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No love for Dragoons?Follow

#27 Oct 07 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
Pick the job you like the most, There's a job for everybody, just gotta find the right one. i have most jobs lvl'd (except 4) and drg has been my favorite, easily. 65 Drg / 32 War.
#28 Oct 08 2004 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Alauce, u forgot about me >.< LoL Jubon, if you invite me, i'll show you wat a drg can do. I'm also another DRG that is sticking it out to 75.
#29 Oct 08 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
LoL Jubon, if you invite me, i'll show you wat a drg can do.

My heart is racing in anticipation! The only chance I got to see you, I couldn't really. Too many orcs in the way!

Don't lose hope DRG's. There are some pt's out there that welcome you with open arms! The only time we have passed on a DRG is when we see the /whm. STOP THAT!
#30 Oct 08 2004 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Lugia wrote:
I quit playing Dragoon for two reasons.

1) Unless we have a thief in the party, the only thing were doing is whacking mobs with our poles, jumping, and SCing...that's pretty much it. Granted i played with a war sub, so subbing a mage might have provided a different outlook to the job, i didn't feel like i was contributing that much to the party. Hate control was kinda useless without a thief, because i would hardly get any hate to shed, and SCing was pretty much limited to Penta > whatever every 5 mins. Boring.

2) I didn't get involved enough in my job. I couldn't offer my party the help they needed if we happen to get an add, or if we were low on mp and i had the oppertunity to save the group or provide them with some free time. Nope. All i could do is attack. And save my own ***.

I've been playing as many different jobs, hell i spent a month leveling all jobs to atleast level 10 to get a feel for them, taking the ones i liked further, and i came to the conclusion that i was either gonna level Sam, Pld or Drk. Looking at my profile i guess its obvious i picked Dark, but not for being the "OMG UBER MELEE DMGZ DEALRZOR!!11!". It was a job i enjoyed, allowing me to deal damage, stop enemy attacks which in turn could save lives, and provide me with the use of magic spells. You have no idea how awesome it was when i did my first ever MB. I actually got involved during battles, and it kept me on my toes the whole time. Constantly looking out for an oppertunity to optimise my damage output while not getting my *** kicked.

THAT'S when i thought Drk is the job for me. I actually enjoy my job because i feel useful, and because of this i plan to be the best Drk i can be, within reason.

Lol, another one that went to the DRK side. Yeah DRK is a very versatile job. They have alot more to contribute to the party than just damage. DRKs can interrupt mobs with Stun, Sleep adds, Tractor a dead party member, Bio to enfeeble, Absob-Stats to turn mobs into a weakling, and pull with both magic and most ranged weapons. DRKs could even heal themselves using Drain or replenish their own mana supply using Aspir.

DRKs are very good at tactical support on top of being a damager, which unfortunately more people overlook.
#31 Oct 08 2004 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
First off, Alauce..Congratulations on ya body peice dood.
Mamimi, That scroll was only 1k..I'll buy it for ya when you hit 73.

And, Thanks.

Hiest, Gonna miss ya buddy. You, and our All DRG parties out to Garliage Citadel to get the "Blue Rocks" for the "Master Lance." Ah, Good times.

Anywho, I'm not going to tell you guys that Dragoon is a better Damage Dealing Job over Dark Knight...even though it is. Yeah, I started the game like every other half-retarded apeman wanting to be the OOBER DRK, I changed my mind when I went through the Dragoon job quest, and it was the last one I did. I had no thoughts on ever becoming a Dragoon in my FFXI Career, nor did I have the desire. But, I'd leveled DRK to 10 and didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I went on to the others and, they were found lacking. And, Finally on to Dragoon. I fell in love. I've loved Dragoon since the first time I macro'd "Call Wyvern.", from the first time I waxed a Tiny Mandragora in West Saruta Baruta. But, I'm not going to lie to you..There have been times that I've been so discouraged that I wanted to hang up my lance and move on.

But, I havn't yet. And, I don't think I will be anytime in the future thanks to the set party that picked me up at level 54. They re-instilled in me my love for the job.

Thanks, Zetsumei, Buddah, Garou, and Ioulas(Where ever the **** you are!)

As I travel on in my venture of Dragoon greatness, I've noticed one thing..Dragoon only gets better.

As for you Dragoon lovers, You rock. You make us. Without you guys inviting us to parties, We would never become the Paragon of Dragoon Excellence. Thanks.

As for you Dragoon haters, Sod off. Send a tell to Kayos, Studd, Or myself. Tell them Zariko sent you. We'll show you how it's done.

And, Now..The end of this overly long winded post.

