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Only You Can Stop the Gil FarmersFollow

#1 Oct 05 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Excellent
790 posts
This is a duplicate thread from MNK forum. But I think its important:

I am sure every server's got some gil farmers. The only way to stop the gil farmers is not to outcamp them but instead stop players from buying gils. Everyone in the game should take a strong stand that gil buying is a major offense to the FFXI community. Let everyone around you, especially the new players, know that buying gil will distort the game economy and ultimately ruin everyone's gaming experience. Inform the mass that gil buying will not be tolerated. I wouldn't go as far as alienate or punish any known gil buyers. But if we can reduce any further gil buying simply by verbal discouragement, the gil farmer will soon be out of job.

It's the gil buyers that's fueling the gil farmers. If no one buys the gils, the gil farmers will leave.

I encourage anyone that read this to go tell two another people about the problem of gil buying/selling.

"Lowbies, Just say No to Gil Sellers!!"
"Only you can prevent Gil Buyers!!"
#2 Oct 05 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Default
919 posts
I dont think most of the Gil Sellers buisness is in the USA considering it is illegal to sell gil here.
#3 Oct 05 2004 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Moshiii... you're kidding, right? How many of the people buying gil do you really think are in another country and not some 13-year-old with daddy's credit card? Someone in my LS just bought $2million (UGH) and I know he's American. Yeah, it's against the TOS but they're doing it anyway, both the buying and selling, because people are LAZY. And, as SingBismark posted in this thread on the main forum, because people can't compete with the gil sellers for their big-money drops, so they can't do anything BUT buy the gil. It's absolutely miserable.
#4 Oct 05 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
1,315 posts
I do my part by "stealing" Jerryt's mobs in Pashhow every single day.

It's funny because every time I do it, he/she stands directly in front of me, between me and the mob, and /checks me about 2 times before I kill it and walk away. I even got the /angry emote a couple of times. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
#5 Oct 05 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I guess your right Americans are lazy. Gil Farmers are pissing me off the apples droped the price of gold ore to 7.5k. Whatever i made 300k this weekend being with gil farmers so they are not slowing me down.
#6 Oct 05 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Trizzoro- Is Pashhow the place where you found to farm because you did a /sea all jerrys? If so could you just tell me what you killed there? I farmed there for a little and didnt get too much of a profit.
#7 Oct 05 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
The Redapples have also ruined the logging in Ghelsba, which in turn has made everyone who logs there rather cut throat, from what I heard. I left Ghelsba far behind long ago because I simply couldn't deal with the competition in that small of an area. The problem is, now that I'm at the level that I can synth elm logs into elm lumber, it's time for me to head back into Ghelsba. Not looking forward to this at all, since these little pricks are in there a lot.

How I wish there was regular PKing in this game, where I could just haul off and use my scythe on them, as well as Oneman, Honeyboy and whoever has pissed me off recently.

Whatever, in the end, it's beating a dead horse. Emilyia does make the most important point though. If no one buys gil, then these ******* have no market and will have to go elsewhere. Which I hope they, yesterday...leave already goddamnit. Don't let the door hit you where Altana split you, ********
#8 Oct 05 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
The problem with these jerkoffs is that they're multiplying, and worst of all they work in teams.
Had a night mining Gusgen when I found a particularly good rhythm of points. If I'd been left alone to work it, I probably could have come out of there with 30-40k in ore for one night's work.

Unfortunately Oneman and someone with him (haven't seen him before, Elvaan, name started with T) got annoyed with me, probably because I was circling around three or four of the best points there, instead of running all over the damn mine. So they teamed up, camped the points, and pushed me out of there :/

*Is it not tedious and obnoxious enough to farm*!?

What was already a less enjoyable part of the game becomes a real pain in the ***. That's why you have people buying gil; gilfarming companies aren't stupid. The gilfarmers are annoying you in order to drum up business.

And because people pay to play the game, not be annoyed to the point where you need a dental record to identify them, they don't want to deal with this kind of irritation. So they buy the gil instead.

It's a system of virtual economic oppression. So you can't really come down on the people who have the means to deal with it in the most convenient way possible (buying the gil), while not doing anything in particular against the people farming the gil to sell it.

All this would be much easier if all gilfarmers belonged to a seperate, fourth country, with mandatory Ballista attendance. MPK is the only solution to situations like this, and there's no way to do it in this game, you're forced to resort to weird passive/aggressive crap like /saying rude things to them. And they're Chinese, so that doesn't work either without a four-year language course.

#9 Oct 05 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
1,315 posts
I hate Oneman the worst of them all. He speaks English just damn fine, as well as any of us which makes me think he may be American. And he will not only steal your points but use /emotes and "lol" in /say if you say or do anything about it to antagonize you.

Now is Honeyboy a female Hume? Because I thought it was Honeybaby? But may be wrong. If there is a Honeybaby and they are blonde female Hume and it is not the gil farmer, I bet they are gettin' pissed at me!

