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#27 Sep 23 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
935 posts
I suppose if its just about the nin not being able to keep hate, thats a completely different story than not wanting to haste because you feel it should be whm job.

That's the part that I think changes everything right there. If a NIN can't control hate on hasted party members then a NIN tank is a bad idea.

Namfoodle said the NIN was Provoking as much as possible, but I'm interested to hear what else he/she was doing. With every melee DD hasted, should have at least been using Jubaku, Hojo, and Kurayami, as well as at least a pair of elemental tools. Any less and you might as well go play NIN/THF.
#28 Sep 23 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
As rdm/smn unless youre elvaan or something maybe, it honestly shouldnt be too hard to haste two people.

If you read my first post, it plainly says Elvaan RDM.


Namfoodle said the NIN was Provoking as much as possible, but I'm interested to hear what else he/she was doing. With every melee DD hasted, should have at least been using Jubaku, Hojo, and Kurayami, as well as at least a pair of elemental tools. Any less and you might as well go play NIN/THF.

In the hour I was there, she used Hojo maybe twice, and never Jubaku or Kurayami. Not a single elemental debuff, either.
#29 Sep 23 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Default
Rdm should always share haste duty with the whm. You refuse to help haste because you didn't have mp but didn't want to use convert. Don't understand the logic there. Elvaan rdm is more dependant on convert than taru.
#30 Sep 23 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
No, no, no, no, no, no. I refused to help because of what was already explained before in this thread: with all the DD hasted and an incompetent NIN tank, hate control is nigh impossible. Did you just pick and choose what you read? It's only been stated time and time again here.
#31 Sep 23 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
You started this rant and the whm came and presented her side of the story. You even said you thought it was a bad idea to haste all the melees before yall even got started xp'ing. Seems like you were just pissed you got in a less than stellar xp pt and instead of making the best of it decided to be a complete asshat. No i'm not hasting. No i'm not converting. Refresh please? F-you don't tell me what to do.

Good job dude, keep up the good work.

Edited, Thu Sep 23 16:00:47 2004 by XenimusBismark
#32 Sep 23 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Oh no no no!! We cannot have all these rate-downs for people having opinions. *Rushes off to the back room and presses the big, red rate-up buttion of niceness* There, all better. ^^ Seriously though, don't rate-down people for having an opinion. There are at least two sides the every story. Let's all be happy and get along with the niceness. ^^

/em starts casting Group Hug.
#33 Sep 23 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
716 posts
You started this rant and the whm came and presented her side of the story. You even said you thought it was a bad idea to haste all the melees before yall even got started xp'ing. Seems like you were just pissed you got in a less than stellar xp pt and instead of making the best of it decided to be a complete asshat. No i'm not hasting. No i'm not converting. Refresh please? F-you don't tell me what to do.

Yes, that's exactly what I goddamn did. You figured me out. I was pissed because we were getting ***** XP when I hadn't partied in over a month and could give a rat's *** less what XP I was getting, so I sabotaged the entire goddamn party. ********************** you figured me out. Kudos to you, you awesome detective you.
#34 Sep 23 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Great, now maybe you can stfu and stop crying.
#35 Sep 23 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
I'm more shocked that Group Hug is a BLM spell. Whodathunk?
#36 Sep 23 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
1,624 posts
Oh no no no!! We cannot have all these rate-downs for people having opinions. *Rushes off to the back room and presses the big, red rate-up buttion of niceness* There, all better. ^^ Seriously though, don't rate-down people for having an opinion. There are at least two sides the every story. Let's all be happy and get along with the niceness. ^^

/em starts casting Group Hug.

/em snuggles Chisusu.
#37 Sep 23 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Wow, Xenimus, I don't know you, but what's up with this?

You even said you thought it was a bad idea to haste all the melees before yall even got started xp'ing. Seems like you were just pissed you got in a less than stellar xp pt and instead of making the best of it decided to be a complete asshat. No i'm not hasting. No i'm not converting. Refresh please? F-you don't tell me what to do.

Not very impressive. It also appears, based on my reading comprehension of both the WHM and RDM posts, hasting wasn't suggested until they were already at Boyahda Tree and had tried several mobs already.

Anyways, I just wanted to /applaud for the constructive post. Hope your a bit kinder in game.

