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The Hijacking of a Linkshell: What to do?Follow

#1 Sep 13 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
(Crossposted to the main page; the more advice the better)

I started my first and only linkshell about a month and a half ago.

I bought it so that my 'set party', about five people in all, would have a convenient and easy way to talk to one another.
Most of us in this game have used linkshells; when you use a single shell for this long, you can get pretty attached to the people on it. I signed on in the morning to check in with my friends, so find out what I'd missed; I shared in the victories and defeats of my friends as we all reached level 30, took our advanced jobs, and leveled those 40+.

This was my in-game family. I'd do anything for them if I could, and we helped one another in the way the high-level, HNM linkshells rarely would. We were all friends, we had all partied together at some point, and it seemed that nothing could possibly ruin that.

And then, something did; or rather, someone did.

Q____ was a member of this LS, one of those I was slightly less fond of early on, but as time went on he proved very helpful to us. He was the highest level person on the LS, at 50.
He went through two in-game breakups while on my linkshell. I was sympathetic and kind in the face of it, and I held his hand through them along with most of the rest of the LS. I devoted time I could have spent farming, leveling or otherwise furthering myself in comforting Q___'s emotional problems.

And one day I hear that he's started his own LS. He rarely pops into mine, but when he does we're welcoming and eager to hear the news. He made the linkshell in celebration of a third in-game relationship; this time the girl agreed to marry him.

And one by one, he gave my LS members pearls. No big deal, I didn't mind, it was his LS and he had the right to give pearls to whomever he chose.
One day he gave a pearl to a member of my LS as I was standing right beside them, and declined to give one to me. I didn't even know he'd given this other member a pearl until after he had left.

But one day I signed on, and apparently he didn't know I was there. Another LS member, M____, was on with me; Q____ doesn't even KNOW this member. He left the linkshell before she joined, and hadn't been around her much.

"Hey M_____," he says over the LS. "Join us."

He had been coming onto my LS, and recruiting members for his own. Members that we were still getting to know left my linkshell to join his, possibly because he touted it as a 'high-level' linkshell that did BCNMs and the like.
Mine on the other hand is kind of the equivalent of an informal bar or club. No rules, just friends chatting with one another. When we did BCNMs it was spur-of-the-moment, sometimes ended in disaster, but we had fun.

It seems like a silly thing. But it has ruined the game for me.
Now, when I sign on, my linkshell is empty. I get tells from my friends, and they'll pop onto the old LS, "Because we don't want to leave you alone."

Somehow this makes me feel worse ><

In addition the only really loyal member of the LS, and a great friend of mine, recently left the game under bad circumstances. I miss him terribly, and if you see this (you know who you are), come on back man. It's not as bad as it seems, trust me, and everyone can make up and move on. Quitting is below you, man.

But in closing, does anyone have a suggestion of how I might get my old LS back together, short of promising things that are kind of silly ("We'll do BCNMS all the time guys, please come back.")?

And as a ps, anyone have a great LS I can join? :(
#2 Sep 13 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
i have one if u like to join

#3 Sep 13 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
Not much to do, really.
My old LS has broken up a couple of times, and not long ago it broke up for the last time. I went to my MH and put on every other pearl I had received to see which one I liked the best, I liked the HotukenKnights best, so I stayed, and threw the rest of them away.
Sometimes there's no other option but to move on, if that guy was an ******* to you even after you were there for him, he's not really worth your friendship, anyway, and even if he did invite you, I wouldn't join if I was you.
Good luck.
#4 Sep 13 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Hey Sioux, that sounds bad. Sorry to hear. My thoughts? Why would you want to continue and LS with people who left your LS for Q____'s anyhow?

My LS is MoonGladeII. It is a great LS (my third and final one so I have had other experiences). Everyone is nice, respectful, helpful (very helpful) and if you'd like to stop in and give it a try, send me a /tell and I can get you in touch of one of the sacholders. We do not actively recruit, but if we meet nice people and they would like to join, they are more than welcome.
#5 Sep 13 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
What??? The KnightsofRonfaure broke up?

