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#102 Sep 08 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I'd love to try out the scavenger hunt, Ele. Better start working that out now to make sure all the kinks are worked out by Sunday. So gimme details! GIMME GIMME
#103 Sep 08 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Haha, nice story Ele.... and speaking of stories.... not one of our damn visitors told us a story, did they? Oh well. And I think sunday would be a better day... thats just my vote though. And for all of you who didn't have a good excuse for not being at the last moronathon, shame on you... There was little comedic banter, and the only time it seemed like a race was through the first 3 or 4 zones... then people died... then it was sort of like running just to make sure someone would actually finish.

Enough of my ranting though... like the other thread says, Join the Moronathon!
#104 Sep 09 2004 at 8:02 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
OK, I think is going to turn out to be a really long post so, I'm sorry in advance but bear with me.

For the Scavenger hunt:

Depending on how many people, we will either have to organize them in parties, pairs, or if we have a horrendous turn out like last race, we may just have to do it solo.

Side note off the bat: We are most likely going to have to meet about an hour before the game so we can decide exactly how to go about this because there are a lot of if & ands.

The purpose of this game will be to find designated people in certain zones and obtain certain items from those people. Once a party/person/group has obtained all the items and returns to the starting point and trades all the items to the ref, they will be declared the winners.

This is how I was thinking of doing this:
Everyone starts off in one town. Once everyone who will be participating is ready, we will organize groups (since people will be all level ranges, we'll try to get an even spread in each party). ONE person in the party will be designated the leader. That person is responsible for trading and holding on to all the items the group receives as well as communicating with refs when needed (otherwise we'd be getting millions of tells from 5 diffrent people in the same party).

Now, we can either have clues as to which zone the refs are hiding in, given to the party, as they start finding items and let them figure it out for themselves, or we can give a general list of where they will be at the beginning of the race and then just let them go on their way. (I prefer the clues one, but I'm not too good at writing stuff like that so someone else would have to do it).

Again, same rules apply as in the races. No outside help from any source. No disbanding of the party under any circumstances other then D/C. Etc.

The ref in the designated zone will be given a distinctive piece of clothing (either a yukata or some other visible body piece). They may position themselves anywhere in a zone, and may change positions after each party has obtained an item from them. These refs will also be monitoring the pt's when they approach to make sure they are all still together and partied as per the rules.

The winning team will be the one that returns all the items to the Ref at the starting point first.

I think I covered everything I had to cover, but I'll reread it in a bit and add anything I forgot. Sorry its a little jumpy and unorganized but I'm typing off memory here and I'm in a bit of a rush Because I have lots of work to do.
#105 Sep 09 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
ele you got my idea down pat and if you have beeen wondering wher ei haev been i made a thread abtou that...
#106 Sep 09 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I saw Dno, and that sucks ; ;
But we'll be looking out for you still so gimme a shout when you are online :)

And now that I read over that, It might be a little much to get organized in one hour. Maybe we should get together on saturday at some point? otherwise it might be best to just go with the race again this week and get the scavenger hunt ironed out for next.
#107 Sep 09 2004 at 8:49 AM Rating: Default
610 posts
I think that would be a really great idea. I would take part in a scavenger hunt on the server. It would be rather hard to organize but I think it would make for hours of fun and getting to know others on the server.
#108 Sep 10 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
/sticks her head in the door

Any committee members home? I'm waiting on feed back for the scavenger hunt to finalize all the details but no one is answering ; ;

/leaves a little post-it note in each of the committee members lockers: "Ele was here. Please call her " :P
#109 Sep 10 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I'm here, just somehow missed your post before.

Great idea. There are a few iffy things that I can see, though... for one, it'll be hard for anyone who doesn't have a job above a particular level to get around from one place to another. People with Rank 5, for example, will have a huge advantage in terms of travel time over people with rank 3. So I'm guessing we should outlaw airships too, but I don't think we should outlaw teleports or chocos. Otherwise, with people having to run from one zone to another, you're looking at something that will take FOREVER, even longer than the races. Also, no placing judges in zones where people are likely to get aggroed - I mean, sure, it might be fun to hide in one of the hills in Batallia Downs, but that level 23 whm who wants to play probably won't like getting destroyed by tigers. I don't think anyone would like any deaths of any kind, actually, if they're just playing a game, so you'd have to be careful of that too.

