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Bad Player Lists - Why? Stop the Hate!Follow

#1 Oct 07 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Start clicking on all the forums for the servers here on Allakhazam and you begin to notice a trend as you read thread titles, "Bad player _____, ALERT!!!, BAD PLAYER LIST, WATCH OUT FOR THIS GUY! [Rant]"

What's the point? Feel like griping about how you didn't get stuff exactly the way you wanted it? Felt like you needed to rant about so and so stealing a kill or taking advantage of some n00bs? Or is it that you just want to point out to everyone you can find that so-and-so was human and fell to the all too common practice of being a complete jerk to someone online?

There is enough negativity on the boards and around people throwing tantrums in game that someone could do a study on hate and barely scratch the surface after 20 years of study.

I motion that this Bismarck forum ban bad player lists, poor players lists, and anything derrogatory toward another player or linkshell. Let's actually have a fun, happy, and helpful server. I think we're almost there; we just need more effort!

(^_^) Tarutaru for Server Peace!
#2 Oct 07 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
While I'm normally a warmongering Elf, I do agree with you, my good Eldoofman. The tension here has been escalating like cholesterol levels at a fried food eatery, and it kinda... well, sucks.

I've doen my fair share of throwing stones in the past. So has everybody here.

But in all honesty, it's time to lighten up. We're one of the largest servers and we've got some of the best people here.

Maybe we should start acting like it.
#3 Oct 07 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
It's human nature to want to pinpoint "people to watch out for" or "bad people".
You can't stop humans, you can't stop ignorance, the internet is crawling with both.
Though there has been 2 failed attempts at keeping a "Bad players list" organized people continue to want to do them.
#4 Oct 07 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
people are going to complain no matter what, the main purpose of having 1 centralized list is so that we don't get 20 + threads about a bad player.

I'm through trying to make it work, despite what anyone says it worked when i hosted it in my journal. each person posted their opinion there were some rebuttals as well as confirmations. The BS was kept out, flame wars were not allowed and as a result the majority of posts in my journal remained on track. People got help with their AF's/ quests/rank/missions etc.

Now i look at this forum and it has turned into a smaller version of the main forum, and it's really too bad.
#5 Oct 07 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Hello! Let me say a few things about my favorite subject and philosophy, Sociology!

There is no such thing as Human Nature. Everything we learn is learned through socialization while we're young and continued as we grow. If you recognize an action as something that is done, then you have the power to stop it. All it takes is some will power! ><

I try not to hate or be hated by anyone. But even I break down sometimes. I usually go off and go running or relax with a movie and a beer (ummm, root beer, yeah).

Anyway, just wanted to say that. I understand your wanting to condense lists TseTsuo and respect the initiative, but you're not a moderator and hence, have little power to enact plans of this nature. You can only do as I am doing, plea for comformity or to be followed.
#6 Oct 07 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
205 posts
Namfoodle, while I agree with everything you are saying, I also have to agree with Tsetsuo, in that I don't want to have to sift through countless threads on bad players just to find a thread that can help me or that I can offer some information on. Cause lets face it, it's gonna happen anyway. I'd rather have it all in one place.

Woo I need to refresh my browser every now and then :P

Edited, Thu Oct 7 16:08:59 2004 by AutechreBlm
#7 Oct 07 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
I must say, I enjoyed this forum when it was Tset's journal. Everyone was kind, not a lot of flaming, it was my haven from the main boards.

Anymore though it seems we have more and more hating. I don't get to hang out with a lot of you, but I see a lot of people around and I know we're capable of rising higher than this.

That said, I doubt I'll be posting as much since it seems a lot more thread are dedicated to bashing, so I'll probably just be lurking in the background, sifting through posts for those that warrant a response ^^
#8 Oct 07 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
see, the reason this thread did so well when it was in Tse's journal was because of WHO knew about it.
When you posted a bad player there, it was highly unlikely that they, or someone they knew would stumble upon it.
Such is not the case now.

