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A Serious Question to the High level DRKs.Follow

#1 Sep 29 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Ok, now I know some people are going to say, this should be posted on the jobs page, but, after reading that forum for months now, well...whatever. It makes me ill reading "STFU" all the time. That beings said, I'd much rather get advice from the Dark Knights that are on my own server. Now that that is all out of the way, onto my dilemma.

Is there any way at all, what-so-ever, that I can take DRK/WAR all the way to 75, or do I just have to give up and come to terms with eventually having to sub THF at some point. Now, I have read that THF is subbed for hate control, but could I get around this by only wearing one sniper's ring?

I'm not looking for flames here or anything of that sort. I'm looking for advice from the DRKs that are higher up on the food chain and want to see someone actually do well in the job and not sully the name of Dark Knights more than is has already been tarnished by sh*tty players with sh*tty gear. I'm currently back at college now and spend most of the time that I'm on during the weekends farming for Vassago's, the Sniper's Rings, an Amemit Mantle, a Bomb Core as well as the RK pieces I'm going to need.

So, that being said, I await your responses.
#2 Sep 29 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
After level 66. Every party will look for DRK/THF with Spinning Slash enabled. Its like at level 41 RDM gets lots of invites for their refreshes.

You simply have to have the THF sub job and GS level to 225+. Else you won't get any invites, like a RDM 41 without Refresh. JPN parties will ask you upfront before invites: "SJ:THF OK? [Spinning Slash][Do you have it?]?"

Besides, at 66+ DRK actually becoming the most powerful WS/Renkei damager. Now is the time DRK gets really really fun. Who doesn't like 1200 WS damage + 1500 Light Renkei damage?
#3 Sep 29 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Hey, I'd love to do that damage, sure. Just not really in the mood to level THF or sub it, but yes, I know from the research that I've done that it's inevitable. I'm almost jealous of the Taru and Mithra DRK I know who plan on taking a BLM subjob to 75.

I was almost excited when I heard that SE was planning on making SATA a 1H weapon ability, because frankly, I picked DRK to be a DRK, not a THF in DRK clothing.

Anyways, thank you for your time in responding to this post Emilyia.
#4 Sep 30 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
#5 Sep 30 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
I know a DRK right now who just dinged 70 who still subs WAR. Don't listen to what people tell you to do, do what you want. If someone doesn't like it, just remind them you're paying 13 dollars a month just as much as they are.
#6 Sep 30 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
I got to party with Emilyia last night, while one of the party members was cranky, we still pulled in a good amount of EXP per hour, and Emilyia is an AWESOME RDM!

Thanks for joining us.
#7 Sep 30 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,041 posts
You can conceivably take a war subjob to 75 and still be a good dark knight. The only ability a thief subjob gives is the ability to transfer the hate you generate from high damage hits to the tank. It's useful, indeed, but you can also have a use in a party with a thf main as drk/war. The truth is, sneak attack/trick attack does NOT raise your weaponskill damage by more than a mere critical hit, and does NOT make up for the loss of berserk or the ability to provoke in emergencies (or to facilitate other job's hate transference).

One of the primary reasons that drk/thf is so popular after 60 is because more options for hate-helpers is a nice thing. That doesn't mean you have to take that road (I don't think).

Remember --
Thief subjob:
-Sneak attack (only a regular critical hit when subbed)
-Trick attack (no extra damage when subbed, just hate transference)
-Treasure Hunter
-various evasion ups and resist grav

Warrior subjob:
-Berserk (24.5% more attack)
-Double attack (self explanatory)
-Defense bonus
(remember the attack up from warrior at 30 does not stack with the dark knight main's attack bonuses)
-Provoke (makes you more valuable when there's a thf or /thf in party)
-Defender (necessary if you get hate, which drk/war are more likely to do)
#8 Sep 30 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
1,624 posts
Being the crazy that I already am for using dark knight as my subjob choice for red mage, I think I'll bring black mage at long last out of the gutter(below 10) and sub that to dark knight to at least 37. ^.^;
#9 Sep 30 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
deedlitchan wrote:
Being the crazy that I already am for using dark knight as my subjob choice for red mage, I think I'll bring black mage at long last out of the gutter(below 10) and sub that to dark knight to at least 37. ^.^;
Deedlitchan-Bismark server
Female Elvaan 56 red mage/28 dark knight
San d'Oria

I'm just curious, I know we are all entitled to play the game however we want, in the manner that provides us with the most "Fun"

But why would you sub DRK to RDM, or BLM to DRK.

