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The Worst WHM on BismarkFollow

#1 Sep 22 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
389 posts
I apologize for this /rant, I normally dont like to put myself into these types of threads. But something happened to me lastnight that really made me question the morals of people in this game.

I have been leveling my taru thief up to level 15 (TH1) for a little over a week now. Aside from being one of the most strenuous things I've done in game so far, it's very hard to get an invite for a party even in the dunes for me.

So last night I'm {LFG} in the dunes for a little over an hour, when my LS convinced me to head to the Highlands and solo the rest of the way to 15. So at level 13 I figured what the heck I can probably beat on some EP's and DC's for a level or two. I start beating up on Wasps and Sapplings, 20-30 xp per fight. Hmmm...I see Hill Lizzard that checked EP, so I whip out my bow and start hacking away. Half way into the fight the little bugger poisons me. After I kill it off I have a little over 100hp but the poison starts dropping me quickly. Right then I see a WHM named Moris run past me with his flag up. So I quickly start to follow him and send him a quick /tell "Excuse me can you help me real quick" response, and shortly thereafter I kick the bucket.

Thankfully my HP was in the dunes, so I HP'd and made my way into the Highlands again. Now as soon as I zone I get a /tell back from this wonderful WHM saying:

"**** Off!! I ain't helping no one"

....WOW!! Now that's a WHM if I've ever seen one. So I send him a reply /tell "Hey calm down, all I wanted was a quick Poisona back in the Highlands" no big deal, right? Now it could have been left at that, if he didnt want to help no big deal..but then I get this:

"Go to HELL you piece of sh#t, I told you I ain't helping you I hope you die"

"Go to hell, I hope you die"??? Not once in this game have I EVER felt so compelled to drop the game right on the spot because of the lack of humanity that is shown by people like this. I've heard stories and read posts here about people who are just plain rude, but how could someone who chose the job of a WHM be such an @sshole and get away with playing a game that requires social skills??

I guess I will never understand that concept. But if I remember correctly MORISwas a level 14-15 WHM heading for the dunes, so just a fair warning to all that may party with him or at some point come in contact with this guy....DON'T ASK HIM FOR POISONA!!!!

/rant done!! I apologize for this "Gloomy" post so early in the morning...but I really had to get that off my chest!
#2 Sep 22 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
I hated people like that.

For the most time if i was soloing a lower job and got in over my head *especially near the entrance of la theiene* and asked a passerby for some help they'd give it to me, but some people just don't like to conform to a standard of kindness. :/
#3 Sep 22 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
....O.o.... god, that sucks
it's a dark day for whm's

/kicks moris out of the white mage secret society club

#4 Sep 22 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
1,002 posts
Thats insanity, i am gonna send him a /tell next time i am on..

i will say /tell Moris Hey Dumbass
#5 Sep 22 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
Sad that he has shunned everything about the profession that I hold dear >.<

WHM's who act like this (and the other kind, Bossy WHM's) give us a bad name and it pisses me off >.< I feel like I have to prove that we aren't all arrogant and snotty primadonas.

/rant off ^^

#6 Sep 22 2004 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I feel like I have to prove that we aren't all arrogant and snotty primadonas.

But you are! :P

#7 Sep 22 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
Eleusynia wrote:
I feel like I have to prove that we aren't all arrogant and snotty primadonas.

But you are! :P



Wintaru cast Barburnra
Wintaru gains resistance to Burns

Ok, do your worst! ^^
#8 Sep 22 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
642 posts

Ok, do your worst! ^^

LoL, that was all I had ; ;

Edited, Wed Sep 22 10:34:53 2004 by Eleusynia
#9 Sep 22 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
I know what it was.. I bet hes the best whm in that lvl range, but you got to stop and think. Where was he heading to? THE DUNES! Knowing his mind was corrupted from all the "n00bish" ways from the other players. Dunes, its where everyone goes to fck up and hopefully learn from there mistakes. He is just possessed from recent experiences in Valkrum Dunes. takes time to reccuporate(sp) sometimes it brings out the demon in us.

You'll meet him again anyways and probably even turn down his cry for help. :P
#10 Sep 22 2004 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
^^Yeah but I could have the worst parties in the dunes or anywhere for that matter (trust me, I have)...but I would never have the audacity to tell someone to "Go to Hell, I Hope You Die"

As I said, I brushed off his first comments with "I'm not going to help you" . . . that I could have cared less about. But going out of your way to such an extreme as a WHM is what really ticked me off.
#11 Sep 22 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
It is guys like him that make all of us respectable white mages look bad. I mean really, some people just shouldn't be a white mage. If you can't stop running for a second to cast poisona which costs like 12 MP? Then that is just pathetic. If I run into him I'll be sure to give him a piece of my mean these days!
#12 Sep 22 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
Yea i strongly agree with you. Hell I probably would've tried to do something to him in return, but i don't know. There are people like that in the game. Just so happened you ran into one little badass whm.
#13 Sep 22 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
425 posts
All I have to say is wow. Just wow. What a friggin ******* So glad that you brought this little ******* to our attention. Hope he's still Dunes level this weekend when I come home, so I can head down Valkurm and watch for him to die, then begin to laugh at him again and again. But I will go even further than that. I'll stand over his dead body and inform any WHM that comes along to raise his sorry *** that he is the lowest of the low and doesn't deserve a raise. Let this ******* rod in the sands down in Valkurm.

