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Weekend Accomplishments 10-04-04Follow

#1 Oct 04 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
I used to do this on another board and it was kinda fun (I know they do something like it on the main board too but since we're all family here it's more interesting), where I would post what I got done over the weekend and everyone else does as well.

Here goes:

Hit 50 with my White Mage (YAY!)

Turned in Genkai 1 items

Reached 26 with Alchemy

Cast Holy for the first time :P

Got about everything done that I wanted to, now I just need to hit 51 so I can try out my new Light Staff ^^
#2 Oct 04 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I finally broke my THF funk, went out and had an *AWESOME* party in Yuhtunga for 30-32 off of Sahagin.

If people knew just how much easier it is to fight Sahagins than Mandys, they'd never set foot in Yhoator. >.>

I also feel a lot more confident in myself now that I know how to manage Fuidama. Of course, one level from now, I get to learn how to manage VB Fuidama... O.o
#3 Oct 04 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Took whm from 9-14 yesterday

That's about it!
#4 Oct 04 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
690 posts
Lessee... My goal was to hit 30 this weekend with my red mage so I could safely go back to black mage till 60 (28 rdm at the moment).

Saturday... didn't play at all during the day, because I had family over. I went on for 2 hours at night... listened to someone to move camp to the Yhoator outpost. Party got lost, killed, disbanded, and I spent those 2 hours running around Yhoator and Yuhtunga trying to get back to Kazham and not dying. I calculated it out and I spent over 500 MP casting invisible on myself so I wouldn't die. Managed to make it back by the skin of my teeth. (50 HP left after I run out of mana and get aggroed by a smithy by the first tunnel, south of Kazham.)

Then... on Sunday, I get a party for an hour... we make a whopping 350 exp! Wow! Then I went to my 10 hour shift at work.

So, a rather frustrating weekend. Hopefully the week will be better.

Still, running around the Jungles was somewhat amusing. I know my Linkshell was amused at my frustration and swearing. :)

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#5 Oct 04 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Genkai 3 with set, dinged 61 for 4 of us in said set. Then did Genkai 4 (gotta love that one).

Got at least 6 AF's done for various people. WAR and 3 PLD's now have complete set of AF gear. Also got my Wizard's Coat.

Had to see what Flare looks like. I think that is my fave AM. Just looks cool.

Poked Zelly a few times. Damn WHM needs poking sometimes.
#6 Oct 04 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Cutriss wrote:
I finally broke my THF funk, went out and had an *AWESOME* party in Yuhtunga for 30-32 off of Sahagin.

If people knew just how much easier it is to fight Sahagins than Mandys, they'd never set foot in Yhoator. >.>

I also feel a lot more confident in myself now that I know how to manage Fuidama. Of course, one level from now, I get to learn how to manage VB Fuidama... O.o

Hey, I'm glad you mentioned this. I sent one of my LS buddies (Bluntforce) to the Sea Serpent waterfall entrance with his party this weekend. I said, "Don't pull Makaras til like level 29 to 30ish," them being 27 or 28. So, of course, their dumba[/b]ss BLM Fly, I believe it was instructed them the Sahagin and Makara were the same level. So, they pulled a Makara first and two died, blamed Blunt for his idea to go there. And I guess it was just a clusterfu[b]ck after that. Hurray for dumba[b][/b]sses.

But yeah, that place puts Yhoatar to shame...anyhow..

Got NIN to 24 (what a pain, our PT leader picked up replacements faster than I have ever seen, and we needed plenty. Most of them were idiots) But kudos to the great job the pt leader did.

Got Winged boots and Emporer's Hairpin.

Farmed about 100k. That's about it.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 13:26:30 2004 by Trizzoro
#7 Oct 04 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
Finally, I started a webpage for our LS. Just started it, all in one morning, so there's still a million things to do ;(

It's at

(Only thing there so far is the screenshots, lol)

Other than that, in-game, I didn't do a whole lot. Mostly farmed down in Gusgen, saving up for another elemental staff (and maybe Utsusemi).

