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#27 Sep 28 2004 at 1:11 AM Rating: Excellent
A soft wind begins to blow, over the trees of Jugner, stirring the campfire. In the distance, a tiger roars, presumably having stilled its latest victim. The shadowy figure, sitting across from the fire, motions for you to come closer. “You look a little nervous, friend. Don’t worry ‘bout the tigers.” He says with a grin, while running his fingers along his blade. “I won’t let them getcha.” He looks you over, for a minute. “Hmmm… you seem to be a promising, young adventurer, but you gotta learn to relax a little… Here.” He hands you a cup of hot tea. “Now… why don’t you sit back, and, if you have the time, I shall tell you a tale, of five adventurers of Vana’diel.”
“What’s so special about them, you ask?” He chuckles. “I sponsored them all, and each bears a piece of treasure, I found on my OWN adventures; a shimmering purple shell with 5 perfect pearls contained within it. Each, of my hopefuls, was given one of the pearls, except the young lady, to whom I gave the shell. But… I was always partial to Mithra.” He chuckles again.

The Tale of Kestra

Her name is Kestra, the Mithra of whom I speak. From what I hear, she was born into a very distinguished family of healers. Kes was pretty much the “black cat” of the family, though. She always went off, and did things her own way, spending more and more time, away from home. I chanced to find her, while passing through Windurst, and it was no surprise for me to learn she was of the Order of Red Mages. They’re an adventurous lot. As I recall, she was outside the Weaver’s Guild, still fuming over having failed her latest synthesis attempt. Well, I took it upon myself to take her under my wing, for a while.
We sat together, over dinner, at the Timbre Timbers, and she told me of her aspirations; of continuing her studies of the healing arts in the tradition of her family, of attaining a notable rank in her order (she recently reached the 48th level of merit, I hear), and someday visiting Bastok, to study Alchemy. She also plans to be an arrow maker. Until then, she continues to fund her adventures, weaving. I once made the foolish mistake of joking about her playing with a ball of yarn. Whew… NEVER say that to a Mithra weaver! But, I was so impressed, by this young lady, that I left with her, the shell and all the advice I could give her.
I do my best, to follow her adventures, as I do with all the others. Kestra’s journeys have already taken her all over the world. She finally made it to Bastok, and began her Alchemy studies there, and even made it way up, to San d’Oria. She’s become a strong force, for the light, and we need people like that, in these dark times. Kes often travels with a group, of companions, now, including her sister, Lunaria, who has also taken up adventuring.

The Tale of Berselius

So…I was sitting around the Rarab Tail, when along came a bunch of Tarutaru, fresh from the field; all White Mages, they were, calling themselves “the Healer Corps”. They were quite a rowdy band, but funny to watch, as they carried on, and joked around. Among these, was a little green-haired fellow, named Berselius. He seemed different, than his companions, always obsessing over wanting to carry a blade, in addition to his ******* of protection. Early marks of a Paladin, I thought.
One night, however, I was roaming around Windurst, unable to sleep, and, as I passed the Orastery, I heard the sound of spellcasting. The familiar windy ominence, of black magic spells forming, sparked my curiosity. Who would be practicing the dark arts at such a late hour? I peeked inside the door, and who should I find, but the very same Berselius! Casually, I approached him, to inquire why he kept this a secret. “I don’t want to disappointaru my companions.” He said. He knew war may inevitably come back, and was trying to prepare for anything, by learning as much, as he could. I admired his strength. In battle, the healers are often the first targets. His desire, to defend his friends, was most honorable. I explained, to him, if he told them directly, and they were really his friends, they would understand. He thanked me, and we parted ways, for the night.
When I met Berselius, the next day, he had resigned from the Healer Corps, and was preparing to leave town, to seek out treasure and information, that would aid Windurst against future Beastmen incursions. I left, with him, one of my pearls, and every treasure rumor I had ever encountered. In parting, he told me that someday he would return, from his journeys, and join Semih Lafihnah’s band of Ranger scouts. I smiled and nodded to my young hopeful. Then, with a courteous bow, out Leviathan’s Gate he strode.
It was about time, for me to leave Windurst, as well. I figured I would go to Jeuno, to see if my new Gobbiebag was ready, yet.

