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#27 Sep 28 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
Triz you are absolutely right. Unless this was a PK game no one can dominate you but the gobbies :P
I vote that the mobs are the most powerful non-players in the game. lol

Edited, Tue Sep 28 18:13:00 2004 by Magvius
#28 Sep 28 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
Threads like this are completely retarded. I do however agree with Triz.

Rank 10 lvl 75 means you played the game longer than a rank 1 lvl 10 person. Anyone who plays this game long enough will be rank 10 and lvl 75. Wow, really impressive indeed.

As for the endgame stuff, same thing. Someone long ago said that experience is the best teacher. You spend enough time playing the game you will be more experienced in end game stuff and have better equipment. Take a look at the equipment some of the hardcore JP HNMLS members have.

Does it mean your a better player than the lvl 10 ? Most likely.

Will the NA player who starts today have godlike gear 1-2 years from now like some of the NA/JP players? If they "work their asses off" for it then I'm sure some will.

Does any of this matter in real life? No. Only to those people who think it does and I LOL @ them.
#29 Sep 29 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
I completely agree with Triz on that also lol...and Xenimus for that matter as well.It's just a matter of time before anyone who posts here (and sticks with the game for a long enough amount of time) will be just another lvl 75 rank 10 player. Only time will tell who the most powerful player is.

Also, Ixaera, I'm well aware that nice/modest/etc doesn't imply power...I said that my opinion there may not have influenced a whole lot, and that's the main reason why ^^;

One more thing...Typhman, that was a nice attempt at being clever and all...but if you had paid a bit more attention you may have realized that I only out-right referred to one member of the Lunarians as stuck up, not the LS as a whole, and not the thf that so kindly lent you his TH2 (which, yes, is a very nice thing indeed...however irrelevant it may have been to the point you were making in reference to mine). The point you seem to be missing is that my reference to Macross isn't a reference to the Lunarians as a whole...just a single member...whereas you seem to be using Iggy's very kind deed as reasoning that the Lunarians LS as a whole isn't stuck up (not saying they are, don't mis-interpret more stuff please ^^). Point being, I cannot decide, seeing as I don't actually know all of them.

I'm sorry if I was too vague for you, possibly posting at 5 AM was clouding your reasoning? I can't say that I've actually had the privelege of speaking with any other members, so I can't comment on the LS as a whole (unlike you seem to have taken the privelege of doing). I've heard good things and bad things...but I haven't had much first hand experience with the Lunarians. The only two, even remotely valid, conclusions I can come to at the moment are that Macross tends to be a bit stuck up, and that Iggy is an exceptionally nice THF who actually helped a random person out in Eldieme (which, yes, is very rare...I know -_-). Nevertheless, neither of these can form a single conclusion about the entire Lunarians LS. So yeah, with that being said...guess I'll move on lol.

I'm going to back out of this topic for now though...because I'm pretty sure it's impossible for a majority to agree when there are so many different views on what power really can be defined as. I only posted to clear up what I said earlier and to second/third/(fourth? o.O) some comments. Put bluntly...this comes off sorta pointless to me...err, a chasing after the wind, was it? ..but ahh well, that's just my opinion.

(...I think I made the indentations at least decent...bah not sure..)

Edited, Thu Sep 30 17:59:07 2004 by Arelios
#30 Sep 29 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
The most powerful and influential player is not determined by how rich the individual is or how long the individual has been playing.

Power is the ability to cause an effect, and influence is the ability to cause an effect in indirect ways.

Politically, power allows the individual to take control over others, and influence allows the individual to effect others in control.

With respect to the game, power is often determined by position, and influence is often determined by image. Position of leadership, linkshells for example, entitles the individual with authority. Imagery of friendship, and animosity alike, manifest the individual's impact on friend and foe.

To rephrase, which individual has the most of the two and why?

Definitely, there are individuals worthy of mention, and although such discussions can frequently be deemed as meaningless, they provide entertainment for the analysts and flavorful reading for the curious.

After all, Bismarck is where:
"Exploiting companions accumulates the greatest individual wealth"
"The stupid sounds smart and the smart sounds stupid"
"Individuals emitting the most negative image wield the greatest power"
"Hatred from the inexperienced gives birth to linkshells"

As Bismarckans, help contribute to the amusement for others to read.
#31 Oct 02 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
IMO the most powerful player is a guy that no longer plays the game anymore. i didnt know him but i have read about him. his name was Jerith. he organized the lunarians before this game was released in NA by using a message board. he made sure they all landed on the same server by way of world pass. he stepped down from leader to persue a career. he started the most successful and experienced NA ls that we have on this server, possibly any server.
but thats just my opinion.

big ups to that guy.
#32 Oct 03 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
I know two people from IRON Aribeth and Moontang and they are cool people and are always willing to help. I have met a couple others but forgot their names, but they were really cool too.
#33 Oct 03 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, I'm surprised no one's said Blazingtiger yet. Anyone who can take brd/sam that far gets my vote. He's the man.
#34 Oct 03 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
He got his bard that high because there weren't many bards around and they were obviously desperate. He has a lv36 WHM sub now.
#35 Oct 03 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
still not many bards around.
#36 Oct 03 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
Tarutaru Ark Angel.

He one shot just about everyone on this server.

