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Finale With LizyFollow

#1 Sep 05 2004 at 2:38 AM Rating: Decent
As you guys know, I posted a short story about Lizy stealing my Emperor Hairpin, Here is how it ended with this unforgetable incident.


After two days of Lizy not showing his face in game, He finally

showed up and we had little "chat". In his word, it wasn't

"HIM" who stole my hairpin, but it was his "FRIEND" who used

his account to steal my hairpin. But do I care whoever used

Lizy to steal my hairpin? -_-;..

After argueing, fighting, etc.. after 2 weeks, he finally

gave me the hairpin by camping VE for me. (since his friend

already moved the hairpin to his account after stealing from


Conclusion: I still don't care a damn about who used Lizy's

account to steal my hairpin, but I do wish that innocent guy

won't get all the punishment because of his stupid friends.

Lizy promise NOT to let any other player use his account

anymore. Lizy asked me to tell people that it wasn't "HE", who

stole people's items, but it was his "FRIEND" who stole all ya

items including mine.

So, next time when you get offer by Lizy, accept the offer

with appreciation, but with quatermaster on you :P

Thank you again for your time!

p.s. Right now is 3:45am and I'm extremely tired.

so If this article sounds mixed up here and there, please excuse

me. And to Lizy, I want to say "You have a lots of work to do

from now! GL!".

oo btw, my ID in game is Jimi ^^ say hi sometime~

Edited, Sun Sep 5 03:42:38 2004 by viotii
#2 Sep 05 2004 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
140 posts
This is why mommie and daddy need to lock up the Computer so Jr. can't play it unsupervised. It's like FFXI is being used to baby sit these little brats like Lizy.

If I were Lizy and one of my "friends" really did jack my account I would just start over again as the damage to his reputation is pretty severe.
#3 Sep 05 2004 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
165 posts
even if his story is true. and sorry i just don't fully beleave it is. he has alot of work to do to rebuild himself in game
#4 Sep 05 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
I don't believe it at all. The "friend" excuse is what all the online dumbasses come out with when they can't escape the blame. It's good that you got your hairpin *cheer* But don't fall for that tired old line about the friend using the account.

P.S. My friend jacked my account to say "dumbasses" just now, so don't believe me either *innocent grin*
#5 Sep 05 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
It was not a "friend" because after you posted I checked the Auction House in Jeuno to find Lizy had sold an Emperor Hairpin. Game. Set. Match.
#6 Sep 13 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah..the friend did it. thats the ticket! wink, wink
#7 Sep 13 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
He damaged his own rep and is now trying to pass the buck to an "imaginary figure" It is what a lot of people do to try and clean up their rep but this time it isn't going to work
(^ ^)y
#8 Sep 13 2004 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
i give the guy some credit because my brother has logged into my chracter and made an *** of me before so i can understand to some point but still lame excuses are just that...LAME
#9 Sep 13 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Then unsave your POL password. Then he can't get in anymore.
#10 Sep 13 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I understand what u r saying zero but how did his friend get his password? Did he give it away? If he did then he is to blame because u shouldn't give out ur password unless u can fully trust the person u give it to. My bro and i arre on the same account but we would never log on as each others character unless we said so otherwise. The point is that he trusted me not to use his character by allowing me on his account.
#11 Sep 13 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I understand what u r saying zero but how did his friend get his password? Did he give it away? If he did then he is to blame because u shouldn't give out ur password unless u can fully trust the person u give it to. My bro and i arre on the same account but we would never log on as each others character unless we said so otherwise. The point is that he trusted me not to use his character by allowing me on his account. When it is all said and done the biggest factor is trust.
#12 Sep 13 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts

Edited, Oct 7th 2011 12:13am by thislove
#13 Sep 13 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
******** meter:

E [----------/] F

Holy ******** Batman!

Edited, Mon Sep 13 14:18:25 2004 by Theophany
#14 Sep 15 2004 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Bullsh*t meter....... *giggle*
that is f*cking HILARIOUS!!!! OMG....

Theophany... you are my new HERO!

As to the actual subject of this thread...
It sounds like a serious bullsh*t excuse. I mean damn, did the dog eat his ToS before he could read that too?
#15 Sep 15 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
you dont; even haev top unsave your pol pass work jsu tmake a damn userpassword so you don't haev to rememebr the other one
#16 Sep 15 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Everytime you buy gil online, God kills a Mirtha.
Everytime you stare at a Mirtha, God kills a Galka.