P.S. Gieffe, You keep working with Dragoon man. Stick with it, dood. SHOW the haters how a Dragoon does ****, and convert them to lovers. Hiest and I did. Now, It's your turn.
#32 Oct 08 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
The only real complaint I have heard about Drg.....

Near endgame, when most of the mobs people fight are skeleton. Skeloton monsters resist polearms.
Polearms cripple flying monsters.
Not alot of flying monsters endgame.

This is just what some people have told me...
#33 Oct 08 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
Zariko, I must still say, thanks to you, my desire to turn Morlenkheren into a Dragoon was made adamant.

Though short, the demonstrations and lessons you gave me, while I was testing out the class with Kestra, have left a lifelong impression on me, and a solid respect for both you and the Dragoon in general.

Players like you give honor to your job! Keep up the good work.
#34 Oct 08 2004 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
There are four glaring DRG flaws IMO. Lack of skillchain versatility, lack of overall utility, the wyvern, and playing essentially the exact same role as a RNG in all circumstances.

On skillchains, from Double Thrust all the way to Vorpal Thrust and Skewer DRG is never really going to be asked to do something else; Pentathrust is a good WS with lots of +ACC or a BRD but it's terrible for fitting into workable renkeis. So you spend all the way to 65+ opening Distortion with Double/Vorpal/Skewer. After that you open light with Wheeling, which is fusion property and still not so hot, and WAR, RNG, and SAM can all open with fusion also, while doing other things besides just DOT.

This leads to versatility, which all those jobs have more of. WAR, RNG, and SAM can all pull, WAR and SAM can both off-tank, WAR can maintank, WAR and SAM can both sub /THF to close some renkeis extremely well, and RNG has obvious RNG advantage of doing the most damage. SE in my opinion threw DRG a giant tease saying COP was adding ranged stuff for DRG, which would have meant adding a pulling capacity, but no, they meant pebbles and Optical Needles. Yeah, feel free to pull with those.

On the wyvern, DRG is the only job without a bailout, they need their 2hr just to be fully functional. They have nothing that compares to a PLD busting Invincible in a bad spot, or a WAR popping 2hr Rampage/Raging Rush to save the day or try and make a chain 6+, or a RNG popping Eagle Eye for the same reasons. And so on. They have to pop their 2 hour just to be a full character, no one else has to. Also as others have said, Spirit Link has to be the most irritating thing in the game. That they are inherently irritating to have in a group because Square gave them a flawed 2 hr then added a flawed ability to fix it isn't fair to them. Also it's worth noting that the mobs DRG does best on tend to be the mobs most likely to rape the wyvern. Fly Cursed Sphere/bird Great Whirlwind = lates, 2 hr. This is pretty contrary, doesn't help DRG any, and makes it more apparent that DRG wasn't thought out very well before being shoved into the game. Remember getting onto a choco and killing your wyvern? Even now if you do Dismiss even a hair wrong, lates 2 hr.

Finally RNGs do the exact same things, but better, with more features. RNG usually opens renkeis as DRG does, but with far more damage; they can also pull, and have the exact same bonuses and penalties on mobs as DRG. No one should have to compete directly with RNG because it's not a winnable fight. RNG on IT flying mobs can nail Sidewinder/Slugshot for 1500+, non-flying mobs 800+, even on piercing penalty mobs like bones they can use Holy ammo and still do OK.

In the end all this means is that right now the only time you might actively seek out a DRG before anyone else is if you have a THF closing the skillchain; DRG can be nice because you just SATA onto them instead of bothering with turning the mob for the skillchain, and then they can jump the hate off. Of course the flipside to that coin is that RNG > THF would flip the mob anyways so it's not like turning the mob would be an issue, and the mob's more likely to be dead.

In summary right now DRG does fine DOT but lacks the utility of other jobs that can fill the same role and then some, and lacks the overall damage of ranger, their mirror job. It's sad that Square responds to obvious flaws by cockteasing DRGs and then doing not much. As a DRG friend put it after update, "PEBBLES!!!" This was before he went into Sauromogue to try the new, improved Wheeling Thrust and it missed on a Tabar Beak.

None of these flaws were as obvious, or mattered, when DRG could just spam two Pentas between every skillchain. Remember how popular DRG was at one point. Since then, of course, the flaws are more apparent and SE doesn't seem too concerned. As it stands DRG can be fine in parties but realistically very often there is a job available that will do the same DOT but bring other things to a party as well.

Oh, and another flaw is terrible EQ selection options but I've rambled enough already. XD

Edited, Fri Oct 8 21:06:38 2004 by Uroboros
#35 Oct 08 2004 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Uroboros, You need to stop reading the Dragoon forum..dood.

