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#1 Sep 14 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
Hi. my character is named Dibrila and i started this thread so ppl could talk about their characters. i guess i'll start off. Dib is
an Elvaan thief sub ninja.I'm not the best at making gil and probably not the best in my job. Despite this I try my best, do what i need to and in my opinion am nice most of the time. I am the
leader of the linkshell TwinHarpReborn which i named after TwinHarp
my previous ls that i ditched because the leader ditched us. I'm only lvl 33 and my goals hit trouble when trying to obtain them cuz
im easily distracted. I played as most of the jobs and have all of them but summoner. darn leeches **** me off. O i'm sandorian rank 5. I currently have one of the highest fame lvls in sandoria. I try to smith in my spare time but my ls likes to push me cuz they want my TH2. Well thats it basically. Maybe one day i'll post about my taru. Feel free to post info on ur character or make comments on mine. Please dont be too mean to me
#2 Sep 14 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
Hehe this could be intresting if others post as well.

My characters name is Yahira, she is a hume red mage with a white mage sub. Making gil is not my forte, I still cant figure that concept out, I do however manage to make enough to get by.

Currently I am in three link shells Nadesiko wich I usually have equiped. CloisterOfWarriors wich was the first given to me, it used to be named TheGrandCouncil but that shell was broken, I do not know the reasons and did not care to pry. Also TreasureHunterz, I go here when I need to get away and need a few good laughs, the guys in here can be rather amusing.

Yahira's current lvl is 50 hopefully 51 after this update is done with. (500 till next level) My sub is heavily underleveled only 22 with my white mage. I have tried to level it but I'm not the best white mage out there, not a good red mage either =/, but anyways I seem to end up with all the not so good tanks and lose more xp than I gain in an hour. Or my all time favorite party disbands after two fights.

The crafts that I have been mostly working on are Cooking, Fishing Weaving and Woodworking the levels are in that order with cooking being my highest. They arent to high since I dont make enough gil to purchase materials and tend to get distracted when I go farm said materials.

Windurstian rank 5 hoping to get rank 6 in the near future. My Windurst fame is not so great, I think my San d'oria fame is good though, no Bastok fame at all.

I spend most of my in game time trying to find pretty scenery and leveling low leveled jobs with my in game fiance Blazor. Also just sitting back chatting to friends or helping other LS members or friends with anything they need help with. I'm not to big on leveling much, I have a low attention span for parties. After about 3 hours I am bored and start to miss little things, like the white mage needs to be refreshed ^^;

Well he said post a bit about your character not post a book so .... Feel free to coment.
#3 Sep 14 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
Wintaru is a 44 white mage and 23 black mage.

I'm working as hard as I can to get into the 60's so I can get my AF gear, our static is currently looking for a RDM ^^

I think I'm pretty good at my job, I haven't had any complaints anyway so I suppose I'm doing ok.

Money is a huge problem for me, currently trying to get Alchemy to a decent level so I can have a reliable method of making money but in the mean time I struggle.

Other than that I like doing quests and helping our LS mates out with missions and such, we always have a good time^^
#4 Sep 14 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
I'm a WHM, currently working on my SMN job. I'm always poor. ; ; I try my best at being a good whm and put the party before me. I'm bound to do something stupid now and then though. O_o Umm... I am a co-founder of the Requiem Linkshell. I'm in a semi-static party, which makes levelling so~ much easier. I'm always nice to people and have a weird sense of humour. But if someone's being an *** I have no problem with speaking my mind. >_>

I made a site for our LS recently and I have my FFXI journal up there. ^^
#5 Sep 14 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
I don't get it. I only hit submit once, yet it still double posts. >_>

Edited, Tue Sep 14 20:11:58 2004 by Avitue
#6 Sep 14 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
I'm Wakalaka, a Taru RDM35, BLM17, DRK7, from the happy-wappy city of Windurst. Currently Rank 5 and content there for the moment, I'm in the Shinsengumi LS which is currently in its death throes >< So if anyone wants me and you have a really active LS (because I like to talk, hee), let me know. ^^ My cooking is at 61, and I'm slacking off on that for the moment because I'm currently busy running around doing all the stupid Selbina Clay quests so I can get the CN map. Grr. Selbina needs chocobo service ^^

Fame is maxed everywhere, as far as I know. I have the Gobbiebag V quest open and waiting for items to show up on the AH. ^^ As far as playing, when I'm my RDM I mainly enfeeble and nuke. I don't melee because, well, I do more damage nuking ^^ There's a reason I'm probably going to concentrate on BLM and take that higher.

