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Am i wrong?Follow

#1 Oct 07 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
I used to be known for hanging out in the dunes and raising people whiled i solo'd lizzies for the hell of it. I starting using Anon but some people knew who i was and still asked. I eventually starting telling people that i was there farming(lizard skins) and that for me to come raise them i want 500gil. Some people didn't care about this but there were some people who thought that is was ridiculous that i would charge for a raise. Do you think i am wrong in wanting to get paid for running there and raising them?

Edited, Thu Oct 7 04:56:03 2004 by Shreg
#2 Oct 07 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Honestly, if people know who you are, and they know you raise people, and that ur in the Dunes farming lizzies, and they ask you, and ask you, and continue to ask you cuz they know you will raise em, asking for a little gil, i think is not wrong. Your going out of your way to help them out. Your stopping what your doing, and going to them. But thats just what i think. :)
#3 Oct 07 2004 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
Every time you charge for a raise, God kills a kitten.

Please, think of the kittens.
#4 Oct 07 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
215 posts
In general no one should ever pay for a raise. Raise I isn't really worth paying for as it would just be easier to HP and go back. Raise II and Raise III Are worth paying for. I usually blist those I am told charge for raises. Holding that kind of ability over someone's head for gil that most of the people in the dunes, most of which are just starting out, don't have is just too mean for me to interact with those people. Even with Raise II, I won't charge unless I have to pay for a chocobo to get to where they are. Then I just make them pay for the choco fee.

Hope that helps!
#5 Oct 07 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
I may be new to the game, but the way I see it is this...

whm or rdm with <insert spell here> is off making money, farming, etc... and you ask them to go out of their way to help you, then its only fair to pay for that service....

say they are farming at a rather good rate, they lose money for that time to go to you... pay for their service in kind, to somewhat lessen the blow

some will do this out of kindness, but others may have a goal that you are helping them to...

in short, if they ask for a small amnt of gil, give it to em or return to hp ^_^

kinda like selling tp's

Edited, Thu Oct 7 06:49:00 2004 by taliph
#6 Oct 07 2004 at 6:13 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
Charging for Raises is like a Ranger charging a party for using arrows to deal their damage. You have the spell, use it, don't be a greedy punk and charge people for something like this. What does raise cost these days? Maybe 5-6k?

You should also look at it this way, the person you could be charging for a raise may see you lying face down some day, and he may remember your name because you charged him for a raise. And decide to raise you, and charge you...let's say 5k for a raise. Don't be stingy, use that spell, it'll make you friends. ^^
#7 Oct 07 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
I believe charging for a raise is wrong. I used to spend days in Valkurm fighting gobs and raising, and i will still return there from time to time because I want to help people. If you are farming and you don't want to raise anyone, instead of charging them perhaps you can just let them know that you are busy. Or you can say {I'm Sorry. I'm busy.} In your search comment. I find that both work rather well.
#8 Oct 07 2004 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
I personally agree with Shred on this one. For a few reason. First of all, when your farming lizzy's (your either farming them close to konskart (sp) zone or near the secret beach. Now say I'm farming those skins near the konskart (man my spelling sucks in the morning) and get a raise request for whitebone beach. That's a long haul to get there. Now 500 gil is not a lot of money. Charging 1k would be a little much in this case, but 500 won't break anyones pocketbook and in this case and is mostly a goodwill gesture for interrupting the whm's farming (which we are already handicaped). As far as the comparison of paying for arrow for the RNG while you party with them, that has no relevance at all. First, you're in a party, and I'd like to know of any WHM who has EVER charged for a raise for a party member in a party setting. Walking across a zone so as to raise someone is totally different. Now personally I never charge for raises, but being that I don't farm in the dunes, i also don't get multiple requests. In Shred's case where everyone knows who he is and god knows how many raise request he gets in the dunes, I think it would only be fair in this instance. Shred, my advice, go farm lizzy's somewhere's else lol.
#9 Oct 07 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
and I'd like to know of any WHM who has EVER charged for a raise for a party member in a party setting.

You haven't seen the new breed of WHM around then. Leveling WAR the other day in Yhoator, puller got aggro'd by a gobby, BLM dies from pulling hate. After we somehow take it down, the WHM raises the BLM. And then the BLM got an offer for a trade. He quickly denied it and disbanded the party without any word. I had to actually ask him why he disbanded, and I would've done the same thing. Thankfully the next time the puller got aggro'd by a gob, it decided to suicide bomb itself with about 3/4 HP, killing every person but me and the kind of made my day. =P

Edit: Speeling in teh morning suX!1!!1!shift!11!oen!

Edited, Thu Oct 7 08:40:48 2004 by SneakyWeaky
#10 Oct 07 2004 at 7:41 AM Rating: Good
790 posts
I think charging for Raise is inappropriate. It is very similar to an extorsion for exp and time. The K.O.'d person, especially high levels, usually have no choice but to take the raise.