I heard a LOT of good things about them...


Man (or Miss) I feel sorry for you, it should not have happened. I hope you find a new and better LS.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#6 Sep 13 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Excellent
642 posts
Hey Sioux,

I have to agree with Trizzoro 100%. Do you really want to have all those people who left you like that back in your LS? I'm sure even if they did come back, they'd just as soon leave with the next opportunity. If they had cared so much and not wanted to "leave you alone" I dont think they would have left in the first place. (But that's just my opinion and I might be way off).

On another note, I know how you must be feeling right now. I had a similar problem a while back to the point where even my own RL bf gave up on my linkshell because everyone had left and there were "never enough people on". But I stuck it out, most times sitting on my LS by myself while my BF was sitting right beside me chatting away with all his new friends. I was asked to join up with them several times but I always said no, because this was my LS and I wasn't going to give up on it. Now we have 11 members (small I know) but we are all great friends and we do just what you said your LS did. We have fun. do we do BCNM's? Yes, but someone will just pop on and say "Hey! who wants to BCNM?!?" and off we go, it makes the game more interesting.

My advice to you? If you really feel like leaving behind your old LS, by all means, you are more than welcome to join ours, we would love to have you. But, if you still feel like you can rebuild your LS, then wait it out. Sometimes it take s alot of Bulls**t before you find exactly where you want to be.

Whatever you decide, Good Luck to you! ^^
And if you would like to just pop in to our LS send me a /tell in game and i'll come give you pearl.
#7 Sep 13 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
610 posts
I'm really sorry about all that happened but I believe you need to see it from the other point of view also. Being as I know your story all too well, I wasn't surprised to see it pop up here. I could pretend that I don't know who this Q character is and who his new girl is but hey that would be a lie because in reality I'm the new girl.

You make everyone out to be horrible people but you need to understand what happened when you couldn't see them talking. Q asked them to join his new LS and didn't promise anything. He simply wanted his friends to come and meet other people out of that LS. Everyone even stated that they would be going back to your linkshell too because you are a great leader. Q in no way was trying to steal or "Hijack" your linkshell. It wasn't like that at all. And the people who left your linkshell are not bad people who just want a LS to help them with BCNMs because in reality we have yet to do a BCNM all we do is sit around and chat and laugh together like you said your old LS did. Q even said he offered you a linkpearl so you could come and check things out. I understand you when you didn't accept but I know your old members tried to make an effort to balance two LS. In the end they have mainly chosen to stay on this new one but no one made them, and no one promised them things if they came over.

I'm sorry about what has happened to your linkshell and I understand your pain. Perhaps I might look like the enemy at the moment but that is not at all what I wanted. I have only met you once but you really are a great person and no one was trying to hurt you when they did this. Having two LSs occurs a lot and thats all that was going to happen with this new LS is people could stop by but their home would be your LS. You also need to understand that making a new LS has nothing to do with me and Q, it was simply something he had wanted to do. And he in no way doesn't appreciate all that your LS did for him and all that you did for him also. In closing, I just hope that you can further understand things after my post. I hope it helps clear things up for you and as I stated I'm sorry for all that happened.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 18:20:52 2004 by Yekan
#8 Sep 13 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
353 posts
Drama. {Do you need it?}

Hell no.

My suggestion, though easier said than done, I know: /befriend those that matter and toss the rest to the wind. Apparently, he was no friend of yours (doesn't seem that stable of a person to start with o.O) and there's plenty of other LS's out there. Just give it time, you'll find your niche.

Best of luck to you.
#9 Sep 13 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
I understand yekan i 2 also know that we didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings we were just trying to create a linkshell were people could get to meet other people we have never met. We did not mean to close out your linkshell, besides its not yekans fault that it ended out that way.
I find it very admirable sioux that u didnt use Q_____ name...
#10 Sep 13 2004 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
Yekan, I have nothing against you hon; I don't know you that well, but I know you're a nice girl, and I don't think anyone in the situation is horrible. I do think Q__'s actions were dishonest and unkind, from my perspective.