Edited, Thu Sep 23 16:41:29 2004 by Germonick
#38 Sep 24 2004 at 6:52 AM Rating: Decent
Don't count on it.
Alauce, I'd stop now while your head is still above the ground here. Not exactly the place I'd want to make an impression as a complete nitwit.
You lost the argument, you lost the battle, move on.
#39 Sep 24 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Jesus Christ people, this thread is turning into something you'd see on the main forum. They had both (Alauce and Namfoodle) agreed to disagree and both were willing to try a party again in the future with a different set up, and we get a couple of people who can't let it die at that with inflamatory posts.


I was enjoying the general feeling of niceness on this board, I guess I'll have to just go somewhere else, this childishness just isn't worth reading.
#40 Sep 24 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
400 posts
I am friends with both and they both a really good at their jobs and both no what is going on in the game. We all been in pt's where you just no it is not going to work. The harder you try to make it work the deeper the hole gets. I would love to pt with the 2 of you and we could get fudo(drk) and argus(pld) and make a go at it. I will be on early tonight nam if you want to start a pt.

ps on the haste thing it is a pain in the *** to haste everyone but as a war/thf swinging a bus and not a weapon haste is nice for tp the time delay in my weapon goes from 11-13 seconds per swing down to 7-8 seconds per swing.
#41 Sep 24 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
642 posts

What has gotten into some of you people!!

This forum is where all members of the Bismarck community can come hang out and talk while they are away from the game, not be told to stfu and such.

Alauce came on here and posted his side of a story. He left all the other party member's names out of it and simply stated the situation as he saw it and how he felt.

Namfoodle was brave enough to acknowledge that he had been one of those members and cited his side of the story.

A few more words were exchanged and in the end, the 2 most important people in this situation, Alauce and Namfoodle agreed they had a bad experience with each other, they both apologized and both agreed to move on and try again some time.

Namfoodle wrote:
Alauce, we've gotten off to a bad start but I hope I can party with you again in a more traditional party!

Alauce wrote:
EDIT: You know.. Nam. I think I've gotten too high-strung about this, and I'm sincerely sorry. Maybe sometime soon we'll have the chance to party together again where the odds are in our favor, and you'll see just how good of a job I can do. I know for a fact that you're an excellent WHM, but I don't really think you've had the chance to see how well I do my job when everything's going smoothly and we have a tank that knows her stuff.

What I'd like to know is where do some of you get off talking to other posters like you have?

The point of this forum is to be able to post on a topic of your choosing and get considerate, honest, and hopefully helpful advice/responses in return. NO ONE comes here looking to be told to STFU or to have their words twisted and distorted.
If your only purpose here is to flame and see how many people you can get to hate you in 10 minutes, then please, move it to the Main Forum. They'd be much happier to oblige.

#42 Sep 24 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Rate up for Ele, you just said what I was trying to, I was just lazy with the quotes and all that ^^
#43 Sep 24 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I love you guys!

P.S. I'm a HE. a HE. A MALE Tarutaru.


See you guys around!^^
#44 Sep 24 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
I don't wanna bash on Alauce or Nam at all, just wanted to share a party I had recently with everyone hasted NIN-RNG-SAM(me)-BLM-BRD-WHM ( notice, no THF even ). We pulled 18k xp in about 4 and a half hours

I know, It may look bad at first Alauce, but if your Ninja is decently good, he should be able to keep hate even with everyone hasted.

For Namfoodle; since your tank was a ninja, I think you should have tagged 4 ou of 6 people to haste, and leave only like 1 or 2 to the RDM. Debuffs and refresh we're essential here. If the ninja would have been doing a *correct* job, you would have had more than enough MP to keep 4 people hasted.

blame the Ninja AND Canada

my 2 canadian cents ( or 0.003 US cents )
#45 Sep 25 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
Well not to add fuel to the flames here, but just wanted to throw in that I have partied with Ayumichan and she is, indeed, a pretty horrible ninja. Exactly as explained, rarely casted anything besides utsusemi, and continuously was screaming at the whm for pulling aggro. Oh yeah, and in that PT we had a THF and she still couldnt hold hate. Anyways, I rarely butt in like this, but in this situation it really seemed like the tank was the issue which lead to the argument.
#46 Sep 28 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Before I left for class, I thought to check out some of the new posts here. This thread has me a bit perplexed, as most of the issues come down to this:

a person and b person have played the game for a while and EXPECT certain things out of each other.