Charging for Raise is different compare to charging for a Teleport. The buyer chose to use a teleport to save travel time. They could refuse the teleporter and find another one if they think the charge is unreasonable, or use other means of transportation.

When you get K.O.'d, you have to get a Raise within 59 min. The K.O.'d has limited option to find another Raise if he/she think the Raise's fee is unreasonable. They cannot /say, /shout, or use search functions. The first Raiser comes along might very likely be the last one. Not complying to the Raiser's request could mean forced release down the line. At that point, charging for a Raise stopped being a fair exchange of fee for service. When you request money from someone with no choice but to comply, it becomes a shameless extorsion.

I would never charge people for Raises. But if I think the Raise requests is unreasonable, I will have to simply refuse.
If you think you should be rewarded for your service, ask to be compensated AFTER you Raise the person.

I do empathize with your dilemma at the dune. I used to get tons of disruptive Raise requests while fishing at Selbina. I usually agree to the first 2-3 request and just politely refuse the additional ones if they are unreasonable.
#11 Oct 07 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
and I'd like to know of any WHM who has EVER charged for a raise for a party member in a party setting.

You haven't seen the new breed of WHM around then. Leveling WAR the other day in Yhoator, puller got aggro'd by a gobby, BLM dies from pulling hate. After we somehow take it down, the WHM raises the BLM. And then the BLM got an offer for a trade. He quickly denied it and disbanded the party without any word. I had to actually ask him why he disbanded, and I would've done the same thing. Thankfully the next time the puller got aggro'd by a gob, it decided to suicide bomb itself with about 3/4 HP, killing every person but me and the kind of made my day. =P

Edit: Speeling in teh morning suX!1!!1!shift!11!oen!

OMG...death to that WHM /shakes head

BTW..i do agree with the point of refusing of raises after you get 2-3 in a small timeframe and just saying your busy. that is another good option
#12 Oct 07 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
Raise is never necessary. Just like teleports are never necessary. They are simply time savers. What does getting a raise do for you? It saves you time getting a small amount of exp back. It saves you time getting back to where you are hunting. If people are asking multiple times for a raise in the dunes, it's because they either don't have their HP in selbina (and should be smacked) or because they enjoy wasting their party's time.

I'm not a whm in this game, but I played a cleric in EQ, and THERE it could actually be deemed necessary for a rez in certain circumstances. You actually had to get your body back. And you actually got a good amount of your exp back (96% at the end). There, you could stand to lose all of your equipment if you didn't get one. Here, all you stand to lose is your own time. And saving time is a convenience, not a requirement. And we pay for conveniences.

All that being said, I wouldn't ask for payment for raises either, but that's because I don't feel like bothering, not for any altruistic reasons.
#13 Oct 07 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
350 posts
/wave Hey Shreg

While I don't normally condone charging for raise, I'd have to say there's a time when it could be justified. If a WHM was running around an area non-anon and got a /tell asking for a raise, then they probably don't mind raising and won't charge. If they're anon, they obviously have a reason for it, and most likely want to be left alone. To me, that's enough of an indication that they're busy, and I'll leave them alone. If someone keeps asking them for a raise after being told the WHM is busy (and we all know how persistant/annoying some people can be) then I think that WHM is justified in asking for payment.

EDIT: Any WHM that ever tries to charge for raise in PT should be dragged out into the street and shot...charging your PT is just dirty >.<

Edited, Thu Oct 7 11:43:12 2004 by willfoss
#14 Oct 07 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
56 posts
I have played white mage up to 43 and I have raised many people. I have never charged, but I think it is perfectly ok to charge for those not in your party. If they don't like it, they don't have to get raised. And you know what? The game is not over, they really don't die.

It is no different than a teleport. Getting a raise saves time, and getting a teleport saves time. To say that raising for money is evil is the same is saying any skill you profit from is evil.


all the same to me.

For someone to blist a white mage, which THEY bothered in the first place, for charging for a raise is just asinine.

As Grimina said, in EQ this was never an issue. People gladly paid for raises(resses). It was pretty much expected that you would donate for a res there. People never complained about it. Some people ressed for free, some people charged but I never experienced this "you are an evil ******* if you charge" whining I see here in FFXI.


Edited, Thu Oct 7 12:08:03 2004 by alphaoneffxi
#15 Oct 07 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
163 posts
I don't believe in charging for a raise. But neither do you have any obligation to go out of your way, stop what you're doing, and go raise these people.

You are set to /anon, which means, typically that you don't want to be disturbed. My advice would simply be to answer back {I'm sorry, I'm busy now}.

If they then offer you gil for a raise you can decide whether it's worth your time to stop farming.

Like was mentioned earlier, at that level in the dunes, it's quicker to home point and start out fresh anyway.
#16 Oct 07 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
282 posts

When someone died at your feet, and you raised and then demand payment, thats a no no. If you have to quit what you're doing to walk all the way across a zone to raise, then its ok. Its not a whitemage's responsibility to walk to your dead body half way across the zone to raise, that's what the fee is for, not for the raise it self, but the travel and time.

