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No love for Dragoons?Follow

#1 Oct 06 2004 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
This is a problem I've been having for quite sometime. Blatant shunning, discriminatory comments against the job, some people with valid reasons, others just childish comments. As a Dragoon I've been insulted, laughed at, ignored, and pitied. Notice the lack of a word "invite" in that previous sentence. I went long enough pestering in Jeuno to finally give up and start leveling Paladin, which, thanks to invites, has shot from level 1 to 20 in a few days. People actually LIKE me and NEED me in parties now. Two questions from this:

Do other dragoons feel a similar vibe?

Is this just a Bismarck thing or has this spread to every server.
#2 Oct 06 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
I can count the number of high levels dragoon on my hand, most are lucky to level up fairly high before the nerf patch. I know several that quit in the 50s because they can no longer get parties to start that big exp grind. Its an unfortunate thing what happened to dragoon.

Used to be that the place for dragoon after the patch was a Thief's Fui partner with their Super jump. IE. Thief sata the tank at beginning then 1 min later SATA the dragoon who would do super duper jump to rid hate. Alas it only work like once every few min and not enough to be effective. However most high level dragoons now find themselves a dying breed, those that have made it should pat themselves on the back cause they might be the last dragoons at high levels unless something is done.
#3 Oct 06 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
SE had the chance to balance things for the Chains of Promethia expansion, so I don't see anything being done anytime soon to pump up the job. I agree, if only I would've been able to get higher in level before the TP gain was nulled... I guess my main question was whether or not anyone knows if this attitude toward the class is echoed on every server, or more centered in the Bismarck community. Some servers are much different than others it seems.
#4 Oct 06 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
I don't get it either. We have always had a goon in our static. On our 4th one now. Everytime to be replaced with another goon. Maybe we've just been lucky in that they have all been excellent players. Before we had one in set, we would pick one up. Which followed with a hearty Thank You. It seems they sit with their flags up alot. Tis a shame.
<3 DRG!
#5 Oct 06 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
The feeling you're experiencing happened to nearly all Dragoons on all servers, it isn't just prevailant on the Bismarck commuity alone. And if you feel that any sort of comfort and sympathy that this particular commuity could offer you is only pity and therefore unworthy of response, than I'm afraid you've joined the ranks of the many disenfranchised and cycnical Dragoons who've completely given up hope on what was supposed to be a job they loved.

Browse any number of Dragoon-job forums and you will still see a number of threads either complaining mindlessly, attempting to call other Dragoons into action, or doing their best to make their situation work because they love the job. Not saying you don't have the right to complain about it, but of course there are tons of arguments and debates that have been turned over on FFXI forums over and over again so much to the point that people have become weary of hearing about them. One of them is how much Dragoons were nerfed and how much they hate it and how much they hate SE and everyone else for not appreciating them anymore.

But to answer your question, I personally love the job of Dragoon, pre and post TP "nerf", and no, I don't think the vibe you are feeling is limited to Bismarck alone. And no, I don't think you have to level the same three jobs in order to be "accepted" in this game. I don't think SE has it in for Dragoons or really just wants to ruin any job for any malicious purpose. If the state of Dragoon really goes on and people actually start complaining about it to SE directly, then there's the possibility for a change for the better.
#6 Oct 06 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
On a whole, I have nothing against the Dragoon job. I don't necessarily LIKE many Dragoons, because most of the Dragoons I know are either total morons or ********* There are a few good Dragoons out there in the world though, ie Hiest, Gajumaru, and Zariko.

Especially Zariko.

It's not a bias against a job that's nerfed. It's a bias against the fact that the Dragoon job draws almost as many idiots as Dark Knight and Paladin combined. Ironically enough, most ex-dragoons end up taking the road of Dark Knight or Paladin once they realize they can't take Dragoon to endgame without a bit of work.
#7 Oct 06 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
282 posts

A monk suffered the same problem as dragoon with one exception, they look forward to the days past 66 and beyond when they are able to once again show what they're capable off. Dragoons doesn't have that luxury, though they might have gotten their Penta at an earlier level than most melee (drk don't get guillotine till much later). Penta represent the zenith of the dragoon, there are no where to go but down is how most dragoon tends to feel after the TP nerf.

