys, anything beyond that is something I can pat myself on the back about.quote]

    Send me a tell if you see me on Takanaki, I'll help you get them.
    #19 Oct 08 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
    1,315 posts
    Hopefully complete Promyvion-Dem tonight without any life loss.

    1. Get my "bow of suck" at stupid full moon. AF1...
    2. Farm (of course...) Kill an NM or 4 whilst doing this.
    3. Level leathercraft. I made about 10 pairs of Fishing Gloves last night. Got my leathercraft from 6 to a whopping 8. Got clothcraft to 10 while making cotton cloth for the gloves. My synth skills are poor, at best. Maybe explains why between my toon and 4 mules I have 1,345,321 crystals.
    4. Farm
    5. Get Gobbie V done and get my Carapice +1 rings (100k apiece is a little silly, but hey...I'm silly.)
    6. Farm
    7. Hopefully my new LS party can go this weekend. Everyone has been working real hard to get the jobs we are using to 15, I'm proud of you all. BRD, RDM, SAM, NIN, THF, RNG sounds like a pretty cool set-up to me. You guys rock!
    8. Did I say farm? ><
    #20 Oct 08 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
    161 posts
    HELM and farm to get dispel and equip/weapon upgrades.

    I would like to get BLM to 17 for warp.

    Maybe start getting RSE? At least try for the key I need...

    #21 Oct 08 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent

    - Get 72 ( it's not an option, it's mandatory )


    - Sell stuff I won't be needing to further my samurai and start saving for a not-so-useful, overpriced yet good looking piece of equip X)

    - Wear my Rasetsu gear, go farm, and know what it feels like having "Spikes"-type spell on me ( no, I don't have any mage job high enough yet ^^ )

    - Help LS with whatever they throw at me ( Hopefully some coffer keys with cool loot ^^ )

    ps: Bowser, are those Gods hunt still on Fridays? Else, you'll prolly receive an invite tonight :P
    #22 Oct 08 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
    363 posts
    3 day weekend! Yeah happy thanksgiving! doing the same thing as Verd...drinking lots of beer and eating loads of turkey and increasing the belt notch one or two in the process

    When I'm on this weekend i want to accomplish the following:
    -farm for my staves (light and dark) by making 300k+
    -that is all (I hate farming so it takes me a while to make that kind of money :S)

    BTW Triz, you want a whm along on your AF1? I like killing them. send me a /tell
    #23 Oct 08 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
    1,315 posts
    BTW Triz, you want a whm along on your AF1? I like killing them. send me a /tell

    Thanks, we already did the "killin'" part, but RNG AF1 requires you to stand in Jugner like a freak and talk to a tree when the the moon phase is "Full Moon." Of course, when we were done it was at like 80% Waning Gibbous, so I have had to wait almost 2 RL days to finish it.
    #24 Oct 08 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
    363 posts
    Thanks, we already did the "killin'" part, but RNG AF1 requires you to stand in Jugner like a freak and talk to a tree when the the moon phase is "Full Moon." Of course, when we were done it was at like 80% Waning Gibbous, so I have had to wait almost 2 RL days to finish it.

    talk to a tree? lol I can just picture you sitting down in the middle of jugner (legs crossed, looking up intently) having this deep discussion with a tree in the middle of the night.. you RNG's are C-R-A-Z-Y lol. Doesn't a full moon do that to you anyway lol...what a funny quest..I just want to come along to /laugh.
    #25 Oct 08 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
    280 posts
    - Get Beastmaster for 54
    - Ergo! Get AF done
    - Get WHM to 44
    - Use Scroll of Regen II
    - Harvest my cuttlings

    Will I get all this done... probably not, but its worth a shot.
    #26 Oct 08 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
    205 posts
    Well, I got my BLM up to 49 last night, so now begins the super fun limit break 1 throwdown. I need all 3 items right now so my weekend will be spent trying to obtain those.
    If anyone else is going out to get these please send me a tell, and invite my little taru of doom.
    Otherwise farming for my Ice, Dark, Light staffs. w00t
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