In this sense Raise is like teleport. You always have the option of not teleporting just like you have the option of releasing and walking back.

If you have ever partied up high with redmage or summoner party healer no whm. If I died in a deserted zone, I would gladly pay 10k to be raise III by a whm. It was my decision to party without the whitemage so I have to pay for his or her time to come raise me. If a whitemage was next to me and charges me though, I would be upset, but the two situations are not the same.

Its also up the individual whm and what he deemed was important. If i'm just hanging around in a zone protecting my friend and someone needed a raise, well i'm not really doing anything but watching, so I would come to raise. If I'm farming like shreg, or some other junk like mining or logging, then its different.

Like I said, the spell raise it self does not merit a reward, the effort of getting there to Raise is.
#17 Oct 07 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
Yes, charging for a raise is wrong.. however if you are on anon becuase you are farming and they ask you for a raise just ignore it becuase after all you're on anon becuase you don't want to be disturbed.

The low lvl PTs can not rely on getting a raise everytime someones dies, they need to learn this like everone else and just set their HP somewhere close, I mean cmon it'll save everyone some time if they did plus they're not losing hardly any xp anyways.

I wouldn't go raise unless I was offered some gil if I was on anon, unless it was a friend or something. So just keep ignoring the tells till they start offering gil then you can make a choice, but lets hope they wise up and just set HP close for christ sakes.
#19 Oct 08 2004 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Back in the days when I played a MUD called Gemstone, you didn't have a trade function for money, you just gave the person the money and the game pocketed it for them. The clerical powers, or White Mage powers if you will, were divided between Empaths who healed, and Clerics who could Raise Dead. Empaths were known to be horribly ineffective at hunting monsters for experience and so they'd sit around in town square healing. People would tip them and they'd keep the money since they essentially had no other means of income. Clerics however could go out hunting undead with ease, and so when people tried tipping them they'd return the money straight away. I even remember seeing some clerics wearing badges saying "No tipping!"

Now we come to Final Fantasy. In Gemstone there was no way to charge for a service; you just got tips. Here you can actually try to charge for services. Like the empaths, those who sit around doing Warps and Teleports are doing so to make money probably because they haven't found an effective way to hunt for it. On the other hand, raises feel like more of an obligatory service. The price paid for death, even after a raise, makes charging for a raise feel exorbitant. Whenever I've been asked for a raise, I never bother to charge, and have even run away when people try to tip me. It seems tacky to ask for money doing something people need from you... even if you think you can respawn and regain your experience in a few hours.
#20 Oct 08 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
I myself have never been charged for a Raise, And that's a good thing. Because, No matter how much EXP I lost because of the jerk off that charged me for the raise..I wouldn't take it. I'd tell them to sod off. Yes, I hate with the utmost to die and lose 3k EXP because of the charging asshat. But, It's never happened to me. And, as you can see from the current stasis of my post..WHM's who charge for a raise, or any other job that can raise for that matter...I hate.

While partying with my set, if I see someone dead on the otherside of the zone..or right there in front of us. I'll tell Zetsy to stop pulling and get Garou to raise the person if he hadn't noticed them already and was already casting the spell. It's called common curtesy and human decency, ya asshats.

But, If you want to get around paying for a raise. Stop dying. ;)

And, For you ****** WHM's that charge for a raise when you're in the same zone. Sod off.
#21 Oct 08 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
690 posts
Zylador wrote:
Back in the days when I played a MUD called Gemstone, you didn't have a trade function for money, you just gave the person the money and the game pocketed it for them. The clerical powers, or White Mage powers if you will, were divided between Empaths who healed, and Clerics who could Raise Dead. Empaths were known to be horribly ineffective at hunting monsters for experience and so they'd sit around in town square healing. People would tip them and they'd keep the money since they essentially had no other means of income. Clerics however could go out hunting undead with ease, and so when people tried tipping them they'd return the money straight away. I even remember seeing some clerics wearing badges saying "No tipping!"

No way... no way! Great to see another Gemstoner here. I still play that from time to time, although it seems that the game has lost its spark. S'why I'm playing FFXI now.

Anyway, don't mean to hijack the thread. Just happy to see someone else who plays (or played) Gemstone about (and also reaffirming the fact that Gems was real and not just a figment of my imagination).

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#22 Oct 08 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

And, For you ****** WHM's that charge for a raise when you're in the same zone. Sod off.

Leave it to a melee to tell a mage what he ought to do in a game, yeah nice try. I supposed you're gonna bring up that "Well if that's the case I should be charging mages for my wyvern's time" argument.
#23 Oct 08 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
I say charge by all means. If you're /anon, busy, or just plain not wanting to raise, charge. If you're on a choco, charge whatever you normally charge plus twice the choco cost, for the one you get off of and the replacement you need. Sure, it screws other guys over, but they'll do same to you in time, so hey.
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