I remember once upon a time I started playing, I leveled warrior to get dragoon, I even level thief and samurai with the purpose of subbing to my dragoon. I looked up at the dragoons in the 50s as gods, something I'm striving to be. Right now those dragoons that doesn't have a set to help them get through it are still at level 50s.

In my few parties with dragoon post level 60 I found most people shunned their Sam sub, opting instead for a warrior sub or thief sub to perform or help set up SATA. Before dragoon/sam post 60 was the thing to do and I wasted alot of time preparing for that. Makes me sad to think that a job I once dedicated my whole game to turned out like this. Thats why I respected alot of dragoon who can put up with all this and still be able to play the best they can and get up high.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 19:29:22 2004 by Bowser
#8 Oct 06 2004 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Yeah, great kudos to Hiest, Zariko, Eleadora, and any Dragoon who's willing to stick with it to the end.

You have way more courage, dedication, and stubborn willpower than I could ever have. ;D
#9 Oct 06 2004 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I think SE nerfed DRG because the class is so damned cool! J/K

I've had many talks with Gieffe about this at work and I have told him this, In all my parties since lvl 45 I have had at least 1 drg in the party, they rock. They are also awesome SATA buddies for thieves. And having a drg/war in the party means there is another voke just in case the tank loses hate.

He also thinks they should wear heavy plate armor, which is not what a dragoon is all about. A dragoon should be lightly armored and swift and powerful. To this end SE should add either another accuracy bonus or an attack bonus, or both to the class. To make them harder hitting. Or like Gieffe once proposed to me, a party accuracy buff, kinda like warcry. But all in all, I will take a drg over a drk any day of the week.

I look forward to being able to lvl with you again Gieffe, only 7k more exp to go ;-)
#10 Oct 07 2004 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
I bought FFXI and started playing back in february for two reasons:

#1) to be a dragoon (Big fan of Kain in FF2)
#2) to play an MMORPG with a RL friend of mine

Since then I've been able to get my jobs to the following levels:

53 Sam, 50 Drg, 44 Drk, 30 War, 25 Rdm, 21 Rng, 20 Brd, 18 Thf, 17 Whm, 13 Nin Pld, 11 Bst, 10 Mnk Blm and 9 Smn... Of my 3 top jobs (Sam, Drg, Drk) I would have to say that Dragoons and Dark Knight are probably the hardest to get a party for. For some reason both of these jobs have some stigma about them that all people that play those jobs suck. Unfortunately a lot of them do but because the bad outnumber the good, the real dragoons and dark knights get shafted...

For Dragoon, I pretty much stopped playing after completing Genkai 1 back in April (decided to level other jobs while set PT was completing G1). Dark Knight I stopped playing after sitting in Jeuno LFG for a week because apparently at the time all Drks my level either really liked to use Souleater and Last Resort at the beginning of the fight or thought they could tank (suffice to say I was one of the few Drks that actually made use of Absorb spells)... /sigh.

I think eventually I would like to go back and play both jobs as the story behind the jobs (especially dragoons) are quite interesting and the jobs themselves are fun to play... Until then I'll be trying my best to be the best Samurai I can be...