Edited, Mon Oct 4 13:33:25 2004 by Sioux
#8 Oct 04 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
nice website

funny pics
#9 Oct 04 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Got beast master from 13-16
Helped a friend do AF2, saw the departure of one of my longest friends away from the linkshell. Helped on god item hunt but missed the fight because I got sick. Shame too since I was on the list to get an aquarian hand abjugation.
#10 Oct 04 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
Hit RDM 32. Now everything stops with RDM until I farm for dispel and equip/weapon upgrades!

Unlocked Bard and Summoner.

Got Summoner up to level 2.

Got very little sleep this weekend, but it was worth it!

#11 Oct 04 2004 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
Got Beastmaster to 66 (deep breath) 9 levels to go.

Took a whack at Maat and missed a rampage, resulting in death ; ;

For the week ahead... looking to find where to level to get to 67 without going back to Terriggan (though I just may since it's Windurst controlled). Also looking to camp the pirates until I figure out where to go and get a sand charm. (Don't you wish they were a wee bit more predictable)

Also looks like IRON is doing Dynamis-Bastok, even though I just need Dynamis-Windurst to do Beaucidine (it's getting annoying that I can't find anyone to do Windurst with ((AND WIN)))

#12 Oct 04 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
Eh, Ok Weekend

Unlocked Samurai (w00t all jobs are now unlocked)

Lvled NIN from 12-16

Bought lvl 50 RDM Ring (Fencers Ring)

But still have not did G1 which was the plan (people were busy and stuff)and it didnt get done (/sigh) but i did have fun with NIN and I kinda like Blink Tanking

If anyone is free tonight and can help a Taru 50rdm/blm out let me know
#13 Oct 04 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
-- I... got cooking to 62 (ooh, ooh, a whole point!).
-- I got my BLM to level 29, and stepped into my Seers +1 full gear for the first time (oooh, pretty)
-- I got 4k+ xp in an hour for the first time (getting my blm to 29 last night, hee)
-- I had the utter satisfaction of watching a Zooe die right in front of me, and then tromping on its corpse before it HP'd away. (I know, I'm mean and sadistic, but it was funny)

That's about it. My 'weekend' actually didn't start until Sunday, and won't end until Wednesday night (I <3 my work schedule) so I might post again before its all over. ^^
#14 Oct 04 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
Bowser wrote:
Got beast master from 13-16

Grats! I'm still at 12... Been kinda tough, yet fun at the same time.

Bowser wrote:
...saw the departure of one of my longest friends away from the linkshell.

Who left?

On Friday, my HDD went clickity clickity clickity... >_<

So, I had to go buy a new one on Saturday, and spent Sunday rebuilding. I didn't get a chance to play at all. About 3-4 hours of reinstalling FFXI. I can't wait to make all my macros again!
#15 Oct 04 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Very Good Weekend:

1)Got 75 DRK, finally.

2)Got Lu Shang, going to start fishing hardcore.

3)Helped LS members with ZM4. Died 3 times but I don't care. Tonberries did 4k damage with Everyone's Grudge on me. Then the Tonberries in BC did it again. Finally the SMN tonberry in BC did Astral Flow and killed me while I am weakeded.

4)Helped some random ppl getting Molds for Genkai 1. Got 4 Molds.

5)Helped an Elvaan PLD gettin her AF1 in Ordelle's Cave.

6)Got 20k exp on RDM.
#16 Oct 04 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
Got WHM from 47-48, half way to 49. It sucks, not much time to play now, wont be able to lvl again until next Sunday :/. Oh well hopefully I will hit 50 by next Monday.
Thats about all I did game related
#17 Oct 04 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
not much luck leveling up this weekend. Still stuck at 34. First time to CN wasn't very pleasant. PT kept getting killed by trains of crawlers. =\

Did about half of the Selbina Clay quest. takes so freakin long to do everything, even with warp.

oh yeah. i got RANK 5! =) hardest part was castle. We had a 55 RDM casting sneak and inv on three of us so it was a slow process. Got to the end and ended getting aggroed by a bunch of birds. Escaped and came back with a 74 thf. totally owned em!

well, it's back to mining for me....