The Tale of Heartfire

On my way, out of town, I stopped by the Culinary Guild, to see if I could snitch a taste, of their latest delicacy, to find this HUGE Galka sitting outside, grilling up hare meat. All the while, he was singing an old Galkan war song. Intrigued, I struck up a conversation.
They call him Heartfire. It didn’t take me long to figure out why. Behind his eyes, burned the fiery passion, of a warrior. I learned he’d come from Bastok, to study the fine art of cooking. “Never fight evil on an empty stomach.” he would say. Some day, he plans to take up a mighty blade, and fight valiantly, for his people, and his country.
It’ll be interesting to see what becomes, of this fiery Galka. I’m watching his career, with much interest. Having spoken with him, brought me my own curiosity, of what sort of adventurers lie in his hometown. I wanted to see for myself, so I continued onward, to Jeuno, and boarded the next airship, for Bastok.

The Tale of Crystaljohn

Now, when I landed in Bastok’s port, I was in shock! This little mining town, I’d visited, so very long ago, had blossomed into a thriving city. Excited, I began to roam around.
Bastokers must really love music, because, for the second time, I was attracted by a song, coming from somewhere in the metalworks. Searching the area, I discovered the singer to be a young man, named John. He worked in the Smithing Guilds, Iron and Gold, and performed part-time in the taverns, to help fund his work. I sat, enchanted, for what seemed like hours, listening to him sing. He had a voice as clear as crystal!
When he finished his performance, I stopped him to talk for a little while. A talent like his, I insisted, he must share with the world, not just a bunch of stuffy miners and blacksmiths. So, I began to tell him of my adventures and of the wandering minstrels I would encounter, on the way. This seemed to appeal greatly, to him. The more we spoke, the more he seemed to want to be an adventurer.
By the time the next day came around, he was on his way out of town, with a pearl in his pocket, a lute on his back, and a head full of dreams. I smiled, and bid him safe journeys, as he left his hometown, for the first time. “See you ‘round the world…Crystal John.”

The Tale of Morlenkheren

A few days passed, and I too left Bastok. I headed north, to the great kingdom of
San d’Oria, to assess the situation there. Politics, and military conflicts, paired with increasing amounts of Orc raids, have put quite a strain on that city. Yet, in spite of that fact, it still hails some very interesting adventurers.
I chanced to meet one, the day I arrived there; a rookie adventurer, passing out flyers, for some magic shop in town. Morlen Kheren, he was called, and it didn’t take me long to figure out that his ambition would carry him far. Wanting to know more, about the world, from someone who’d been there, he invited me to tea, in his residence.
This guy had Dragoon written all over him! Dragon sculptures rested on his mantelpiece, a book of Spear Techniques lay open on his desk, and on his wall, a life-sized poster of Kain! I noticed, he also kept a supply of various skins and hides, presumably for use at the Tanner’s Guild.
Admittedly, I was surprised to learn that he’d never ventured out much, beyond the woods of Ronfaure. He was always meaning to go farther, just never made the trip. That was also when I learned that he practiced the magical arts. Now I understood a bit more. It’s very perilous for fledgling mages to wander too far, by themselves. So, I suggested he meet up with others and go south, toward the dunes of Valkurm. Though dangerous, to the inexperienced, he could learn much there.
I saw much possibility, in Morlen, so I supplied a few trinkets and, when he left, a few days later, I accompanied him, for a while. When we reached the Crag of Holla, we met up with another band of adventurers. He was in good hands. I left him a pearl, and my best wishes, as his newfound party set off, for Selbina
As they faded, in the distance, I too, got underway, and made my way east, to this creepy old wood. Thus, here you find me, traveler, and I do thank you, for hearing out my tale.