Anyway, Onto the arguement of the Dragoon's defense.

I've noticed how a lot of people have been ignorant to the fact that a Dragoon can, with flying colors, renkai with pretty much every WS they have leading to a slew of damage. I once did this with a Dark Knight in Crawlers' Nest against Helm Beetles, Drk went with Vorpal Scythe as I asked, 230 or so damage. Then, I went with Penta Thrust for a 500 or so damage Penta Thrust and being that the beetle was resistant to the Earth damage that Fusion delivers, It only took an added 230 damage. Where we EXP now? We could do the same skillchain and I could burst out with a 700 damage Penta Thrust and a 500 Fusion, Torama's are weak to Earth.

As a Dragoon, I pulled with Jumps VERY effectively all the way into Crawlers' Nest. I still pull every now and again using the same abilities.

To compare a RNG to a DRG is being a bit biased to the job of Ranger, True they CAN do nice damage. BUT, From my experience with rangers..their accuracy blows. By the time they finally hit with a Sidewinder, I've already busted off 4 or 5 Skewers with 500-600 Damage. Peryton and Raptors happened to be extremely weak to peircing attacks. The only Ranger i've partied with that did not have as much of the accuracy problem than others is Hamtaru, He's a goddamned good Ranger.

The Wyvern? Let's see here, Without the Wyvern I still do around 80+ damage, add the Wyvern's damage into that which is usually 20 or so..and I have a normal damage of 100 points. That's nothing to snort at. Granted, A Dragoon cannot deal out a slew of damage at one time with their two hour, and as for the added pull. We can solo them long enough, and keep hate until the rest of the party can move onto said mob, I've done it before with a very carefully placed Super Jump. But, The Wyvern DOES deal the most damage out of all 2hours.

A Ranger does not hit an IT mob with 1600+ damage, Try 800+ max at 1100 IF they hit, They don't always hit. And, A Dragoon rarely misses. It's been so long since i've missed a weapon skill that I can't remember.

There is an alternative to bone monsters, and we'll find it.

And, To end my post..Haste me, or any other Dragoon for that matter and you can get two to three Penta Thrust's between a skillchain. We gain TP like a Samurai using Meditate, We don't miss..with the right gear.

#36 Oct 09 2004 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
305 posts
I've never even loaded the Dragoon forum. My opinions are based on 100+ levels of exping with a dragoon in sets. And RNG can hit IT for 1500. Sig says you're 60, that's when a disparity starts forming. See how you feel in ten levels. And just because you've never seen a RNG never hit that much dmg consistantly doesn't mean they can't, just because you haven't seen one that hit 9/10 Sidewinders doesn't mean they don't exist. RNG can easily nail 1500 damage Sidewinders on flying mobs. Find where I was dissing DRG in my post. I wasn't, just answering the thread's question.

Edited, Sat Oct 9 02:34:15 2004 by Uroboros
#37 Oct 09 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
Zariko, unfortunately as good as you are, one thing I've noticed lately is that most dragoons I have partied with still don't realize they need updated gear especially post 50...

What's even worse is I still remember one dragoon who will remain nameless, had a nasty habit of jumping in between my Tachi: Enpi > Viper Bite distortion renkei which with a MB could've easily done a total of 1400-1800 damage to most VT-IT mobs. Which is a shame cause these players are more or less trashing the job and further adding to the stigma that dragoons suck and don't know how to renkei...

I'm starting to wonder if I ever get back to playing dragoon, what it would be like for me to get a party...
#38 Oct 09 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Default
282 posts

There are other alternative to bones like Weapons and gollum in sky or cocktrice/tigers/ladon early 70

Yes dragoon can do all those things zariko but what they have to offer later on can be comparable to other jobs, but other jobs can do more than just damage.

Edited, Sat Oct 9 05:40:34 2004 by Bowser
#39 Oct 09 2004 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Uroboros wrote:
RNG can easily nail 1500 damage Sidewinders on flying mobs. Find where I was dissing DRG in my post. I wasn't, just answering the thread's question.

Against flying mobs, A Dragoon could possibly lay out the same damage..Unlikely, But possible. I never accused you for 'dissing' the job in my post, and don't think I made it out that I was acusing you of it. If you felt like I was, I'm sorry.

neovision wrote:
Zariko, unfortunately as good as you are, one thing I've noticed lately is that most dragoons I have partied with still don't realize they need updated gear especially post 50... [/qoute]

This is the same with any other job dude, and It sucks. I know.

[quote=Bowser]Yes dragoon can do all those things zariko but what they have to offer later on can be comparable to other jobs, but other jobs can do more than just damage.

Well, That's not even debatable. But, Could a Dragoon make it to 75 without it being deemed as a ride to the top?

