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Funniest stupid moment u have seenFollow

#1 Sep 27 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
As the subject is titled what is the funniest stupid moment you have seen while playing the game? I will tell you guys mine. i was on the boat from mhaura to selbina omw to train mnk in the dunes (oh how I hate the dunes which i sharre this feeling with a lot but anyway back to topic). There is a lv 20ish blm there as well he goes to the deck and sees a sea horror so the blm casts waterga on the sea horror and hits it for 4
BLM casts Waterga on Sea horror
Waterga deals 4 damage to Sea Horror
Sea Horror hits BLM for 495 hp
BLM died.
All of us were loling in the room you start out in we ran after we saw the horror. Well that is my funny moment what about yours?
#2 Sep 27 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Mine is awesome.... it actually happened yesterday....

I'm an 18 Blm Taru... I'm sure SOME other Blm has done this....

I was in a party in the Dunes... it was a darn good party too... we were in the Oasis north of the eastern beach.... killing stuff... it was all good... OK here is where I totally ***** up... we all know there are all kinds of mobs around the oasis... well we are fighting an IT damselfly... so I go to cast fire! HA! .... casting time passes.... BOOM! Omniscient casts Stonega! When I saw STONEGA! on my screen my heart skipped a beat... I had to have hit at leave 3 leaches as well as the damselfly... I died instantly... other party members died... some lived... well they were all like WTF HAPPENED! OMFG STFU HOLY CRAP UBER NEWB PWNED whatever else they said... and I was all like "yeah I casted stonega on accident I apologize... I'm sorry..." ten times or more... well I felt like a total Richard... luckily it was my PT or else I probably would have recieved THE BOOT!... and my bud 33rdm was there because he was bored or else everyone probably would have left...

That is the most stupid thing I have done yet in this game...

#3 Sep 27 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good

Thankfully I haven't had any mishaps while leveling yet, I guess my noob moment comes from questing.

Back when I first started I was happily trading 3 silk threads to the Crawler Mithra for that quest thinking 600 was a lot of gil and I was making a killing -.-

Then one day I was with a high level friend who was helping me with a mission and we killed a crawler. He said, keep that silk, it sells for around 700 apiece at AH...

#4 Sep 27 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
363 posts
Mines on the same lines as omnicient... but waaaayyy dumber. We were in Gustav tunnel (yes...I was close to getting to lvl 40-41, don't remember the lvl, but suffice to say this was very stupid to do at that lvl) and was exactly 20 TNL...I was pretty excited to lvl and decided to burn all my MP on the fight...Now the only spell I had was Banish2 that could do any damage at all. Anyway, without realizing it I cast Banishga2 instead.... WELL at the time I didn't know WHY all those bats started pouncing on me....killed me and the tank. Not my proudest moment, but damn, I had to have a laugh at that (later of course...was pissed at the time). Good thing tank was a good-sport :S.
AND i never got my lvl..ha..what a day
#5 Sep 27 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Good
I'm sure everyone's done this one: It happened to me in Yhoater Jungle. The party was fighting a Mandragora and we were in the middle of a skill chain and I go to quickly switch my macro sets to Magic Burst and it all happened so quickly and before I knew it I was toasting a poor White Lizard next to me. XD I took off running to save my party and it ate me good. *lmao* I decided it really wasn't worth doing MBs considering I was a WHM and my elemental was halved anyway. 6(-__-) *lol* My finacée kept making me feel bad because the poor Lizard wasn't doing anything wrong when I decided to roast him for supper. ; ;

[edit: I have to add this one: We were partying with this one guy in Qufim who kept telling us to go easy on the mobs. Finally we asked what the heck he meant and he said if we go easy on the mobs we'll get more exp. O_o Uh no, if we go easy on the mobs they'll eat us. *lol* He was a strange one...

Another: First PLD we partied with in the Dunes and first battle he pulls a Goblin, hits it once, then takes off running before I could even cure him. When asked what happened he said it would've been too hard (before even letting us try to kill it) because it cast {Aquaveil} on him.

..... O_o

Okay, I think I'm done now.]

Edited, Mon Sep 27 14:55:48 2004 by Avitue
#6 Sep 27 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
I can sum up mine pretty quickly...

My pt was waiting for our last member to come from Jeuno but he didnt have any money for a chocobo and we were anxious to start XPing.
I offered to warp back and give him money and we would both choco back together.