I dunno, I'm pretty boring when it comes down to it, but I'm always willing to help people if they need it. I'm one of those weirdos that stops to heal people if I notice them getting the **** thwacked out of them by something.

And its also hard to shut me up. ^^;
#7 Sep 14 2004 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
guys I am here to solve all your problems
two words which will make you endless money with patience:

boomerang and inner horutoto ruins

ok thats 5 words.. but anyway :op
grab a random boomerang and skillup in Korroloka Tunnel til about 65
then the mobs become 1hit K.O
amazing money :)
#8 Sep 15 2004 at 1:18 AM Rating: Good
590 posts
Jordan is currently a 36 Tarutaru WAR/MNK and is working through the trials and tribulations of leveling (Crawler's Nest is scary), making enough money from cooking (buy more Mithkabobs people!) to support her equipment and food, being a loyal Windurstian (currently Rank 4) and juggling the Linkshells NeoAmethyst, Aurora, and MoongladeII(which I admit, I never show up on. I'm sorry! ;_;)

I also have been horribly indecisive as far as choosing a main job goes(see my sig for detals) which is why I'm at such a low level even though I've been playing since January. Though I've decided I like WAR best and will go about and work to get that as high as possible. Then maybe I'll go back and work on my other favorite job: bard.

Yeah so... um.. in closing....

#9 Sep 15 2004 at 3:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Zyrene is a Warrior at heart who uses monk as to help her abilities.

I have tried working on thief to little success as I hate it with a passion. I am working on Ninja just for the cool duel wield, as I don't intend to tank with ninja or ninja sub.

Gil is a bit of a problem, I tend to have anywhere between 6gil and 100k gil on me, but with 2 sets of armour it tends to tie me up and keep me around 20k.

I was hoping to take monk up to 37 with a straight run, but I have been in nothing but horrible parties recently, and I don't think it has been my fault as the monk. >.<

I make a decent tank, and have mainly been that in my career, but I do have great axe, and great sword up to 70+ skill, while axe is 111 and sword is in the 90's.

I keep my gear up to date as much as possible, I may not have +1 gear but I have level appropriate gear or as close as I can afford.

#10 Sep 15 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Yekan is a level 50 white mage with a very gimpy level 20 black mage sub. She prefers not to be a black mage since her real passion is healing people not nuking. She is a pearlsack holder in the UnchainedSpirits linkshell and will soon be getting married. ^^ I started off as a warrior which I took to 30 and unlocked summoner. Once I failed at the avatar battles I learned that the real job for me was white mage and I couldn't be happier! I've levelled my white mage from 30-50 in just about a month! ^^

I'm currently Sandoria rank 4 but hoping to get rank 5 tomorrow afternoon (wish me luck). I have level 5 windy fame, level 4 sandy fame and no bastok fame (I've tried but the quests just aren't as fun.) I run a great teletaxi business to get some gil in but that doesn't always work too well due to high competition. I'm currently working on saving up around 178k for a dark staff which I hope to have by the end of the week (Valkurm Emperor here I come!)

I hope to complete Genkai one by sometime next week when my newly developed set PT will be ready to start levelling. But until then I plan on levelling my black mage and working on my Alchemy (10) and cooking (0) skills. I have finally learned the art of farming for synthesis items instead of buying them! ^^ Big money saver! And basically that is all there is to know about Yekan. Except that if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to ask. :)
#11 Sep 15 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
My Name is Nightsintodream, though I just go by the name Nights.

Who am I?

I myself have wondered that question before a lot...

I am a follower of the Goddess of the Dawn first and foremost. I will die to protect Her reincarnation if need be, and I will spread Her word across the land without hesitation. Even in the land of unbelievers or those that might question Her existance, my faith still is strong.

I wear the robes of a healer, and I try to live by the true Way of the order. Recently, I have discovered that a light minuet can absolve the most troubled of souls, and so I have taken up singing as a secondary job to help me truly follow the Way.