What he said to me was: "I wanted everyone to be on the same LS."

But the fact is; all these people WERE on the same LS. I don't know everything that went on, as I was working a lot during the coup, and only knew something was up when I signed on to a deserted LS. Not until the comment was made to M___ in my presence did I know what exactly the deal was.

There's a guy on that LS now, F___. I know for a fact that Q___ was not fond of that guy, to say the least! But he's not on my LS anymore: he's using Q___'s pearl.

One of the major reasons I am taking this so personally is that Q___ did NOT offer me a pearl. I had to ask for one through someone that had left my LS. I used that pearl for one night, trying to put away my hurt and treat the situation for what it was, but the fact is that KoR *was* hijacked. Every member, irregardless of whether Q___ liked or knew them or not, was given a pearl to the new LS. It was an attempt at absorbing one linkshell into another.

It isn't a power thing; I have only ever broken one pearl, and it was Q___'s the day I realized what was going on. These people are my friends, I was just an LS member like everyone else. I just stand in a particular position to be upset, because I bought the linkshell ^^.

I never said anyone was a horrible person. I have absolutely nothing against you or anyone on that LS, I'm glad you are happy and that you have made Q___ happy. But this situation and that are completely seperate; the only person I have an issue with is Q____.

But as someone else said, Drama [do you need it?]
Nope. I don't.

Thank you to everyone who replied, I've gotten several offers for a new LS to join and will be making some /t-s. You take the medicine and you move on, but it remains that Q___ knew what he was doing; he knew it was something that would upset me, which is probably why I didn't get a pearl until I outright asked for one.

All this said, best of luck to you and Q____, Yekan. I still plan on attending the wedding if no one objects, and am willing to set aside all of this for that day.

KoR's shell will stay in my inventory, I'm not trashing that. All of these people still have a pearl, so should they decide to return in time, I will still be there.
#11 Sep 13 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Good
1,275 posts
I left the KoR LS a few weeks before this whole episode happened, and after watching it unfold, I'm sorry that I did. I still counted the Knights of Ronfuar LS members as my friends, and while I had my reasons for going, I never for a moment wanted to see the LS go through anything like this. The problem here is in Q_________'s intentions, which I don't believe were as innocent as Yekan sees them. There's a difference between offering people linkpearls and recruiting them off of another LS.

Its fine for people to have multiple LS's... hell, we all did on KoR (at least I think most of us had other LS's we went on now and again). The thing is that KoR was meant as a haven against just this sort of crap... the dramas and infighting that come along with larger, less personal groups. Like Sioux said, we're all friends, and while we occasionally got new members, there was a core group that made up the LS's heart. The hearts basically been gutted now, and no matter what Q_________'s intentions were, the result is that the KoR LS has suffered. Which is unfortunate. All of the good things people heard about it were true.

I'll go back to KoR, for one. My reasons for leaving are water under the bridge now, as far as I'm concerned.

[edit] I can't believe I'm saying this... >_>

To whom it may concern... maybe I was too quick to judge. If you want to come back to Bismarck, We'll see where it goes from there. You just need to make me a promise and stick to it, alright man?

Edited, Mon Sep 13 20:49:40 2004 by GailC
#12 Sep 13 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I'm very sorry about what happened to your LS.

But being a member from this LS i know the story quite well. I mean no offence by this, but you may have your lines crossed about why this new LS was created. Q_______ really wasnt much part of the decision. Q______ was only nominated by the members. PLeas understand that we all meant no harm to you by doing this and i hope you hold no grudges.

The best of luck to you.