#37 Oct 03 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
The Taru one is weak. The Elvaan can one-shot everyone with Spirits.
#38 Oct 03 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
I am the most powerful.. nuff said.
#39 Oct 03 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
Since the game requires participation of many people to attain those "uber" rare/ex gears,there really aren't any single individual that are powerful because they needed other's help to get there. For ballista 1v1 its like paper rock scissor, jobs have weaknesses and advantages against each other. Plus there are also medicine factors and gears factors (which like I said before many people help to get)

The closest thing would be the leader of a very powerful HNM LS who have the ability to direct and command the respect of large amount of individual who have reached engame and most considered themselves elite in their own right. The respected leader of said HNM LS be it american or Japanese will be one of the most powerful person. TO be able to lead and the respect of a group of people who have similar experiences, time and gears as you is what makes an individual powerful.
#40 Oct 04 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
*cough* WILD AND MACROSS *cough*

omg, i soo agree. Macross was helping my friend do genkai, and he was just tearing through the papyrus mobs or w/e they are, with a kraken club (75rdm/nin). Macross teh uberness
#41 Oct 04 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Wow, none of you have seen Minidragon? He's a RDM/NIN when I see him and he dual-wields Kraken Club and Enhancing Sword, wears Sniper's +1, has a Peacock Charm, Scorpion Harness, and other assorted goodies. I see him solo Sand Lizards in Kuftal like they're Huge Hornets. So I vote either him or Jimy, who I am also awesomely jealous of ^^
#42 Oct 04 2004 at 2:45 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
i was in a party with Minidragon. he ******* rocks my socks off.. i love that guy.
#43 Oct 04 2004 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
U know u all have valid points but nothing on ur server can compare to a certain ls on sylph. Sylph is one of the original servers, and it has a dedicated LS of JP players that have been in the game since day one. Everyone in the NA group recognizes them, they cornor the market on crafting form just about everything lvl 1-75, and if u even want to HOPE for a HNM fight, then u gota wait till like 6am there time, and pray that ls isnt out hunting, or just find out which one they arent currently killing. They all have atelast one 75, i know of a few that have several (one has Whm/blm/Smn all at 75, i would offer he is the most powerfull player ive seen). There entire HNM group of 18 has the pimpest gear u can get. I know it isnt on ur server, but was scanning other servers and lettin u know wats goin on in some of the others. Its Rediculous how pimped out these jps are, and they really are basically Admin of the server. If u get stuck or need help, they will come help usually for free, even the ones who dont speak english simply bnecause they have nothing left to do in the game other then farm and raise mroe gill. There ls is Obsidian. and they are rediculous
#44 Oct 04 2004 at 4:48 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
Minidragon also had a Galka paladin level 75.

The interesting thing about Minidragon is, most of his gears are bought from AH (can be seen in the history) as opposed to camped and hunt with LS. Some people told me he bought gil online if so he must've spent over 5k real money on this character. Just to show you though, that not everyone who bought gil is a "moron who bought his way to 75" as Minidragon was amongst the first NA to reach 75 and is now being discussed in the Most Powerful Player thread.
#45 Oct 04 2004 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts
U know u all have valid points but nothing on ur server can compare to a certain ls on sylph. Sylph is one of the original servers,

I actually believe Bismarck was the second server to go live.
#46 Oct 04 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default
282 posts
I heard somewhere that Bismarck was one of the first expanded server and not an original server. If you look at Japanese players on our server, sure alot have uber gears but regarding the HNM situation less are camped than on other servers which lead to my point that there are less high levels japanese on this server than other server. I also heard that because it was an expanded server that we have more NA than most servers.
#47 Oct 04 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
Minidragon also had a Galka paladin level 75.

The interesting thing about Minidragon is, most of his gears are bought from AH (can be seen in the history) as opposed to camped and hunt with LS. Some people told me he bought gil online if so he must've spent over 5k real money on this character. Just to show you though, that not everyone who bought gil is a "moron who bought his way to 75" as Minidragon was amongst the first NA to reach 75 and is now being discussed in the Most Powerful Player thread.

Minidragon has been camping NM and HNM for a long time, he farmed all the gil he has, not bought it.

Also everyone rimming lunarians, get a grip.

lunarians are probablythe strongest NA HNMLS on the server, I'll give them their due, it doesn't mean they are nice, or powerful, or evil.

There are quite a few linkshells who do not advertise their accomplishments and many many JPLS who most of you ignorant mcdonalds rejects have never heard of.
#48 Oct 04 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Out of curiosity, who is the most powerful NA on Bismarck and why?

read the original post ego.
at what point in that post does your mcdonalds reject *** see anything about JPLS in that statement.
#49 Oct 04 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I was trying to be catty, but decided against it.

I'm still wondering how a thread by "CuriousIndividual" is so popular? I figured this was an attempt to be a flame thread.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 11:00:29 2004 by Clerico
#50 Oct 04 2004 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
AHH sorry about the post earlier about the japanese ls. That was more in regards to the talk it got into about the two LS, then it did about any particular player, so i completely forgot about the NA stipulation. Sorry about that, and yes Bismark wasnt a original server, it was in the second set of servers, that came out with rise of Zilart exp release, or slightly before. I am not positive though, i have heard many differnet things about it, but i read some posting by some admin at one point witht he list of the servers and when they came out and i think bismark was int he 2nd set, so ya id proably aggree that yall got a little bit luckier then some of the other servers like mine with the amount of JP high lvl players u have. AS far as how u would view the most powerfull player NA? id say it has to be a LS leader of either of the two ls u mentioned.
#51 Oct 04 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
sephirof i was directing that comment to EgoDebuffer, with 1 post he/she obviously made this name just for this purpose because he/she doesnt want anyone to know who he/she is. anyway i dont like being called a mcdonalds reject by somebody who didnt even take the time to comprehend the question of the original poster, and in his/her ignorance made this comment.

There are quite a few linkshells who do not advertise their accomplishments and many many JPLS who most of you ignorant mcdonalds rejects have never heard of.

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