If I were to see my name posted with anything that I even slightly disagreed with, I would protest and raise hell until one of three things happened
The party admitted they were wrong
the forum was locked
the forum was nuked

This is not something that seems to have been thought out with the creation of these new threads.

These sort of things are best kept in more restricted forums (LS, lesser sites, journals, etc).
#9 Oct 07 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
There is no such thing as Human Nature. Everything we learn is learned through socialization while we're young and continued as we grow. If you recognize an action as something that is done, then you have the power to stop it. All it takes is some will power! ><

Not trying to flame here, just complete curiosity, but is this really true?

I had thought that anti-essentialism was still a rather intensely debated topic in humanity fields.
#10 Oct 07 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
215 posts
Yep. It sure is! Tee Hee!!!

/em runs off into the fires of the humanities!

"HOME!!! I'M HOME!!!!"

(Is Sociology still considered a Humanity?)
#11 Oct 07 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
You don't like it, don't read it. People are going to make posts complaining about people; the whole reason these were EVER created in the first place was to keep those threads in one place so you could ignore one thread if you didn't want to read about it, rather than having to ignore dozens of threads about it.

Nobody is trying to encourage people to ***** about each other or make up stories or be childish. I SURE as hell wasn't trying to encourage the level of nastiness we've seen recently. That's not the fault of the lists; that's the fault of people who can't police themselves and have no respect for anyone else. I still maintain that I would rather have those threads as one centralized place for this madness than to have nastiness spring up all over the forums. At least with one thread you know the nastiness is in one place and you can ignore it at will.

The thread was always meant to WARN other people about things they may not have heard about. I always use Lizy as the best example of this, and I'm using her again. We all warned each other about her so we all knew about her tricks. That's the reasoning behind the thread. Not "OMG THIS PESRON IS A JERK HE DIDN'T LET ME INTO HIS FULL PARTY!!!!1111oneoneoneoneone" I've explained this so many times and people persist in misunderstanding. The last batch of utter nastiness had nothing to do with the thread, you know. It had to do with the person who started the thread. It could have happened anywhere else, and in fact quite a bit of it was in his journal; it just happened to be in that thread. If people would have some sanity, maturity, civility, and understanding, maybe, just maybe, the real purpose of those threads would be understood. Granted, I'm really losing faith that I can expect any of those things from people who post here, but let me delude myself for a little longer.

That's the last time I'm going to try to explain it. If you don't like the threads, fine. I understand. I just ask that you understand the reasoning behind it. Let's just move on, please.
#12 Oct 07 2004 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
This is a bit of a redundancy we have here. If you don't just accept or understand and I don't accept or understand you then how will we come to understand each other when what each side wants is total understanding and acceptance of the other? The saddest thing that happens in life are people just accepting the rudeness of others or just walking around complaining about it and not actually doing anything about it.

I understand why the threads exist. I don't agree with their existing. You only call attention to the fact that what they are trying to do is working. It's not that we shouldn't vocalize our anger and hostility, we should, but to friends who can tell their friends. So on and so forth. Words spreads fast about a player who is conning people out of money or who is cheating people or ripping people off like Lizy.

So, while you have a point and I see your point. I only ask that you see mine as well.
#13 Oct 08 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Ok, all I have to say is this. Here's ole Xano's two gil.

If we didn't have threads such as this, how would we have been informed about Lizy? Now, I had read about Lizy back when this was all on TseTsuo's journal. This was back when you actually had to search and do your research in order to find out stuff about your server.

Prime example: I was on very early one morning and got invited to a party in the CN. We had a everything but a puller. Now, as I had run into the CN, I saw Lizy outside with a flag up. So, I meet up with the party in the secret room and they say they've found a THF and the THF was on the way up to meet us. I automatically get a sick feeling and sure enough, they had invited Lizy. Now, I had never had a run in with Lizy, and had never partied with Lizy, but after what I had learned from this website, I frankly didn't give two sh[b][/b]its. I didn't want to be around anyone who would pull a scumbag move like that. Neither did the DRG in the group, who had also read about Lizy and wasn't too keen about partying with "her".