Despite the fact my thoughts and feelings have been shunned before by others, I never turn away anyone who wishes to take the time to speak to me. Such is who I am.

I worry about the war that is coming, even though no one believes me. I am currently on assignment from Jueno to gather Magicite...

I study the history of this world, learning about this world's past, and most recently my reasearch has turned to the study of the Archipelago of Tavnazia, and what happened to her.

But irregardless, I am first and formost a wonderer, and a believer in Her and Her ways.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#12 Sep 15 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts

In game name is Trizzoro (shocking, I know). Currently level 40 RNG level 20 NIN. I love to hunt and farm. That's right. I love to farm. And with my job combo, I'd better. Can anyone say (Bullet)? I suck at crafting. Due to me constantly purchasing expensive consumables such as arrows and shihei, I never have the gil to do much crafting (and I wish I did because, makes a more well rounded character).

I really need to level NIN to 25 for my push to 50, so if anyone out there has any jobs in the 20's they wouldn't mind leveling with me somewhere, anywhere, please for the love of God let me know. I hate pick-up partys in Qufim. Not that all my experience with Qufim is bad, it just seems you have to go through 4 bad partys before you get 1 good one...and if anyone here knows how expensive NIN is to level, I don't have the gilzzzz to go through that.

Trizzoro likes killing large fleshy things such as Gigas and Rams, and hates skinny things like Wights. Why are they so damn tough? Anyhow, I am currently leveling my Marksmenship skills dualling some Worker Crawlers and Doom Scorpions in CN with my bud Blayze so if you see me there (I saw Sioux and Liu last night /wave) say 'ello!
#13 Sep 15 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
311 posts
My character is a lvl 26 mnk 20 war 7 thf galkan named Magvius. My character likes long walks in Valkurm Dunes with a female partner preferably mithra but hume and elvaan would be ok. (no taru tho I have had bad accidents stepping on them when we take walks):P Nah seriously I currently am training in yuhtunga jungle heading to 30 so i can mine without aggro in tahrongi> i am part of a growing ls called Pantheo. i have my most updated equipment you can take a look for yourself and see my gear in my profile. I also LOVE doing lv 1 fun runs thru Yuhtunga jungle, qufim island and delkfutts tower. Damn gobbies tho :P

Edited, Wed Sep 15 12:07:11 2004 by Magvius
#14 Sep 15 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
Catgirl is a level 49 MNK/24 THF. She's currently farming to buy Fuma Kyahan to complete her MNK gear. She's married in RL to Yoshinaka, who (in my opinion) is the best RDM out there! We just started a new static party that will kick off this weekend. We are members of 3 Linkshells, CloisterofWarriors, MeleeMages, and DragonArmy (nod to Ender).

I want to take this character all the way to 75, level THF to 75, and NIN/SAM to 37. MNK is so fun to play because it is completely out of character for me. I am not a violent person whatsoever, and the idea of walking up and smacking a mob is thrilling!

I have started leveling Alchemy and that has been pretty fun. I've started and finished many of the Jeuno quests while waiting for my static to get going. The Cook's Pride quest is finally done! (FYI - You can get Royal Jelly off the bee's at the beginning of the CN, don't bother with all the Rolanberry madness.)

So, I've taken to posting more on the boards lately. I've mafe new friends, finished Rank 5-1, helped a friend through Rank 5, and have had a great time!

And before I forget, I really need to kill Lumbering Lambert to get the final horn for my purple belt. I already purchased the belt but realized that you have to finish the quest in order to receive the quest for the brown belt. So if anyone wants to just hang out and kill Ram's with me and Yoshi, send us a /tell. We'd be glad to kick back and have some fun!
#15 Sep 15 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I am not a tank, a melee or a Damage Dealer
I hit like a 3 yr old girl
I don't understand or care about things like "SC" or "MB"
Althought I see monsters die a lot quicker

I don't have a Wyvern like Dragoon
I cannot SAnTA like a Thief
I cannot take punched like a Paladin
Nope, the last thing I am is a goon

Farming required me to kill things 1/2 my level
I Teleport people to far away places
When I escort people thru dungeons with sneak/invis
I sometimes need them more then they need me

I heal people among other things
I even bring people back from the dead
I have a suidide button
Which has been deceivingly called 'benediction'

my name is VIMIEN and

*for all of you who don't know the I AM CANADIAN ad, please brush up on your canadian

#16 Sep 15 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
83 posts
Hey everyone. I've been lurkin on the boards for a while and I guess this would be a good way to introduce myself.