Edited, Sat Oct 9 08:45:04 2004 by Zariko
#40 Oct 09 2004 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
282 posts

No, thats why they get alot of respect from me
#41 Oct 10 2004 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
The only real complaint I have heard about Drg.....

Near endgame, when most of the mobs people fight are skeleton. Skeloton monsters resist polearms.
Polearms cripple flying monsters.
Not alot of flying monsters endgame.

This is just what some people have told me...

I'm level 69 now and I've never XP'd on Skeletons. Post-60 it's been Couerl, Goblin, Cockatrice, Flies, Crawler, and Tigers. Polearm does fine against all them. I'm pretty sure you can XP off of DRAGONS around 72. Yes, DRAGONS lol!

Dragoons are welcome in any PT I'm in. :D
#42 Oct 10 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,624 posts
The only real complaint I have heard about Drg.....

Near endgame, when most of the mobs people fight are skeleton. Skeloton monsters resist polearms.

There is a lance with an unseen blunt effect for this, but I forgot the name.
#43 Oct 10 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I know the name of that lance. Its called the Bourdonnase (sp?) I know how to get it, but I'm not telling since I dont want the price of it to skyrocket.
#44 Oct 10 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I think what a lot of people miss is that many different classes can perform the same role in a party. People see DRG as not being as "versatile" and such and dismiss them. They think other classes are better for that roll and only invite them. As has been discussed on this thread DRGs are not much worse than the other main DD classes and should fit very well into most parties. I know when I have a drg in the party he fits in nicely, barring bad players (all classes have those). If a class works well in a party who cares if there is something better, chances are it won't effect the party quality enough to warrant insulting another player.

If you think drgs get no love try leveling a war/mnk past 30. Everyone buys into the war/nin hype and thinks /mnk is usless. For the same reason a lot of people are saying drg is usless and not actually giving it a chance. Just a war/mnk's 2 cents.
#45 Oct 13 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I'm definitely going to keep leveling Dragoon. I've got in with Hulm and Kerri (two members of the Omegaforce LS and very very awesome players) for a quasi set party. When they're not on and leveling I'll be found leveling my Paladin for variety's sake.

I very much look forward to leveling by fighting dragons, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread...finally putting those Dragon Killer skills to use, eh?

Hiest, you rock man, as well as the rest of high level dragoons still chugging away.

From what it seems, a great dragoon is more than welcome to parties who know that person and have fought with them before. If you meet a horrid dragoon, then just dont' party with that person again...that doesn't mean the entire job sucks. It takes a strategy not found in "the stats" to properly play one, especially knowing how to trade hate with Super Jump. I'd be very happy if Square Enix took a serious look at all of the jobs, not just by their numbers, but by observing the actual players to see how they're used and balance accordingly. SE may have had very different intentions for how a dragoon fits into parties than we may have come to know the job. Anyways, just a few thoughts. Thanks for all the replies! They've been civil, factful, and thought out.
#46 Oct 14 2004 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
I know the name of that lance. Its called the Bourdonnase (sp?) I know how to get it, but I'm not telling since I dont want the price of it to skyrocket.

This post sort of bothered me. One, because it's a dragoon that is keeping info about a nice weapon from other dragoons.

And second, because it really doesn't make much sense. Usually the rarer the item the more that people will jack up the price. And, if you know how to get it you're not going to be dependent on the AH in the first place. :\

Anyhow, this lance Bourdonasse drops in a Kindred Seals BC. You need 30 Kindred Seals to trade for a Lachesis Orb that you trade to the BC in the Chamber of Oracles. It's a 6 person BC with no level cap. The fight is vs. 4 wyverns.

The polearm is in the blunt weapon category and will do good damage to skeleton and pots, but it also comes with a penalty to weapon skills of 50%. It may not be as good as it's made out to be, unless the regular melee damage is really high.

I've never seen a Dragoon use a staff in an XP party. Staff weapon skills are terrible for damage. Some say Full Swing is good, but only at 300%TP.

By the way... I did XP off a couple dragons in Kuftal. They're called Ladon. :D My PT was a little low, but we managed to cap off some chains with big numbers fighting them.
#47 Oct 14 2004 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Well, Dark at higher levels with thf sub get Spinning Blade + Soul Eater + Last Resort + SATA = mucho dmg.

But I will say, I have had no qualms with DRGs, (I am a dark) except when they make fun of me for being a mithra drk. The only real times I have concern is pre-spirit link and I want to pull hard. It never fails if a DRG is in the pt they loose their wyvern or start complaining about pulling so much because of his wyvern. It just makes it hard when you actually want to chain.

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