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Finale With LizyFollow

#27 Sep 28 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
perhaps you guys are giving sympothy because you have a subconcious misconception that lizy is a girl and thats just how us guys are. but to clear up any confusion a member of my linkshell said he actually knows lizy in rl (enemies). lizy is guy. and before you go feeling sorry for him i noticed he bought a 1.3 mil hawkers knife+1. was that his money or money he tricked people out of and they didnt post it on these message boards? we may never know. but this guy has been a complete asshat and my suggestion would be for him to take his gil and go out on a date with the world shifter.
(i too had a bad experience with this person but it was in a party, he didnt jip me, so i wont wast your time witht he story).

Edited, Tue Sep 28 14:57:23 2004 by NinjitsuSan
#28 Sep 28 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
I would like to add something, a large numbers of Bismarck players are from Kuwait and plays in Cyber Cafes, same as Lizy. Please keep this in mind when you considered his reasons.

An instant of Cyber Cafes politics is when one person glanced over at another's screen and saw him camping Aquarius and was waiting for back up. Said person called up his LS member in the area to come and claim it and ultimately got the mob.

Cyber Cafes are a whole different experience regarding securities and should be considered into the fact if you have doubts about whether Lizy's friend happen to have the account. How could someone be so stupid to let his friend used his account for malice? well might not happen at home but in a cyber cafes maybe.

another funny story is when sigmurgh got claim by a group of kuwaitis in the same cyber cafe and I tried to get a Kuwaitis friend to come down to the cyber cafe and pull their plug hehe, it was wishful thinking, but was funny nonetheless.

Lizy might not have ever been playing in a cyber cafe, I do know he's from Kuwait but haven't asked about cyber cafe, so please just keep this in mind.

PS. Kuwaitis are amongst the highest and best equipped English speaking players on this server if you have ever seen them around. This is by no mean calling them thieves but someone might be having fun at Lizy's expense.

Edited, Tue Sep 28 16:48:25 2004 by Bowser
#29 Sep 28 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
I'm sorry but the cyber cafe thing makes me trust the person less to know that some asshat could ***** something up at any given time.

If you don't trust the person next to you to "do the right thing" when you get up.../logout

#30 Sep 28 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
It really doesn't matter if LizyPlayer1 is a saint and would never do bad, when LizyPlayers2-4 are evil people who delight in doing bad. Would you invite someone into your group if you only had a 20% chance of getting the "good" player? I sure wouldn't.
#31 Oct 01 2004 at 1:02 AM Rating: Decent
It doesn't matter about the past right?

I can tell you for certain that it's also the present. There will be no forgiveness on my part when it comes to Lizy. I will do whatever it takes to bring this character down.

Let me share with you my experiences on this fateful day. For those of you know me on the Bismarck server, I'm probably one of the nicest guys you will know, and I will do whatever I can to help. Yes, I have a lot, but like I said I want people to have a good time.

To that end, I was leveling my whm/blm at CN and got invited to a PT. Lizy was in the PT. He and a friend by the name of Inamoto. The PT was going well, and I got several checks from Lizy. I have a lot of good gear, and asked about my history.

Lizy goes on to say that they are doing a BCNM today at 3PM EST. and that they needed one more person. Having participated in this several times I thought nothing of it. Everyone at this BCNM will get to keep their loot for the orb that they use was the rule which I thought was odd, but ok.

Well I got to go last. Again another red flag I noticed was that Lizy went first and she had quartermastered. Anyway, after completing the fight, I get the mother of all drops. Erase, Phalanx, Nemesis Earings and a bunch of other stuff. As I'm healing something was said in another language. As I'm trying to lot for my items, I get disbanded, and they port out.

The bottom line, it was about 500k worth of stuff. The money wasn't that important to me but I guess the principal is. I promptly call a GM only to be told to be basically told too bad so sad and that they will look into it. The money like I said is no big deal as I can get it back; the seals, the orb, and the time to go make the run to the BCNM was probably the toughest thing to swallow.

That was horrible, and I could have spent that time like I said helping others or leveling my stuff. I tried to ask the other "PT" members for help, and 3 of them logged, and the other 2 said for me to stop sending them tells because they know nothing about it even though it's in the log.

I guess I just turned and I'm a lot less trusting than before, what a sucky way to learn a lesson about people in this server. I mean, I can't "bot-fish", gil-farm or anything else, but it's ok for other people to steal and waste other player's time?!?

What a load of garbage. If you guys think the past is the past with Lizy, please think twice. I was probably the wrong guy to ***** with now.

Here's the PT so be careful:

Tejinashi, Anibus, Gaidaigoji, Inamoto, and of course our favorite Lizy.

Guys take care and peace.

Edited, Fri Oct 1 02:09:59 2004 by sansrew
#32 Oct 01 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Sansrew, is that your in game name? If not, tell me your in game name. I'll make sure that I get to the bottom of this. As I posted before, Lizy and I made quick friends. It's going to be my mission to get you your drops back. Send me a /tell in game.
#33 Oct 01 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
172 posts
Here's an encounter with Lizy that I had, and I've had many of them. Lizy never did anything that actually hurt my overall position in the game, but check this out:

I'm going to head to Castle Oztroja as my RNG to camp Mee Deggi The Punisher. I just got done camping Valkurm Emperor, where I first saw Lizy. I knew Lizy was a THF with TH2, so I ask Lizy if he wants to come along and help me get the claim and split the loot. He was just getting off the Ship to Mhaura and he agreed, but he had to go to Windurst and change his SJ to WAR.