The moon now hung high in the sky, illuminating the area, with its soft glow. Your host looks you over, a second time. He smiles, warmly. “Well… you’re looking much better now, friend.” Despite the dangers, about, you feel calm and relaxed, and sleep begins to finally take hold of you. As you drift off to sleep, dreams of great adventures, begin to fill your mind. When you awaken, in the morning, your companion is gone. You can’t help but wonder who he was. But, as you pack up, to leave, you find, among your belongings, a single perfect purple pearl…

Edited, Tue Sep 28 02:27:30 2004 by TheWanderingShadow
#28 Sep 28 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Rate up for the wanderingshadow. good post. =D
#29 Sep 28 2004 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
510 posts
I, Zariko first came to existance in Vana'diel as a warrior for my homeland of Windurst. I wandered the Saruta Baruta savanna, seeking the Yagudo whom threatened peace, and poached a few crawler..Ah, The days long since I made friends with a hume fellow named Cassian who didn't like to stick to one job, and seemed to be a different job each day we met atop starfall hillock, long has he been gone but not forgotten. Slowly the peoples of Windurst learned the name Zariko, and I basked in the glory they gave. But, It had come time for me to venture further from the safe walls of the beautiful Windurst, and so I did, Into Tahrongi Canyon..What pain that place seemed to bring me when I ran into the Yagudo Persicutor, and the random Goblin Ambusher. After hard fighting, and fast running I stumbled into a the wasteland of Buburimu, such an ugly place.

And, Upon arriving to Buburimu. I met an elvaan such as I that went by the name of Kasaki. A steadfast fellow, and of a foul mouth, Like myself. I liked him. We were friends for awhile, then he stole my girl and yadda yadda yadda.

Fast forwarding passed that, I ventured to Mhaura to ride the boat to a far land that I longed to explore, and I did. I was in awe as I set foot upon the sands in Selbina, then into Valkurm Dunes, Beaches I'd never seen my eyes laid upon. And, There in the dunes I hesitated not to forfeit my own life for comrades I had teamed with there, some I still know. A white mage I had met there whom was aswell Elvaan, Botant is his name. We became friends and I took him along with a Tarutaru girl named Krssy to my home, Windurst, of which they'd never seen. All of three of us still speak to this day, and are still friends.

After the dunes, I journeyed my first time to Jeuno..I was closer to home, but I yearned to return but saw that the only way to do so was to heal a tamed chocobo to let me saddle and ride him home, and I did for six days I stood by it's side to feed and talk to him as if he were a companion. The first two days didn't go so well, he was reluctant and didn't take the food I wanted him to eat, I told him it would help him get better, and within due time he took the food, and on the sixth day he was up warking and happy again. And, So I rode him home.

After a few days of sharing my tails with friends and strangers in the tavern of Windurst, and cooking the foriegn food I had eaten and taken recipes for I returned to Jeuno, only to find that I was needed on the Isle of Qufim. So, I set out dodging the Arcanic weapons that lurked around the cermet peices that lay hidden in the rock, then finally my eyes saw sunlight. And, I strolled upon the desolate snow covered plains of the island, and met with my party, none of memorable stature or attitude.

Upon leaving the Island to venture to places I would be of more help. I was of the level of twenty-five, in modern knowledge of strength and valor. I then journeyed towards the south eastern Isle of Elshimo, Kazham the small tropical town my airship landed in, and all aboard took up their items and exited the ship. I also met a party of adventurers like myself here, and we ventured out together into the jungles slaying Mandragora and Goblins as we went along, then into Yhoator jungle to set up camp. We disbanded after many weeks of fighting with little food and drink, and we went our own ways.

I then strayed from interaction with all others and went through the painstaking quests given by higher members of society than myself, I slain a dragon..I stated my bloodlust, I ventured for lights, I showed my fortitude, and my high standing with nature. Then, I called my wyvern and did it all over again and more..I ventured back into the world as a Dragoon, prideful and head held high. Now, Here I am today telling you this story, my eyes hidden by the viser of my armet, and wyvern on my shoulder. I stand here before you a Dragoon of level sixty, of modern reckoning. But, For now I bid you ado, There are evil monsters to be slain. (Zariko would smile, and Super Jump away.)
#30 Sep 28 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Good idea for a thread. <bump>

Oh, yeah, and Wanderingshadow... I am proud to call you the leader of our LS... that was an AWESOME F*CKIN POST big brother...

I'll have to get mah ace in gear and do a write up for my characters now...

<edited for stupidity lol>

Edited, Tue Sep 28 20:58:11 2004 by Oniyagi
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