God has killed many a Galka.

--notArondight, notBismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#17 Sep 16 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Dnothoran wrote:
you dont; even haev top unsave your pol pass work jsu tmake a damn userpassword so you don't haev to rememebr the other one
1. Then you still have to remember the user password.

2. Passwording your POL account makes the entire PlayOnline Viewer unusable without the password. Passwording a Windows account makes the entire computer inaccessbile. I doubt your family would like that very much. Therefore, you probably need multiple user accounts. Well, guess what? Passwording a user account wouldn't lock out another user from running POL. You can secure the app specific to a particular user, but it takes a lot more effort and competence than someone who can't remember a POL password is likely prepared for.
#18 Sep 17 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
I would just like to say that I have had the pleasure of meeting Lizy outside of NM camps. I met her in CN as my BLM and she did a good job as a thf/nin. Party was all JP except me and her. Fun person to talk to. She told me about the whole story with her "friend" (I later told her that no real friend would do that) did the things that she has become famous for. After that whole party, I friend listed her because I liked talking to her and she seemed like a nice person. Ok, I'm rambling now, but my main point is give her a second chance. Everyone deserves it, no matter what they have done. There is always a chance for redemption.

Lizy, this is for you. Keep trying to rebuid your rep. If you work hard enough, people will notice, respect, and trust you. Don't give up because of a few people who can not find it in their hearts to forgive and forget. I'm rooting for you.

Your friend,

Edited, Fri Sep 17 11:23:02 2004 by Chisusu
#19 Sep 17 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
I know nothing about Lizy other than what is said here. But I have high respect for Chisusu. So if she says that this person deserves a second chance or whatever, I would certainly listen to her.
#20 Sep 17 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
I would say give lizy half a chance. I mean certainly dont let him try the treasure hunter trick again but see if he has the credability and give him enough of a chance to see if he has changed. after all forgive and forget is the best policy just dont let yourself into compromising situations like that.
#21 Sep 26 2004 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
O hey chisusu!

I think that Lizy should be given a chance
I mean, maybe this "friend" of hers figured out the password by accident, maybe Lizy thought that this friend really was a friend, and gave him/her the password, not knowing that the person would stab her in the back like that. I would say, give her a chance, if the story is true, then its not her fault, and she deserves a chance to rebuild her charector.
#22 Sep 26 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
196 posts
well lizy has been in my LS for more then a week now, ive come to know her (btw think its a him havent asked yet hehe) and actually she's/he's a nice person. =)
#23 Sep 27 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
I don't believe the friend story for a minute.
But really it doesn't matter.

The important part of the story is that Lizy recognized what had happened to her reputation, and made amends to you. It's an example that proves these forums work.
Whatever her motivation it's good to hear that she straightened up and made an effort to change. I feel like a pompous *** even saying that, because I KNOW what a shot to pride it is to change your ways because of the pressure from others. It should be respected for sheer difficulty.

Well, now I'll feel a little bad when I see her lfg for hours outside CN. :( But she really did ask for that. Stealing an NM drop worth 400k is just.....EEEEEEVIL.

I don't have an issue either way with her if she's changing her modus operandi; but if I were Lizy, I would take up the offer to change servers. I have a feeling the poor girl's rep is completely shot here, at least among a large number of people.
#24 Sep 27 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
Please forgive and forget,
Lizy is part of my LS and a good person, she helps us a lot, please just forgive.
#25 Sep 27 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
Forgive, yes. But don't forget. Don't throw it in his face, but don't let yourself forget that those evil things can be and have been done.

Whether or not there was a "friend" that did the evil act...the character Lizy wasn't exactly a paragon of virtue before that last incident (recall: he was already on the "bad players" list before this). Which either means Lizy is lying and there was no friend, or that friend was the one playing the account many times before. Either way, it means whoever is behind the name Lizy is not one to be given automatic trust to. So, apologies given, forgive him for that act. But don't forget that Lizy is/was prone to acts of "not-niceness". It takes time and many good acts to make up for one "aw crap" and Lizy committed quite a few more than one. Don't be surprised if some people will never trust him, and shouldn't be expected to.
#26 Sep 28 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
919 posts
I beilive Lizy, he is a fellow friend i met from camping leaping Lizy 24/7. He is very fun to chat to and he told me that sometimes people use his account for TH2.
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