(i wrote a much mroe intelligent sounding post but my internet died and i had re-type it...and im late for the hairdressers >< SOrry)
#13 Sep 13 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Good
Now that leads into more drama. First we have
it was simply something he had wanted to do

followed by
Q_______ really wasnt much part of the decision. Q______ was only nominated by the members

Sioux, you are really much better off without that kinda drama. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing, and someone is misleading/lying somewhere in the works (I'm not suggesting that anyone here is lying, just saying that SOMEONE in the situation isn't telling the complete truth for there to be such different stories.) When a LS comes to the point of he said/she said's time to move on. There are some great LS's out there you can try out, and you'll always have your old one that you can rebuild should you decide.

Best of luck to you, and just say NO to drama!
#14 Sep 13 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
225 posts
and someone is misleading/lying somewhere in the works (I'm not suggesting that anyone here is lying, just saying that SOMEONE in the situation isn't telling the complete truth for there to be such different stories.)

Oh no, i'm not suggesting that anyone is lying by any means (i dont think you meant it that way, i just wanted to clear that up). I was just saying that maybe Sioux was told something wrong.

the LS that me, Yekan and other various members were in all decided that we needed a new LS (I dont plan to discuss details as to why here however as it's not my place to say) and we all simply nominated Q____ as the leader, so it really wasnt Q_____ who wanted to start this LS in the first place.

Sorry for the confusion. My last post lacked everything but stupidity ><'
#15 Sep 13 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
That's what I meant Noxx, someone is doing some misleading behind the scenes. I believe that each of you three is telling the truth as you see it. Sioux was told (by some person not introduced in this thread)he started the LS to celebrate his new relationship, Yekan was told (by him assumedly) he started the LS because it was something he had wanted to do, you were told he started the LS (assumedly by the people who did the asking) because the rest of the people asked him to.

But then, it just doesn't add up. Why would he need to be asking people to join, if they were the ones that asked him to make the new one? And why would they come back to the old LS to keep Sioux "company" if they were all in on the decision to move everyone, save Sioux, to to the new one?

Bah, I don't wanna know don't tell me LOL. In the end, it just means Sioux better off without them and in a different LS. I'm sure the people were nice, but that's just not a very nice position to put someone in.
#16 Sep 14 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Default
103 posts
No offense to the people involved, but Sioux had a muddled or unsure view of what was going on, and that may just be the fault of those who went back and forth between LSs, leaving hers to slowly degrade because they wanted a new one for whatever reason. Honestly, it's not all that hard to say, "Hey Sioux, how 'bout we plan a BCNM for this weekend?".

I'd invite you to my LS Sioux, but I'm not always happy there myself. :/ I had a lot of pearls at one time, but I could never stick with one really, and eventually I ended up throwing a lot of them away since I hardly ever spoke to the people on them ever again (including EleusianHeroesBSD ; ;). I certainly hope you find a new LS and some new friends. It seems like there is (as Grim said) at least one or two people who weren't or aren't being clear and sending mixed messages and reasons for their leaving and Q's actions.

Really, not what anyone needs. All the best to you, be drama free.
#17 Sep 14 2004 at 3:47 AM Rating: Good
My suggestion. Start breaking some pearls of those you don't want to be able to come back to your linkshell. Then start recruiting for your linkshell again.

If people don't want to be someplace don't try to make em stay, not that you were, but don't even ask if they want to stay.

Send a tell to Devilsluck, Sheeba, or Zyrene if you are still linkshell searching, SoonerNation can always use a good person.

Good luck, and remember, it isn't your fault you were abandoned.
#18 Sep 14 2004 at 7:10 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I hardly ever spoke to the people on them ever again (including EleusianHeroesBSD ; ;).

What? LoL. You Threw away my shell?!?!?

*kidding* ^^

If you want to come back you're more than welcome to I know we had our rough times (as was stated above) but it's all for the better now :P

Either way I'll still keep up the /wave-fest ever time i see you ^^
#19 Sep 14 2004 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Well Sioux its good to know you have nothing against me, I got scared for a minute there. I really didn't want that to happen at all. But as everyone else has stated the drama really isn't worth it. In all a new LS was started mainly from my old LS and Q was nominated leader. As to his recruiting from your LS I don't know much about it just what others have told me (which amounts for the confusion here and conflicting stories). But I do know that you are a great member and no matter what LS you choose you will fit in well there. I also believe that recruiting new members could turn out to be a great idea because your LS has created a great name for itself. Good luck and I'm sorry for all of this that happened.
#20 Sep 14 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
103 posts
What? LoL.  You Threw away my shell?!?!?

