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A newbies opinon of the state of FFXI and of BismarkFollow

#1 Sep 06 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
As you can tell, I'm new to the game, under the name minitanterium. I've been playing for a month now, this is my second character that I started, him being a lvl 7 WHM Taru.
I just downloaded the WOW stress test and I notice a very very large difference in this game and that game.
This game seems to be so player driven, with a newb like me able to find and recieve help almost immediately after asking for it. Just today I needed a escort and I found someone who brought me, free of charge from Sandy to Windy. Things like that make this game great and fun no less. I thought I'd become a big player in the game eventually, but lately I've realized my path probably will be to find a decent level and become a mentor or helper towards the newbs taht come in later down the line.
Enter WOW however, and the scene changes. When I logged on, to two different servers, I found nothing but swearing, put-downs and things that just killed the game. Newbs were ridiculed, people were greedy, and just by that initial impression I found that I probably will not pay for WOW and stay with FFXI.
Just though I'd share my thoughts with you,
Thanks for being a great server Bismark!
#2 Sep 06 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Happens in all Blizzard games. Take a look at Diablo 2
#3 Sep 06 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good

I agree on the helpfulness of people in this game. I remember being new, and making that godawful run from Knightswell all the way up to Westgate, with a furious Goblin Fisher on my butt.

Someone voked the fisher, and someone else did a driveby heal as I went flailing by. I never did forget that.
And I think it's part of this culture in the game, it's hard to pin down; something about it makes you want to help people. Maybe because of the random acts of kindness recieved at early levels.

I've made a hobby out of 'gate guard', or standing around at panic zones waiting for zoned mobs. It thrilled me when I was able to kill the Qufim ghouls, because helping out the people in Qufim seemed like an important way to help.

Recently I took a new RDM 'under my wing', giving him 3k when he was still level 2, and teaching him how to use the auction house to make money. My protege is now in Valkurm Dunes, and it makes me very happy that he knows to use food at this early level, and has someone to nag him about keeping his spells up to date ^^

I think the same things that make us curse certain zones -- the level 30 smithies in Yuhtunga, the evil gobs that populate Valkurm -- are the same things that encourage us to be helpful once we're high enough level to actually kill the stuff.

That panicked run to Westgate gets repeated a million times in this game. And remembering that sense of panic is sometimes enough to make you stop, get out your bow, and shoot the mob that's ruining someone's day.
#4 Sep 06 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Well, each player death contribute to the beastmen horde totals, so I'd like to think the Conquest system has something to do with the nature of the game and the way we play it :)
#5 Sep 06 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Good
Much of my generosity ingame is spawned from an innate desire to help people any way I can. I can remember many a sad time I had to pass a body by, only to be able to shout for a Raise to the <pos>. The day I got Raise I was so happy, I went looking for anyone I could to Raise, haha.

It is true, I can never forget the kindness that higher level players have shown me when I was just a fledgeling. I'm more than happy to pass that on to others.

There's a duality to that, when I'm in one of those nasty zones, like the dunes. It just feels so darn good to take out wave after wave of those suckers that used to have me for lunch! *grins*
#6 Sep 07 2004 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
Yep, I was addicted to D2 for a LONG time and I'm sure one day I'll give it a try again. But after quitting a LONG time ago (while waiting for the infamous 'patch', v1.10, I think it was...) and coming to FFXI, I realize it's definitely a superior game. Yea, I know it's a MMORPG as opposed to whatever the hell D2 was, but it's still better. I also was an avid Starcraft and Warcraft player, so my experience with Blizzard is a well-rounded one.

I'm not quite sure how well WoW is gonna do, but if it has the same problems as D2 (countless duped items, cheap PK tactics) I'll be glad to stay away from it. Yes in D2 they did ban a sh*tload of accounts for duping items (which IMHO is a very respectable thing to do) but Blizzard would always take a year and a day to fix the problems plaguing their games and by that time, people got fed up and left.

Then again to be honest, if I had a comp that would run WoW, I would probably give it a try. But I don't, so I'll be sticking with FFXI and it's great, culturally diverse community for as long as I can (can't wait for CoP ^^).
#7 Sep 07 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
All blizzard games end up like that. Not only are the koreans 1000 times ruder/crueler than the japanese on FFXI, but the way the games are made they discourage teamwork, and everyone ends up backstabbing each other, its horrible. I used to play Diablo 2 and it was fun in its own right, but the way most people acted there was disgusting. FFXI has so many cool people and nice people to meet its head and shoulders above anything Blizzard could ever make IMO. It's nice to actually have some kind of storyline as well.
#8 Sep 07 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
im in the stress test now for WoW and honestly after the initial install i played for a while and i just didn't "connect". I'll try it again, maybe tonight with the downtime.

It just didnt seem as immersive as FFXI is. again i need to give it more time before forming complete judgement.

I may/may not try EQ2, never played the first one. But i dont think it will take the place of FFXI.

The one good thing about the WoW stress test is that by signing up for fileplanet i got access to the tribes: Vengeance beta. now there's some fun :) Still holds nothing against the original tribes though
#9 Sep 08 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I have played Diablo 2 and to me it wasn't as cooperative as you have to be in FFXI. U cna cooperate with each other but pk thing I DID not like. i prefer to stay with FFXI.