So I start casting Warp on myself....or so I thought....I had actually Warp II'd our THF >< (I just got it and I forgot so I saw warp and figured it had to be the only one i had right? wrong)

And guess where his hp was?? Not jeuno, cause that would make sense. It was in bastok, so we ended up waiting even longer then we would have before. I'm a dum dum ; ;

Luckily the THF (and the rest of the pt) thought it was hilarious and made fun of me for the rest of the night :/
#7 Jan 27 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
well mine isnt that funny but i got made fun of for about a week. i wanted to say (F-7) is a good pos in valk to kill snipps. instead i typed. lets go to (F-U) its a good place to go. so for 3 days they kept asking why dont we go to f-u.

but a frined of mine did something pretty funny. she was pling me in jugner on some ep mobs as i only had 300 exp left. she was pretty drunk, and she meant to cast cureII. next thing i know i see this ****** Starts Casting Teleport-Holla on ******i was like " noooo wait, READ WHAT YOU ARE CASTING" and it was to late. she was back like 2 hours later and first word was ****. thats mine
#8 Jan 27 2005 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
123 posts
well mine isnt that funny but i got made fun of for about a week. i wanted to say (F-7) is a good pos in valk to kill snipps. instead i typed. lets go to (F-U) its a good place to go. so for 3 days they kept asking why dont we go to f-u.

but a frined of mine did something pretty funny. she was pling me in jugner on some ep mobs as i only had 300 exp left. she was pretty drunk, and she meant to cast cureII. next thing i know i see this ****** Starts Casting Teleport-Holla on ******i was like " noooo wait, READ WHAT YOU ARE CASTING" and it was to late. she was back like 2 hours later and first word was ****. thats mine
#9 Jan 27 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Excellent
327 posts
I) Well, I was in the Horutoto Ruins with my BLM 25 to do the quest with the reporters' scoops in Windurst ... I made my way to the hideous, and right after I completed the part, a gob aggroed me - I started running, for about 2 mins, and then was standing in front of a wall with the red letters H and A written on it two times ... No Manafont, but I decided to try to Warp anyway ...

Look at this. This is what happen when you run through a dungeon full of gobs with one on your back <_<. (Was lucky though :p Warped with like 50hp)

II) I was doing mission 3-1 in Castle Oztroja. I made my way to the NPC, and got the old ring, and so I was done with this part. But I wanted to see if there was anything down the hole, so I went into it, and felt in front of a Yagudo Foolkiller, hopefully who was showing his back to me. I hadn't any MP left, so I quickly equipped my Treat Staff II ... After the 30 secs delay, I started using it, and the Yag noticed me ... He started to slap me, while the little % jauge was slowly filled ... 70% ... 80% ... 90% ... Warp ... Windurst ... w00t 23HP ! /dance

(I guess someone is camping the forum and rates every thread down, omg ... Please, if you notice any rate down like these ones, rate up the posters :x)
#10 Jan 27 2005 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
this is mine...
#11 Jan 27 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
346 posts
My mental dialogue:

"Man, Konschat highlands are so boring. They look like the boonies of Scotland. Just bees and goblins and sheep. Definitely the backwoods of Scotland this place is. All it needs is a castle, some whiskey, and a man in kilt.

"Oh look, there's a Galka monk fighting what looks to be a moss-covered castle. Where's the whiskey? No, wait, that's a Tremor Ram. Oh wow, that things big. Damn, the Ram looks to be winning. I'm a Red/blk mage, I'll help out. I'll cure the Galka."

Szandor starts casting Cure II on <random Galka>.
Szandor casts Cure II on <random Galka>.
Cure II heals <random Galka> for 78 points.
Rampaging Ram hits Szandor for 200 points of damage.
Szandor delevles to level 19.
/em thinks "Damn, it kicks just like a Scottish Ram as well."
#12 Jan 27 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
On of the rdm in my LS used warp scroll instead of reraise scroll by accident, in Promyvion boss BC =)
#13 Jan 27 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
417 posts
Alright heres one. I call this event the "Parade of Rounfare."

So I'm in San d'Oria after not being there for a good 20 levels (I was lvl 50 at the time) and I thought "Ehh. I'll walk to Jeuno.") I always walk to Jeuno sometimes. But anyways, I get into West Rounfare and I get on top of a hill that looks into a small valley. And suddenly, I see a taru being chased by an orc. Behind him, a galka, axe drawn, chasing that orc, trying to save the taru. AND behind him, atleast 6 tarus chasing after both of them. AND behind them, atleast 5 orcs chasing them.
#14 Jan 27 2005 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
It's been 6 months or more since I did this, but I managed to link every Yagudo in Giddeus when Ele was helping me hunt up one of my Kazham keys there.