while we're on the topic of Dragoons, good ones I've come across on Bismarck are Zariko, Cmagen, and Hiest. I say for the ones still dedicated to the job, keep fighting the good fight...
#11 Oct 07 2004 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I don't know. It's just, when say I start a PT and think "Ok, now we need a few DDs," the instant follow-up isn't "Gee, I hope there's a DRG seeking." I know DRGs are good against flying enemies and all, but it just feels like they're so useless in almost every situation outside of fighting flying enemies. What if something goes wrong? They have no useful two-hour. At least a DRK could do something REMOTELY useful with Blood Weapon + Soul Eater + Last Resort. But Call Wyvern? And that's another thing. Wyverns are so much upkeep. Say Bomb Toss or Cursed Sphere. DRG has to Spirit Link, and then they just become a mana sponge. I know I'm just rehashing old arguments, but when there's a DRG in my party I don't exactly jump for joy. Of course, this is all post TP nerf. I'm sure DRGs ruled when you could get mass TP from Penta Thrust. But now it's like "Wow...Penta Thrust did 120 damage...woopy..." Plus, like someone said, almost all the DRGs I've partied with aren't exactly the most elite players.
#12 Oct 07 2004 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
Ill have to add Assasian to the list of good dragoons. Now I dont know alot of situations where Dragoons are my #1 choice to invite but they are good renkai partners with thief since they SC well and SATA super jump is nice to have also. I think SE should just do away with thier pets... it makes you not be able to calculate thier total damage and also it makes it less likly for them to grab hate who know maybe dragoon + dargon damage = dark damage I donno. If they didnt have pets, got a good 2 hour like some sick jump madness where you jump like 10 times for an easle eye shot type of 2 hour, and got that additional damage for themselves I think that would fix a big part of the problem.
#13 Oct 07 2004 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Even if the TP got "un-nerf'ed", it wouldn't fix DRG for the simple fact that they can still be outdone. Monk using Raging Fists pre-Asuran Fists anyone? The ONLY way DRG will ever be looked at as an excellent DD again would be if they decided to give them a few Attack Bonus Traits other than the tiny one they get at level 10. And even then...they'll still be left behind because DRK's can use Absorb spells, Rangers will still hit harder, and Monk's will still have higher DoT.
#14 Oct 07 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
DRG does just as much damage over time compare to any other direct damage(DD) jobs, assuming all jobs are well equipped. Go look at a parser. DRG actually have a very good starter advantage compare to other DD jobs. Wyvern gives DRG a slight advantage in the early to mid levels.

Nerfing TP gain on multi hit WS did not really lower DRG's over all output in anyway. In exp party situations, most multi hit WS miss too much to do any descent damage. The TP nerf was meant to stop people from abusing multi hit WS as a farming tool.

DRG job is designed to be the "Silent Damager" that never draws hate. DRG's damage is divided between the DRG and the Wyvern. DRG has high accuracy which dishes out constant damage that will not draw hate. DRG can Super Jump to erase the hate. Evey ability under DRG's disposal is meant to do alot of damage without ever being noticed. That's DRG's signature ability.

But the stealthy nature of DRG seems to mislead people into thinking DRG do less damage compare to other DD jobs. They think DRGs are bad at dealing damage because they never draw hate or do any massive burst of damage. The ignorant only notice that DRG hits less compare to other jobs like DRK; but never notices that DRG rarely every misses. DRG does about the same damage as any other melee over time. Go get a parser and see for yourself.

As it stands DRG does not need any damage enhancements at all. Most DD melee jobs gets horrible invites because there are too many DD players around and not enough other jobs to support the DD job heavy population. DRG gets shafted for invites because most people are just ignorent and do not understand the nature of the DRG job.

#15 Oct 07 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
I have to agree with Emilyia 100%. I party'd with two DRK's last night with my set and honestly I out damaged the first one the second no because he was a Sneak Attack+Last Resort+Souleater freak. Great DMG but woopy just make more work for the PLD.....Oh wait did the WHM just bust a cure IV to save the DRK's ***....yah I think so cause he's dead. Actually our WHM never died but came close several times. But now you have two vokers trying to save the WHM's ***, Very Very messy. Ohh and another thing:
DRG TP call 100%
DRK TP call 50%
DRG TP call 120%
DRK TP call 50%
DRG TP call 150%
DRK TP call 50%
You get the point.....
All and all, you DRG bashers have just never party'd with a good DRG. Party with a DRG that has spent time farming for the best gear and you'le quickly learn your foot doesnt taste that good in your mouth.
Rate me down honestly I don't really care. But my point is I kept up with DRK's and have EVEN out Dmg'd them and I can count the number of times I got hate on one hand.

