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Static vs. Random PartiesFollow

#1 Oct 01 2004 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
After recently hitting level 50, I have had some thoughts on random and static parties. I've heard from some RL friends who play that for some mobs you have to have a full alliances. How hard is it to get a full alliance of available skilled people? Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.

1. Are static parties worth the hassle of trying to get everyone online when you may possibly only level your character 1 or 2 times a week?

2. After level 50 should I expect that most characters know their role in a pickup party?

3. Are there static parties out there that don't just level? For example: helping a member get a coveted AF piece, NM, or other mundane task.

4. How many static parties have you been through?

5. Under what circumstances should you find replacements for members who aren't online or are late to parties?

6. How enjoyable is the game in later levels if you don't have alliances with other people?

Disclaimer: This message is not intended for current members of my static party. I just want to get some opinions out of the gamers who regularly post on our server forumn. Please don't take any offense.
#2 Oct 01 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
My static party consists of 4 irl friends. We just fill in the other 2 when we're together. We don't just level together, we do missions, quests; pretty much everything together. However, it can take awhile to actually do anything because of waiting for the others. It's not a problem though. We just work on crafts, levelling other jobs besides our main, etc. An example is how I'm still Rank 2 because we have yet to get together in a month or more. O_o So we've all been just working on making money. *heh*
#3 Oct 01 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
I'm sorry this is very long as I am very wordy.

1. Its depend on what job you have and at what level you are. On the one hand, for melee, in the end having a static party will definitely be worth their time (less time lfg, more time exp). If you're one of the so called "desirable" jobs that find a party no problem, you might be less inclined to wait around for a static party when you reach the 50's. I'll tell you why, at lower levels where some people don't know how to play the game, having a set party will breeze you through, but when you get to the 50's where most have become accustomed to their job, pick up parties tends to move these "desirable jobs" faster than a static can. I will explain the different type of static parties later and why some people aren't willing to wait.

2. There are bad players everywhere at any levels and usually their reputation precedes them. I've partied with one warrior in full AF at 61 wearing bastokan ring wanting to tank Peryton in the valley.

3. Yes there are statics that do other stuff besides leveling, but these people are usually good friends and belong to the same linkshell. There are static parties that are formed from linkshell members or real life friends and then there are pick up statics that are formed from meeting random people with the needed jobs. The latter tends to break up faster. Good loyal people who you enjoy being with will causes you to wait for them to level with you vs. pick up parties with no strong bond where individual don't have the patience to wait for others.

4. This is the downfall of statics, having to wait for everyone to be around at the same time. If the static party find replacement for a player at lower level, he/she will fall behind by the time they get back and will be discouraged. HOwever, at later levels when exp jump to 30-40k a level, having a replacement for one or two sessons is OK.

Rarely will 6 members be able to get online together to party for days at a time unless they are hardcore players. What I usually see forming now is a partial set party. Meaning 2-4 members agrees to level with each other and pick up the remaining 2 people. These works best when the members of the static have all the available jobs to formed the core of the party like tank, healer, refresher etc.

Most people will say, "I have had good experiences with my set, don't know what you're talking about". But take a look at it this way. By the time you get to level 65 you have only completed half the exp requirement to get to level 75. That means if you have good experiences with set at lower levels, you might not be able to handle the week long grind to get a level vs 2-3 levels a day at lower levels in a set. This will causes some sets to break up as well since it look like it takes forever.

Having a static that will reach 65 is another matter. I've been in 4 set parties since I've played for Bard job alone. Surprisingly I wasn't the first to leave because of slow exp because people won't show up to party or what not. Usually the paladin or the whm seek greener pasture and break the set. I've sat back and waited 4 levels in the 50s so members of my set can catch up only to find out I can only level like once a week with them, so I unfortunately have to bow out.

5. The exp grind will get so bad after Genkei 5 at 40k + a level that leveling will became less of a priority. Usually by the time you reach 65 you are occupied by other things that are much more enjoyable than daily exp grind that some people might level 2-3 levels a month. Alot of people will quit after 60 and go back to another job because they couldnt' handle the jump to 20k per level. The remaining players will probly still be able to grind to 65 and then experienced a big slow down.

