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Gilfarmers...need to be stopped.Follow

#52 Sep 20 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,624 posts
I think a new group has shown up, the Mimi(insert word here) group. Anyone care to look into it?
#53 Sep 21 2004 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
My question is this:

What can we do to stop gil farmers and point stealers (usually they go hand in hand)? Is there a way to prove to SE or POL that they are farming to sell? I agree that they need to be stopped. Their influence on the economy seems to be increasing and it will hurt us all in the end.
#54 Sep 21 2004 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
On that note, i have a story to relate:

I was in quifum one day and got an invite from a pt in which all the members spoke in broken english...and they were all /anon. Didn't think much of it, i mean, they could just be quiet japanese players. When i meet up with the party, i soon discover that not a single one of these players has any weapon, armor, or items that are above lvl 10...and the galka tank was the only one that had lvl 10 armor. Everyone else was using low level equipment. Wow, this strikes me as being very bad, but i roll with it. I soon find out however that we're being powerleveled by a 60+ WHM. Even though the battles were horribly slow (the other war had a Wax sword...WAX!), we were getting 200 xp a kill and i decided to stick with them.

Now that the story is told, here is my point: This was quite probably a gil-farming group that was getting power-leveled by either a high level in the group or a bought character. The main thing i noticed, however, was that they all had seemingly random-generated names which makes me think that they didn't want to come off as gil-farmers(the names were neither japanese, nor american based letter patterns, probably generated by the SE name generator).

Because of this i have zero hope of SE solving this problem anytime soon. I mean, how is SE going to know that this random-name generated group could be the gil-farmers? It also made me realize that, due to the random-name generator, almost any group of mid-high level players could be a gil-farming group that will never be even noticed because they always party with the same people every time. They came off as normal enough to me, as i didn't even consider this fact until after the pt broke up.

My 2 cents, submitted.

#55 Sep 21 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
I know for certain that the Jerry group recently started doing this, and is not randomized. I asked my "Jerry" contact about this through one of my rw friends who play this game, and she said that the Jerry said they are starting to do this now in response to growing player harassment. My source, who must remain anonymous, has a secondary character now who is based off of his english name...

They are getty-wetty very sneaky-weaky, aren't theyentaru?
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#56 Sep 21 2004 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
I know for certain that the Jerry group recently started doing this, and is not randomized. I asked my "Jerry" contact about this through one of my rw friends who play this game, and she said that the Jerry said they are starting to do this now in response to growing player harassment. My source, who must remain anonymous (I protect my sources like all good reporters from the enemy lines^^), has a secondary character now who is based off of his english name...

They are getty-wetty very sneaky-weaky, aren't theyentaru?

Edited, Tue Sep 21 11:29:38 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#57 Sep 21 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry, did a double post thing^^

Edited, Tue Sep 21 11:23:39 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#58 Oct 22 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
In defense of the Zooe's they are actually very nice. I know because they are in my LS:ClanOverkill. They speak japanese, chinese and english, and yes they do farm, but mostly they level as a static pt. Im sure if you spoke to them and asked them to stop sellin for such a high price, then they would comply, instead of just slapping them every time you see them(like i see people do to the Jerry's and Tom's all the time). They are very nice and that might just be the price they keep selling at because you all keep buying maybe?

Thank you
#59 Oct 22 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I honestly dont think that us 20+ posters on this forum can do anyting about Chineese people selling gil.

I camped Maaj and all the GM did about the gil farmers and botters was to not let Maaj spawn for another 24 hours. Hey! That hurts us too.

Its a really bad situation we are in. I feel so helpless just watching these Jerrys and Zooes running arround.
#60 Oct 22 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with most everyone on this issuse. However, we are powerless to do anything about this unless a majority of the Bismark server helps fight the problem (Good Luck).

Now with the painful truth in place, let me throw out a theory that i tossed around with a couple of LS buddys one night.

I have never called a GM on gilsellers for MPKing Training etc, but from what I've read on forums and heard IG, I'd be just as well off sending a /tell to myself. However SE has to know that something is up, the GM's have recieved god knows how many complaints on the matter. So why don't they do anything about it?

Well, it's in SE's best interest to keep the gilsellers in the game. Why? Simple. Time and Money.

With the gil sellers owning the market on many of the better items (i.e. Archer Ring and therefore Sniper Rings) they have been able to raise the cost of these items to a point that has made many ppl sick (myself included). But, many will still farm and craft until they can afford these insanly high priced items.

What does this mean for the players that don't buy gil? Much more time spent farming/crafting up the money to buy these items. That equates to more money for SE as we spend more time farming/crafting before we do anything else, like lving or questing, so we can have that one 'key item'. So instead of a player quitting the game after a year because they more or less 'finished'it (which means less money for SE) That same player is still a long ways off from doing everything they wanted because at one point they had to stop lving and go farm for 3 months to buy a set of rings.