*kidding* ^^

If you want to come back you're more than welcome to I know we had our rough times (as was stated above) but it's all for the better now :P

Either way I'll still keep up the /wave-fest ever time i see you ^^

Well you know, I'm a Bard and the MH gets kinda full and... >.>;;;

But I would love another pearl! You're on my friends list for a reason. :)
#21 Sep 14 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,275 posts
I also believe that recruiting new members could turn out to be a great idea because your LS has created a great name for itself.

The problem with this whole situation is that the members of the LS were the reason for the great name. Not to sound pretentious (I suppose it's unavoidable saying this) but membership was very selective. It was a very small, very tight knit, and very fun LS to be in. Recruiting new members was never a big priority: if we found somebody we thought was astonishingly cool (like the Chibikaiser, for instance, or the narcoleptic-yet-mighty Hitokiribatousi), we tossed a pearl their way.

"Recruitment" will be a slow process. It doesn't need to be said, but KoR is still there for those of you who helped make it what it was (and what it still is. Took me a while to really see that, and I think I missed out on a lot of great things by leaving when I did).
#22 Sep 14 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
endsville wrote:
but I'm not always happy there myself. :/

Thats interesting....

#23 Sep 24 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
Hey Sioux next time i see you ill give a /tell, you can join our ranks it sounds like our is much like yours is called ForgottenDream!!!, happens a lot, I have seen the birth and deaths of many LSs in my time on bismarck.
#24 Sep 24 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Seriously, this is a game, and I left EQ for this game because of mega uber drama that was unfolding because of where we were in EQ. (And what did I do? form my own linkshell ><) Anyways...

My advice would be to either take the server transfer, or start fresh and just say "fook dat" to the people who you feel "betrayed you." (can't remember if you used the word betrayed, but I would in your shoes). Forget them, disengage them, and move on. If Q whatever decided to start a new LS and covertly moved everyone over to his one by one there has to be some other underlying reason.

I started a linkshell and took all the good (and mature/older) people from the other linkshell I was in. However, I did this because the leader of the other linkshell was a pompus, begging, help me help me, 12 year old brat (Kitesan). One member offered me 2k so he could be in on "the management" and the rest of them practically humped my large elvaan leg(s).

Anyways...A) There has to be a reason they moved, I simply don't buy all the "nice nice" talk up above, B) I'd ask myself why they all moved and if you don't like the answer or you don't care...disengage them and forget them, start over. I myself like starting over, that's why I left EQ for FFXI to see what trouble I could get into.

Good Luck...I hope it all works out or you find some peace of mind. Drama is for Real Life...not for video games (unless it's a cut scene)><

#25 Sep 24 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Things like this happen and you realise who your true friends are.

Drama. {Do you need it?}

Hell no.

My suggestion, though easier said than done, I know: /befriend those that matter and toss the rest to the wind. Apparently, he was no friend of yours (doesn't seem that stable of a person to start with o.O) and there's plenty of other LS's out there. Just give it time, you'll find your niche.

I understand what you must be going through. You must feel so alone and neglected and I'm sorry everyone left you like that. ; ; It sounds to me like this Q guy needs to find himself or something and get his head in the right place...
#26 Sep 24 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Ok, I got rated down hard for the only two posts I made on this thread which simply reiterated what others before me said and got rated ^up^ for.

What's the deal?

If you have a problem with what I said, who I am, or anything of such consequence that you would rate me down for it, say so. The karma system works to eliminate rude, idiotic, and meaningless posts. And if my posts were of this caliber, explain yourself as to why you thought so, please. I'd really like to know.

Edited, Fri Sep 24 20:24:30 2004 by endsville
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