Whm's and rdm's are by no means one-trick ponies. However, a whm's role is defined pretty clearly - heal. Through all the levels, all the spells, whm's maintain this solidarity. You do your job by keeping your party intact, un(insert spell-effect here) and you do it well. People know what to expect out of you!

Rdm's don't have this luxury. Not only has our job utterly changed past 40, but we have a preponderence of options, and different expectations. Depending on the experience of your party, and the makeup of your party, this job VASTLY changes.

In a way, the redmage gets to be the sand that filters through the cracks. While in a good party, we do get to be like a whm - do your refresh, buff, enfeeble thing, that isn't always the case.

Lay the blame on the lack of good redmages teaching others.

Alauce, Namfoodle, both of you have a good reputation on the server, and both of you are correct. Hasting all of the members of that party, plus a refresh cycle, would kill a non-taru mana supply. At 40 for haste/refresh with a long delay, you have to start deciding what is the BEST use of my mana? Dispel or Haste? This is a SPECIFIC issue, but it's a GENERAL problem.

Sioux was correct in listing redmage priorities. The problem is that just because we have the option to "do it all" doesn't mean we can do it all at once.

It's math. I've got 550 mana and not only do I need to use it to aid the party, I need to know how much to keep in reserve 'just in case.'

Redmages: Learn how the refresh cycle works. State your priorities up FRONT (I refresh me and the pld, drk's are only if I have the mana on certain mobs, etc) and don't be afraid to change your thinking if you have a unique party makeup. It's not only parties trashing redmages, it's redmages not teaching parties. Even at 60+ the number of redmages who don't understand their class boggles my brain. If we don't know how to play our class, how can we expect others to expect REASONABLE things from us?

Rant over and out ^^
*Have you hugged your taru today?*

I went back and took off my (don't read below X rate filter) and..... oh my... Good lord some of you just seethe hate.

This is a discussion (for all that it is marked rant) not a chance to just lash out like caged animals.

And yes, Group Hug is a BLM spell. You get it from the quest right after getting Butterga II^^

Edited, Tue Sep 28 09:17:53 2004 by Katrine
#47 Sep 28 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I'm here to be hugged if you want.


#48 Sep 28 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
It doesn't really matter what a rdm THINKS their job is.
If a party asks you to do something, do it. If you don't like it, then leave. It's really quite simple.
#49 Sep 28 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
716 posts
Just out of curiousty, Varcore, what level is your Red Mage? I'm curious, since you know so much about the job.
#50 Sep 28 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
decie wrote:
I think keeping haste on tanks and melee does make a big difference in exp pts. The melees in my pt benefit a lot from having haste. Their tp generally go up faster. Flash time is reduced for plds and utsetsemi recast time is reduced for ninjas. As for the other melees it will allows them to renkei more often. I understand it may be difficult to keep up with so many things you need to cast and a limited mp pool, but maybe you can at least keep the tank haste while hasting the other melee if you feel you have enough mp to later on. Just my two cent >.>

haste is great if you have a tank that knows what their doing.
#51 Sep 28 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
Alauce wrote:
Just out of curiousty, Varcore, what level is your Red Mage? I'm curious, since you know so much about the job.

I wouldn't take him too seriously, I've already decided I don't like him from the posts of his that I've seen. Most are negative in some way or another, and not very constructive.

Don't count on it.
Alauce, I'd stop now while your head is still above the ground here. Not exactly the place I'd want to make an impression as a complete nitwit.
You lost the argument, you lost the battle, move on.


ratings are pointless
alauce, get a real subjob

not to mention...

Eh, I agree with the free for all thing.
What this person has done, by driving miners away, is take more and more of the market share.
With fewer miners, there will be fewer items up for sale, and more profit to be had by the budding entrepreneur.
All I can say is get over it.

The last just bothered me because of the "get over it" comment, on the thread about Lucun and Doublning, which was just discussing the sides about sharing mining points. That comment implys that he thinks he is right, and that any further argument is invalid.

I find the comment about ratings being pointless as facenating, makes me think he's just trolling to start arguments, as that is what the 3 posts of his I've read seem to be doing.

Just a thought.
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