So I have almost an equal amount of hate for SE as I do gilsellers. I don't care if selling gil is their only source of income, get a real job. But SE is no better. For allowing these <insert noun here> to ruin the market and for not enforcing their own rules, shame on you SE.

Peace and goodluck /wave
#61 Oct 22 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts
Im sure if you spoke to them and asked them to stop sellin for such a high price, then they would comply, instead of just slapping them every time you see them

Normal people price gouge also, not just the Zooe's, not fair to ask them to sell something for low, when you are farming you want the most for your effort. If indeed Zooe's are not gillsellers.

You all should be worried more about the new trend of Gill company buying up accounts from high level people leaving the game. My LS mates have been trained by level 67s gil farmer during phantom worms competition. Fortunately they were 75 and the train resulted in the trainer's own death, but anyways. This is what it has come to. If you don't know phantom worms take about 5k to pop so if they steal your mob, litterally they're stealing your money.

Edited, Fri Oct 22 16:23:08 2004 by Bowser
#62 Oct 22 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
In defense of the Zooe's they are actually very nice. I know because they are in my LS:ClanOverkill. They speak japanese, chinese and english, and yes they do farm, but mostly they level as a static pt. Im sure if you spoke to them and asked them to stop sellin for such a high price, then they would comply, instead of just slapping them every time you see them(like i see people do to the Jerry's and Tom's all the time). They are very nice and that might just be the price they keep selling at because you all keep buying maybe?

i could care less if they are the nicest people in the game, so what if they lower the price a little i would rather camp the thing and work hard to get it for free than to farm for 4 months instead of 5 to get an item that got lowered from 5 mil to 4 mil, yeah some may be nice but zooe or not they are all LOSERS for wanting to take the fun out of a game and have no life by trying to make a living off it, i hope all u gil sellers get banned and lose ur income
#63 Oct 22 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
lol sry for the violence but its just my opinion i 100% hate all of them cause they ruin it for NA players who never get a chance they just see the nm spawn in pink cause it already claimed. i met a level 20 zoooe in yughott grotto farming ashmaker and if any of u read the story u know what i did =P i trained about 4 cursemakers, 2-3 fighters, and a crap load of gruntz, neckchoppers etc he thought i was farming he thought wrong i used a scroll of instant warp and when i came back he was gone so yeah i plan on doing it again if i see any toms jerries or anymore zoooes
#64 Oct 22 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
Im sure if you spoke to them and asked them to stop sellin for such a high price, then they would comply

Gam, you're wrong. I tried that. Many times. And it didn't work. They just ignore English and won't teach me enough Chinese to say anything to them. Haven't you noticed all the time I make gil seller jokes? Yeah, I made more in tells. Lots more.
#65 Oct 25 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,592 posts
alrite i guess ur right "seeker" (lol dunno if u want ur in-game name said?) but that one zooe who does speak english is nice, the one that was on last nite/morning for them?
#66 Oct 25 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
1,805 posts
I can't confrim how "nice" the zooe's are..but i've partied with them twice...and both times they did something to get our party killed. The Dark Knight i partied with once early in the 40's and recently when i hit 50..both times ended up in death due to her casting spells on a group of linking mobs.

Some people just don't care if they're gil farmers or not, personally you see it two is that this is how these people pay some bills is by playing this game. a sense is a sweet deal.

Then you got people who want to play the game and these gil farmers sit there and camp just to make things even more diffcult.

Two sides to it..bottom line is that we're stuck with these gil farmers. The Tom's, The Apples, the Jerry's, The Zooe's etc..if someone gets upset and quits the game S.E. don't care.

If an entire server goes down becuase of these gil farmers? Maybe they'd care..but really unless constant complaints are given to S.E. by a large large number of people saying they will quit...not much we can do but bite the bullet and go with it.
#67 Oct 25 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I think it's partly the gilfarmers fault for making it so obvious that a group of them are working together by naming their characters the way they did. I mean come on, you'd think they would at least choose original names to make it less obvious.

We also have to take into consideration that these people are not the only ones who are gil farmers. IGE offers to BUY gil as well as sell it. So any one of us could be tempted to trade in the gil for some easy cash (well, if you call 11.00 /100k easy).

#68 Oct 25 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
I think that in all honesty Square-Enix has one hell of a lawsuit concerning the use of their "property" without their consent. That property being intellectual property (gil) as written lines of code that people are trading for money that S.E. has retained its rights to. It would be a very 'grey' case but I believe to be very winnable. I do NOT think that S.E. would ever pursue such a litigious course due to the fact that they are in business to make money and suing the crap out of everyone in sight drives their profit margin into the toilet. A pal of mine who plays Star Wars Galxies informed me that they have a problem very similar to the one we face. The solution was the banning of any accounts, who after being investigated, were found to be involved in the buying and selling of virtual currency. You are all correct, this is a HUGE problem and one that will most likely see its end long after we are done playing this game. I do not cheat and never will and will beat these world-raping bastards the old-fashioned way. Through determination and perserverance.
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