RDM/BLM < RDM/WHM <<<<< RDM/DRK this has been discussed multiple times on RDM forum.


THis has also been discussed to death on the DRK forum.

So if you know, and it has been tested, that these combinations are more functional, helpful to yourself and a group, why use those subs you mentioned?

Edited, Thu Sep 30 15:09:55 2004 by SingBismark
#10 Sep 30 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
1,624 posts
RDM/BLM < RDM/WHM <<<<< RDM/DRK this has been discussed multiple times on RDM forum.

The vast majority of those people are too afraid to try this combination extensively and ridicule those who do and make it work. They have little to no say as to what it can really do especially post 60 in my book. I couldn't stand black mage and really didn't like white mage either, which I haven't used since my Elshimo days. I'll dig up one particular thread involving a couple of 60+ who exp using no other combination if you want me to.

As for being a dark knight, you already know I don't have plans on bringing it past 37, so I thought I'd try something else out of the ordinary up to several levels before dark knight really gets serious. I do however have warrior at 20 to fall back on just in case.

[edit] Perhaps I'm not so crazy as I am bold.

Edited, Thu Sep 30 16:32:50 2004 by Deedlitchan
#11 Sep 30 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
I am sure I did this Spinning Slash WS Spiel somewhere before. But I'll explain it again.

Spinning Slash is useless without SATA

Spinning Slash is a WS characterized by very high max damage counter balanced with a wide range of damage and very high chance of missing.

Without SA your damage will be very likely gimped or even miss completely. With SA your damage will always at near max and will never miss. You usually do 1000 WS + 1000 Light Renkei damage. Usually you SATA the Spinning Slash onto the tank, literally glue the mob onto him. Thus giving the BLM a nice opening to do Fire IV or Firaga III without being attacked.

With WAR sub, Spinning will do descent 250-400 damage with 500ish Light renkei damage. But you might miss and do nothing at all. But with THF sub, you will do 1000 WS + 1000 Light renkei, glued the mob onto the tank, and gives BLM a chance to spam a Flare without even worry about getting hate. That's why people want 66 DRK/THF.
#12 Oct 01 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
Deedlitchen, this is a good opportunity for me to say this, since it's come up a bit in this forum.

I highly respect your sticking to your choice to sub DRK. I think it sounds interesting, I can see benefits to it, and /applause for standing up for it, in spite of ratedowns and other silly crap from these boards.
Someone had to try RDM/NIN for the first time, right? And how much you want to bet he took a ton of crap for it?

I'm planning on trying RDM/DRK out, and am currently leveling DRK to this end. (only at 15 so far ><)

Rateup, and much respect.
#13 Oct 01 2004 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Actually RDM/DRK does have its uses. But use is very limited and only works for 74+. RDM sub DRK just to cast Stun. DRK's Stun spell is lvl 37. So RDM/DRK at 74 and higher can cast Stun. Stun is a very useful spell for fast NM claiming. Stun is the fastest spell in the game, tied with PLD's Flash. RDM's fastest claim spell is Dia, which is too slow to compete with Stun.

Also Stun is essential God HNM hunts. This spell is used for inturrupting GoD HNM from casting large nukes such as ancient magic and -ga IV spells. Also it is used on the God HNM to give other raid members a very short breather time to escape or heal while God HNM is stunned. When Stun is used in sequential bursts by large alliances, it essentially stops the HNM from doing anything for a good period of time. Very powerful spell.

Other than gettin access to Stun, RDM/DRK is utterly useless.
RDM/DRK will also get the following Absorb Spells: CHR MND VIT INT AGI (No DEX and no STR). However these spell requires dark magic skill. RDM doe not have nearly as high dark magic skill as DRK. These spell will never stick when cast except on easy prey or lower mobs.

Don't bother use Souleater with DRK subbed. Your Souleater effectiveness is halved. Meaning you still lose 10% of your life per swing, but only will deal 50% bonus damage compared to a DRK as main job.
#14 Oct 01 2004 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
1,624 posts
Other than gettin access to Stun, RDM/DRK is utterly useless.
RDM/DRK will also get the following Absorb Spells: CHR MND VIT INT AGI (No DEX and no STR). However these spell requires dark magic skill. RDM doe not have nearly as high dark magic skill as DRK. These spell will never stick when cast except on easy prey or lower mobs.