My character is Kakashisan, a 32BLM/23RDM/13THF. I going to stop leveling for a while to start mining and maybe level up Cooking. I'm in serious need of new equipment and spells. I'm pretty broke. Always have been. I've never had more than 20K on me =\

I started out as a RDM but while lvling BLM for a sub, i couldn't get enough nukin the baddies. I've been trying to level up my THF to get Treasure Hunter but finding a decent PT in the dunes is agonizing.

I'm with Autobots linkshell. Great LS. We're always helpin each other and pt'n up together. Well, see you guys around Bismarck.

Edited, Wed Sep 15 13:57:09 2004 by Kakashisan
#17 Sep 15 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
73 posts
Sigmund is first and foremost a warrior. He likes nothing more than the thrill of battle. He finds equal joy in placing himself between hordes of enemies and his "more squishy" friends.

Even though I've been playing since a little after NA pc release my 32 warrior is my highest character. This is partially due to the fact I spend most of my time farming. I also sometimes just go "window shopping" in the AH. Before I realise it I spend hours just checking out different gear sets.

Another time waster I engage in (far too often) is LS chat. I have many friends in Nadesiko *waves to Yahira*. Its a great LS with tons of personable people I enjoy talking to and helping (I recieve far much more help than I give tho). This group makes doing painstacking activities much less so.

My primary subjob is monk. I love the added hp and vit the job gives. The abilities are also awesome. Anyone thats ever had thier life saved by a timely counter can attest to this! I also love leveling the monk job, very tough and damaging.

I also have thief and ninja level'd to take as subjob choices. Thief mainly for farming purposes, and if I'm ever called upon to do straight damage (sneak attack + sturmwind= happy Sigmund).

Since the new ninja job fad has caught on I've started leveling this job as well. Once I hit 50+ I may consider subbing it full time over monk, but we'll see. I'm not too found of playing either ninja or thief, but I play both to the top of my ability.

I don't do any tradeskills, they just dont interest me. I play games so that I can do things I can't do in real life. However this attitude may change, as I'm always poor. I try and get the best gear avaliable to me for any given level (within reason).

Sorry post is so long, I get on a roll and find it hard to stop.

Edited, Wed Sep 15 12:52:13 2004 by SigmundBismark
#18 Sep 17 2004 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Looks like I killed another thread. This one was promising too =(

Edited, Fri Sep 17 14:58:54 2004 by SigmundBismark
#19 Sep 18 2004 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
123 posts
sup dibirila, i partied with you a long time ago check your friends list im on it i wont be back till halloween to do the quest and go back to school.but ne way, im sephirothzero. currently rdm 30 drg 23 drk 13 whm 14 war 14 bst 3 smn 6 thf 5 and im about to do the ninja quest. im rank 4 with lvl 6 fame in san d oria. broke as ell as i only have 5k. and if ne one wants to help me get nin on bismarck plz pm me or reply to this. i need and escort to norg as i already have strange coral.
#20 Sep 18 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
My char is named Truebattousai i bet u cant guess what job i want to unlock already. im lvl 28 working on 29-30 maybe 31 b4 i unlock Ranger and Samurai. Im Elvaan male and the items i want the most is the Samurai Af items, but for Ranger leapiong boots and Hairpin i camp but can never get ><. Im ok at making money i just have to much stuff to sell in ah and most of it dont get bought and im stuck with stuff in there for 3 days wasting space. i do woodworking and on the brink of gettign to the second rank just need0.4 till test ^^. I personally hate Kazham like most othr Wars i think and i cant get a party for my life if i get the same thing going through with SAm might have to comit Ritual Sucide lol. Well thats my char Sam/rng in training. o yea for a lvl 29 Elvaan i got archery to lvl 40 i think thats pretty good due to im elvaan and a war.
#21 Sep 19 2004 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
Hi, I'm Sioux, and I have a problem. <_<
..... >_>
Oh wait, wrong forum.