Edited, Wed Sep 8 12:17:57 2004 by Magvius
#10 Sep 08 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with TseTsao (SP?) I couldn't get any hlep, no one was replying to my mesasges, nothing on WoW. Maybe its a good thing I spent the 17 hours downloading the darn thing, if nothing else so I can save myself 50 dollars plus 12.95 a month and just stay with this game.
#11 Sep 08 2004 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
I played D2 for awhile, PimpZilla the Barb will go down in D2 history. But, I left because it got boring. :o

Anyway, onto my rant. I remember when I had just hit 18. Leveling in Valkurm at Siren Sands with a pt of low level friends, friends long since gone. Anywho, We were leveling..All of us hit 18 and we decided to quit while we were ahead..Who knew about what the next Pug or Goblin would do to a buncha subjobless level 18ers.

But, a PLD level 50+ seemed to be bored, and was healing us. I guess he/she was waiting for bogys to spawn dunno. Was a female elvaan, So I'll say she. Valkery. She took me to Gusgen mines after we finished, and got me a magicked skull. For no reason at all, and told me what subjob I should use. And I listened closely. But, Yeah..That's the first act of goodness from someone to me that I did not know, All the other times were from a friend that made me get the game. rofl..

Cheers to you, Valkery. If you're still out there.
#12 Sep 09 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
I remember doing much the same as you all have stated. Once I hit level 25 with my White Mage I ran out to Valkurm and was raising for 4 days (Real Time) just because I knew how horrible it was to lose that exp and wait and wait for a raise because you forgot to set HP.

I also remember when I was a level 25 warrior and I was getting Kazham keys I had no idea where the Giddeus key could be dropped and a level 35MNK took time out of his schedule to help me and my friend get the key. He told me he didn't want anything in return other than a promise from us both that when we hit higher levels we will return the favor to another lower level.

Ever since then I have been helping out anyone that I can. Mainly just LS members but if anyone stops to ask me for help on anything I will usually drop anything to help them out. Because for every act of kindness you perform another one will be done in return to someone else. I think that is how come people in this game are so kind and helpful (most of the time). Because when a higher level helps you out and doesn't expect a payment, you somehow want to repay them back, even if it is indirect.

Edited, Thu Sep 9 11:15:37 2004 by Yekan
#13 Sep 09 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
This is weird that you brought this up. I find this server the exact opposite. Now, please do not get me wrong, I have made some great friends, and whenever I run into people from Alla in game they are always cool, most wave and some even say a few words.

But, as a whole, if you /shout you don't get any help typically. Some people are just downright rude and annoying.

I came from EQ and whenever you /ooc there would be 4 people who would /ooc the answer to your question, almost competeing to see who knew the answer. It's just not like that here. Another great thing was people would respect your camps, if you did a /ooc (/ooc = /shout) Camp Check please? People would claim their camps, and if the camp you wanted, be it exp or for a rare drop, people would respect that and you'd just ask to be let know 20 minutes before they left so you could lay claim to the spot (even platinum sellers wouldn't get in your way until you were done).

Here, you find 6 people surrounding a mob's spawn point, and groups camping on top of each other in the common exp spots.

Fortunately, this game is way more fun and absorbing then any other MMORPG I've played before. But, there are drawbacks to this game's culture, that is for sure.

#14 Sep 09 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
My BF is also doing the stress test for WoW. You know what? He played it for 2 hours the first day, and maybe 5 minutes the next and I never saw him touch it again. I'll have to ask him about that tonight.

**And I was worried he was going to leave FFXI for WoW..pfft :P
#15 Sep 26 2004 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
I think that the majority of the population of people on Bismarck want to help people out. I really like the feeling I get when I save someone by killing a monster for them. ^^
That is probably why I started a LS for people who like to do just that, help people out. My goal is to get people from all over Bismarck to join together and help out. Any help is welcome, so if you want to join, give me a /tell, or respond to this. My charector's name is Aerwen.
#16 Sep 28 2004 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
FFXI is got a built in "Karmatic Reward System" that did a great job weed out the over aggresive players by making the game play very team oriented. This system of check and balances effectively stops "*******-ism" that happens alot in other multiplayer rpgs such as Diablo 2.

Almost anything that's highly beneficial requires cooperation between players. There are very few things that you can do alone that gives you nearly as much benifit if done in a group. From exp partying to completing AF quest to high ranking missions and to do BCNMs, they all require help from other people. This discourages people from being rude to others. Any rude/incompetant player will be identified by their reputation and shunned from any beneficial group activities. In other game you live or die by the item you wear or how fast your reflex or how fast your physical machine runs. (Anyone played Diablo 2 click-fest for boss drops?) In this game you live and die by your reputation.

Overall I am very satisfied with this reputation based system. It really brings out the civil-ness in every player like a true functional society.
#17 Sep 28 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
good one!
#18 Sep 28 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
Good Job picking FFXI over WOW, i lost a FFXi friend to WOW T_T.
#19 Sep 28 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
yea, thats what i really like about ffxi over D2

ffxi is so very team and people based, that with out other people you definitly would never get really far, or you would just be so bored that you would quit.

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