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#52 Aug 21 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Yeah, Eleusynia had some CRAZY luck. She survived a gob aggro in Pashhow, trained four gobs in Pashhow, and had poison wear off with 1 HP in Saruta. =/
I only lost because Ele knows Tahrongi better than I did and took a shortcut! <.<

The first death, Vivisan, happened in Pashhow right in front of me. Some gob actually hid in the bushes and aggroed Vivi as we ran by. And I narrowly missed getting hit by that Stonega. XD

Anyway, yeah, that was uber crazy fun, and more people should participate in the next one next Sunday! ^^
#53 Aug 22 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
An LS mate described the Windy>Jeuno>Bastok>Rabao run as the "Moron's Marathon" tonight. I think it's catchy! XD

Anyone think we need to make a new thread with a catchier/more descriptive title to advertise the weekly events, and keep discussion to this thread?

The first OFFICIAL race will be run a week from today, Sunday, August 29th, at 9PM EST/6PM CST.

This race will have a 100g entry fee. Prizes will come from the total submitted entry fees. 65% for the first place finisher, 25% to second, 10% to third. Rules are simple:

You must race on a level 1 job with no /anon set.

You may not set ANY home points except at the starting point in Bastok Markets and the halfway point in Jeuno.

You are forbidden to request/receive any kind of help from higher-levels, including teleports, sneak, and invis.

You are forbidden to use any sort of stealth items (silent oils, prism powders, etc.)

You must stay in the party to which you are assigned at the beginning of the race at all times. Any disbanding, unless it is from a disconnect, will be considered forfeit and elimination from the race.

You must have fun. Darnit.

Any other rules you guys can think of? I think I am going to make a new thread for this.

Edited, Mon Aug 23 00:52:12 2004 by Byaina
#54 Aug 23 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
This seems like a great idea....too bad I missed the first race, sounds like it was fun.

Anyway, You can count me in for any future events/races/etc, it would be great to do something different every now and again. Also, I would be willing to join any kind of "committee" or LS or whatnot to promote this kind of thing, as it could be a lot of fun, and petentially rewarding, too. Anyway, give me a /tell in Game (Ishido) to work out anything more... for the next week I'll be on as much as possible, but after that, its all up in the air.

Also, hi Byaina ! I didn't realize that you were posting until about halfway into this thread... too late at night for me...

#55 Aug 23 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I think we should make a new thread with all the rules and times listed in the opening post, AND YES A CATCHY SUBJECT TITLE!!

Seriously though, this was amazing fun and I think it's just what a lot of people need to break away from all that "MUST BE #1" stress.

oh and YAY ME!!!! I survived the many deathwishes cast upon me by the other racers and DAMN YAG POISON!! ><

#56 Aug 23 2004 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
642 posts

I actually had some mysterious lvl 1 thf try and enlist my help in getting her to jeuno from windurst and then to San D'oria.

I was a little suspicious so I asked, why exactly do you need to do all this as a level 1? And she said I just need to go now!!! PLEASE!!!

So I thought, hrm she's in some kind of race and she's trying to cheat so I asked. " Are you in a race?" "NNNNOOOO!! god are you going to help me or not??? I'll get someone else i need to go now!!!"

Yeah, definitely in a race lol. I kept asking her questions trying to get her to leave as late as possible till she finally said F*** YOU if you wont help me and stoppped talking to me. 2 minutes later, while I'm in w.saru, she runs by me and /em gives Eleusynia the finger. then she tells me "*****, I lost my money"


It rarley pays to try and cheat, especially when other people are aware of what you're trying to do, so just dont bother!!!!

(I later found out she lost 40k on a bet that she could win this race with her friend, lol, oopppsies)
#57 Aug 23 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I also think we should have a "registration " period for each event.

Let's say 1 hour-10 minutes before race time, everyone that will be participating has to have paid and has to be ready at the starting point. It will give us some time to tally up how much we have for the prizes and also give us some time to fix any last minute problems. We can inform all the participants that there is atleast 1 "committee member" in each alliance to monitor that group and also one at the checkpoint and one at the finish line.

Just precautions to help hinder some of the less then serious particpants.

And I think an LS for the races would be great. Maybe not one for each participant but atleast one for the committee so we can easily talk within the group and It would help with the monitoring of the races.
#58 Aug 23 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Anyone think we need to make a new thread with a catchier/more descriptive title to advertise the weekly events, and keep discussion to this thread?

Yeah. The problem with scheduling things in a two-page thread with a whole page of discussing is that people will get bored halfway through the first page and not see the times. XD So yeah, make a new thread. :)


CST is an hour behind EST, so it'd be 8PM CST. XD

You may not set ANY home points except at the starting point in Bastok Markets and the halfway point in Jeuno.

*Changes rule* You may only set Home Points at the free blue crystals in towns. No outposts and such.


I actually had some mysterious lvl 1 thf try and enlist my help in getting her to jeuno from windurst and then to San D'oria.

I was a little suspicious so I asked, why exactly do you need to do all this as a level 1? And she said I just need to go now!!! PLEASE!!!