Edited, Mon Oct 4 17:12:09 2004 by Kakashisan
#18 Oct 04 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Namari Cadant left the LS =(
#19 Oct 04 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
-Dinged 39 SAM.
-Reached 32 Clothcraft.
-Did a small Saruta Garrison, deleveled RNG to 19 (-.-), got Mannequin Legs to sell.
-Planted 4 more saplings, fed my other eight.
-Did a Palborough BCNM40 to get Erase for some LS members, got an Erase and a Phalanx (^^), and deleveled SAM to 38 (; ;)

My weekend was rather.. unused for FFXI. Friend came over for the weekend and we were playing teh mad Battlefront. :P
#20 Oct 04 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Bowser wrote:
Namari Cadant left the LS =(

I sent you a PM. Don't need to talk about that in this thread.
#21 Oct 04 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
This weekend I did pretty much the same as you Wintaru.

- Received invite to a Genkai 1 party. (Already had mold and got the 2 others during the day.)
- Reached level 49.

- Reached level 50.
- Turned in Genkai 1 items.
- Started some AF1 quest (now trying to convince my LS to help me on it).
#22 Oct 04 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Yeah...let's talk about my goddamn weekend. First of all, I'm glad you all had productive, eventful weekends. Mine was very productive, until Sunday night, when it all went to hell.

-Did the stupid *** Bastore Sardine quest in Windy to get my fame up to the level where I could do the Aspir quest. Was able to recoup the gil I spent on it ages ago and make some profit. Yay me.

-Took the two stacks of Quus I caught while fishing for sardines and started doing the Bubbly Bernie quest. A long, dull, boring run back and forth in beautiful, South Gustaberg. (Man, did the brochure ever lie about this friggin dump. But, I digress.)

-Finally got a party on Saturday and was able to get my DRK up to 49, plus a respectable cushion, about three deaths or so (so glad I bought that goddamn Noble's Bed).

-Started slowly raking in the gil for the items I need. Close to the 200K mark. Yay...only 2 million more gil to go. -_- Time to get that Norg fame up more so that I can start doing all those goddamn quests.

Sunday night though, everything went to sh*t. I hanging out at the AH in Ru'Lude Gardens with my main Taru Hitokiribatousi, looking at high end DRK items and drooling, ******** over the prices, sh*t of that nature, when I finally got an invite. I was pleased, figured perhaps I'd ding 50, get a cushion, which I know I'm going to need for the fun filled events that await me when I start going Genkai 1 hunting. Well, it takes an hour or so for the party to finally get together. I was figuring we'd hit the basement in Garlaige, but I was informed that we were going to the Quicksand Caves.

Now, upon hearing this I'm like, whatever, I'd never been there, but I know that the teleport crystal is right in the middle of an Antican breeding ground, so I thought I'd relieve the burden of the mages and buy a stack of silent oil. We decide to hit Rabao, get chocobos and go to the Caves. This is where sh*t starts going downhill. First, our BLM hits the wrong button and is tossed off her chocobo. She starts getting attacked, so the WAR, WHM and I hop off our birds and start killing the spider that's attacked her. Kill it, no problems. Then there's a Cactaur aggro out of nowhere and the BLM goes down. Then the WHM goes down. The WAR and I decide to disengage and huff it back to town. The WAR gets ahead of me and the Cactaur, and the little ******* comes back and finishes me off, then catches up to the WAR and kills him as well. So, let's see, so far that bad feeling I was having about going to the Quicksand Caves has proven true. I had a feeling I was going to die, and die I did, before I even got to the goddamn camp.