I'm Sioux, an Elvaan from the Parisian city of San D'oria. I'm currently Rank 5, I have the Rank 6 mission set to go, if I can ever work up the guts to go to Fei'Yin. ^^
I'm a level 48 Red Mage, with a level 24 BLM sub. I also have a serious identity complex with my jobs, as my sig shows.
I absolutely love solo though, so RDM is my chosen job for the moment; I haven't been leveling it as much, because I've become selfconscious of my absolute love of melee.
(I still do my casting work, even if it means I never land a hit anyway because I'm always casting something ^^)

I'm in the Knights of Ronfaure linkshell, which is recovering from the mutiny it underwent, thank you to everyone who wished me well on that. It worked ;) Also thank you to our prodigal member Xanoxonax, whose presence always seems to inject new life into the LS.

I'm usually around Jeuno in the evenings, if not there I'm in one of my hangouts; Ordelle's Caves, Delkfutt's Tower or Rolanberry Fields. I love exploring, and am currently looking for new places to play in.

I love helping out new players, not so new players, and vets around my level that need help with something. Like I say, leveling is on the back burner for a little while ^^ So let me know if you need help with RSE, AF1, subjob items, whatever you need.

Because I wander so much, I have a tendency to run into the occasional untended NM, and I have a couple that I camp.
I've gotten the Golden Bat, Smothered Schmidt (>< that wasn't pleasant, I think the level estimate on Alla is a little off), Lumbering Lambert, Silk Caterpillar, Eurytos, Valkurm Emperor, and Bigmouth Billy back when I was level nine. It owned me ^^
Gho'Bhu Gascon also owned me at level 45, when I spotted him up on that hill and decided I really wanted my augury shell.
I rarely get drops ^^ But I love the thrill of spotting an NM.

I think that's it for me, I'll see you ingame ;)
#22 Sep 19 2004 at 6:29 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm in the Knights of Ronfaure linkshell, which is recovering from the mutiny it underwent, thank you to everyone who wished me well on that. It worked ;)

congrats on getting things back together with your linkshell. hope all goes well.
#23 Sep 19 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
347 posts
I am Izland 31 war 19 mnk 11 drk glakan I enjoy long walks on the beach oops i mean i kill stuff and get hit alot. I hate the dunes or what they have become. I'm either taking drk or war all the way to 75 just got rank 3-3. Im trying to serve Bastok proudly.
#24 Sep 19 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
159 posts
My name is Drowsorez. The name itself explains my passion for gaming. It is a tribute to one of the most underrated and yet, one of the best games in my opinion that square has ever made: Saga Frontier. If anyone is familiar with the game at all, you all know what the Zerosword is, and why it is so important.

I myself prefer not to get involved with melee combat though one day i probably will as a Taru experiment. For now, i spend most of the battle running around my party in circles singing and dancing my heart out as a bard. I have also had stints with BLM, WHM, and THF, all of with i have adored, but haven't had time to level. I am currently AFK from FFXI for scholastic reasons, but rest assured that this little taru will be back in action in no time. I am currently not associated with any LS, but I hope to be set up with a good one soon.

I haven't had the privalage of partying with many of you, but from what i gather in the posts on this forum, I hope it will be my privalege soon enough.


Edited, Sun Sep 19 23:27:59 2004 by Drowsorez
#25 Sep 20 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
Hi all!!

Teioh is an Elvaan from San d'Oria who has been around since the ps2 launch.My main was Warrior, but i went to level my Monk sub (again) and have fallen in love with it. I'm taking monk to at least level 50 (im a busy college student, which is why my levels are low for being on so long) and will be enjoying it all!!!

Um.... I am working on my smithing, but can't make anything but ingots and sheets so far :P

Send me a /tell if you see me around, i like meeting new people.

Also, if there's anyone who needs Rank 5 or wants to help me with it, let me know d(^^)b

p.s. - i've been a visitor here for a while, but finally got an account, so here i am!!
#26 Sep 20 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
i just sort of showed up out of nowhere =P

i've posted a little here and there not much. i knew a few of you have seen me on the server. names akara.

/tell if you want to chat anytime =)
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