So I thought, hrm she's in some kind of race and she's trying to cheat so I asked. " Are you in a race?" "NNNNOOOO!! god are you going to help me or not??? I'll get someone else i need to go now!!!"

Yeah, definitely in a race lol. I kept asking her questions trying to get her to leave as late as possible till she finally said F*** YOU if you wont help me and stoppped talking to me. 2 minutes later, while I'm in w.saru, she runs by me and /em gives Eleusynia the finger. then she tells me "*****, I lost my money"


It rarley pays to try and cheat, especially when other people are aware of what you're trying to do, so just dont bother!!!!

(I later found out she lost 40k on a bet that she could win this race with her friend, lol, oopppsies)

Heh, her friend probably got the idea from this thread, too. XD It's kind of funny how she bugged a comittie member to help her cheat. XD I mean, what are the odds the person you want to get help from would know you're doing a race? :P

Oh, and I recommend running to Rabao at least once before the Windy>Jeuno>Bastok>Rabao run, so you know the way through Korroloka and Altepa. You should pick up maps too, though it's 3k for Kuzotz region and another 3k for Korroloka. =/

Edited, Mon Aug 23 10:31:36 2004 by Demoncide
#59 Aug 23 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I have a question.

As a RDM...I randomly will throw cures on someone or Poisana (sp? :-/ )

We aren't penalized if someone helps us are we? Or will there be a rule if someone tries to cure you to just keep running and don't stop. Maybe tell them not to help while running? But sometimes cures do go off while someone is running.

Just wondering.

#60 Aug 23 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
That's actually a really good question. I do that too sometimes.

I think the best would be for the person to just keep running and if the cure goes off then oh well, it wasn't their fault or their intention to get that help.

I have to say from experience though, when I was running through rolanberry with 11 hp as a lvl 1, everyone who checked me was too busy /sighing and /shaking their head at me to even consider healing me :)
#61 Aug 23 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Haha! I bet.

Oh and congrats by the way! :-)

I can't wait to do this lol.
#62 Aug 23 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Aww...I missed the trial run? :( I was busy farming dhalmels in Tahrongi. I wish someone would've let me know.

Oh well. I'm in for the next one, since it doesn't involve Rabao.

BTW - Rabao's gonna be right-out for anyone who hasn't been there yet. You have to buy the Korroloka map *in* Rabao, so anyone who hasn't already run the route several times would just be screwed.
#63 Aug 23 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Byaina, let me know if you want me to make a new post JUST for the actual events. I am thinking it will be one standard post, with all the rules and regulations in it and the date and time of the next race. Every time a new event is coming up we can just update this one post with the new information and the rules and regulatins will always be there. I think it will keep the race thread a lot cleaner.

(I'm offering to do it since I seem to be the one person involved that spends to most time on here ; ;)
#64 Aug 23 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
ooo after seeing this thread so many time and just skipping over it. i decided to check it out, sounds fun count me in for next weekend =) i can probly get 2 or 3 more people in this too
#65 Aug 23 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Doh Demoncide... I meant PST... /slap <me> That wasn't very smart of me. Thanks for pointing it out.

Ele you can go ahead and start the thread, if you just want to copy/paste my rules feel free. We'll keep this thread for discussions. And since I just realized I didn't specify - the first official race will also follow the Bastok>Jeuno>Windy route. We'll save the Rabao one until we've done the shorter one with a whoooole lotta people.

Hello to the latecomers, you're all more than welcome to join in next time. HI Ishido too! XD

Re: referees: how many do you think we need who won't be running the race in the parties? And once we figure that out, who wants to volunteer? ;P What I was thinking is that it might be beneficial to have at least two referees following the groups on chocobo. The goal would be to have them at either end of every zone, watching people cross each line, then following through into the next zone. I don't think we would need more than two people for that, and that might eliminate the need for having one person just hang out at every checkpoint. What do you think? Also, the referees who actually run the race in every alliance should also pay an entry fee and be eligible for prize money - we want to have fun with this too!

When we did the trial run, an idea came up that we should offer side bets on who will come in first, who will die first, who will die the most spectacularly, etc. Do we want to have this as an "official" part of the race, or just let people have these bets on their own?

I do like the idea of there being a time by which you have to submit your entrance into the race. 10 minutes before the race is good. I was also thinking that it might be good to have people in each of the major cities /shouting to advertise the race to drum up some last-minute racers before we head to the starting point. Thoughts?

As for being helped by high-levels, you can't really help it if someone does a driveby Cure casting. However, if someone takes it upon themselves to cast sneak or invis on you, you are required to remove it yourself as soon as it's cast. Explain to the person who cast it on you why you're refusing their gift or don't, either way, you must remove the spell's effects immediately or risk disqualification. In fact, I think if you have someone randomly cast on you like that, you should be required to notify your alliance so that a referee understands the situation before you're automatically eliminated.

Finally, with regards to a linkshell, I'll go ahead and buy one at some point today and try to come up with some kind of clever name for it, heh. Committee members will automatically get pearls; other pearls will be distributed to people running the race if we end up with multiple alliances.