This is where static sort of play a role. The player pool will be so small that even as bard or whm you can be lfg for a bit. Camp grounds usually can only accomodate 2 parties at most. With a static that is willing to put the time in to leveling you can pretty much go out and wreak havoc, as a single player lfg, it gets a bit harder, even as bard or whm because simply most of the time there aren't enough players to make a decent group. Plus exp grind after 65 will be 30k +

Right now at level 71 its the time I wish I am in a set as to not have to waste time lfp. A well oiled static will pull in more exp than a pick up party that is established. A static with similar minded individual with similar schedule and playtime will go very far and make experience with the game very enjoyable. A static where people are invited simply because they are the job that the static needs and haven't had the time to build a bond with other players will fall apart quickly.

I've leveled throughout most of the 60s with 2 other people, a thief and a war/nin. Usually we will pick up the rest of the group and even that take some effort, but at least we already have half the party. Most of the time past 65 you will end up leveling with the same people over and over, so most single players winds up becoming a sort of un official static anyhow.

So finally, in conclusion, IMHO statics between level 11-50 will go by very fast. Static 50-65 will probly experienced alot of breaks up and replacement if the party doesn't have a strong bond. In the 50's there will be alot of interruption due to AF and genkei and what not so Statics are also harder to maintain if you are not in the same LS.

Statics after 65-75 will be excellent only if the party have enough time to level alot and alot. 65-75 make up 50 percent of the game's leveling grind and where you get alot of wonderful toys to use. Having a static in the same linkshell at this point works because everyone have the same LS things to do and can level together after LS stuff or off days. There will be alot of LS event at this level as most of the desirable gears are rare/ex and require LS help as well as missions, camping monsters helping lower levels in LS and junk.

#4 Oct 01 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
As a're going to have one heluva time scoring a party, even with the best equipment possible. In exp situations, you will be the main DD, but sadly, many people on this game thing of 3 jobs as DD that is worthwhile, Black Mage, Dark Knight, and Ranger. I would suggest finding a group of people you can trust to exp with a few times a week and sticking with them.
#5 Oct 01 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I am in a static and I love it. Was it hard to get together? Yep. Do we have some members who think we should level more often than we are able? You bet. I will list why it is WAY better than going the pick-up pt route.

#1 Where you level.

You no longer have to come here and tell the woes of CN trains and Citadel idiots because if you are smart, you won't have to go there anymore. Your set can go to any number of alternate spots and avoid competition for mobs and trains. Awesome.

#2 XP you get when you do level.

You MAY get a good pick-up pt and get 4-5k an hour, but it's not likely. With a set, you may not level as often as you like, but the time spent is completely more productive.

#3 Knowing your role.

Everyone gets accustomed to how the others play, how they joke around, what items you may or may not need to lot on for quests, missions, AF whatever.

#4 Additional Quests or Events

Tired of looking for a pt of people your level to do AF? You got one. Need help getting Rank 6? So do they (most likely).

#5 You no longer have to deal with idiots.

Remember the last time you got in a pick-up when everyone argued and the WHM was an a[/b]sshole or the DRK kept screaming, "PULL!" no matter what the mages MP was? Well, no more.

Moral of the story? So what if you only go xp twice a week (and sometimes once in our case) the xp you will get those two times will be better than 4 pick-up parties, you will enjoy yourself twice as much, and you won't have to deal with a[b]
ssholes and morons (at least in your pt) any longer.
#6 Oct 01 2004 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
Thanks for all the opinions. (Especially the long one Trizz!) Everyone has been very helpful. I should probably explain that Yoshinaka, my RL hub, and I XP together, so I have a RDM/WHM/BLM at my disposal when necessary. My experience with MNK has been pretty good because he's always been there when I couldn't get a party on my own.

We've had the same 4 members in my current static since the early 30's. We all want to take our jobs to 75 and are willing to tough out the normal things that happen with a static party.

I'm just concerned that as we start to reach some of the higher levels, we either (1) won't have the same level of dedication or (2) lose interest in the current jobs we have and want to level new ones.

All in all, I have a very good group of friends to do missions, BCNM's, quests, Genkai things, etc. The game is always much more enjoyable when you have friends that you play with.

One of my older static parties work so well together that there was no question about who did what. We gained XP from all the fights, but most of the time we were cracking so many jokes that we hardly noticed.

I want to recapture that magic that we had in some of the earlier levels so the game stays fun.