When I've pondered this idea before I've been all about the clues. I think they should be the same kind of clues as you get for Genkai 4 - that is, you have to know something about the NPCs or areas around Vana'diel for it to work. If we have several people to a group, at least one person in each group shouldn't have too much trouble with that kind of clue... at least, you hope not...

Also, the item each referee gives should change from team to team, to keep the teams from telling each other what's up and going to the AH to buy it. Not that this would actually happen since you don't want to give the other team anything to win, but you never know if you get people in two different groups who wants to split the prize money :P

I'll be around on Saturday if you want to meet to talk about this. Or I can finally hand out pearls to the Moronathon linkshell and we can talk there...

Edited, Fri Sep 10 10:56:35 2004 by Byaina
#110 Sep 10 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I think handing out the pearls would be a good idea :)

Then we can plan while we are doing other things anyway.

I also thought about outlawing the airship, I think that is a good idea.

And we will defeintely keep all the refs in the lower level zones, it would be insane to make a pt of all level ranges try to find someone in the depths of CN lol. Hrmm, that would be amusing though ^^

I'll be on hopefully at some time tonight and for sure most of the day saturday. Gimme a shout when you are available to figure out the little details.
#111 Sep 10 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Heh, sounds fun. ^^
I'm assuming you'd have to be at least level 20 to participate in this, due to needing a chocobo license and the knowledge of how to get to Jeuno. So the refs should be in areas that a level 20 wouldn't get aggro in(or at least be able to kills aggros, such as early Ordelle's or Gusgen). (>^-^)b
I also agree on the idea of different items for each team, for the reasons stated by Byaina. ^^
You gotta make sure they're in dungeons, too! It'd be no fun being limited to Ronfaure/Saruta/Gusta/La Theine/Konschtat/Tahrongi. We need refs in places like the Hoo Mjuu camp in Giddeus and deep Ranperre's tomb, etc. Also, we should make some refs less "obvious". Such as walking in a circle around an outpost, camping an NM, farming, etc. Makes it less boring for the refs if they get to do fun things. though limit it. Like, they can't leave the Lizzy F-8 Gusta spawn area, or a certain Crawler Tree in Tahrongi. :D
Speaking of less boredom, each team should be in their own party, but all with a Moronathon Pearl equipped. That way they can chat with the other participants and the refs just for the heck of it.
Problem with allowing teleports:
"(Teleport-Holla) (Can I have it?) 500 gil!"
Whereas WHM's can just port themselves. ;x Maybe if we had a designated scavenger hunt free porter.
But yeah, it sounds like teh fun. ^^
Though we probably should stick with the race for this week due to still needing to work out the complete details of the SH. We should use a different route though. :D Sandy>Bastok>Altepa maybe? As in, the finish line being the Korroloka>Altepa zone on the Altepa side. Problem being no chocos in Korroloka, but the refs can avoid aggro by going the safe way, or if they're high enough level, the short way. :D
#112 Sep 10 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
if you gusy couidl put of fon the hutn for 2 weeks i woudl lov eyou all forever i have a family thing i haev to go to next sat. nto this up comign oen btu the one after that and sence i was the one that had the idea int eh first plac ei want to be a ref and hand out items >.>
#113 Sep 11 2004 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
Hmmmmm... the Scavenger hunt idea sounds fun, but will suck more than the races if we can't get enough people... like last week. But, I support it, it sounds fun, and I will be on (hopefully) all day on Saturday, and the only thing I have to do this weekend is AF2, since I finished my Genkai 1 today ^^. The thing I thought of while reading, is the /sea function, unless you don't know the name of the person with the item. Its just a matter of searching the zones after that. Airships should probably be outlawed, they give a huge advantage... If we could get 1 whm to do tele's for anyone in the race, it would be nice... but they would only be able to operate out of 1 city. So, with a little planning, I think it could work out nicely.
#114 Sep 11 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
see ishi the way that this is surpost to work is that you give the players clues and tell them what the ref will be wearing they get no names if need be i will lvl up a mule and use it
#115 Sep 14 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Any new developments on this?
I wanted to update for the next event but what exactly are we going to do?
#116 Sep 14 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
i was hopeing you gusy woudl do a race again this weekend and do this next so i can help out in it
#117 Sep 14 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I think we just had a communication breakdown, as it were, with regards to last weekend. And hey, since we suddenly have a lot more time to plan - want to go for the scavenger hunt this weekend?
#118 Sep 14 2004 at 9:35 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
I WILL NOT BE HERE THIS WEEK END AT ALL i have a family get together thingy and i will nto be in town or even near my pc all weekend
#119 Sep 15 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I will /tell you guy tonight and see if we cant get our pearls from you Byaina or atleast plan something out for a bit.
#120 Sep 15 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
i LOVE lvl 1 fun runs. i did by myself thru Yuhtunga and qufim and i liked it :P i would liek to join when u guys do it send me a /tell Magvius. i could pitch in money for the link pearl. i have voer 30k on me now