Bump this bad boy up so more people become aware of another worthless player on our server.
#14 Sep 22 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
LOL... I've seen this duder at the dunes before. He acts all tough stuff in parties, like a drill instructor or something. Anyway I didn't know he was that big of a punk, I will have to keep my eye open for him because I am currently leveling in the dunes. I just created a second character and currently level 13 Taru Blm. Last night I suffered for 4 hours in the dunes and didn't level once. I understand everyone needs to learn the game and everyone is a newb at some point... but the parties were just not organized.... I finally got into a good party and got three levels in only a few hours... made my night! I second the comment on telling the high level whm not to raise him because he wouldn't even take, literally, 5 seconds of his time to cast poisona on someone... sad day... sad day...
#15 Sep 22 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
I don't really wish bad things upon him in game, I know that karma will return the favor one day.

I just wanted people of Bismarck to know of this WHM and to be careful when coming in contact with him.
#16 Sep 22 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
All I have to say sprite was like that when I was lvl 25 whole party died cause she refused to cure the tank, cause he said something not to her liking, and there are lots of white mages that are like this so its ok.
#17 Sep 22 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
and there are lots of white mages that are like this so its ok.

By that logic, it's ok to be/do anything socially unacceptable because "Hey! Look how many other people have done it!".


Edited, Wed Sep 22 15:31:19 2004 by Eleusynia
#18 Sep 22 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Well, only one thing to do with this fella...

Hop on the BLM, stalk him, and if he dies and someone tries to raise him...tractor the corpse...tractor the corpse...tractor the corpse...
#19 Sep 22 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
AZ, if I see him in game I shall taunt him.

If he does not leave, I shall taunt him a second time.

(Or perhaps fart in his general direction.)
#20 Sep 22 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
AZ, if I see him in game I shall taunt him.

If he does not leave, I shall taunt him a second time.

(Or perhaps fart in his general direction.)

Do you mean to tell me that Coconuts migrate???
#21 Sep 22 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
228 posts
Just be careful if you plan on giving this WHM grief. For all you know it was the neighbor's brother's dog playing and not the true owner of the account.

But seriously. That's a terrible way to respond to someone. Sometimes it's hard not to take it personally. Especially if the response is unprovoked. /hug

Edited, Wed Sep 22 17:43:12 2004 by Eldriss
#22 Sep 22 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Eleusynia wrote:
AZ, if I see him in game I shall taunt him.

If he does not leave, I shall taunt him a second time.

(Or perhaps fart in his general direction.)

Do you mean to tell me that Coconuts migrate???

No, they're carried by migratory birds!

Fu[b][/b]ckin' TROLL! I'll do some justices, return the favor please.

Edited, Wed Sep 22 17:43:40 2004 by Trizzoro
#23 Sep 22 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Ah, the greatness that was Monty Python ^^

Quick thread hijack then I'll return you to your regularly scheduled ranting. Anyone who liked M.P. should definitely try to get their hands on the Fawlty Towers episodes (they're out on DVD, I have them). I've watched them all atleast 50 times each and I still die of laughter every time I see them. Good Investment!

Sorry Azeroth! I'm done now ^^;
#24 Sep 22 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
389 posts
Ahhhh Monty Python:

Old man: What is your name?
Galahad: Sir Galahad.
Old man: What is your Quest?
Galahad: To seek the Grail.
Old man: What is your favorite color?
Galahad: Blue. No, pink- agggghhhhhhh!!!! (Flies into the firey chasm)

And I've actually seen some of the Fawlty Towers episodes, definitely funny stuff :)

#25 Sep 22 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Eldriss the Vile wrote:
Just be careful if you plan on giving this WHM grief. For all you know it was the neighbor's brother's dog playing and not the true owner of the account.

Where have I heard of this happening before? Hmmm, just can't remember. Oh excuse me...


ugh... must be allergic to rotten players.
#26 Sep 22 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
425 posts
Well, MadCowChuck, there is another job class that has Tractor: DRK. Being as I am a DRK, I shall Tractor this ******* from one end of Valkurm to the other. Bwahahahahaha.

So mad with the power of the Darkness, I am.

But in all seriousness, this is what I hated about all pre-30 areas: the arrogant WHM. The bossy WHM. The WHM that shouts for you to pull all the time. Now, I happen to respect anyone that does this job, and does it well, but after going through these areas on the couple jobs I have leveled, let me tell you what Sonny Jim. I'll take a RDM/BLM and a RDM/WHM in a party anytime over a bossy WHM. I'm not saying all WHMs are stuck up assclowns, but those that are need to pick up another profession. You're the battlefield medic, which is probably why your AF gear is red and white, like the Red Cross emblem. If you can't help a fellow player out, well, expect some bad karma.

Again, Azeroth, a shame this happened to you. I mean, how can anyone deny a poor little Tarutaru some Poisona? It's a sad day Vana'diel when this happens.
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