#7 Oct 01 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Through the 50's there will be alot of interruption from AF and genkei. In regards to AF, not only do you need to get yours, you have to put int time to help your friends get theirs also so it can be a really busy time. The static that can last through this is one for the ages and should be valued. When you get 65 having a static will make you the envy of people around you. Also keep in mind the exp required from 50-60 is equivalent if not longer than 1-50 so even though its only 10 levels it can get very frustrating.

I hope your static pull through cause you will be very lucky. As a monk after 66-75 where Gustav tunnel and ranpere's tomb leveling makes you a superstar, pick up invites won't be like it was during the lower levels, but set party is still best, i hope you get there with static in one piece.
#8 Oct 01 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
I have only belonged to 1 static. You have met most, if not all, of them. Some have come and gone over time but 4 of us are core. I think statics are worth the effort to form. We've all fallen into synch with each others role/playstyle and it works well. Usually. I doubt I would still be playing this game if I had to sit with my flag up everytime. We've been very lucky with our 2 "open" spots.

My static does everything together. Well, there's always 3 of us together at any rate. AF's, farming, quests/missions and just helping others who need it. I believe each member of my static needs only 1 more AF piece (except me, I need 2)We curently can only xp on weekends (Friday night-Sunday) but we go all out when we do.

We have been fortunate to meet some great people along the way. Maybe not a full alliance worth but close. Hopefully, if we should ever need them, they will be there.
And yes, Cat, you and Yosh are on that list. Quick, get to 60!

Edited, Fri Oct 1 18:12:12 2004 by Eldriss

Edited, Fri Oct 1 18:13:14 2004 by Eldriss
#9 Oct 01 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I've been with my static for 15 levels now and I wouldn't have it any other way. No sitting around lfg, no hating all the other members of the party (usually it's just the black mages that we pick up, most of whom are freezeheads, and the rest of the party feels my pain). We use Ventrilo while we party, which helps the hours and hours it takes to get a level anymore go by that much faster. We all know each other very well by now, all of us knows our jobs, and we work like a well-oiled machine. It's a blast and I'm looking forward to being with these guys for as long as possible.

The only problem I've encountered with being in a set party is that the game sometimes starts to feel like a job. You're going to party at X time and, since the xp and leveling is so much faster in a good set party (ours never gets less than 4500xp/hour), you feel like you have to spend ALL the rest of that time in-game, either leveling your subjob or farming so you can afford gear for all the levels you've suddenly gained. I was wearing a centurion's visor from level 30 all the way up until I got my AF helm a few days ago because I had no time or opportunity to farm up gil to buy a valk. mask. This leads me to another plus of a static, by the way, which is that they won't give you crap for "gimped" armor. They may call you a noob on occasion, though.

But anyway, having a set is also going to balance this out since we're going to start doing BCNM60s to get us some gil. And we've done a lot more together - genkai, occasional attempts at beating the Jerrys and Loves to Chymes, planned Shadowlord battles, AF, etc. It's kind of like having a mini-linkshell, with less of a chance that someone will invite someone you can't stand somewhere down the line.

All of this, of course, relies upon you finding a static with a brilliant leader and great people like I've been fortunate enough to do. I can only speak for my own set, but in general, I find that sets are wonderful things and I truly don't know how I would have made it through the grind to 61 without them - and I KNOW i wouldn't make it through the 30k+-per-level grind if I had to do just pickup parties.

Of course, YMMV. You might want to try out your skills in a party with a different dynamic rather than the same jobs and people all the time. You might want to take a break to level up a different job (fortunately, my set was VERY understanding when I needed to take a few days' break from the leveling grind). Your experience will vary with who you have in your set, really. But just coming from me, I can only recommend it.
#10 Oct 02 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
169 posts
We have been fortunate to meet some great people along the way. Maybe not a full alliance worth but close. Hopefully, if we should ever need them, they will be there.

Of course we will be! Thanks for the kind words and comments. Everyone's opinions are very helpful.

Byaina - Thanks for the words of encouragement. We will tough it out and see you in the 60's!

#11 Oct 02 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
while I wish I could play in a static party, my work schedule is enough that people don't tolerate it. I work 7 days straight and then have 7 days off. Needless to say I can't party with my main on my week on. This makes people kind of cranky when they have to go without lvling for a week, I don't know why, you have farming and a subjob. Do that on your week off from parties. The two statics I've been in have either fallen apart or just move on without me.
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