If I hadn't died, she would have killed me herself. Smiley: grin
#15 Jan 27 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
In the middle of the Jormugand fight I wanted to cast Curaga but selected Teleport Mea instead without realizing so I was wondering why its takign so long to curaga then I ported 4 other people with me out to mea and we had to walk all the way back to the Uleguerand Range full of true sight mobs that aggroes level 75. Lucky no one dies. But ya that was stupid
#16 Jan 27 2005 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
Mine has to be when I was a lv1 war back in 2003 november. I walked out saw a lizard. Said: aww its a lizard its time to die. My log said.

Shykin hits Rock Lizard for 0
Rock lizard hits shykin for 10
Shykin hits lizard for 0 skill up .5
Rock Lizard pwns Shykin and mauls his dead body.

I then learned about the "Check" command V_V.

One other is when I was pwned by Rampaging ram. I saw it and said: It maybe be big but so was sin and I pwned him!
Shykin hits Rampaging Ram for 0
Rampaging Ram rapes and mauls Shykin and makes Meat Humekabobs.
I have been searching for that ram so I can kill it with lv52 Drg >=)
#17 Jan 27 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
The puller for our level 17-20 Dunes party tonight pulling VE. No, really. It popped right next to a ranger who was too busy widescanning to see it, he pulled it, and yeah... wtfpwned. So, stupid moment for the ranger who missed it and stupid moment for our puller who thought we could take it.... ><
#18 Jan 28 2005 at 1:10 AM Rating: Excellent
This wins mine by a long mile.

I was on my little Taru whm, and these guys all zoned from Valkurm and went down to heal immediately inside the zone, causing this planetary alignment of gilsellers unknown to celestial history.

They then said "HP HP HP++++" (I know now what this means, but I had no clue then), and "Thank kublaha"

I got the hell out of there as soon as possible ;)
#19 Jan 28 2005 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,534 posts
BLAA HAHAH! i fell off my chair reading that, Hello from the ifrit server!!! lol

Stupid moment: I pulled the VE thinking my pt could kill it, well half of us died, we called help on it and a gilseller came and stunned it, everyone had a hissy fit and well our pt laughed our @$$es off lol
Mecorx - Ifrit 75WAR/75WHM [Retired]
Mecorx - Odin 99WAR/99WHM/99DNC [Retired]
#20 Jan 28 2005 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
716 posts
I levelled RDM. And it still continues to be my stupidest moment ever.
#21 Jan 28 2005 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
lol I did the same thing casting stonega in that powned by a few leeches lol, party survived and laughed at me.

Thought I was done doing stupid things when i go and do a *****...I was in a party when Ouch, our taru, said he needed d2. Well at about the same time Grock said he would be leaving in awhile. Well without thinking i casted d2 on Grock and sent him packing back to jeuno. whole party is laughing at me, including Grock who took it extremely well. well he came back and was able to level twice so i hope he forgives me. funny thing is my friend Seaking from my ls runs from me when i cast d2 now lol
Retired July 2009

#22 Jan 28 2005 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I guess the funniest thing that I have seen recently was in La Thiene.

I was running back from Jugner, and I was almost to the zone of East Ron when I saw some player engaging a Steppe Hare.

I did a quick check and said to myself "he is gonna die"...just as I thought that, instead of calling for help he starts shouting
"OH #^&%$# I GONNA DIE"

So, I quick cure him and he eventually kills the evil bunny.

Then it comes...

"Can you PL me?"
#23 Jan 28 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
247 posts
I just thought of another one...this may or may not be funny if you were in Qufim when I did this.
I took my lvl 12 THF to Qufim to finish the BST quest. My plan was to grab the night flower, use Perfect Dodge and run like hell.
I really did think about it too much, until it was me, and about 50 other players running for high ground while I dragged the Kraken across Qufim with me.
#24 Jan 28 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
302 posts
Months ago, in Garbage ********* leveling on beetles, when a BST had released some bats by our party. The bats aggro'd us.

So I'm back there curing as best I can, when I see:

<BLM> casts Escape
<partymember1> vanishes!
<partymember2> vanishes!
<partymember3> vanishes!
<partymember4> vanishes!
<partymember5> vanishes!


Yea, that beetle and those bats were pissed alright. >.>
#25 Jan 28 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
Well the funniest thing I have ever seen can be summed up in this screen shot


Talk about getting a Rent-A-Room
#26 Jan 28 2005 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
damn nice to see this thread popular ^^
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