Don't get me wrong I know there are good DRK's or any other DMG dealer out there, It just sucks how one or two people can ruin it for everybody.

And like Emilyia said go look at the parser stats!!!!


Edited, Thu Oct 7 11:19:17 2004 by VerdigoB
#16 Oct 07 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
I can definately vouch for Verdigo. Not only is he a great dragoon, he even pulls for our set party. (And this was pre-pebble days!)

The biggest issue that I see is that fine balance between dealing damage and stealing hate. We've had a few pickup parties now with the four members of my set. It's been very interesting to see our PLD try to hold hate when it seems like the other DD WANT to steal it from him.

On the other hand, that little dragon always has his butt in my face when I'm trying to Sneak Attack the mob. Verd - Move the little guy! (J/K)

On a more positive note, now that we have to consistently find 2 more members when we party I know that as a DD (MNK) I don't discriminate when inviting to a party.

If we all got to know a person's abilities in whatever job they choose to play maybe we wouldn't have people sitting for hours seeking a party.

#17 Oct 07 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Alauce wrote:
On a whole, I have nothing against the Dragoon job. I don't necessarily LIKE many Dragoons, because most of the Dragoons I know are either total morons or ********* There are a few good Dragoons out there in the world though, ie Hiest, Gajumaru, and Zariko.

R.I.P. Hiest, he had to quit due to lack of time.

Although he logged in last night and he, my friend Gretchen, and I went to get Gretchen's Ifrit's Coffer Key. I would add Gretchen in as one of the great DRG's on the server, @52 at the moment, uber gear, wonderful DD ^^
#18 Oct 07 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I really havnt seen a DRG stand out in a party but most DRG i have partied with do not do a good job. Im sure if someone actually tried to be a great DRG it could be done but most DRG think meleeing and having your Wyvren beat on it is enough. I think tylie is one of the best DRG that i have seen on Bismarck.
#19 Oct 07 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you for all the replies guys, but as you've said, this is an arguement that has gone on for many months now, on many forums, as well as being the source for contstant spam in game I'm certain. I'd like to try out some other odd subjob combinations for DRG just to see if I can muster any benefit for a party via the healing breath for wyvern, etc...

there are a lot of untapped abilities due to the Dragoon stereotype of "try to deal a lot of damage" 10 less damage per hit in order to heal the tank with healing breath might actually pay off for decreasing downtime and giving the party more exp per hour. Just a thought. Anyone know any versitile dragoons that have tried this out using a mage sub? Just curious.
#20 Oct 07 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Moshiiii wrote:
I really havnt seen a DRG stand out in a party but most DRG i have partied with do not do a good job. Im sure if someone actually tried to be a great DRG it could be done but most DRG think meleeing and having your Wyvren beat on it is enough.

The same could be said of almost any class, it's always a matter of player skill and equipment to see how much anyone brings out in a class. We've all seen horrid players ...

If you can name the class, I've played with a (really) bad one at some point in the game. But I've also had the luck to play with really amazing players of almost every job. The kind where you watch them in action, then say ... damn I want to be like that if I ever play that class.

I'd put quite a few Dragoons I've partied with into the second category. Drg has a very high damage potential in the hands of a skilled player, at least up to where I'm at in the game (52).

Unfortunately, many players have taken what high level Drgs complain about (lack of strong upper level WS for closing level 3 renkeis), and then assume that a Drg/War sucks at dealing damage from 1-75. I can't speak above 50 (last Drg I partied with), but from 1-50, every well-played Drg I saw impressed me.

As far as invites go ... yeah, I've seen Drg get screwed on invites a lot. One of my best friends IRL actually quit the job out of frustration at the lack of invites in the upper 40's, and I'm sure it just gets worse from there on out.
#21 Oct 07 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Gieffe wrote:
Anyone know any versitile dragoons that have tried this out using a mage sub? Just curious.