We both said in /say "Drop Lizy or we're leaving. She's got a bad rep and is a thief." So, the leader gave Lizy a song and dance about something or other and we got rid of "her", found someone else and had a good old time.

Now, I think I had a point, but I've been hitting the sauce all night. Oh, yeah...the point is this: threads like these DO serve a purpose. It's when they go to hell with petty infighting that they lose their informative nature.

Hope this wasn't too long and rambling, but...whatever. Go drink a couple of hard ciders and maybe it will make sense then. =P
#14 Oct 08 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
If you don't like the threads, fine. I understand.

Namfoodle, I do understand. I'm just getting a little tired of having to explain it all the time. I understand that people think there isn't a need, and I still contend that there is. We'll just have to agree to disagree and move on.
#15 Oct 08 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Byaina, I have a comment.

I am sure you are proud of your SAM headgear, and I am proud of you!

However, in your avatar it appears your toon is not too happy to be wearing it...almost as if it is being punished :p

You have anything more comfortable for her?
#16 Oct 08 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Why did Byaina quote herself?....Yeah, That's all I had to ask.
#17 Oct 08 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
For emphasis, since I already said it and it bears repeating?

And Trizz, my avatar always looks pissed off and/or frustrated. She just isn't a very happy Elvaan.

Edited, Fri Oct 8 17:19:02 2004 by Byaina
#18 Oct 08 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
215 posts
It's ok Zariko. I'm still trying to figure out if what she said was addressed to me and if it was, why she thinks I would willing do something that she is not. It's funny because we both want the same thing but there is a slight variation. I want the posts to go away and for people to talk about their awesome adventures and maybe horrible failures; with jest and zest and all the best thoughts on humanity. She just wants a forum where people post things, "OMG! I GOT RIPPED OFF!!!!!!"

Well. I exagggggggerate but it is to illustrate a point.
#19 Oct 08 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
She just wants a forum where people post things, "OMG! I GOT RIPPED OFF!!!!!!"

Exaggeration or not, I take extreme offense at this. If you bothered to read ANYTHING of what I've written, you would know how untrue and unfair this is. You haven't, for whatever reason, understood what I and many other people have said repeatedly are the reasons for why those threads exist. Now you're being unnecessarily rude, so I'm done dealing with you. I'm tired of belaboring this point. Think what you want. Obviously, nothing I say, no matter how rational, will affect it at all.

Edited, Fri Oct 8 21:54:42 2004 by Byaina
#20 Oct 08 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
215 posts
Oh god! i'm sorry byania. I meant to say this, "OMG! This is a really really bad and corrupt player who tries to take advantage of younger players."

But it became the other thing as I was entering a BCNM and I had to type fast. Sorry bout that. I am not missing your point. I see your point. You are missing and have not acknowledged mine. Just because I see your point doesn't mean it has to change my entire existance. I doubt i can escape the downward spiral of your lowering judgement of me at this point, but please look at what I have said again. I'm merely making a plea to stop the sillyness of poor and bad player threads. I know why they exist and what purpose they serve, but the minute you post one, however valid, it only degrades into, "SO AND SO DIDN"T PROVOKE! DAMNIT!!!! POOR PLAYER POOR PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!"

As an addendum I offer this thought:
Why start it at all? If a player is complained about enough times to a GM then that players petition will grow to a point where they, the GM's, can act. By warning players through forums like this you merely make them take heed that they need to change tactics.
#21 Oct 08 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Or(As a continuance of Eldoofman's post.) start just an all out flame on the person, or the "I SOOOO DID NOT DO THAT." thread.

I did that, Then I was reminded what I did and apologized for it.
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