As he was going to Windurst, I made my way up to Mee Deggi's spawn area. Lizy sends me a tell saying "If you get the drop while I'm in Windurst, you're still going to give me half the money right?" I took it as a joke and just kind of said "lol...right..." Lizy apparently wasn't joking because he said it takes time to go to Oztroja and that's time he could have spent doing other things. I said "Ok, I'll give you 10k for your effort of going to Windurst and changing your sub if I get the drop while you're not here" He wasn't satisfied with that arrangement. I finally said "How about you just get here, so we don't have to worry about that situation" I assume he had nothing to say to that. A 45 THF can't even kill Mee Deggi, and would probably have a rough time even killing the placeholders...

So at that point, I'm kind of like why the hell did I even bother, but I decide to give him another chance. He finally arrives in Oztroja and I send him an invite. Somehow, someway.. he wasn't able to accept it, so he sends ME the invite. Again, another red flag, but I accept it anyway. Lizy finally arrives at the NM camp.

A few placeholders later, Mee Deggi appears and I provoke it. The NM's name turns red to me, and Mee Deggi attacks me a few times. I finally start to engage it, and I get a message that says "Your target is already claimed" This all happened within a matter of maybe 2 seconds, but another camper was somehow able to provoke it while I had it claimed.

It was the infamous NM glitch, I suppose, but I politely start to ask the other camper that provoked it if I can have it back, her name was Almie I believe (A female elvaan), and before I can send a tell, Lizy is dropping the F-bomb like crazy on Almie and her friend. Great, there goes ANY chance I MAY have had of getting the NM back. Almie didn't take Lizy's reaction too well, and started getting kind of crappy toward me. Whether she would have gave me the claim back, I'll never know.. I didn't EXPECT her to because of a server glitch, but any chance I may have had was completely erased by Lizy's choice of words. This happened probably..2 months ago?

The other day I was camping Valkurm Emperor and, of course, Lizy was there. Lizy sends me a tell asking if I wanted to team up. I said "No thanks, your reputation on this server isn't so good, you know?" I asked him why so many people disliked him and he said "None of the stuff that people say on the message boards is true. They think I'm a gil seller and that makes them mad. They make up stories about me to try to make me look bad." So basically anyone that posted any story about Lizy ripping them off is a liar in Lizy's eyes. I'm not in a position to determine whether or not it's true, but all I can say is: I know my story is true.
#34 Oct 01 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
chopss if its any consolation, if the other player hadnt stole the claim and you had gotten the drop, youd probably be much more heart broken because lizy would have booted you. in a way id be glad that it was stolen or lizy may have gotten 650k richer. and i dont think hes a gil seller cause gil sellers dont buy million gil weapons. hes just a greedy asshat.
#35 Oct 01 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
919 posts
LIZY FROM KUWAITTE?! LOL ! I think not ! One night me and him were camping leaping lizzy and im like Hey! Girls Gone Wild Infomercial is on. i told him to go to E! channel, he did and it was on so he cannot be from kuwaitte.
#36 Oct 01 2004 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
282 posts
He's from Kuwait, this was proven by many Kuwaitis that know him irl, there are alot of them running around, most are very high level and have very good reputation. Lizy's just the bad apple I guessed.
#37 Oct 01 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
To clarify there are 2 different people with similar names: Anibus and Anubus...

ANUBUS with a U is a very good guy in my LS he's a level 35ish WHM.

#38 Oct 01 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Lizy is from Kuwait. There was a Kuwaiti on my linkshell who said that he knew Lizy personally and knew the Internet cafe where Lizy played, so unless my LS-mate was lying too, yes, Lizy is from Kueait.
#39 Oct 02 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
there is also an Anubislg, in no way affiliated with the evil one you guys are talking about. so please dont confuse him with that guy.
#40 Oct 04 2004 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
I actually wanna give my point of view on the hole matter...
Lizy as a really nice guy and he is from KUWAIT!
He didnt not steal any hairpin, he is a very good player and a nice person, just that if you bash him he dont take it to well!
And i wouldnt understand why he needed to steal a Hairpin since he is one of the best damn campers on Bismarck on Valkurm Emperor!

Well thats what i know please kill me if you want but im in on Lizys side on this one!
#41 Oct 04 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
are you kidding me?!?

here's the tactic:

im camping for VE or for that matter any NM, but we'll stick to VE. im camping and next thing you know i get an invite that says, "hey, i have th2, let me invite and we'll split the profit". you not knowing any better or don't read this forum say ok. so you give him the leadership because that's the "price" you pay, you don't know that it's quartermastered. but for the sake argument you go along with it.

you ding it, and then it drops the hairpin. the item gets quartermasterd, and then he disbands with a scroll of instant warp.

now i want you to explain to me how this is ok.

Edited, Mon Oct 4 15:37:28 2004 by sansrew
#42 Oct 04 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
For what is worth Lizy wont be on our server any longer. He will be going to Hades server on the 6th of October. So I guess this thread will die along with this character on our server. So if you are interested check their forum at hades once it comes up on ALLA, and see if he is up to his old tricks.
#43 Oct 04 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
how ironic.
lizy does wrong things and goes to hades.
#44 Oct 05 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah I pted with her in the CN and I can't believe she's gotten that far leveling her thief, any hoo. She started being bossy and calling ppl names. I left saying I don't pt with rude ppl and she started going off! LoL until 2 tarus in my pt slapped her and said that at least I <me> had the honesty to say that she was rude. DON"T PT WITH HER! uhhhh but still I hear notorious stories about her. If only we could duel to the death in this game I would challenge her to a deul for dishonoring a pt. Have at theee NAIVE!

Level 44drk/22war

^_^ Tarus rule! <tho I'm a hume!>
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