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What's your Gil Making Strategy/Secret?Follow

#1 Sep 29 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Just something to start up here. Can anyone tell me a good way to make some gil? What materials would a lvl 40 character be able to farm and make some nice profit? Whats your gil making secret? Throw in some ideas to help us noobs out....damn that gear is starting to get pricy! ANY help and ideas are much appreciated!
#2 Sep 29 2004 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
If I told you, it wouldn't be a would it? =) Also, if too many people know I'd have competition for spawns (which obviously can cut into my profit margin).

Go for the obvious things like silk, etc, or, just randomly start killing things, see what they drop, take them to the AH, take them to an NPC, compare prices, etc.

#3 Sep 29 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
I cook. <3 Insect Balls.
#4 Sep 29 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Insider trading.... >_>

And knowing where to go and when. Pay close attention to the /search command! >.> <.<
#5 Sep 29 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
If I told you, it wouldn't be a would it? =) Also, if too many people know I'd have competition for spawns (which obviously can cut into my profit margin).

Go for the obvious things like silk, etc, or, just randomly start killing things, see what they drop, take them to the AH, take them to an NPC, compare prices, etc.


I wish more people thought this way.
#6 Sep 30 2004 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
Lots of rabbit hides and flint stones.. they add up after a while ; )
#7 Sep 30 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
If you like to kill things -- kill things that drop stuff that sells decently fast and for a decent amount.

If you don't like to kill things -- take up a craft. It requires some start up gil, so might need to employ some other methods first.

If you don't like to craft -- Mine. Fish. Clam. Harvest. Log.

If you expect 15 million gil in a week doing *anything*...quit! ;)

P.S. No sane person with half a brain cell would give away their best/favorite gil-making method. Why? Because then two out of every five readers would "try it out" and flood the market while also cutting down the available resources to *each* farmer (i.e. less crawlers to kill, less silk for you, but more silk in market because it's flooded and lower prices to boot).

The best thing to do is figure out what works best for your main job and your own playstyle.

Above all -- don't buy gil online. Ever.
#8 Sep 30 2004 at 5:09 AM Rating: Default
3,451 posts
Why do you think it's wrong to buy gil online? Is it against the rules? Cheating? What is the punishment for something like that if it is illegal? I agree that it just isn't fair, "Twinking" just ain't cool.
#9 Sep 30 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Oh, many, many reasons.

#1: It perpetuates gilfarmers that are notorious for rude behavior towards regular players who are trying to make their own gil.

#2: It unbalances an economy based around players taking time from exp and acquiring gil through hard work -- the market becomes flooded with newbie farming items like silk and lizard skins, lowering the price of those items and making it more difficult for people below a certain level to farm effectively. (On the plus side, the price falling is *good* for crafters, but it's inevitably a domino effect.)

#3: It floods the server with perpetu-noobs...people who buy millions online, then level like nuts to 75...and *surprise* still know nothing about the game because they haven't been around that long and usually don't bother to get through past rank 5 for an airship pass. It doesn't do much good to have good gear if you haven't had time to learn much. Having to make your own gil is one of the game's ways of forcing you to spend more time at any given level, so you can afford your next upgrade.

It's wrong for good reasons. It's not just that the hard-workers are jealous -- it's that it really does have a negative impact on gameplay.
#10 Sep 30 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Do a "/sea all jerry" and when you find where they are, go there.

BTW, I'm not joking. I did this and found a place where I earned enough to buy Winged Boots (340k) and another 330k on top of it in about 4 days.

Edited, Thu Sep 30 12:33:01 2004 by Trizzoro
#11 Sep 30 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
I make all my gil by Using lower level jobs ot farm crystals, last i checked a stack of fire sold for 3k in bastok. Also in the mid 20's go into Palborough mines, Gideus, or ghelsba outpost and kill the beastmen the drop equipment wich will sell decently. Also goblin helms, armor, mail all sells decently.Never leave town without signet is a main point as well signet=cp=free gil!!! also check out the ah and se what normal everyday junk is on the rise.
#12 Sep 30 2004 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I've been stalking Jerryx for the past month if it's any indication....
#13 Sep 30 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
A great deal of my income, is a blend of farming and crafting. If you're looking for the mega cash haul every day, I can't help you. But I do pull in a steady source from the various things I make and farm.

The key is, you have to figure out what moves. I don't just mean silk, either. Yeah you can get 10K, but every one knows that, and suddenly the market is overloaded, and the price plummets (which someone recently posted about). Variety is the most important thing. If something you have isn't selling well, something else may.

If you plan to farm, stick to the more steady stuff (*). I can pull in 3 stacks of Beehive Chips, in the same amount of time or less, than it takes to get silk. The total is higher, and they move just as fast. Anything like that...basic stuff, that crafters use all the time. Prices are always between 3-5K for these things. It's like an understood number, that everyone accepts.
Beehive Chips, Saruta Cotton, Grass Cloth, Bronze Ingots, Sheep Leather. It's all basic stuff, but it always moves.