Edited, Tue Oct 5 15:03:46 2004 by Trizzoro
#10 Oct 05 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Trizzoro wrote:
Now is Honeyboy a female Hume? Because I thought it was Honeybaby? But may be wrong. If there is a Honeybaby and they are blonde female Hume and it is not the gil farmer, I bet they are gettin' pissed at me!

I know of a Honeydaddy. I don't believe S/he is a gil farmer. I even think S/he was in my LS for a while.
#11 Oct 05 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Namari wrote:
Trizzoro wrote:
Now is Honeyboy a female Hume? Because I thought it was Honeybaby? But may be wrong. If there is a Honeybaby and they are blonde female Hume and it is not the gil farmer, I bet they are gettin' pissed at me!

I know of a Honeydaddy. I don't believe S/he is a gil farmer. I even think S/he was in my LS for a while.

Honeydaddy that was it! Oh well, I thought she was Oneman's partner, so I swiped a few mobs from her in Pashhow. Sorry!
#12 Oct 05 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Honeyboy is a Taru. This is another thing that pisses me off about these f*ckers. They use Tarus all the time, trying to use the cute factor in their favor.

Careerwoman is also another pain in my balls. I was mining a point, and she looked at me, and then just started mining it. So, next spot I saw her mining, I pulled the same move on the *****. My pickaxe broke though.

But, Sioux has a point. Farming is a pain in the *** on its own. It's even worse when the gilfarmers move in and start stealing everything. What other legitimate ways will be left for people to farm?

Could this start to be the beginning of the end? I sure as sh*t hope not.
#13 Oct 05 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Sioux, the sad part about those miners that outcamped you is that they are probably controlled by a single human player sitting in front of 2-3 computers.

I am told by another friend that at some places there are low and mid level exp bot parties controlled by a single human player. They just pull, provoke, kill, and exp off mobs over and over again for long hours. They always have a human controller overseeing all of the bots so the GMs cannot confirm that they are bots even though they do the identical actions repeatly over a very long period of time. Gil farmers use this technique to quickly crank out characters to make gils with.

My rl friend and his LS buddies once passed by an "odd" party with near identical member names for the 2nd time. This strange party have been party at the same spot for over 24 hours. (I am guesing the exp bot is inefficient and can only do Toughs) He tried to talk to them but was ignored. My friend start to follow their puller around and steals the puller's claim. And yet still no reaction.

I've never seen these bot parties before. But I was told its a common occurrance. SE really need to start crack down on those gil farmers. ><;
#14 Oct 05 2004 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Bot parties... What is this world comming to?
#15 Oct 06 2004 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
ok guys I got a confession to make... today while waiting for a group to XP, I decided to hunt Gigas in Qufim, I noticed a banshee heading to a party and decided to do a nice thing by taking on the banshee. Well suffice to say after I killed off the banshee I turn around and realised I just saved the Zooe's from what would've been a nice death (/slap himself)... Can you please forgive me? And btw eventhough they pretend to "Sorry I don't Speak any English", they can speak english perfectly fine.

As for Gil farmers, they're in every MMORPG out there. I don't think SE or any company cares very much cause these farmers have multiple accounts and multiple mules on the accounts which means money for SE (or whatever MMORPG) on a monthly basis. From their standpoint why would they intervene if those Gil farmers aren't doing something to seriously hamper gameplay?

Look at the way the mog house system works as well, if SE wanted to track these guys down, all they would have to do is set up a server check flag to detect large sums of gil being transferred on a regular basis (similar to the way they are tracking dupers). Why aren't they doing this? I honestly don't know...

Just some interesting facts I found out off of one of the Gil Seller's sites, apparently this particular gil seller has had over 15,000 Paypal transactions alone. Just goes to show you how many people out there will read threads like this and totally ignore it and go out and buy the gil... I personally do not like what they are doing, but do I think we can get rid of them? Unfortunately I think they're gonna always be a part of this game and others like it...
#16 Oct 06 2004 at 1:42 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
I gave up mining in gusgen even when there were no gil farmers. I now hop around in Ifrit sometime with my low level whm. Ifrit ofcourse is the one place where they can never invade.
#17 Oct 06 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I dunno man most of the jerrys are high levels. I bet in a month they will be in Ifrits.
#18 Oct 06 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
People say that gil farmers are what ruins a MMORPG and eventually leads to the downfall and death of the game.

Now, I think this is a legitimate question: how long until these rat fink bastards totally ruin this game? Or do you think it has already began? I've been wondering about this a lot lately, and I would like to hear other people's opinions on this.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 12:47:22 2004 by Xanoxonax
#19 Oct 06 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I see people in pt's with Zooe's and Jerry's ALL THE TIME. Now maybe these are people who don't come onto these boards and are unaware of who these players are.