Our WHM goes to HP and decides to Tele-Altep back to us and raise us. Meanwhile, the RDM comes back and starts raising the BLM, then me, then the WAR, who almost made it to the zone. I get the raise, use a silent oil and get the hell back into Rabao, pissed that my cushion is slowly starting to get whittled away. No problem, I figure. We'll get to the Caves and I'll start making it back.

We get to the Caves and go down into the main room, in a corner. The THF pulls an Antican and I'm thinking to myself, "Here comes death number two." So, the Antican this time kills the WAR, RDM, and me. So now, I'm pretty goddamn hot under the collar. I more or less say in either a tell to the RDM or to the party in general "One more death, and I delevel and I'm going to be naked down here."

We get raises, and regroup. We move up into the hallway, but for some reason last night, the Anticans were a problem all over. People were zoning them, people were calling for help on them and everyone was jumping in to kick their asses, then one time when we had all zoned to the Western Altepa zone, a WHM came running to the Quicksand zone with two Anticans on her ***. The whole time I'm thinking, why in the hell didn't we go to the goddamn basement of the Cidatel?

So, for some reason, the hate is all over the place in this party, and then, the THF goes to pull another Antican. There's a link, but luckily the party down at the end of the tunnel grabs the link. Our Antican comes back to camp and we start attacking the damn thing. Next thing you know, it does that goddamn mute move and I'm thinking, "This is great. I can't absorb it now, and I can't use stun on it."

That's when that ugly looking ******* cast some ancient magic on our WAR and kills him. So, the Xonax is left to tank it. At this point, I just say the hell with it, call for help and decide that after this incest problem is taken care of, I'm going back to Jeuno and calling it a night. The group of people kill it and the WAR is saying that he's done for the night, and frankly, I don't blame him, since that was his 3rd death.

So, lemme see. I think we made about 600 XP total in about 3 hours or more, but with the two deaths I had, I think I barely broke even to having the XP I had before I WENT TO THE GODDAMN PLACE!!!!

So, anyways, the start of the weekend was productive, but Sunday night just totally pissed me off to the point where I didn't even set up my bazaar in South Sandy. I simply went to the Mog House in Jeuno, told my LS went happened and basically said, "F*ck this sh*t. See you guys in two weeks."

So, yeah, those are my weekend accomplishments. ~.^

Edited, Tue Oct 5 08:38:17 2004 by Xanoxonax
#23 Oct 04 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I got White Mage to 58 and finally found the lovely Kingpopof to go and tank AF3 with me. I watched a friend get one shotted twice by that guy as we had to fight him twice for a 'long story' of a reason.

And I explored a lot of the Chains Areas. It's a lot of fun!
#24 Oct 05 2004 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Wow it was an interesting weekend! I got my white mage to Level 54 first. Then I went coffer hunting in Crawler's Nest and got my Healer's Pantaloons. (Can't wear them til 56 though). I also finally purchased my light staff! Which means I have both a light and dark staff now! Yay! I also did a BCNM40 run and got Erase! Finally! But now I'm in charge of selling the items and giving people their money. Damn I'm horrible at math.. /cry
#25 Oct 05 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
Sat around, no party invites, no likely party set ups to start my own. Recived my share for Hojutsu belt selling. Nada else.
#26 Oct 05 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
Let's see, knocked off 1 or 2 things on my 'to-do' list (which seems to grow all the time)
-reached 50 with whm also (gratz Win)
-finally got exoray mold (need to get coal still...grrr)
-Got holy (even thought I shouldn't have...I'm saving for my staves but I really felt like blowing stuff up with it, so decided to spend the 32k on it)
-helped my friend get Tele-Mea
-visited Carpenter's landing for the first time and decided just for fun to help this thf get a few black tiger fangs (was really just bored and felt like using my new spell)

/sigh.... so much to much to do
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