I believe Gretchen's sub is WAR, but WHM is also leveled. Dunno if it's been tried yet.
#22 Oct 07 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
Well, since this thread now exists on this forum, I have to ask this question as well:

Why is it that the only seeminly accepted subjob, for Dragoon seems to be Samurai?

Did S/E make all these possibilities of variations in your Wyvern, just so you could laugh at other options and do the same Job combo over and over?

Poor, poor wyverns. They never get any respect. /cry
#23 Oct 07 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
As a thief I personally love having a drg, They are the best trick partners, they can always open distortion for me unlike drk,(Whos greatsword is always "on the auction house")and they kickass at gaining tp. Infact a dragoon called Fatmatt (the t-s might be messed up I don't remember the exact name) was always out tping me, I was a level 49 thief at the time with 1 sniper's and a life belt.(on while gaining tp) I just couldn't keep up with his jumps and good accuracy. And I have yet to see a drk do significantly more damage then a Drg up to level 50.

And from 1-40 I'm certain that drgs will outdamage pretty much every other job when equiped equally, From higher level players I've heard that dragoons only real downfall is they get jipped bad on weapon skills. I have no clue why people don't like dragoons before 50 cause they kickass.
#24 Oct 07 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
282 posts

Samurai used to be a good dragoon sub because of the TP return on their pentathrust + the fast TP gaining ability of the Samurai past level 30. The cookie cutter combo, which also work the best use to be that dragoon sub war or thief till 60, there are debates on which is better blah blah blah. But at 60 most will sub Sam for the above reasons. Well after the nerf, even with sam sub it reduced the effectiveness of a dragoon IE he can't spam as many pentas, reduced damage, etc. and when other jobs get new toys to be more effective than a dragoon at high levels they are stuck because their claim to fame was nerfed.

Hence a party will rarely give them the chance if there are alternatives available. That is how S/E mess u dragoon

Cookie cutter jobs are widely used for one reason, they are more effective. Now most dragoon sub thief or war in a party up high to spam SATA or to help set it up.
#25 Oct 07 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Hi guys, Drg's are one of strongest jobs, I do about same as a drk, maybe a little less. Being a drg, you should carry best armor, weapon, and food that u can buy. Anybody that bad mouth's drg's hasn't tried the job yet, its one of most fun jobs there is. And btw, Thanks for all your kind gestures about me in earlier post.
#26 Oct 07 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
191 posts
I quit playing Dragoon for two reasons.

1) Unless we have a thief in the party, the only thing were doing is whacking mobs with our poles, jumping, and SCing...that's pretty much it. Granted i played with a war sub, so subbing a mage might have provided a different outlook to the job, i didn't feel like i was contributing that much to the party. Hate control was kinda useless without a thief, because i would hardly get any hate to shed, and SCing was pretty much limited to Penta > whatever every 5 mins. Boring.

2) I didn't get involved enough in my job. I couldn't offer my party the help they needed if we happen to get an add, or if we were low on mp and i had the oppertunity to save the group or provide them with some free time. Nope. All i could do is attack. And save my own ***.

I've been playing as many different jobs, hell i spent a month leveling all jobs to atleast level 10 to get a feel for them, taking the ones i liked further, and i came to the conclusion that i was either gonna level Sam, Pld or Drk. Looking at my profile i guess its obvious i picked Dark, but not for being the "OMG UBER MELEE DMGZ DEALRZOR!!11!". It was a job i enjoyed, allowing me to deal damage, stop enemy attacks which in turn could save lives, and provide me with the use of magic spells. You have no idea how awesome it was when i did my first ever MB. I actually got involved during battles, and it kept me on my toes the whole time. Constantly looking out for an oppertunity to optimise my damage output while not getting my *** kicked.

THAT'S when i thought Drk is the job for me. I actually enjoy my job because i feel useful, and because of this i plan to be the best Drk i can be, within reason.
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