So everyone raise your hand if you're on the committee! Please understand that if you're on the committee, you are required to serve as a referee whenever we might need you, which at times may mean that you can't run the race. So if you always want to run the race, don't volunteer for the committee. ;) I know for sure Ele, Dnothoran, and Demoncide are on the committee -- Ishido, you want in too? Anyone else?
#66 Aug 23 2004 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
When we did the trial run, an idea came up that we should offer side bets on who will come in first, who will die first, who will die the most spectacularly, etc. Do we want to have this as an "official" part of the race, or just let people have these bets on their own?

I think it should be official, to make it easier. We could have predetermined categories of the pools, such as "Who will die first", "Who will win", "What zone will the first death be in", etc. Have someone write down each category, who bet what, and on what/who.

I was also thinking that it might be good to have people in each of the major cities /shouting to advertise the race to drum up some last-minute racers before we head to the starting point. Thoughts?

I don't think we should specifically assign people to go all the way to another town just to advertise. It should just be random friends or LS members that are already in the towns. *Shrug* And of course, people under rank 5 would take a long while to get to Bastok or Sandy from Windy, and people under level 20 even longer.

Finally, with regards to a linkshell, I'll go ahead and buy one at some point today and try to come up with some kind of clever name for it, heh. Committee members will automatically get pearls; other pearls will be distributed to people running the race if we end up with multiple alliances.

"Moron's Marathon"


#67 Aug 24 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Winnar: Demoncide!! Lucky thing I haven't bought the LS yet!
#68 Aug 24 2004 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
LMAO "Moronathon" is too good XD.

Sure, I'll join the committee, this should be fun. I don't think the random curing/sneaking/invising will be too much trouble, as not many people would do it even if asked.

Since I don't really have much else to say... I thought of a few more races...
(any of the 3 main cities) > Delkfutt's Tower
A race from the bottom of the tower to the top (don't know how hard or long this would be, as I'm so lazy that I havent't gotten rank 4 yet ; ;)
Kazham > Norg (seems impossible)

Thats about it... I just thought of another crazy thing to do... a huge level 1 ballista match. Don't know how it would work, but it seems like it would be funny :D

#69 Aug 24 2004 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
lol I love the name Demon^^

Side note on the betting on deaths and winners and losers and what not, we have to make it a rule then that one cannot bet on him/herself. Otherwise everyone is going to bet that they lose and they are all going to be sitting in bastok waiting out the race lol.

And I will make the thread hopefully today If I get a chance (I'm actually busy at work today ; ;)
#70 Aug 24 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I was thinking myabe we should up the entry fee to 200 gil.\

Just because the first few runs we're gonna be low on people since not many know about these yet. And 100 gil isn't going to make for a very inspiring prize :/

Once we get more people to start joining in then we can lower it down to 100? or maybe we can just leave it as 100-200 depending on turnout and it will be decided at the time of the race? i unno just a thought. I'l leave it as 100 on the info post for now and change it later if you guys want.

(I dont think many people will be too upset about paying a little more if there rent a lot of people, it just means they have a better chance of winning more money). ^^
#71 Aug 24 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I was thinking myabe we should up the entry fee to 200 gil.\

Just because the first few runs we're gonna be low on people since not many know about these yet. And 100 gil isn't going to make for a very inspiring prize :/

We should make it 500 gil for some races. I mean, most people could throw 500 gil on the ground and not miss it, but it really does add up with enough participants. 20 people with a 500 gil fee adds up to about 10k. 6.5k first prize isn't bad. :D

#72 Aug 24 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Yea 500 gil wouldnt be a bad idea it's really not that much.
#73 Aug 24 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
ahhhh dno the loveable dino is back ahh run for the hills >.< now that that is done with i wanna do a lvl 1 ballista match sounds like a great fun really tho it would be fun damn it >.< can you even do that tho?
#74 Aug 24 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
where can i get some maps for the places around jueno and windy, havent visted jueno yet
#75 Aug 24 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Sure, we can up the entry fee, i have no problems with that. Maybe increase the entry fee as the races increase in difficulty?

Tpsyco, you get maps for different cities in the cities themselves. :)

I don't know if you can do level 1 ballista... isn't there level requirements? Also we'd kind of have to make sure we did one no one else was planning on doing because otherwise... we'd have a bunch of level 60's destroying us before we could blink...
#76 Aug 24 2004 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
where can i get some maps for the places around jueno and windy, havent visted jueno yet

You can buy maps of the areas around other cities in any city. Like, the map vendor in Bastok sells maps of thw Windurst Area and the Jeuno Area for about 300 gil each. :)

I don't know if you can do level 1 ballista... isn't there level requirements? Also we'd kind of have to make sure we did one no one else was planning on doing because otherwise... we'd have a bunch of level 60's destroying us before we could blink...

I don't think there's minimum level requirements. But yeah, we should go level 1 in an infinite capped game. Not when there's nobody there, but just.. Randomly for the heck of it. Especially with "Wtf?" subjobs. "RNG75/NIN37 hits DRK1/SMN1 for 632559 points of damage!"
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