I've got word from a pair of 62+ that use my combination extensively report landing Absorb-MND 70%+ of the time on exp monsters despite the lower dark skill. I do not know how much truth there is to this yet as I'm not at that level to try it myself, but I feel I can take their word over yours because they've been using this combination for the vast majority of their exp gains and you clearly have not. On top of that about your post, I will not get Absorb-INT because dark knight gets that at 39.

Don't bother use Souleater with DRK subbed. Your Souleater effectiveness is halved. Meaning you still lose 10% of your life per swing, but only will deal 50% bonus damage compared to a DRK as main job.

Dark knights do not get stoneskin to block out some of the Souleater damage done to them nor can they cure or regen themselves. Drain has a long recast time and does not fully make up for that. On top of that, they need to be more freugal in it's use due to the hate additional hate from the enhancement to their already hard hits. I do however know of it's uselessness on solo/farming monsters.

Overall, you've got nothing to say to me.
#15 Oct 01 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good

Other than gettin access to Stun, RDM/DRK is utterly useless.
RDM/DRK will also get the following Absorb Spells: CHR MND VIT INT AGI (No DEX and no STR). However these spell requires dark magic skill. RDM doe not have nearly as high dark magic skill as DRK. These spell will never stick when cast except on easy prey or lower mobs.

I've got word from a pair of 62+ that use my combination extensively report landing Absorb-MND 70%+ of the time on exp monsters despite the lower dark skill. I do not know how much truth there is to this yet as I'm not at that level to try it myself, but I feel I can take their word over yours because they've been using this combination for the vast majority of their exp gains and you clearly have not. On top of that about your post, I will not get Absorb-INT because dark knight gets that at 39.


Don't bother use Souleater with DRK subbed. Your Souleater effectiveness is halved. Meaning you still lose 10% of your life per swing, but only will deal 50% bonus damage compared to a DRK as main job.

Dark knights do not get stoneskin to block out some of the Souleater damage done to them nor can they cure or regen themselves. Drain has a long recast time and does not fully make up for that. On top of that, they need to be more freugal in it's use due to the hate additional hate from the enhancement to their already hard hits. I do however know of it's uselessness on solo/farming monsters.

Overall, you've got nothing to say to me.

Sounds to me like you want to be a Melee.

If you are subbing DRK, and only get 50% of the actual attack bonus, and you want to be a (who knows why anyone would want to be a Melee RDM, they usualy just give mob more TP)melee RDM, sub WAR. You get a DEF and STR bonus, Double Attack, Berserk, Defender, and War Cry.

And as far as Emilyia not having anything to say to you, you did notice she playes a RDK, and a RDM, both of which are at a level much higher than you. That means she has experience in both jobs, and about 5X the experience you do.

Not to mention I got to party with her first hand, and she did an AWESOME job, I'd take her advice if I were you.

Then again, it is perfectly okay to go against the "Cookie Cutter" jobs.

So what if these "Cookie Cutter" jobs have been extensively tested to be the most beneficial to an EXP party, or to make your character more powerful over all.

I'm sure you can find some parties who are happy with 2 or 3K an hour EXP, who dont mind that when you Convert, you use up all your MP to heal yourself, just as long as you keep giving the mob TP, and ocasionaly refresh someone, you will still get groups.
#16 Oct 01 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Trust me, only being a 20DRK/10WAR Mithra, and having issues with just doing SLICE and the mob deciding I was it's knife sharpener, hate control is very important. But the improved hit rate, with Sneak and Trick help out quite a bit as well.

And with an improved hit rate you really want to focus on shifting the hate elsewhere, with the addition of being able to get items that enhance hit rate and attack/dmg instead of having to focus heavily on Defense.

Trust me, I am not looking forward to leveling THF to 37 merely to be my Dark's sub ;_;
#17 Oct 01 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
790 posts
For exp party purpose, RDM/DRK is simply gimped compare to any other RDM/Mage combo. Those cookie cutter job combos are there for a reason. They work.

We could argue about RDM subjobs till the cows come home. But this is the Bismarck server forum. Try post your RDM/DRK idea at the Red Mage forum. I'll be more than happy to give you all the break downs.

P.S. Hi SingBismark ^^. Didn't know your account name until now.

Edited, Fri Oct 1 18:54:47 2004 by emilyia
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