If you feel like going crafting, cooking, perhaps, stuff like Mithkabobs and Pies ALWAYS sell. It's an adventurer's staple.
Even going the route of making gear can get you some good money, but be careful doing this... overloading with gear isn't going to get you anything but your stuff sent back to you.

You can even rack it up, doing repeatable quests, or even quests in general. If you got the patience to do all the Selbina Clay quests, its worth over 30K in total, I think...

Now, I'm with Tweed on this...I'm not gonna give away my larger income secrets, you'll have to learn your own there...just the basic ones, which I would tell any rookie that asks me, anyway. This stuff got me started, heh, I still do it.

* I helped my freind farm in Tahrongi last night. 2 hours spent, pulled him in over 40K of stuff. I rest my case.
#14 Sep 30 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
well, depending on what your crafts are, you can always try to craft +1 items for profit.. thats a good way..

you can always pick up a pickaxe at any time, and spend a little bit of gil for some mining equipment, and head to the mines.. you said you were level 40, so Gusgen might give you some aggro on the lower levels, but definatly not on the top floor.. or go to palborough mines and try some platinum ore, and farm the quadaves there for backplates..

Farming elementals can bring you some gils too.. just go to an area that has elementals alot, and kill losts of them to get clusters.. Fire elementals are good to kill, and really any of the clusters have been going for at least 1k minimum..

try finding some quests, that pay out alot.. like the teleport mea, hollo, dem, and stuff like that.. those sell for alot..or just look around at the different quests.. i think the clay one is pretty cool, where you go to selbina and get the clay from the mayor and go to different signs and get imprints..

Oh and another cool thing to do is work the AH.. things that sell really fast like crystals, or some materials for crafting sell really really fast.. i mean, i have put up a stack of fire crystals, then gone to my moghouse and its already sold.. bam...
so what you do is compare prices at different cities.. if crystals are 900 for a stack in one city, and 2000 in another city.. pick up 7 stacks and transport them to other city, with a mule, or help of a friend.. 1300 x7 = 9100 profit.. that can add up..

so those are some tips i would offer.. or you could try your luck at Hiptaru's Casino.. i will accept any bet you throw my way..

ok thanks. hope that helps.
#15 Sep 30 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
I farm, pretty much it, and do my best to sell items back to AH for a bit more than I payed for them.

I have found an area in one of the new zones that has a lot of good drop items and a n/m that a small group with a whm or rdm could take down that are around lvl 40.

Someone with th1 could bring in about 50k in this area if they farm for about 3 or 4 hours, and if you get the n/m drop thats another 50k.

N/m spawns once every two hours, and its placeholders drop an item worth 1500 on ah.
#16 Sep 30 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
245 posts
what are some good areas to farm that arent new? ive been farming wind clusters in la theine and use those to synth sheep wool from 2 sheep skins.
#17 Oct 01 2004 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
Depends on your level. I would say if you are about 32 or so, head into Jungar forest and head over to spore hollow. Mushrooms drop 3 items worth good gil in stacks, but watch out, they link.
#18 Oct 01 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Do a "/sea all jerry" and when you find where they are, go there.

BTW, I'm not joking. I did this and found a place where I earned enough to buy Winged Boots (340k) and another 330k on top of it in about 4 days.

Im doing this RIGHT when i get home. LoL what a good idea. Hopefully a lvl 40 wont die at where they are.Thanks!

Edited, Fri Oct 1 12:41:55 2004 by Moshiiii
#19 Oct 02 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
It floods the server with perpetu-noobs...people who buy millions online, then level like nuts to 75...and *surprise* still know nothing about the game because they haven't been around that long and usually don't bother to get through past rank 5 for an airship pass.

Name one gil buyer you know that level to 75 on Bismarck or even to 70 for that matter and please don't say BlazingTiger.

Ever seen Minidragon around? he/she buys gil thats what everyone tells me, don't seem like a noob to me.

Gil buying = bad, yes, but players that buy gil doesn't neccessarily translate to inferior player. Just because someone buy gil doesn't automatically make them a bad player. Maybe they spent just equal amount of time playing the game as you minus the perpeptual farming which really increased your skill how? as most of the later stuff are rare/ex anyway it really doesn't even matter. Gil buying /= create a new middle class of inferior exp whoring player.
#20 Oct 02 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
590 posts
ame one gil buyer you know that level to 75 on Bismarck or even to 70 for that matter and please don't say BlazingTiger.

1.) Blazing is not a gil buyer. I won't defend his actions, play styles (as I've never partied with him outside of Garrison type situations), or ability as a player, but, as far as I've known him (since March) he has never said or done anything that suggests he is a gil buyer.