But the only thing I can even imagine to do to try and hamper them is to gang camp whatever they are camping and DO NOT PARTY WITH THEM. I don't give a sh[b][/b]it if you are only 400 xp from level and the only one looking is a Jerry PLD, if you party with them, you are part of the problem. You are the enemy.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 12:51:00 2004 by Trizzoro
#20 Oct 06 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
363 posts
Have games actually been ruined by gil farmers? Personally, FFXI has been the first (and probably only) online game I ever played, so I don't know too much more about the online world other than what I read about here. If i could take a guess, it wouldn't be a gil farmer that ruins a game, but it would be from the migration of the online population into a more superior online game with developments of new technologies and what not (again, my lack of knowledge of 'online worlds' makes this pure speculationa and really just one of many educated guesses). There are always gonna be cheaters/leeches/low lifes in society, and I would assume it would be harder to police them in a online world. A community consist of every walk of life, and we have to live with them whether we like it or not. Fact is, makes us players look like saints compared to them.

-here's something i thought of...I wonder if gil farmers have their own secret discussion threads (thread subjects like: what was you best Gil making day?; How many people 'peed' on you today?) lol. I bet there probably is.
#21 Oct 06 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Ok here is a scenario. Ok people are buying and selling on the auction house, neither can survive by thmeselves its called supply and demand. Ok now add the gilfarmers into the scenario. They want you to buy the gil so they can make a profit off of this game. If people stopped making money the normal way through the game the economy will go down. This is true in this scenario if you buy the gil there will be less supply resulting in more demand. I hope that helps if not I can elaborate on it further.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 13:25:22 2004 by Magvius
#22 Oct 06 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
The Zooe's are actually nice people, and I don't believe they are gilfarmers. Whilst partying in Yhoator Jungle from 43-47 near the IC zone, they were always there pulling goblins as well. We decided we'd be nice and give them a /wave and a /cheer. Sure enough, they'd /wave back, come over to our camp and sit down and clap their hands. Then when our puller grabbed a link, they decided to come over and voke it off us, and also cure our tank who took a few too many hits.

Also yesterday, our LS decided to have a little party in Port Jeuno, which about 15 other people decided to join in on. One of the taru Zooe's was walking around and decided to /wave to everyone...and sadly, 50% of the people there starting making gilfarmer comments and such, and how they should be PK'd, etc. Another person and I were sitting next to eachother and we /waved to the Zooe taru, who then decided to sit between us for 10 minutes trying to talk in english as much as he could. He was speaking Chinese to the other person with me who can understand a bit of Chinese..and the Zooe asked us if we wanted to party with him. =P

Anyway, just thought I'd share a story or two before you go and smite all the people who share the same name and you think are gilfarmers and terrible people. ; ;
#23 Oct 06 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
617 posts

Check that...

My opinion on gilfarmers:

I hate you all.


Meh, they're easy to avoid and even easier to **** them off. Some of them are the biggest hypocrites you'll ever meet. They have no trouble stealing from you (including monsters and mining points) but if you steal from them, all hell breaks loose and they spam harass you for ages. Blist only does so much. They also claim to not speak English...until they see red and magically the language is bestowed upon them! Truly amazing!

We really can make them go away, but they'll just go somewhere else. I fear for Ifrit Cauldron miners. I fear for HNM LSs. In a few months, there will be nothing left to hunt.

On the subject of is this game already dying? My opinion is yes and no. People are getting frustrated to the point they're ready to leave (and some do) but we still have more newbies coming in each and every day, and with this expansion and Christmas coming up, it's gonna stick around for awhile longer, maybe another year or so. But it will die because of this, I have no doubt. And it's not only the gil farmers that are causing the decline. Indolence in the GMs isn't helping either.
#24 Oct 06 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,477 posts
Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
I see people in pt's with Zooe's and Jerry's ALL THE TIME. Now maybe these are people who don't come onto these boards and are unaware of who these players are.

But the only thing I can even imagine to do to try and hamper them is to gang camp whatever they are camping and DO NOT PARTY WITH THEM. I don't give a sh[b][/b]it if you are only 400 xp from level and the only one looking is a Jerry PLD, if you party with them, you are part of the problem. You are the enemy.

If anyone reading this ends up in a party with a gilseller:
-WHMs and RDMs, please don't heal them
-THFs, please trick off them
-Tanks, please don't voke off them

Any time they spend farming/logging/mining, they are taking money from honest players. Any time they spend XPing, they are losing money and letting money go to honest players. Any time they spend LOSING XP is MORE time they have to spend XPing, not farming/logging/mining, and is MORE money going to honest players.
#25 Oct 06 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
I love you people, I really do!
You did miss some people on this list, Arkardo and myself! I mean, we're both Arkard gilfarmers!
Love how people who share a name are stigmatized, on the slightest thread of evidence, or just because it's the popular belief that someone is a gilfarmer.
How many of you bashing these gilfarmers constantly check to see how many NM items they've been selling? I mean, of course woodfoor, carmon, redmagic and others are constantly selling/camping Gi's and Kote's...
But, yeah, just like the salem witch trials, one moron points the finger, 2,000 soon follow!
I just scanned this certificate hanging on my bedroom wall, hope you guys enjoy it.

Edited, Wed Oct 6 14:46:41 2004 by Tiocfaidh
#26 Oct 06 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Lol Tiocfaidh.
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