Edited, Wed Sep 15 12:31:37 2004 by Magvius
#121 Sep 15 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
What?!?! Ele can't come?!?! I'll have to resort to pretending to be sad and dropping hints about the Moronathon and all of the crippled children we help every time we run... I'll guilt trip you into coming!

...maybe not

But I think we could give the scavenger hunt a go, if we se, to have trouble or can't get it organized, we can always just do the race. I was wondering about the race last sunday, when at whatever time it was supposed to be, I was sitting in Bastok, wondering why Byaina and Ele were both in PTs...

I'll be on in a bit, and I'm sorry you can't come this weekend Ele, you will be missed. And you won't be able to run yet again, like you were planning to do.

Yeah, thats it.
#122 Sep 15 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
ishi it is me that can;t come this weekend
#123 Sep 16 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
OK, how's this. I'm planning on doing a bit of leveling in Kazham tomorrow, but for the most part, I'm going to be devoting myself to fishing. My new magic spot is one of the two smaller ponds in Rolanberry Fields - since this is BRAND new I dunno which one I'll be at yet. But anyway. When you get on tomorrow, assuming the game isn't, y'know, DEAD, /sea for me and if I'm in Rolanberry, come trundle out there and I'll hand you over a linkpearl. I just want to get one level on my war in Kazham so I'm pretty sure I'll be in Rolanberry from 8PM EST at the latest onward into the evening. I'd really like to get the scavenger hunt set up for this weekend so I hope I can get to you committee types (or you can get to me) soon! :D
#124 Sep 16 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
Our LS "HellsAngel"
we been racing 3 times already ^^. here is how to do
1st time Bastok >> Jeuno about 45 Min
2nd time Windy >> jeuno about 1 hr
3rd time Sany >> Jeuno about 1 hr

Fee Rank 1-2 = 500
Rank 3 = 1k
Rank 4 = 2k
rank 5 = 3k and so one each rank + 1k

Our next one would be kazam >> Yogodo jungle(seem imposible but u never know) not power and any other stuff alot. raise ok or back to hp winner takes all ^^ if you interesting in race or wanna set up LS race against " HellsAngel " welcome ^^ please /tell Hellriser . we can do 18 VS 18 LS race and have jude excange LS, my judge in you LS, you judge in my LS...
so any LS ready to rumble with us ^^ we have close to 30 members.
#125 Sep 16 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
642 posts

Anywho, how can I put this?

OMGWTFLOL!!!!11 U stOl3d mA Nu F1zHen Pl4c3!!!111one

Lol. that's too funny Byaina, I just started fishing there a few days ago myself ^^;

I did a /sea all on you guys last night but only found Ishido and I messaged him but he never answered ; ;
I'll definitely look for you all tonight and tomorrow, you can't hide from me forever! MWHAHAHA

Wow...I need decaff
/shakes her head

P.S. I never once claimed to be t3H ub3r l33t at leetspeak so I'm sorry if that sentence was not ub3r-grammatically correct.
#126 Sep 16 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
When were you searching for us last night? O.o
I was on from about 5 EST until 10:30. :P Any later, of course you won't find us usually... School/Work next day. <.<
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