2.) Let's not turn this server forum into the Killing Ifrit Server forum, where any reasonable topic turns into name calling/ back biting. Issues with certain players should be made on the Blist forum, not on a topic that is about money making in game.


To be on topic, I have a few 'secrets' to making money. CoP has been nice to me in terms of finding convenient camping spots (my newly minted WAR/THF with TH has made farming reasonable).

I am also a 41 chef which is good for juice/mithkabob selling (though as a war, I tend to 'eat into my profits) There are some foods I've found that can make quick, if not much, money, but I need to experiment a bit more in that effort.

I used to fish a bit, mostly to kill time, but the money does pay off after a while. but I'm not an experienced fisherman by any means.

Sorry, but I want Alla's forums to remain interesting and insightful.
#21 Oct 02 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Tiger fang farming in Battalia/Beaucidine (no AH to deal with)
Various things on AH that I know sell higher to NPCs then they do on AH (cheap gils, only makes 500-600 a sell, but gilz is gilz)

Stalking the Jerrys though...that's not a bad idea.

Edited, Sat Oct 2 12:35:55 2004 by hamstar
#22 Oct 02 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
Blazingtiger is not a gil buyer. He got to 75 fast while being universaly declared as gimped and most people resented him for it. My point is that the statement ~any gil buying idiot can get it up to 75 is a false statement and most people tends to point out BT as the ultimate gimped 75 (which I don't want them to as this is regarding gil buying, something he doesn't do, hence "please don't say BlazingTiger") Sorry for my veering of the topic so back on:

As for making money, it really depend on what job you are and how much money you need. For melee who's gears changes almost every level, the money usually come from the recycling of your old gears except those at key levels (like keeping a set of 40s for BCNM or a set of 30s now for Prom) The rest melee usually sell back for more or less than they bought for. When I played as warrior I tend to get money from selling old gears. As prices for gears went up I usually fish or farm to supplement my income.

For mages after the initial gear investment will come the spells and pie money. Mining, fishing, -ga farming is an option here. Logging in Ghelsba bring in decent gil and can get blmg through the lower levels.

Bard have it very easy, yes if you want the uber +1 gears and rings it will cost alot but most get by with bare minimum. BCNM can be a good money maker depends on the person and his/her luck with finding decent people to do it with. Most people invited bard to BCNM with the notion that bard BRING THEIR OWN ORB. Only the most desperate parties will let a bard go ride for free and even then, only the trusted ones. So just don't take a bard can walk his way into any BCNM and come out with cash.

Then there's crafting and gardening. Seeing how the fastest way to craft is to power craft you will lose tons of money before you actually gain. The way to make money from crafting is by getting high levels and making +1 of the lower stuff. Gardening will depend on your luck and patience. Both of these options requires alot of time and start up capitals, kinda hard when you are struggling to afford gears and spells and leveling at the same time.

Along the way of crafting you will find several small niche that can net you decent gil at certain levels. LIke making insect paste for a small profit, or crafting brass ingots, or splitting goblin gears into ingots. These will give you those short needed burst of income but won't make you rich any time soon.

Mining provide the most opportunity to get rich quick. It also tends to be frustrating when the mines is saturated with miners that sometime its not worthed. However, with patience and luck you can make alot of gil. My blmg friend took a week off to make approx 1 mil gil doing nothing but mining, then he bought his gears and went on his merry way.

As most good farming spots are being taken over by Jerrys and such, unfortunately you just have to compete with them. Tree cuttins is a good item to farm for high level thief that doesn't like coffer picking. Below that is the tiger fangs and repeatable quest in sandoria, most thief i know have hero status in sandy cause of this quest.

My advice is, as level 40 summoner you are only having to keep up with the equipment cost and your whm spells as you presumably get all the summons through quests and most of the higher elemental spells aren't available to you yet. You'll find that in the 50's to 60's 5 of your equipment slots will be taken up by AF. There's also the optional yellow mushroom gears that summoners like to get that cost more than my house but no one is gonna burn you if you don't get.

So that left you with saving up for rings, earings, presumably food and staves at 51. Thats lower cost than alot of jobs. I suggest since you can't farm with your job EFFECTIVELY that taking up mining or fishing might be a good idea. Since summoner like bard only have to spend a small amount compared to other jobs, you will be able to have more time to play.

As you get higher you'll find your self coming home after leveling with ~5-10k in loot dropped from mob alone, saving those up can save you some farming/mining time. Around level 68 i leveled on elder goobue in the boyadah tree and got my share of 60k worth of wisteria lumber and tree cuttings in 1 exp session. But ofcourse the next day I fought bones in gustav and got worthless bone chips and earth crystals.

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